Rising America

Chapter 261: what 's wrong?

   "Hi! Good morning."

   Early this morning, Jin Xiantai drove to the school, parked his Hummer in the parking lot, and walked into the gate of the college with his schoolbag on his back.

  As usual, when the students see Kim Hyun-tae, they will greet him enthusiastically. After all, Kim Hyun-tae is also a ‘fashionable’ character at Santa Monica High School.

   Of course, the ones who greet Kim Hyun Tae the most are the girls.

   For this phenomenon, many male students of the students are very envious, some are jealous, but no one hates him.

   The reason is very simple. Many people have seen Kim Hyun-tae's performance in the shooting. Therefore, it is normal that so many girls like him for a person of ‘noble character’.

   So at the Santa Monica High School where Kim Hyun-tae attended, it was popular with girls like Kim Hyun-tae. Not only was no one jealous of him, but everyone looked at this issue in a normal way, which was beyond all expectations.

   This is also Jin Hyun Tae. If this matter is changed to other boys, it is necessary to be blocked in the bathroom and receive an old punch.

  High school students in Europe and the United States are sometimes very ghosts.

   Across his schoolbag diagonally, Jin Xiantai walked into the gate of the college, and at the same time he smiled and responded to the students who greeted him.

   The departure of Omar and Vincent made Jin Xiantai no longer have such good friends in this school, but he wouldn't feel lonely anymore.

   At three o'clock every day, Kim Hyun-tae didn't feel unbearable.

   At least on these days, how could it be better than last year when he washed the car during the day and went to the restaurant at night.

   So what else is he not satisfied with.

   Moreover, thanks to his abnormal brain, he has no difficulty in going to school, learning knowledge is easy to remember, and exams are not difficult.

   So Kim Hyun Tae still enjoys the high school life in a different time and space.

   walked into the teaching building of the high school, found the storage box, put his jacket and schoolbag in it, and then checked what the first class was. Then found the classroom of the corresponding course.

   The U.S. is very different from China. American schools are not taught in the same classroom from elementary school to junior high school, and even high school. Only teachers have fixed classroom teaching. Students need to go to a different classroom for each class.

   China is the exact opposite. The students sit in one classroom, and the teachers go to the corresponding classroom according to their own courses.

   But in essence, there is no difference.

   This is why I watch American movies. You will find that the students scurry in the corridors of the teaching building like a war in every class. The reason is that.

   Kim Hyun-tae has slowly got used to this rule now.

   Therefore, after inquiring about the first class today, he easily found the corresponding classroom, unlike the early days when there were some jokes.

   It can be seen that Kim Hyun-tae has slowly accepted and got used to the American life in a different time and space.

   Kim Hyun Tae’s class has 23 students including him. However, Omar has left for Miami, and Yang Weiwei has also transferred back to China, so now there are only 21 students in Jin Xiantai's class.

   and it also means a bit of yin and yang.

   There are 9 boys in the original class, including Jin Hyun Tae, and 14 girls.

   Now leaving Omar and Yang Weiwei aside, there are 8 boys and 13 girls. There are 5 more girls than boys. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that the yin and the yang are declining.

   When Kim Hyun-tae walked into the classroom for the first class, there were still many classmates who did not come. There are fewer than five classmates sitting in the classroom.

"good morning everyone."

   raised his hand and greeted him in an American style. Then Jin Xiantai walked to the back of the classroom casually and chose a seat to sit down.

  High school students in the U.S. can choose where they want to be. The school does not have strict regulations on this, everything is very casual.

   And Kim Hyun-tae likes to sit in the back, but is not interested in sitting in the front at all.

   Anyway, give him a height of 1.8 meters, even if he sits in the back, it does not prevent him from seeing the blackboard.

   "Hi! Big bird, good morning."

   "Good morning William."

   "Big man, good morning."

   Male and female classmates who came before Kim Hyun Tae. Then he also began to respond to him.

   Compared with the ridiculous response of the male classmate, the response of the female classmate was more polite.

   But Jin Xiantai has long been accustomed to this, and he doesn't think it's anything, because he can now understand that the reaction of the seemingly impolite male classmate is actually just a random behavior of American boys.

   It's not that they are really rude.

   On the contrary, this is also a kind of closeness.

   If you really don’t like someone, they won’t even look at you, and they won’t be hypocritical at all.

   "Big Bird, I dated Barbara from the cheerleader last night. She told me that if you want, there are many girls on the cheerleader who are willing to date you."

   After Jin Xiantai found a seat and sat down, he just put the textbook in his hand on the desk in front of him. Two male classmates rushed over, then sat in the seat in front of Jin Xiantai, and then chatted with him about something.

   There are five classmates who came early, including two boys and three girls.

   Of course, the three girls are sitting on the other side, talking about girls, so the remaining two boys can only chat with Jin Xiantai to pass the time waiting for class.

  It is the Mexican classmate Diego who is talking to Jin Xiantai, and the Indian classmate Kamra who looks gossiping.

  Mexican classmate Diego has a bald head, dressed up in line with the popular Mexican gang style, pullover, fat jeans, sneakers, big necklace.

   On the contrary, Kamra, an Indian student, is dressed in a plaid shirt, jeans, and canvas shoes, and he wears a big black-framed glasses.

   Diego is a playboy, and returning his girlfriend is like changing clothes, and this guy still has the means to pick up girls. Kim Hyun Tae also admires this.

   And Kamla, who immigrated to the United States from India with his parents, is much worse than Diego, who is Mexican. He has never had a girlfriend at all, and is a big silk man.

   But like the so-called silk, Kamla likes to inquire about gossip and explore some lace news together. The character is also very funny.

   In short, he is a very interesting person from Kim Hyun Tae's point of view.

   "William, are you interested. I heard that the cheerleader's sisterhood will hold a party tonight. If you agree, go with us tonight. I think those girls will go crazy after they see you."

   As soon as Diego's voice fell, the somewhat wretched Kamra began to encourage Kim Hyun Tae. Let him participate in this so-called sorority party.

Kim Hyun-tae looked at Diego, and at Kamra, then he smiled and asked these two guys with a big white teeth: "Diego, Kamra, those cheerleaders, what benefits did they promise? I think You should be honest with me."

   Okay, Kim Hyun-tae showed through. Diego and Kamra looked at each other and made a helpless expression at the same time.

Then Diego spoke first: "You guy is too smart, I know I can't hide it from you. In fact, there is nothing, you know those cheerleaders girls, they are not thinking about you for a day or two, but unfortunately you never They didn't give them a chance, so they found my girlfriend and asked my girlfriend to tell me that I hope I can create some opportunities for them."

After Diego said it here, Kamra also smiled'hehe', looked at Kim Hyun-tae embarrassedly and said: "If you go to a party, I can also play with you. You know, such a party I have never participated, and I have never been invited, so I hope I can go there once."

   Relative to Diego. It’s too cheap to be here in Kamra. This guy actually wanted to'sell' himself just to allow himself to attend the party.

   Looking at Kamra with embarrassed face, Kim Hyuntae showed a helpless expression and shrugged at the same time.

   "I really can't help with this question. You know. I am a single father. If I have time, I would rather spend time with my daughter instead of going to parties.

   If it weren't for the physical education teacher who promised me that it was the football team of the college, it could help me solve the problem of credits. If I want to come, I will not even participate in the football team. It would be great to go home with my daughter after school. "

   Basically, when Kim Hyun-tae said this, he was telling these two guys that he had no interest in cheerleaders and parties.

   As for Kim Hyun Tae's answer, it did not go beyond the expectations of Diego and Camra, because Kim Hyun Tae has always had such an attitude towards these things.

   "Hi! I said William, you have no passion at all in life like this, and life needs more excitement, don't you? We are all still young, such a great time, is it a waste of you to live like this?

   Although Kim Hyun-tae’s answer was expected, Diego still expressed his opinion. He felt that Kim Hyun-tae’s life was simply too bad.

   For Diego, going on dates with girls every day is the most beautiful thing.

  If he were to live like Kim Hyun Tae, he really couldn't stand it at all.

   Kamra nodded from the side, showing a very agreeable look.

   But Kim Hyun-tae is not moved at all, after all, how to live ~lightnovelpub.net~ This matter has to be decided by himself.

   The attitude of others is not so important sometimes.

   Especially the attitude of these classmates who seem so naive to him.

   "Okay, don't talk about it. I'm really not interested in such a thing. In fact, I don't think there is anything bad about the present day."

  Speaking of which, Diego and Camra also know that they can't go on talking uninterestingly.

   The two of them are not so blank.

   The topic stopped here, Diego said another thing to Kim Hyun Tae at this time.

"William, have you watched the hottest video on ut yesterday? I heard that this video has become popular in China. I also watched the video and realized that you guys can still play the piano. It makes me envious. Yeah."

After Diego finished speaking, Kamra also nodded and said: "Can write novels, run several companies, and control cnn TV station. He has a fortune of more than 100 billion US dollars. Now he can still play the piano and write modern poetry. You and I realized that I was absolutely useless, and your existence hurt me too much."


   still hot to China?

   See what they mean, this is talking about me.

   What kind of video is that?

   Kim Hyun-tae, who didn't know anything about the video, was very confused when he looked at the two classmates. (To be continued.)