Rising America

Chapter 283: Meeting at Fismore Federal Prison


   Fismore Federal Prison, California. ∷

   Kim Hyun-tae, who greeted the prison in advance, smoothly saw Benny, who had given him two shots at 9 o'clock in the morning, and is now sentenced to more than 200 years in prison.

Benny was charged with multiple crimes for killing one person with a gun, severely wounding many people, and because of the huge impact and serious consequences, he was considered a very aggressive and threatening prisoner, so he was not detained. State prisons are being held in higher-level federal prisons to serve their sentences.

   There are three types of American prisons in different time and space. One type is state prisons. The prisoners in such prisons are generally sentenced to 15 or 25 years in prison, and the security level of the prison is also medium.

   The second category is the prisons of local counties, counties, and cities. Inmates are generally held in prisons of 3 to 10 years, and the criminal responsibilities of prisoners in this place are not very serious.

  The third category is federal prisons. The prisoners in this place are those who have a sentence of more than hundreds of years, or the kind of life imprisonment. Basically, these criminals are some wicked villains who have committed heinous crimes, and they are still indestructible.

   And these prisoners in the federal prison, it can be said that they have to spend their entire lives in the prison, and Benny is one of them.

   Speaking of Benny being held in federal prison, it is actually a bit wrong.

   He is totally different from other prisoners.

   But after all, he caused very serious consequences and impacts. In addition, his mental state after his arrest was not very good, so this had a series of chain reactions on his sentencing.

   In the end, with the participation of psychologists and jurors, everyone agreed that Benny was mentally unstable and very aggressive, posing a great threat to the safety of others, so Benny finally received more than two hundred years in prison. He began serving his sentence in Fesmore Federal Prison at the age of 17.

   He will spend his whole life in this prison, and I have to say that this guy is really sad.

   Of course, Benny's life in this prison full of heavy prisoners was not so good. This was immediately clear to Kim Hyun Tae after seeing Benny.

   In the reception room specially prepared by the prison for Kim Hyun-tae, the rich man, Benny in orange prison clothes appeared at the entrance of the reception room under the **** of prison guards with his hands and feet in shackles.

   At this time, Jin Xiantai looked up and saw that Benny was not in good shape.

   Mobility is inconvenient due to handcuffs. In addition, the pale face of the crouched young man was still covered with large areas of blue-purple bruises, and the eye sockets and mouth corners seemed to be injured.

  【It seems that life in prison is not easy. 】

   After taking a look at Benny, Kim Hyun Tae sighed in his heart.

   To be honest, he is very sorry for Benny.

   Originally, this guy was a victim, but it was only an improper way to find a solution, which eventually led to his end.

   Kim Hyun Tae is not a good old man, but he really can't hate Benny.

  The main reason is that he knows what happened to Benny.

   But there is an old saying [poor people must be hateful], this sentence is suitable for Benny.

   Benny chose to break out. After killing the school's little bully Nathan with a gun and wounding Nathan's dog leg, he continued to shoot innocent students.

  If he had just shot Nathan and his doglegs, then maybe he would not have fallen into such a situation.

   But he chose to shoot other innocent people, including Kim Hyun Tae, which was wrong.

   It is precisely because of his last choice that Jin Xiantai can not hate him, but he can't agree with him.

   And when Benny was arrested. With Annie operating from behind, Benny couldn't think of a tragedy.

   Annie is not like Kim Hyun Tae. She doesn't care about the reason, but knows that Benny shot her "love", so she can't forgive Benny.

  Speaking of, after Benny was sentenced to more than two hundred years in prison, Anne did a little trick.

   "Mr. William, please feel free. The warden said that you can meet the prisoner for as long as you want. We won't disturb you."

   At this time, one of the two prison guards who escorted Benny, said with a faint smile at Jin Xiantai.

   Kim Hyun Tae smiled and nodded at the other side: "Thank you, but I don't think I will stay too long, but I still want to express my gratitude to your prison."

   The reason why prison guards do this. Mainly because Kim Hyun Tae is now a rich man.

  In the United States in a different time and space, a billionaire like Kim Hyun-tae, who can be unpleasant after seeing it.

   It is normal for prison guards to react like this.

   Not to mention that Kim Hyun-tae returned to Fismore Prison and donated US$3 million as money for improving the welfare of prison guards and other staff.

   Today's Jin Xiantai has begun to gradually learn some of the styles of other rich men.

   Such as donating money to the police station, fire department, and education department.

   After all, these are small money, but they can get good results.

  Isn’t it like this now?

   A donation of 3 million US dollars is not a big deal to Kim Hyun-tae, but it allowed him to obtain the friendship of Fismore Federal Prison, from the warden to the guards.

   Strictly speaking, this is still very cost-effective.

   cut, only 3 million dollars.

   is different from another time and space. As long as the United States in another time and space has a blatant past, such as donations, it is okay to bribe.

  Because the money is taxed, it is legal to pay the tax.

   This makes Kim Hyun-tae feel that the United States in a different time and space is somewhat similar to the social atmosphere that prevailed in the 50s and 60s of his original time and space.

   Although he was surprised at this, he was a little happy.

   America in different time and space is good.

   This way he, a rich man, will live more comfortably, isn't it?

  Some of the truths in this can be understood by just thinking about it, right?

   "Excuse me, please unfasten his shackles."

   Benny moved with difficulty and sat in front of Kim Hyun Tae, looking at Kim Hyun Tae who was so uncomfortable with Benny, decided to help him solve this small problem.

   "Mr. William, is this dangerous?"

   The prison guards considered that Benny might be a threat to Kim Hyun Tae, so he was very worried and reminded him to pay attention to this issue.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai smiled: "There is no problem, Benny is my alumni anyway, and I have no grievances with him. Besides, you two are on the side, even if there is any danger, I think you can do it. Processing isn't it."

   What Jin Xiantai said was not unreasonable, so the prison guard did not insist anymore, and then walked over and took out the key to open Benny's handcuffs, and then stepped aside.

   Of course, the gazes of the two prison guards have not left Benny for a moment since then, they have been watching him vigilantly.

   "You are in a very bad state now, life in prison is not easy."

   When the meeting began, Jin Xiantai spoke first.

Benny smiled bitterly, shook his head, nodded again, and then replied: "This is my fault. I am very happy that you are willing to come to see me. I never thought that you would agree to my meeting request, really. "

   Indeed, the appearance of Kim Hyun Tae was beyond Benny's expectation.

  According to Benny’s own thinking, he thinks that his request for meeting is obviously unsatisfactory.

   After all, he hurt Kim Hyun Tae and shot him twice.

   No matter what kind of state he was in, he did such a thing. In all fairness, it is hard to forget.

   Then, it is normal for Kim Hyun Tae to hate himself for this.

   But Benny never expected that Kim Hyun Tae actually came.

   This made Benny moved and sighed again.

   You must know that since he was sentenced, even his family has not come to see him.

   Even if he begged the prisoners to contact his family, they never showed up.

   On the contrary, Kim Hyun Tae, who was hurt by himself, came, who should have hated him.

   How can you stop Benny from embarrassing.

   I also heard about Benny after his arrest. Kim Hyun-tae was shot twice by himself and almost died.

   "Let’s talk about it, what do you think you want to see me for? I'm curious why you want to see me?"

   Kim Hyun Tae didn't intend to waste time with Benny, so he asked a question directly, which made him a little curious.

   Why does Benny want to see himself?

Benny, who had been bowing his head, raised his head and looked at Jin Xiantae very seriously: "I want to see you just to say sorry to you, that's all. I feel the hurt that I have done to you. I'm extremely sorry, I hope you can forgive me, God testifies, I really didn't know what to think at the time, but I would..."

   At this point, Benny lowered his head again, and then sobbed softly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked a bit unbearable and regretted.


   I knew why it was today.

   You know, I almost died in your hands.

   Kim Hyun Tae sighed in his heart.

  At the same time he noticed something wrong with Benny.

"I can forgive you, and I am willing to forgive you. To be honest, I have never hated you. Although I am not very familiar with you, or even friends, I know why you became like that. So I can understand you. Although I do not agree with your behavior at the time."

   In the face of Benny who prayed for forgiveness, Kim Hyun Tae expressed his true thoughts and attitude.

   "Really? Can you really forgive me? You know I almost killed you in the first place."

   Benny raised his head fiercely and looked at Kim Hyun Tae with an incredible expression.

   Kim Hyun Tae sat in his seat and said to Benny: "I don't have to deceive you, but I hope you can tell me the truth, do you want to commit suicide?"

   After realizing that Benny was wrong, Kim Hyun-tae has been thinking about this issue.

  Why would Benny ask to see himself and ask for forgiveness?

   Finally, Kim Hyun-tae thought of a possibility.

   That is Benny might commit suicide... (To be continued.)