Rising America

Chapter 286: Little discovery

   When he returned home with a depressed mood and saw his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae finally felt better.

   "Dad! This is the painting I learned with the teacher today. How do you think? Andrew said I painted very well."

   After seeing his father come back, Coco immediately ran over with his painting of today, and began to ask his father to comment on his painting.

   The little guy is at the age he likes to show off, which is understandable.

   Daughter’s paintings, fathers should certainly appreciate it. How could Kim Hyun Tae refuse.

   took the drawing board handed over by her daughter, and Jin Xiantai took it seriously.

   "Master, what a perfect abstract style of painting, I think the little lady is very talented in painting, and she will definitely become an outstanding painter in the future."

   Cheeky alien elementary school student, now Andrew, the "old housekeeper" in Kim Hyun Tae's house, stood beside Kim Hyun Tae and expressed his opinion shamelessly. At the same time, he praised him like a small but inexperienced painter.

  How about actually?

   "Coco, are you painting the universe today?"

   There is a large colorful piece on the drawing board, which looks like a bright starry sky. It is no wonder that Jin Xiantai thinks that his daughter is painting the universe.

   Look at the small dots, how like planets.

   Unfortunately, Kim Hyun Tae guessed wrong.

   "No, Cocoa painted pastoral scenery."

   Okay, the starry sky in the universe is so far from the pastoral scenery that it doesn't match up at all.

   Kim Hyun Tae was embarrassed and smiled at his daughter.

   He has to admit one thing now, that is, his daughter's style of painting is really abstract.

   It is obviously a pastoral scenery, but she is stunned to paint a universe.

   It's just that there are more colors on the drawing board than in the universe of black holes.

   "Okay! It is really abstract, my daughter, you are really amazing."

   can't discourage her daughter's enthusiasm, so what can Kim Hyun Tae say.

  Xiao Keke proudly raised his face and said ‘hum’, "I need to talk about it, of course I am very good."

   Silently returned the drawing board to his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae changed the subject and didn't want to explore her daughter's abstract style painting.

   "The teacher said that I will start teaching me oil painting next time. When Coco learns oil painting, he will show it to his father to appreciate it. Andrew said that my paintings can be used for exhibitions."

   Kim Hyun Tae's mouth twitched. With a glance, Andrew, the butler with a serious face, stood aside.

   [This old British man, unexpectedly, would say something against his heart. 】

   Hearing what his daughter said, Jin Xiantai had a whole new understanding of ‘British people’.

   Originally, he thought that English people are all kind of stereotypes. Unexpectedly, his old housekeeper is a strange thing.

   Hold a painting exhibition?

   He can speak this way.

   As far as the level of his daughter is, don’t you know what the father is?

   It would be a shame if a painting like this was taken out for an exhibition.

"Ahem! Daughter, you are still young and your painting skills are not very mature. So don't think about holding art exhibitions for the time being. After you improve your painting skills in the future, it is correct to consider this question. After all, you are also I don’t want my paintings to be flawed, so let’s be told at that time."

   Kim Hyun-tae still has a set of tips on how to coax his daughter.

   For example, it’s like this now, Cocoa really eats this set.

   If you insist, although Coco can listen to it, at least it will feel a little unhappy.

   As Coco grows up, the father Kim Hyun Tae has begun to learn to adopt some small methods to deal with his daughter.

   As expected. Hearing what his father said, Xiao Keke showed an expression of approval, and at the same time he nodded and said: "Oh, dad, what you said is really right. Of course, my current level is still not very good, but I was just like that. Let’s just say it, I won’t really hold an art exhibition."


   Jin Xiantai took a long sigh. He was really afraid that his daughter would start to hold an exhibition or something along the way.

   The children's thoughts are all round and round, and they are still very stubborn.

   "Master. Little lady, lunch is ready, please go to the restaurant for dinner."

   A maid walked behind Andrew and whispered to him that lunch was ready. Andrew motioned for the maid to leave, and then asked Kim Hyun Tae and Coco to move to the restaurant for dinner.

   "Go, and have dinner with Dad."

   Jin Xiantai leaned over and picked up his daughter, and then walked towards the restaurant, while the butler Andrew followed the father and daughter step by step.

   "Dad, sister Qiao'an called this morning. She asked me to tell you about the Coco's clothing brand company building, and everything is done."

   Coco, who was held in his arms by his father, told his father a news at this time.

   After a few days of preparation, the office building belonging to Coco's own clothing brand company has been bought with Qiao'an's efforts, and the renovation has begun.

   Kim Hyun-tae has no psychological resistance to the fact that his daughter wants to run a clothing brand.

   Although her daughter is young, with Qiao An, there shouldn't be much business problems.

   As for Cocoa, will he be deceived by Joan?

   Kim Hyun Tae didn’t worry about that either.

   You need to know, if a daughter is deceived, then is his father a decoration?

   As long as he controls the accounts of his daughter's company, even if Qiao Ann wants to cheat Cocoa, it is difficult to do it.

   It is precisely this factor that has been taken into consideration, so Kim Hyun-tae can be so relieved, and let Qiao An and Coco go ‘wrong’.

   Regarding the so-called clothing brand of his daughter, Jin Xiantai can't say whether he is optimistic or not for the time being. He is just acting like a daughter who is fooling around.

   I can’t spend a lot of money anyway. Since my daughter is very interested in this matter and is willing to do it, why should I object to it.

   The main daughter is happy.

   In this world, my daughter’s happiness is something that can’t be bought with money.

   So financially enough to support the profligate Kim Hyun-tae, in the matter of his daughter, he has thoroughly played the prodigal style, which is very different from his usual style.

   It can be seen that Kim Hyun Tae is not stingy.

   He just doesn't have much pursuit of material things.

   That's why he seemed a bit picky to outsiders.

   But if his daughter, Coco, is involved, then Kim Hyun Tae will be absolutely ruined.

   This problem can be seen from the fact that he supports his daughter to run a so-called clothing brand.

To know. Who will support their children over one year old to do business?

   Only Kim Hyun Tae would do this.

   Of course, spending tens of millions of dollars to buy something happy for his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae can still afford it now.

   You know that he is going to a cocktail party this afternoon. At that time, there will be a large amount of income in hand, but it involves more than 100 billion US dollars of interest.

   When I think of this, Kim Hyun-tae's prodigal confidence is even stronger, isn't it?

   "Congratulations, you will have a company of your own in the future. Dad is very optimistic about you. I hope that in the future you can make a lot of money for your daughter, build a clothing brand of your own, and guide the trend."

   Seeing that his daughter is so happy, of course Kim Hyun-tae is not stingy about his kind words. He is not such a dumb person, especially when it comes to his daughter.

   Keke kept laughing after listening to his father's words.

   "Don't worry, I will raise my dad in the future. Cocoa is very powerful and I will definitely make money."

   The little guy has strong confidence in his own clothing brand.

   "Qiao Ann has applied for patents for the clothing styles I painted, and even the commercials have been shot. I heard that the response is very good. Dad, after making money, can I pay for the movie by myself?"


   The little guy hasn't forgotten to be a star yet.

   After all, she still mentioned this issue.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae didn't want Coco to go to any entertainment industry, but for the little guy so interested, he really couldn't directly refuse this little request from his daughter.

   Fortunately, because my daughter is young, it is estimated that it will only be hot for three minutes. Maybe it will be better when she gets older.

   At this time, Jin Xiantai had to comfort himself like this from the bottom of my heart.

  The entertainment industry is just a big dyeing vat with all kinds of people in it.

   There are good people. There are also bad guys and even more superb scum.

   But a child as old as Coco should not attract the attention of those scumbags.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae would not be too opposed to his daughter.

   "Okay! Cocoa, if you make money, my father who invests in movies or something will not care about it."

   "Yeah!" Coco yelled and shook his small fist. "I know that Dad is the best, and then Coco will invest in "Robo Man""


   What is this name?

  Iron Man, I know, but what is Cyborg~lightnovelpub.net~ but looking at her daughter like this. It seems that she wondered not a day or two.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who was curious about this, asked quickly: "Is anyone looking for you or Qiao An to invest? What kind of movie is this Cyborg? Why hasn't my father heard of it."

   "You are so corny."

   Hearing that his father had never heard of the name of "Robo Man", Xiao Keke even complained, which made Jin Xiantai very dumbfounded.

   For the first time in my life, my daughter said it was old-fashioned.

   "Our TV station, Channel 8, has a children's cartoon at 6 o'clock in the evening. Cocoa now watches it every day."

   Our TV station?

   Oh, what Coco should be talking about is the cnn television station that he owns 60% of.

   said that my own TV station is a bit inappropriate, but it seems correct to think about it. After all, I own 60% of it, right?

   Well, the little sick language of my daughter is not worth exploring by myself.

   At this time, the little Coco continued to say loudly: "Coco is going to shoot a live-action version. On Cocoa's Facebook Twitter, many older brothers and sisters said that they would like to see the live-action version of "Robo Man"."

   Yo, it is unexpected that Coco also plays Facebook and Twitter, and interacts with his followers very well.

   After talking with her daughter, Kim Hyun-tae found a lot of information... (To be continued.)