Rising America

Chapter 262: Teach us

   Kim Hyun Tae is popular in school, this is not a day or two.

   Before the shooting, the handsome Kim Hyun-tae had already been noticed by the girls, and some bold girls even stuffed him with small notes.

   It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae himself is not interested in such things.

   Otherwise, he doesn't know how many girlfriends he will change now.

   But it is precisely because of this reason that makes him more different, and on the contrary, it attracts those girls.

   After all, compared to some playboys who change their girlfriends like changing clothes, isn't a boy like Kim Hyun Tae more perfect?

   It's a pity that Jin Xiantai really can't get any interest in these "little girls".

   Not to mention his own heart, there is no place for people to walk in.

   Like Diego, and Kamra invited himself to know cheerleaders, or encouraged him to go to parties, Kim Hyun-tae has encountered many things.

   It's just that he hasn't promised it once.

   So many girls are very disappointed.

   Some people may say that Kim Hyun Tae is a fool, and some people may say that he is an idiot at all.

   On his terms, why not find a few girlfriends and live another life.

   It’s okay to open the harem.

   But Kim Hyun-tae is Kim Hyun-tae. The kind of thinking of others cannot be applied to him. Let him accept and agree with him and do so.

  He had a loved one.

   There was an unforgettable love.

   lived in a person in my heart.

And the hypocritical guys who shouted that love is supreme all day long to the women who lived with them all day, "Love", "Love", but when I look back, I look for the second and third woman. same.

   But this is also showing its most precious aspect.

   With his current conditions, it is not too easy to open a harem or something, as long as he likes to do that, it is not difficult.

   But Kim Hyun Tae would not do that.

   It doesn't matter if I am an idiot or an idiot.

   It's just that he doesn't want to do that.

   He doesn't understand what love is.

   He just knew clearly, from the bottom of his heart. It is impossible to have another woman's position.

   After all, no one can understand his experience.

   Just imagine, in his previous life, he had financial conditions. It is so precious to have a wife who is willing to share the joys and sorrows with him and endure the hardships of life together.

   You must know that in the era, that was the supremacy of money. There is no money, no car, no savings, and there is no way to marry a wife.

   In the era of material desire, Kim Hyun-tae always felt that the appearance of a woman like his wife was simply a gift from God.

   It’s just that this happiness comes too short and goes too fast.

   But it is precisely because of this that Jin Xiantai will think that his wife is the most precious, more precious than any other woman in the world, even after his wife has passed away, he will never forget her.

   can't forget a person. There must be some causality behind it.

   I haven't experienced the life like Kim Hyun Tae, and outsiders certainly don't understand it.

   Because of this, Kim Hyun Tae, who came to another time and space, would certainly not have any interest in her woman or girl.

   Because in his eyes, these girls are simply scum compared to their wives.

   Of course, it may be unfair to say this. There will be some good girls among these girls, not all of them are money worshippers.

   But because of his looks, it makes Jin Xiantai very unacceptable.

   Like a person, it is not about wealth. Appearance, origin.

   To like is to like, it's simple and straightforward.

   Once mixed with various measures. Then it will become more innocent.

   This is why many people say that the love affair in student days is the purest reason.

  Besides, Kim Hyun-tae is not the kind of thing that is dominated by the lower body all day long. He always wants to pick up girls and roll the sheets.

   Even though he was very poor in his previous life and was at the bottom of society.

   and came to this time and space to prosper. With wealth that he could not even think of, he would not pursue that kind of life with revenge.

   It is precisely because of this that Jin Xiantai is essentially different from the nouveau riche.

   You must know that the most popular thing for the nouveau riche is to find a woman and show off indiscriminately, as if doing so can make up for the cold-eyed ridicule they received when they were poor and make themselves look tall.

   However, although Jin Xiantai did not act as a nouveau riche, he has never changed the mentality of ordinary citizens, which is quite helpless.

   However, his performance cannot be said to be abnormal.

  Who made him such a person in his previous life?

------split line------


   "What video?"

   Kim Hyun Tae looked puzzled and asked his classmate Diego, who was sitting in front of him.

   Seeing Jin Xiantai's look of doubt, Diego and Kamra realized that their classmate didn't know this at all.

   But the two didn't think much about it, and then Diego spoke to Kim Hyun Tae, which made Kim Hyun Tae know about the video.

   After listening to Diego's account, Jin Xiantai was all Spartan.

   He asked Diego unsurely: "You said someone secretly took a video of me and uploaded it to the Internet, and then this video was still popular?"

Diego nodded seriously: "It's hot! It's hot in China, why? You don't know anything about it? Many people say that it is not a secret photo, but a very fake hype by yourself. It."


   I really don’t know about this.


   I fire you a big head ghost!

   Kim Hyun-tae spit out in his heart.

   "I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go online and have a look."

   Although I heard Diego talk about it, Kim Hyun-tae was still a little baffled about this, so he decided to check it out online.

   It is not time for class yet, so there is still some free time, so he took out his smart phone and logged into the ut video network.

   When Kim Hyun Tae took out his mobile phone, both Diego and Kamla had their mouths grown.


   Big Banana 6th-generation machine, the model that came on the market three days later, actually Jin Xiantai is already in use.

   I have to say, after seeing Jin Xiantai take out the Big Banana 6th generation machine. Diego and Camra were shocked.

   As for the two classmates who were shocked by him, it is obvious that Jin Xiantai has no time to care.

   successfully logged into the ut video network, and the secret video was hung on the homepage. Kim Hyun-tae recognized his back in the video at a glance.

   Click to enter the playback page. Thanks to this super-fast internet speed in time and space, the video will start playing after two seconds.

   [Coco, this piano piece, I once played it to your mother. 】

   Kim Hyun Tae is no stranger to what he has said.

   This is what I said to my daughter Coco yesterday before I played the piano.

   The video is very clear. However, the picture was a bit jerky, and it was obvious that someone took a mobile phone to shoot.

   Kim Hyun-tae watched the video and began to remember who was around when he played the piano yesterday.

   After all, this video was obviously shot by someone who was there yesterday.

   and it won't be me, nor can it be my daughter.

   Then the answer is obvious.

   are the two maids who were there.

   At this time, Jin Xiantai has not thought about how inappropriate it is to do so, and has violated his personal rights.

   He just feels a kind of unspeakable feeling, anyway he doesn't like it very much.

   The video has finished playing. Jin Xiantai quickly browsed the message board.

  Ut video online messages are mostly European and American netizens.

   Their messages are also related to inquiring about piano music and the poem I read.

   piano music is strange, and poetry is also strange.

   Therefore, many people think that this piano music and poem were composed by Kim Hyun Tae himself.

   Seeing such a message, Kim Hyun Tae's ears became red.

   Yes, he is shy and embarrassed.

   "William. Did you compose that piano piece and poems?"

   At this time, Kamra, an Indian student, suddenly came over and asked in a low voice.

   Kim Hyun-tae struggled with this question.

  Seriously, Kim Hyun-tae answered how. Really feel embarrassed.

   Say you created it yourself, this is pirated.

   It can be said that I did not create it by myself. This piano music and poem have not appeared in this time and space, and Jin Xiantai does not want to be used by others.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae felt embarrassed because of the loss.

   But after all, Kim Hyun-tae has pirated a lot of gadgets, so his face has become much thicker than before. Thanks to this reason, Jin Xiantai finally made a decision.

   This decision is to ‘admit’ it.

   Although it made him seem shameless to do so, considering that this piano piece and that poem are all things in another time and space, it is not impossible for him to admit it.

   Anyway, only he himself knows what's going on, right?

   It's a bit strange to say this.

   It is reasonable to say that the historical line of time and space ~lightnovelpub.net~ has changed since 1949, so the history before 1949 should be similar to another time and space.

   Therefore, the creator of that poem, a love monk from a certain Tibetan area should have appeared.

   But what is puzzling is that the love monk has never appeared, so his poem has not left a trace in this time and space.

   Now, that means it's cheap Kim Hyun Tae.

   Kim Hyun-tae, whose ears were still red, lowered his head and let out an ‘um’, expressing his meaning to his classmate Diego.

   In the end, Kim Hyun Tae is still a little bit ashamed, which also makes him look a little funny.

   If any other traversers see it, I guess they will laugh at him.

   When you know how many traversers are pirating, I haven’t thought about it so much, but you are so embarrassed. I'm so sorry for the reputation of ‘traversers’.

   Regardless of what Jin Xiantai's mind is now, how embarrassed he is, his classmate Diego, who received his own response, clapped his hands excitedly.

   "Wow! You are so talented. My girlfriend likes this piano piece very much. Can you teach me, I will play it to her on the keyboard and make her happy."

As Diego made this request, Kamra, an Indian classmate, also intervened and asked weakly: "I also want to learn, can I teach me? I think it's a good way to learn to pick up girls." To be continued.)