Rising America

Chapter 316: What is he doing recently?

   Father said that when he waited for his summer vacation, he would take him to several Asian countries to have fun and eat some delicious food by the way. This made Coco very happy and excited.

   First of all, the little guy thinks that he can be with his father and eat a lot of delicious food. This is very attractive to her.

   Since that time, the little guy has been online all day long, collecting food information from some Asian countries, and preparing for the upcoming trip.

   The next day, Jin Xiantai also wanted to bring two more maids to take care of Coco. I asked Old George about his attitude.

  Of course there is no problem with Old George.

   After all, when Kim Hyun-tae is visiting Asia with him, there must be some time that he cannot take care of Coco. Therefore, it is necessary to bring two maids to take care of the little guy.

   For this, the old George gave understanding and support.

   I have to say that there are some things on the other side of time and space that are really weird.

   Replaced by the time and space of Kim Hyun Tae's last life, how could such a thing be possible?

   Follow the vice president to travel abroad. As a member of the entourage, you also let you take care of the children, and even bring two maids who take care of the children. This is just a joke.

   But in the United States in a different time and space, such a thing is indeed possible!

   You said it was fun or not!

   But no matter what, the maid's affairs are settled, and one of Kim Hyun Tae's concerns has been resolved.

   In the following days, Kim Hyun-tae began to prepare for the final exams and to participate in the National College Football Tournament.

   Anyway, the old George’s trip to Asia is on July 3, and his final exam can end in mid-June. The National College Rugby Tournament can also end at the end of June, which will not delay his trip to Asia with George.

   During this period, the clothing brand [Panta] under the name of Coco also officially began to launch. Due to the early advertising bombing, the sales volume was also very good.

   Don’t look at the price a bit expensive, but the number of 100,000 sets was sold on the first day.

   The extremely cute plush pajamas are sought after by young people. Even some young parents are willing to buy a set, go back to wear them to their cute babies, and then take some photos and post them on Facebook and Twitter.

   And because of the good quality and workmanship, the reputation of the [Panta] brand is also established.

foreseeable. As long as the development continues in accordance with this situation, Xiao Keke can have a clothing company of his own in the future.

   And for all of this, Coco obviously didn't care about it.

   Now, what she thinks about all day long is after she went to Asia. What kind of special food should I eat?

   Therefore, Cocoa can be said to be the least reliable boss in the world.

   Jinxiantai’s online trading platform has also successfully applied for patent rights in the Patent Office, and related technical knowledge patent protection, as much as 100 items.

   After doing this, Jin Xiantai breathed a sigh of relief.


   In the future, anyone who wants to open an online payment function will not be able to bypass his own patent. With this patent, Jin Xiantai can sit and collect money.

   For this, Kim Hyun Tae was secretly refreshed.

   And the registration of online trading system and platform, and online operation. This caused a great sensation in the United States in different time and space.

   You know, most American Internet companies are also having a headache for this.

   But Kim Hyun Tae solved this problem.

   At the same time, this also indicates that the transaction of virtual and real conversion on the Internet has become feasible.

   Once real currency transactions are carried out in the virtual world in the future, through this transaction system, they can be completed easily, and there is no need to go to the bank to open an account and go through tedious procedures like now.

   But everyone has also seen that this trading platform has been patented by Jin Xiantai. So if you have such a demand in the future, you will not be able to bypass Jinxiantai's trading system platform.

   And Kim Hyun Tae has not yet said whether it will open to the outside world.

   Even if it is open, it is still unknown whether it is free or paid.

   So people in the Internet industry. All speculation and headaches.

Kim Hyun-tae himself does not pay much attention to matters in the Internet industry. In addition to dealing with final exams and rugby games, he is also negotiating with Whiston Bank. He hopes that his trading platform can communicate with Whiston Bank Cooperate to expand this business.

   That's right. Even with an online trading system platform, in reality it still needs bank cooperation.

  The bank that is willing to cooperate is not just one, it must be the willingness of all large banks.

All beginnings are hard!

  Because there is no precedent, many banks are watching.

   Kim Hyun Tae had to deal with Whiston Bank, which has a good relationship foundation, hoping to open a gap.

At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae also learned that Whiston Bank is still the controlling party of the "Big Banana" brand mobile phone on the US side, so he also wants to talk to the other party about installing it in his own QQ program when manufacturing the mobile phone. It.

   This idea comes from his previous life.

  Those mobile phone programs that cannot be uninstalled, although some have been criticized, but once successful, it has great benefits for the development of QQ.

  In this different time and space, this thing hasn't happened yet.

   Kim Hyun Tae saw the opportunity, so he wanted to try it.

   And ‘Big Banana’ is obviously a good partner. This brand, similar to the ‘Apple’ mobile phone in the previous life, has a large audience and users all over the world in different times and spaces.

   Through the cooperation with "Big Banana", in addition to expanding mobile QQ business, it can also lay the foundation for mobile payment functions.

   This is Kim Hyun Tae's most fancy point.

   The current network instant messaging company has already carried out research and development in the mobile QQ business and has achieved success. In addition, after Jinxiantai has copied the payment system, it is an inevitable development road to enter the mobile phone sector.

new York

   Whiston Building

   Annie just fed the two babies and coaxed them to sleep.

   The old housekeeper Nord knocked on the door gently.

   "Miss, there is news from Los Angeles. William is going to cooperate with us to develop mobile QQ business and mobile payment business. At the same time, he hopes that the bank will open online payment functions."

   After the maid opened the door and let the old butler into the house, the old butler was very excited to report this to Annie.

   Annie is wearing a loose nightgown, and her whole body is no longer as bloated as she was when she was pregnant. Began to slowly restore the former graceful figure and radiance.

   "Unexpectedly, he solved the problem that everyone was having a headache. With this trading system platform, he would not have to worry about it for the rest of his life."

   walked to the side and sat down on the sofa. Annie said in a mocking tone.

   "Miss, what do you think of this matter?"

   asked the old butler Nord.

   Annie smiled: "How many banks did he find?"

   did not say his decision, but asked a seemingly nonsensical question.

   The old butler Nord replied: "We have sent out invitations to all the banks, but according to the feedback from our people in Los Angeles, William only intends to accept the cooperation of four large banks in the end."

   After listening to the old housekeeper's answer. Then there was a satisfied expression on Annie's face.

"Yes! This is an opportunity for our Whiston Bank. The future must be the world of network technology. We cannot miss this opportunity. Tell people in Los Angeles to agree to this cooperation. I think those who are still on the sidelines must finally Will be disappointed."

   Jin Xiantai will only cooperate with four large banks in the end. In other words, banks without online payment functions in the future can only be slowly abandoned by the public.

   You know, Annie believes it very much. The future development must be the network industry.

   The payment transaction system is the foundation of all this.

   So she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

   Old housekeeper Nord nodded when he heard the words: "Okay, I will tell Los Angeles immediately to sign a cooperation agreement with William as soon as possible."

   Annie sat on the sofa and asked: "I heard that Coco's clothing brand has been successfully launched?"

   Old Nord smiled and replied: "One hundred thousand sets were sold on the first day. It is very popular and loved by young people. That kind of pajamas is very cute to wear."

   Annie looked back at the two sleeping babies. The two babies were also wearing [Panta] pajamas, which were two sets of the same bear style.


   Unexpectedly, Annie also contributed a little bit to Coco’s brand clothing.

   Following Annie's gaze, the old housekeeper's smile suddenly became stronger.

Annie retracted her gaze: "It's very cute, Joan did a good job here. You tell her I am satisfied, let her do this for Coco. And I heard that she is now the integrated CNN Entertainment Media Group. Is the CEO?"

   The old butler nodded: "Yes! William trusts her very much."

   Annie didn't comment on this matter, nor did she know what she thought about it.

"Uncle George is going to visit Asia. Thank him for me. Thanks to him and those forces fighting for it, we can get rid of the shackles of Europe and shift our business focus back to the United States. By the way, he needs us to provide us this time. Any help?"

   Indeed, Annie got rid of some European companies and shifted Whiston’s business focus to the United States. It seems that the process is very simple, but there is no old George's help in this process, it is very difficult to achieve the goal.

  Especially in this process~lightnovelpub.net~Anne also acquired and exchanged control over 80% of the ports in the United States. It would be impossible to do without insider compromise.

  Old George did a lot of effort in it.

   Of course, in exchange, the Kenny family also helped.

   But Annie won't thank Kenny because he has become the president, hasn't it, this is in return for him.

   Some things about the upper-class elites, the lower-class people simply cannot understand.

   Say it, its shady scene can make you stunned.

   But this is also reality, isn’t it?

   The old butler nodded: "Okay lady, I will contact Old George when I turn around."

   "Does William have any commercial plans lately? Didn't Joanne give feedback on this?"

   Annie asked about Kim Hyun Tae’s dynamics. She misses Kim Hyun Tae very much now and thinks about it every day, but there is no solution to this situation.

   So she can only solve the suffering of lovesickness by understanding Kim Hyun Tae's personal news, which makes people feel helpless.

Looking at the melancholy my own lady, the old housekeeper Nord sighed secretly in his heart and then said: "William is preparing for the final exams and is also participating in the National College Football Tournament. The business affairs are in addition to the online trading system. , There is nothing else, oh, it seems that he is asking Qiao Ann to buy the Monte family theater." (To be continued.)