Rising America

Chapter 284: Depression

Why did Benny commit suicide?

What problems did he encounter that led him to make such a decision.

The answer is obvious.

Look at his pale look, then look at his face covered with blue and purple bruises, swollen black eye sockets, and cracked corners of the mouth, you can basically tell it, right?

Life in prison is difficult.

Just like outside, there is a prison system in the prison, which is a system that prisoners follow in private.

The prisoners in Fismore Federal Prison are basically villains. Compared with these people, Benny is always a little sheep.

So what happens when the little sheep lives in a group of villains is self-evident.

Jin Xiantai's judgment is basically consistent.

In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae himself is very convinced.

Sure enough, after Benny heard Kim Hyun Tae’s question, he just thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, “I don’t want to deceive you or make excuses to perfuse you. I really want to kill my life, but Before that, I wanted to say sorry to you, and only after getting your forgiveness for my behavior, will I be safe."

Perhaps it was a result that satisfies him. Benny is very relaxed now, and I can see that he is in a good mood now.

Therefore, he was willing to answer all of Jin Xiantai's questions without concealment.

Perhaps this is a way for Benny to return Jin Xiantai as much as possible before finally ending his life.

"Are you crazy?"

Kim Hyun Tae shouted at Benny after hearing the words.

Faced with Kim Hyun Tae, Benny shook his head: "I'm not crazy, I know what I'm about to do. You don't understand what my life is like now, and how those guys treat me, compared to continuing to live like this In the past, I think death is a relief. At least I don’t have to face those people every day and suffer their abuse."

Hearing Benny's words, Kim Hyun Tae felt a little heavy.

He certainly knows that prison life is not easy, even if Kim Hyun-tae himself has never been in prison, he is very clear and understands this.

I have watched many American prison videos in my previous life. There are even a lot of film and television works describing the dark side of American prisons.

The information learned only from these channels is enough to let Jin Xiantai know that American prisons are not a good place.

What's more, the American prison in different time and space.

In fact, such things are not only in American prisons in different time and space, but also in prisons in other countries.


Cover the quilt!

hide and seek!

Drink cold water!

go to bed!

As a Chinese person in my previous life, I heard about this. If he still has an understanding of the prison, then he will live two lives in vain.

"Death cannot solve the so-called Benny." Kim Hyun Tae didn't want Benny to continue this idea, so he felt he had to persuade Benny.

It's a pity that Benny is very firm in his desire to cut himself off. Of course, it has nothing to do with that he really can't stand such a life.

So Benny continued shook his head when he heard the words, "No, death can really solve a lot of problems, at least it can save me from being abused by those people every day? Stay, right?"

Kim Hyun Tae once again heard abuse from Benny? Wait for the word.

Obviously, there are some people in this prison who bully him every day, and Benny has been overwhelmed and unbearable.

Otherwise, Benny wouldn't want to kill himself.

Originally, Jin Xiantai could ignore this, turn around and leave the prison, and then let Benny find his death.

But Kim Hyun Tae knew about this. I really can't let myself just let it go.

You can say that he is a bad guy, you can say that he is a good person.

He really couldn't ignore it after hearing it, he couldn't do it.

"Benny, tell me what happened to you!"

As time passed, Benny opened his heart to Kim Hyun Tae and told him all his experiences.

The reason is also very simple. It has some connection with Nathan who was shot by him.

The father of Nathan, the college bully, is a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. And he is still a middle and high-level boss.

When it comes to the organization of the Aryan Brotherhood, no one knows it in the United States in another time and space.

This is a gang organization that mainly absorbs white people, which originated in American prisons. Then it gradually extended to the outside world, operating various illegal businesses, and acting in a harsh style, and there was a clear tendency to racism.

Because this gang originated in a prison, its influence in the prison is very large, and its tentacles are all over the major prisons of the United States in different time and space.

It can be said that the Aryan Brotherhood is offended. The end will be ugly.

So after Benny shot Nathan, Nathan's father certainly wouldn't make him feel better.

As a mid-to-high-level leader, it is easy to do this.

Therefore, since Benny served his sentence in Fismore, he has been ‘cared for’ by the members of the Aryan Brotherhood serving his sentence in this prison.

Beat! Abuse? Stay! Even burst? Ju has happened to him before, showing how much trauma this kind of thing can bring to a 17-year-old.

No wonder Benny is going to die now.

To be honest, Nathan, who was shot by Benny, basically no one sympathized with him.

After all, he relied on his laozi to be a gang member, dominating the school and bullying people everywhere, so everyone hated him very much.

But as Nathan's father, he didn't think so.

Whether Nathan is bad or not, those are his children.

It is normal for parents to have this kind of heart.

But this does not mean that Jin Xiantai agrees with Nathan's father's approach. After all, his son is too domineering, which finally led to such a result.

After all, Nathan was also at fault in this matter.

"I will talk to the prison and change you to a single cell. No matter what, you can't kill your life like this. You are still young."

Although Jin Xiantai wanted to solve this problem, he didn't know what to do.

Do you want to start a relationship for Benny?

Do not!

Kim Hyun Tae couldn't do this step yet.

Although he is a bad guy, he is not so good.

And what he can do is nothing more than that.

As for what will happen to Benny in the future, Kim Hyun Tae is also unclear.

"When I go back, I will ask someone to contact your family and let them come and see you. You have to be clear that the harm you did to me is more than just saying sorry, you can make up for it."

In order to keep Benny alive, Kim Hyun Tae mentioned the fact that he had been hurt by him.

------split line------

After leaving Fismore prison, Kim Hyun Tae was very depressed.

He has now more or less regretted agreeing to Benny's request to meet.

To be honest, Benny's life and death had nothing to do with him, but he just couldn't control himself, and even persuaded the guy.

Now that I think about it, Kim Hyun Tae also feels a little ridiculous.

But now that's all that should be said, what kind of choice Benny will have in the end is his own business.

If Benny still insists on choosing self-determination, there is no alternative.

However, before Jin Xiantai left the prison, he also talked to the warden. The other party promised to change him to a single cell to improve the situation.

And through this meeting, Jin Xiantai strengthened his conviction that he should not go to prison anyway in the future. Just look at Benny and you will know that prison is really not a good place.

Picked up the car phone and dialed the home number.

I checked the time. It was about 10 o'clock in the morning, and it would take another hour to get home. I could just have lunch and then take a break to prepare for the evening reception.

Soon, the call was connected, and Andrew's butler's voice came.

[William House, who are you? 】

"Andrew, this is William, what is Coco doing now?"

[It's the master, the little lady is learning piano with the teacher. 】

"I'm on my way home, letting the chef prepare. I will go home for lunch at noon. Today I want to eat..."

At this point, Jin Xiantai paused, he didn't know what to say.

To be honest, there are not many things that European and American diets actually eat.

steak! pasta! Lamb chops! spaghetti! At most, add a Mexican patties, which is too monotonous.

As Jin Xiantai who has a Chinese stomach, now he is really tired of eating these things.

However, he had to continue to eat these things before he invited the Huaxia chef, so he really couldn't bear it.

"Prepare me seafood risotto, I really can't think of what to eat, remember to put more ingredients."

[Good master, there are fresh matsutake and lobster meat at home, I will tell the chef. 】

Andrew the butler answered repeatedly on the phone.

Hanging up, Kim Hyun-tae closed his eyes and decided to forget about Benny.

After the housekeeper Andrew hung up, he immediately went to the kitchen and told the cooks to start some preparations.

After ordering the chef~lightnovelpub.net~, he left the kitchen and gathered all the maids.

"Come here, you all come over, distribute all these potions, everyone has one, and immediately add water to me to eat."

After gathering the maids, Andrew handed out a white pill to each of them.

Since these maids are all genetic humans made by Andrew through special means, no one has expressed incomprehension about taking medicine for no reason. They all obediently took the pills from Andrew’s butler and faced him. Eat it down.

Andrew, who looked satisfied, looked at these maids after taking the medicine, then walked away with his back, while silently complaining in his own heart.

[Hey! Those medicines contain nano-information devices, and after eating them, fighting information can be injected into the brain. As long as one month's time is waited, these maids will become powerful fighters unconsciously.

But using this method is really verbose. If it weren't for monitoring the spacecraft to restrict me, I wouldn't have to have such trouble and use this low-end civilization technology. 】(To be continued.)