Rising America

Chapter 295: excitement

   "The governor, the ambassador of Los Angeles just called and said that I am looking for you in an urgent matter.~"

   Due to the time difference, the night in Los Angeles is already drooping, but in the far-off China Southern Guangdong Province, it is just noon.

   Jin Weiguo, who had finished a morning meeting, returned to the office and got the news from Secretary Chen.

   "Los Angeles Ambassador? Is it Lao Yuan?"

Jin Weiguo has a refined appearance. Because of his middle age and high position all the time, he has some unspeakable temperament on his body, which makes him even more special and charming. This is the mill of time. The final result of training and carving.

   "The last name is Yuan?"

   Secretary Chen nodded: "Yes, he asked me to convey that the other half of the jade pendant in your family, he has a clue in Los Angeles."


   Originally still wondering, when Old Yuan was looking for what he was doing, Jin Weiguo was shocked when Secretary Chen raised the matter abruptly.

   Others don't know what this means, but Jin Weiguo himself is clear.

  Although Old Yuan is a collateral child of the Yuan family of Yanjing, he and Jin Weiguo have known each other since childhood, so of course he knows some things that happened to him in the past.

   At this time, some fragments of past memories flashed in Jin Weiguo's mind. At the same time, his heart was tossed with excitement, and it took a long time to calm down.

   If Old Yuan asked Secretary Chen to convey what he said to him is correct, then he thinks he can think that Old Yuan has found clues about the whereabouts of his wife and children.

   When I thought of this, I finally calmed down my excitement, and couldn't control it anymore and writhed again.

   To be honest, he hasn't let go of looking for his wife and any clues about the whereabouts of the child in her stomach for more than ten years.

   Basically, he has used any methods and methods. But always disappointed again and again.

   Gradually, he also began to feel disheartened and lose confidence.

   Therefore, he put all his energy on work.

   But at this moment, Old Yuan suddenly said that there was a clue, which made Jin Weiguo suddenly see hope.

Yes. He clearly remembered that his wife went to the United States to perform a mission, and it was that time that he lost her news. For this reason, he and the whole family felt very guilty and regretful.

   More importantly, when his wife went to the United States, she was still pregnant with her own child.

   Secretary Chen left the office wittily and left Jin Weiguo alone in the office room, because Secretary Chen could see that this involved the secretive affairs of the leader. Therefore, if he has the foresight, he can no longer stay in the house. He needs to leave a little private space for the leader. If he doesn't even have this vision, he will not be able to become Jin Weiguo's secretary.

   After Secretary Chen left, Jin Weiguo withdrew his confusion, walked quickly to his desk, picked up the phone on the desk and dialed a series of numbers.

   Secretary Chen left Yuan Haiyang’s number very carefully. And it was written on paper and placed on the desk of the desk, so Jin Weiguo could easily follow the numbers on the paper. Contact 袁海洋。 directly

   toot toot!

   A busy tone waited, and with a ‘click’, Jin Weiguo heard a man’s voice, which rang from the other end of the phone.

   "Lao Jin?"

   "It's me, Yuan Laoliu, don't you joke with me. Do you really have clues about the whereabouts of my wife and children?"

   Jin Weiguo is not at all like a high-ranking official in a ruling place.

   But thinking about his current mood, it is understandable.

   Yuan Haiyang on the other end of the phone understood very well, so he didn't care too much about what his old friend called him. On the contrary, he still called it because of it. Thinking of the time and years of youth in the past.


   Yuan Laoliu!

   No one has called himself that way for many years.

   "I saw a piece of jade pendant from a boy. It was very similar to the one handed down from your ancestors, and only half of it. At the same time, I found that the boy's appearance was quite similar to when you were young."

   Yuan Haiyang was not verbose, and began to talk to his childhood playmate on the phone, and now his old friend Jin Weiguo said something he saw.

   With Yuan Haiyang’s description, Jin Weiguo, who was far away in China, became more and more excited, so much so that his hands with the phone began to tremble.

   Half a piece of jade pendant, looks similar to himself, that young man is 17 years old this year, grew up in an orphanage in the United States, etc., all of which can correspond to some information.

   "William King, according to our Chinese name, it should be William King."

   Surname Jin!

   Jin Weiguo became more excited.

   Of course, just relying on what Old Yuan said, Jin Weiguo couldn't immediately determine that it was the child he was thinking about.

   After all, his family and status are destined to make it impossible for him to come to a conclusion so easily, let alone Lao Yuan's side words.

   But anyway, some of the information provided by Lao Yuan for the time being is enough to make Jin Weiguo very excited.

   For some special reasons, although he never gave up looking for his wife's whereabouts, it became very troublesome because he had to look for it abroad, and he could not speak up.

   After all, the wife is related to a top secret incident.

   is also in the face of such an obstacle that led to the situation that Jin Weiguo failed to find people for more than ten years.

   You must know that the geographical area and population in different time and space have expanded tenfold, so it is unimaginable how difficult it is to find a person in the vast crowd.

  Especially when the wife encountered an unexpected event after the mission ended, she was unable to leave a clue, so this situation was finally caused, and Jin Weiguo was very regretful for this.

   If the wife was in danger and was unwilling to leave any clues, it would not be easy to find it.

   Jin Weiguo knows this very well.

   At the same time, the news obtained through the channels of China's special department really proved this point.

   At the end of the mission, due to the betrayal of the traitor, the wife was indeed in danger, and was attacked and many members of the security department died.

   Therefore, for the sake of safety, my wife will definitely not go to the safe house using Huaxia channels. Or the news channel.

  Because the traitor is very clear about these.

   In addition, his wife’s identity is unusual. Once it falls into the hands of a hostile organization, it will be very passive to China.

   "Old Yuan, can you still have some more accurate information on your side. Only in this way I can't conclude that this is related to Xian Shu."

   Although he had already talked about this boy to Old Yuan, he had such a basic judgment. But because of his own identity and status, as well as the influence of the entire family in China, Jin Weiguo had to say such a thing against his will.

   Yuan Haiyang on the other end of the phone knows the identity of Jin Weiguo, and also understands the high status of his small family in China, so he understands why he said that.

   So Yuan Haiyang told Jin Wei Guodao on the phone: "I try to try some ways to get the boy's blood sample and send it to China. I think this should prove everything."

   Jin Weiguo forced himself to calm down, and after listening to Yuan Haiyang’s thoughts, he also felt that it would be best if he could do this.

   If you get a blood sample after all. Isn't it more useful than any evidence.

   But I thought that after the blood sample was collected, there would be loopholes in transportation and other aspects, so Jin Weiguo thought of a better way.

   "Although this is good, it also has some flaws. If only this boy could come to China, or I could go to the United States."

   Jin Weiguo, holding the phone, talked about his views on this matter.

   Yuan Haiyang can understand why Jin Weiguo is so cautious, after all, there are many aspects involved. Especially for people like Jin Weiguo, it can't be sloppy.

   So Yuan Haiyang thought for a while. Speaking to Jin Wei Guodao on the other end of the phone: "Well, you think about it again, and tell me if you can, and then I will find a way to get his blood sample."

   Yuan Haiyang will not force old friends to express their opinions, he will give them time to think, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

  Don't mention the family of old friends. His identity alone is destined for this matter, and it is something that needs careful consideration.

"wait for my call."

   Jin Weiguo immediately hung up.

   "Secretary Chen."

   After hanging up, Jin Weiguo greeted his secretary Xiao Chen.

   The closed door of the office opened, and Secretary Chen, who had been staying outside, walked in.

   Jin Weiguo sitting behind his desk pondered for a while, and then said to Secretary Chen: "We have broadcast some foreign news in China in the previous period. Is there a case about US intellectual property rights?"

   Some things about Kim Hyun Tae. Yuan Haiyang mentioned to Jin Weiguo on the phone ~lightnovelpub.net~ such as interviews on the monastery's life experience and intellectual property infringement cases.

  Knowledge Jin Weiguo doesn't know this well.

   After all, he has to deal with too many livelihood and economic issues in Nanyue Province all day, so he doesn't pay much attention to these.

   But it's different now, because it involves the news of his wife and the child in her belly, so he needs to understand.

  With this understanding, he was able to make a final decision.

   Of course, since some American media have done interviews about the boy's life experience, Jin Weiguo also feels that he needs to know this information, which is very crucial.

   He needs to reconfirm whether some key points can be matched.

  Especially Old Yuan mentioned that in the American media, the boy also took out a picture of his mother.

   If you can see the photo, you can have a most beneficial reference.

Secretary Chen nodded. Although he did not know why he was interested in this matter, he still replied: “Yes, it was reported some time ago. It is precisely because of this case that many of us in China are now filing lawsuits and are starting to go to court with Japan."

   Jin Weiguo heard this and told Secretary Chen: "Help me find out all the media reports about this Jin William..." (To be continued.)