Rising America

Chapter 285: Hypocritical

  No one knows about the earth in different time and space. An alien from a super civilization lives on the earth at this moment and becomes someone’s steward.

   Andrew from Namek, because of his mistakes, has to serve someone for ten star years for a long time.

  As a Namek from a higher civilization, Andrew is only a child or even a pupil in Namek, but he is not a big threat to the earth.

   You need to know the technology of Namek, even a kindergarten child can completely explode the people of the earth.

   So let alone Andrew who is already a primary school student.

   This is like an ant and an elephant. The Namekians are elephants, and the Earth people are ants. There is no comparison at all.

   This might hurt the hearts of the big earthists.

   Fortunately, Andrew himself has no malice towards the earth, let alone destroying the earth or something, which is rather lucky.

   At the same time, since he was still a prisoner, he couldn't do whatever he wanted after he came to this time and space and followed Jin Xiantai.

   At the very least, there is another spacecraft that is dedicated to monitoring and restricting him.

   Of course, the spacecraft controlled by Namek’s brains hidden in outer space not only monitors and restricts Andrew, but is also responsible for protecting Andrew.

  Although the Namekians don’t like war, and they love weak civilizations, even if they are only the life of a lower civilization, this does not mean that they will be threatened.

   So the spacecraft hidden in outer space has several functions.

   Andrew himself knows this very well.

   Generally speaking, Andrew is still not satisfied with the life on the earth.

   After all, he comes from a higher civilization, so he doesn't catch a cold on the earth that is still in the ‘barbaric’ era. This is like a rich man living in Midtown Manhattan in the United States who came to the primitive tribes of the Sahara in Africa.

   How can I not get used to it?

   He can't go back for ten star years anyway.

   In the end, Andrew had to accept all this.

   Because he was sentenced to serve Kim Hyun Tae for ten years to make up for his crimes, he came to Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter as a housekeeper. He began to make some considerations for the safety of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter.

   Andrew has been here for a while.

  During this period, when he is all right, he will learn some knowledge on the earth, and at the same time collect a lot of information on the earth, no matter good or bad.

   So Andrew found out. It looks very unsafe on the earth.

   He saw a piece of news in the newspaper the day before. The news said that a multimillionaire in a certain country was kidnapped by a local gang to tear his ticket, but the local police could not find any clues.

   The source of this news is Mexico, the country where the kidnapping case is the highest.

   Considering Mexico is very close to the United States, Kim Hyun Tae is obviously richer than the multi-millionaire. Therefore, Andrew feels that his ‘young master’ is likely to encounter such a thing.

At the same time, he was concerned that he could not use Namek’s technology and weapons to provide strong security for Kim Hyun Tae’s father and daughter, so Andrew had to think of a countermeasure and instead came up with a low-level civilization technology nano-infusion technology to help Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter provided safety guarantee.

   That's it, Andrew had to ask the brain that monitors the spacecraft to see if it affects the rules.

   Fortunately, Zhi Brain decided that as long as this low-level technology was not leaked, there would be no problem at all, so Andrew was relieved.

   Same as Andrew. The 30 young British maids hired are actually not ordinary girls as they seem.

   These maids are all genetic humans created by Andrew through a special method using a gene duplication breeding model.

   Originally these maids were only tinkering with the housework, but it was unexpected that when Andrew considered some security reasons, these maids had new uses.

  As an all-round genetic man in housekeeping, fighting, and safety protection.

   I have to say that Andrew, an alien elementary school student, really has a lot of ideas.

   Due to restrictions, Andrew can only use the lowest technological means. To achieve this goal.

   This makes him vomit.

   It's a pity that the brain that monitors the spacecraft can only do this, so Andrew has nothing to do.

   In the end, he could only feed the ‘pill’ to get the nanobots into the maids’ bodies, and then slowly into the brain. The fighting skills were subtly implanted into the brains of the gene maids.

   After 30 maids gave pills, and after taking them one after another under his own knowledge, Andrew nodded in satisfaction.

   "Okay, you guys continue to do things."

   The maids dispersed one after another and continued to do their work.

   Looking at the scattered maids, Andrew's expression was not very happy.

the reason is simple. Due to the relationship between limitation and technology, he is not very satisfied with maids of these levels.

   Poor physical fitness, weak bones, low combat effectiveness, etc., are the keys to making Andrew unhappy.

  In his impression, if the Namek technology can be used, the genetic life that can be created will explode at least one planet.

   But look at the genetic people you have raised... this is just rubbish.

   turned and shook his head and left the corridor, Andrew sighed repeatedly in his heart.

  【It's really embarrassing to the Namekians, how can such a quality genetic life be handed out? In other words, it's just messing around on the earth, you can't get it out of the earth at all. 】

   But fortunately, Andrew didn't show it too much? State-of-the-art technology to create those scary genetic people, otherwise the book will have to become a fantasy type...

   While sighing in his heart, Andrew came to the learning room where Coco was learning piano, and stopped when he walked to the door.

   Standing at the door, Andrew looked at the room quietly, and under the guidance of the teacher, there was Coco playing the piano wisely.

   The piano teacher who teaches Coco, is an unsmiling woman in her fifties.

   Although this woman looks ordinary, she is a piano master who has won many awards.

   Kim Hyun Tae spent a lot of money to invite this woman.

   And there is Annie behind it.

   Otherwise, this woman would never be invited.

   Andrew is not at all cold with Earth Music.

   Given the differences in civilization and race, how could Andrew be interested in earth music?

   heard it to him. But it was just some noisy sounds of ‘ding ding dong dong’, he didn’t think there was anything good.

   But even though he is not a fan of earth music, he will not express such thoughts.

   Even, sometimes I have to tell lies without my conscience.

   Hum. This hypocritical Namek star pupil.

   "Mr. Mona, what do you think of the song I just played?"

   After playing a piece of "Little Star", Xiao Keke raised his face very hopefully and looked at the piano teacher Mona who had been standing beside him.

   "Yes, very good. You are the most talented kid I have ever seen. You have learned piano for half a month with me. You are even more than a year old."

   Although Mona is unsmiling, but for Coco, who learns the piano with herself, she will not be stingy with her performance and praise.

   After all, children need to encourage and praise her in order to increase her self-confidence, not to discourage them.

   Of course, Mona is not talking nonsense.

   Xiao Ke Ke is indeed the most talented child she has ever seen.

   Good memory, strong learning ability, and high comprehension ability, so for teaching such children. Mona felt very lucky.

   She even thought she had met a musical genius.

   After all, Coco, like her father Jin Xiantai, has undergone some changes due to the influence of the mysterious energy in the space-time tunnel.

   So it is not surprising that the piano teacher should not feel this way.

   "Thank you teacher for complimenting Cocoa. Cocoa will always work hard to learn from the teacher. In the future, she will play a lot of good songs, and then so many people can enjoy good piano music."


   What a simple wish, what a pure and beautiful idea, and the most simple concept of music, and this is the most correct, right?

   has nothing to do with becoming a master. I don’t care if I can become famous, I just want to play the piano well and listen to many people.

   This concept is the most basic and the most simple and sincere.

   Although there is no smile on his face. But Mona's eyes showed an extremely gentle look.

She took Little Cocoa in her arms, raised her hand and gently stroked the top of her head, and said softly: "Child, you must always remember what you said today, and don't forget it in the future. Teacher Mona made a difference for what you just said. Moved and proud."

  Coco felt very strange, she didn't know why Mona had such a big reaction. She just said what she thought.

   Where did the young Coco know, but her words revealed the essence of music.

  Especially in the modern society of this different time and space, which is full of material desires, how commendable it is.

   So I don’t blame Mona for responding like this~lightnovelpub.net~ It’s not early to see, Mona announced that today’s class is over.

   reluctantly said goodbye to Xiao Ke Ke, Mr. Mona left Kim Hyun Tae's house.

   Combination of work and rest can make children enjoy learning. Teacher Mona and father Kim Hyun Tae understand this truth.

   So every morning, Xiao Keke only learns for two hours, one hour of painting, one hour of piano lessons, and she can freely control the rest of the time, and it doesn't matter even playing games.

   [Alas, the little lady is too young to learn fighting skills, it seems that I can only wait for her to grow up. 】

   After the piano teacher Mona left, Andrew walked into the study room.

   Seeing Andrew, the butler, appeared, Xiao Ke ran over humorously.

   "Andrew, I drew a new painting today, would you like to see it?"

   [Obviously, I want to see it, but I have to ask me, hypocritical little earth person. 】

Andrew, who understood something from Coco’s eyes, spit out in his heart, and immediately revealed an appearance of'interest'. His acting skills are superb: "Please let Andrew appreciate it, young lady, for your abstraction Andrew really likes painting skills."

   Cut, this guy actually has the face to say that others are hypocritical, and doesn't look at himself... (To be continued.)