Rising America

Chapter 282: I want to have some fun by myself

   The pit father and daughter played from 21 o'clock to 23 o'clock. In a total of 2 hours, they teamed up in three rounds and pitted three rounds, and finally withdrew from the game amidst verbal abuse and curses. ¥f

   Although the father and daughter pit a lot of people, Kim Hyun Tae and Coco are in a good mood.

"Dad, ignore those people. Their spicy chickens have dragged us down, otherwise we would have won long ago. This is no way. Even if we are masters, it is difficult to win with these spicy chickens. ."

   After quitting the game, Coco still comforted his father like this.

   spicy chicken! ?

   She actually said that her teammates are spicy chicken!

   Kim Hyun Tae was very speechless about this.

   Although my daughter considers herself a master, Kim Hyun-tae can't be like her daughter, she feels good about herself.

   So after listening to his daughter's comforting words, he was very embarrassed.

   "Let's go, it's late, go take a bath and sleep, my father will take it out tomorrow morning."

   Checking that it was late, Kim Hyun-tae got up and left the game room with his daughter, ready to take a bath and change clothes for her daughter to sleep and rest.

   Butler Andrew followed behind him silently.

   "Lao An, go and rest, too. You don't have to follow me at this late hour."

   Considering that it was not early and Andrew, the butler, was not too young, Jin Xiantai did not let Andrew continue to follow him.

   Then Andrew bowed and saluted, then silently turned and left.

   After Andrew returned to his room, he suddenly fell on the bed with his stomach in his arms and rolled around laughing.

   "Ah, hahahaha, I was so ridiculous. That little earthling actually said that he was a master, she actually said that he was a master at the level of game operation of her kind! Hahaha!"

   It turned out that Andrew, who had been watching cocoa games all night, was actually amused by cocoa boasting.

   Just because Kim Hyun Tae was there. He had to hold it back forcibly.

   Now that he returned to his room, he removed his disguise, and of course Andrew was exposed.




   But this little earthling is really cute.

   After laughing for a while, Andrew finally resisted his smile, turned over and sat up on the bed, thinking in his own mind.

   [Hee hee, there is such a funny little guy here, and at least for a while in the future, I will not be so bored. This is also a little comfort in the early stage of serving my sentence. It is also pretty good to have such a cute little thing. 】

   A little cocoa who boasted and thought highly of himself. Andrew started to like it a little.

   Of course, this kind of ‘like’ is different from that of humans.

   After all, Andrew, who looks like a human old man, is actually not a human being at all, but another civilized species.

   So to say that it has the human likeness to cocoa, which is simply nonsense, OK?

   Andrew just thinks Coco is fun, he is a very interesting little earthling, if he must say it, he is cute and innocent. interesting.

  , at least in Andrew's opinion, is very interesting.

   "As a prisoner, I have to serve Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter for ten star years. This is really long. And I also want to make sure that Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter will not be harmed during the sentence. It is really troublesome."

   After stopping his smile, Andrew showed a little helpless look.

  【Punisher 9527, as a peace-loving Namek, it is a felony for you to run away after the accident. Now it’s pretty good to have you serve ten star-year sentences. Are you dissatisfied with this sentence? 】

   Andrew just came up with this idea in his mind, and the brain monitoring the spacecraft sent a message. Into its thinking.

   You need to know that the spacecraft hidden in outer space is also responsible for monitoring Andrew's thought dynamics, so just when Andrew's thought came up, the brain had a reaction.

   "No! No! No! How could I be dissatisfied, don't talk nonsense."

   Andrew dare not admit the accusation of Zhi Brain.

   [It’s not just fine, or I’ll record it and send it back to Namek. You’re a naughty bag at school. The judge gives you such a verdict just to make you not make mistakes in the future. 】

  We must admit that the thinking of the Namekians is really strange.

   A primary school student committed an accident, killed a lower life, and got a different time and space after being resurrected. Strictly speaking, this is pretty good.

   But the perpetrator was actually punished like this.

   This is like an earthling who tramples on an ant and is sentenced to death.

   But after all, it is the thinking of alien species. It is normal for us to not understand here.

   "Zhi Brain, I can't figure out one thing, can you explain it to me?"

【Say! 】

   Andrew at this time, thought of a place that puzzled him, so he needs to figure it out.

   Otherwise, he will be troubled by this problem.

   "My sentence is ten star years, right?"

   Zhi Nao: [Yes! 】

Andrew: "You also know that ten star years are very long, but the life limit of a human being on earth is also a hundred years. As a prisoner, I cannot extend the lives of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter by means of exceeding the level of earth technology. So What should I do when Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter pass away?"

   Wisdom Brain: [To serve his offspring, in short, you have to serve ten star years. There is no way to change this. 】

Oh alright.

   It seems that I have no time to drill.

   After getting the answer from Zhi Nao, Andrew completely dispelled the idea of ​​exploiting the loophole.

   In short, after the death of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, he has to work diligently for his descendants until the end of his sentence.

  God, ten star years, it's a long time.

   Of course, for people on earth, ten star years is indeed a long time.

   But for a Namek like Andrew, ten star years are about the same as a year for people on Earth. After all, their life is theoretically close to eternity.

   [Remind the prisoner 9527, do not disclose to the earth people in this time and space the technology beyond its level, which will aggravate the crime and extend your sentence. 】

   Zhi Nao reminded Andrew at this time to prevent something from happening.

After hearing the words, Andrew asked Intellectual Brain: "Of course I understand this, and I will not violate it. But what I want to know is, in order to protect the safety of my prison service target, can I use some technology to get authorization? Of course this is The prerequisite standard is not to disclose technology."

  【Please wait, the program is in reference. 】

   Zhi Nao responded and fell silent.

   Andrew was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling and quietly waiting for Zhi Nao's answer.

   A little bit of time passed, and it was past midnight in a blink of an eye.

   [What are you going to do? 】

   Finally, Zhi Nao speaks again.

   Andrew unfolded his thoughts and talked to Zhineng: "I want to use the technology of the 99th level of civilization to transform those maids into guards with certain combat effectiveness, in order to ensure the safety of Jin Xiantai and his daughter.

   Of course, considering the rule that technology cannot be leaked, I will use some special methods to ensure this, such as genetic code and bone encryption.

   So even if these technologies are used, there is no need to worry about leaks. So can I get authorization for such a thing? "

  【Breach the rules, this will hurt those earth girls. 】

   Zhi Nao answered right away.

Andrew was not disappointed, and continued to ask Zhi Nao: "I know what you are worried about, but I have to tell you that these maids are actually dead humans, but I have collected some genetic samples and copied genes. It’s just a human being, using technology from a low-level civilization of 99, so there should be no violation of the rules.


   It was really surprising that Andrew broke such a message.

  No one would have imagined that the 30 maids who are working at Kim Hyun Tae’s house are actually genetic people made by Andrew using human genes.

   In order for these genetic people to enter Kim Hyun Tae's house smoothly, he must have made a fake again.

   [The technology of determining genetic people will not be cracked by humans. The level of 99 civilization technology is difficult to crack with the technological level of earth people in this time and space, so it is not considered a violation. Gene lock, bone encryption, judgment in progress. 】

   After Andrew broke such a message, the surveillance spacecraft immediately began to lock on thirty targets from outer space and conduct a thorough scan.

   Soon, the scan result appeared.

  The technology used by these genetic people is difficult to break with the technological level of the earth in different time and space.

   Therefore, there is no possibility of leakage.

   So Andrew did this, it really can't be regarded as a violation.

   After all, he did not provide science and technology to the countries of the earth to help the earth as a whole improve the level of science and technology~lightnovelpub.net~ His purpose of doing this is just to protect Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter.

   At the same time, in order to ensure that technology will not leak, Andrew also performs gene lock, and some special methods are used as a guarantee.

   Therefore, it is normal for wisdom brain to make such judgments.

   You have to know that even the technology of level 99 civilization is much more than that of Earth in different time and space.

   For Andrew, the technology of level 99 civilization is simply the lowest-end, OK?

  【Judgment, the rules are not violated, the genes will not be passed on, the technology will be cut off after the death of the genetic people, and it is only safe and legal for the father and daughter of the target earth. 】


   Zhi Nao's judgment made Andrew smile slyly.

   He knew that he still had some opportunities.

   With these combat maids, at least he doesn't have to worry too much about the safety of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, right?

   "In this case, then I will pass on the fighting skills to the genetic maids, and at the same time ask for authorization to teach Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter."

   Andrew, who laughed slyly, once again applied for authorization to Zhi Brain.


   During the boring sentence, I always find some fun, right?

   After applying, Andrew thought to himself in his heart. (To be continued.)