Rising America

Chapter 267: Industry Association

Washington post

"The Mayor of New York, Manhattan, announced his withdrawal from the election. He is the 67th conservative candidate to withdraw from the general election. According to this reporter's investigation, he may be involved in the ‘spy case’"

New York Times

"The conservative camp has lost every day in the election. More than 90% of the candidates withdrew from the election. The espionage case has made conservatives lose ground. 》

Central reference

"The no-campaign candidate Kenny participated in the election and stood out in Kansas. According to opinion polls, he may be called the favorable opponent of the former Governor of California, George. 》

West Bank Current Affairs

"Why conservatives are involved in espionage cases, domestic corruption problems have surfaced, policy imbalances have caused loopholes, conservatives should take responsibility. 》

"In mid-May, the three presidential candidates, Kenny, George, and Charlie, will hold public election debates in Washington, so readers will continue to pay attention. 》

The espionage case continues to ferment, the conservative camp is already in trouble, and congressional congressmen who belong to the conservative have announced their resignation or have been taken away by the CIA for investigation.

Many unknown scandals are beginning to surface.

Only then did the American public know that conservatives have done so many shameful things.

Even this influence spread from the past to politics? Government departments, the Patent Office, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Financial and Securities Administration, the Ministry of Commerce, and even the military are also involved. The scope and impact of this are simply appalling.

Conservatives have fallen out of blood mold this time.

However, unlike the hapless conservatives, radicals, moderates, neutrals, and even free political parties without factions have all benefited from this.

First of all, the radicals, that is, the camp where George Sr. belonged, captured one third of the more than 1,200 seats in Congress through this incident. From a faction that originally had dozens of seats without any influence, it became a pivotal government? Governance power.

The neutrals and moderates occupy the vacant politics? In the government department, people from their own camp began to take up important positions.

It can be said that the four major policies of the United States? Govern the camp, except for the conservatives. The other three camps have all benefited.

Those who are in politics with the image of no faction camp have also benefited from the middle level, such as the city council and even the state assembly.

This incident coincides with a Chinese saying, "Some people are happy and others are sad."

During this time. The major U.S. media outlets are reporting all kinds of news about the general election, and at the same time they have not given up on tracking the development of the ‘spy case’, which has indeed brought a lot of ‘entertainment’ to the American public.

The "West Bund Current Affairs" that Kim Hyun Tae has controlled. Of course, I also participated in it, and followed up and reported conservative scandals and shady.

The CNN that it controls even opened up a special time period, inviting radical commentators to conduct various analyses and inducing remarks in TV programs to induce viewers.

Although Kim Hyun Tae doesn't know much about politics? But he also understands a truth more or less, he has been labeled as a radical camp, so he has to support Old George and his camp anyway.

It's not about justice or not. He must do this.

This is also a way to show "loyalty" to the old George and his camp. If he is slack, then if there are problems again in the future, who is willing to stand up and help him.

In the United States, it is difficult to survive without finding a circle to get close to him.

Although there are some people who claim to have no faction and no camp, who would believe it.

Those who believe it must be a big fool.

Here in the United States, especially the United States in different time and space. If there is no big power behind it, and if it is backed by funds, it would be a joke if you want to be in politics.

Perhaps the general public will believe these, but only to a certain extent. I would never believe these things so simply.

And Kim Hyun-tae is obviously just getting started, stepping into a certain stage position, having some small status, and standing by the gate of the elite.

Coupled with the influence of the people he came into contact with, he also had a different view on this matter.

Anyway, Kim Hyun Tae is now. In the eyes of some people, it is more qualified and worth training.

As the largest television station holder on the West Coast and the last person in the top ten television media in the United States, Kim Hyun Tae’s life has changed a lot from before.

Especially after he joined the American Media Industry Association, the National Association of Best-selling Novel Authors, the Hollywood Film Industry Association, and the North American Theater Association, and other industry associations, this change is most obvious.

It also allowed Kim Hyun-tae to understand why capitalists in the United States can call the wind and the rain, influence everything and even campaign.


Jin Xiantai was invited to participate in a conference organized by the Media Industry Association.

In this meeting, in addition to ten large TV media companies, some small and medium TV media also attended such a meeting, and under the auspices of the TV media giant and the president of the largest TV media TV station in the United States, Doll Murdoch, Everyone discussed and negotiated a matter.

As the convener of the meeting, Dol Murdoch proposed that everyone should start to make a big noise in public opinion for the American participation in the Vietnam War that the public does not know yet.

In return, any media that guides the public to support this matter will be able to station reporters at U.S. military bases in Vietnam to obtain the latest local news.

And if it doesn't support it, then don't think about such a good thing.

Simply put, it will be restricted from sending journalists to Vietnam.

Jin Xiantai, who participated in this kind of meeting for the first time, did not speak at the meeting.

After all, it was the first time he came into contact with this kind of thing.

The smartest way is to be a spectator and study silently, right?

Because the United States advocates ‘freedom of speech’, Dol Murdoch’s proposal was refuted by many participants and even caused him to be vilified.

In the face of all this, Doyle looked calm, as if the abuse and refutation of those people were not directed at him at all.

This makes Jin Xiantai admire Doyle's qi training.

However, Qiao An, who followed Jin Xiantai to attend this meeting, explained to him in a low voice, allowing Jin Xiantai to understand why Doyle had such an indifferent reaction.

"Do you think Doyle has a good mentality?"

Qiao An found that the little boss had some admiration for Dolmudock, so he asked in a low voice.

Kim Hyun Tae nodded: "Yes, don't you think he is very calm."

Qiao An curled his lips: "Dol Murdoch’s TV station has two major controlling shareholders. DuPont Arms holds 33% of the shares, the Kenny family holds 38% of the shares, and the remaining 29% he holds 20%, and the remaining 9%. % Is scattered in the hands of some small shareholders. You said why he called this meeting and asked him to do so."


It turned out that Doyle supported the United States to go to war and called on everyone to build momentum. The reason is that the major shareholders of its television stations are arms dealers.

With such a strong backing, no wonder he was so calm about the abuse of colleagues.

Because he knew very well, these people couldn't do anything to him at all.

This is the confidence.

"You mean, he called this meeting, behind which two major shareholders meant?"

Kim Hyun Tae was not stupid, and immediately thought of a crucial question.

Qiao An smiled: "Of course! This is certain, no accident. And I have a reliable news that the Congress will pass the war participation bill tonight at the latest."

Jin Xiantai was not surprised by the news Qiao An told him.

Because the old George told him that the Congress would pass this bill when he was in contact with him, Jin Xiantai would not be surprised.

Doyle, who had been silent at this time, turned his head and watched Kim Hyun Tae smiled friendly, and then said to him: "What is your attitude towards this matter? Now on the West Coast, you are considered the most influential person. And I think you should support me in this matter, right?"


Is this guy a brain disabled?

Why does he think that Lao Tzu can support him?

Although I will not oppose the United States joining the French-led Vietnam War, I don't necessarily have to cooperate with you in public opinion building.

It is true that my TV station is not as big as yours, but you can't treat me as a little brother.

Although Jin Xiantai kept a smile on his face, he was very upset in his heart.

He thought that the other party was pressing him and let him be a little brother.

However, Qiao Ann said something to him in a low voice, letting him understand why Dolmokdo said such things to him.

"Boss, Whiston Bank, the second largest shareholder of CNN, is also involved in the arms industry and is one of the four largest arms groups in the United States. Therefore, Murkdo obviously thinks that you and him are on the same line. After all, you can't ignore it. And CNN’s second largest shareholder."


Whiston Bank is also involved in the arms industry, and is it one of the four largest US arms groups?

Jin Xiantai didn't know anything about this matter, it was really the first time he knew about it.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae's mind turned fast~lightnovelpub.net~ After Qiao An told him the news in this regard, he immediately nodded to Dolmok: "Of course, I think about this matter, I Will support you."

Basically, Kim Hyun Tae is a guarantee, so Murkado smiled and nodded to Kim Hyun Tae in satisfaction.

With such an ‘ally’, why is Murkdo not satisfied.

"This guy belongs to that faction?"

When Jin Xiantai saw that Murkdo stopped paying attention to himself, he quietly asked Qiao An.

Joan replied: "It looks like a neutral party, but some tend to be conservative and have a good relationship with the current conservative president. At the same time, they support Kenny, the candidate for the Kansas state election, and Kenny is the four major arms group Kenny. A member of the family. But he joined the moderate camp..."

Can this thing have multiple choices?

Qiao An's answer made Jin Xiantai look at Murkdo's eyes wrong. (To be continued.)

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