Rising America

Chapter 320: There are so many smart people

   Time comes to July 3

Kim Hyun Tae, with his daughter Coco and two maids, has boarded the plane to Asia as an entourage of old George, as well as a representative of the Internet IT industry in the United States, as well as a representative of the media industry, a representative of the cultural publishing industry, and Vice President George himself. A member of the think tank, he was also fortunate to experience a different time and space of "Air Force One".

   The plane took off from the Georgia Air Force Airport in Los Angeles. For the first time on the plane, Coco yelled at the window, which caused many entourages to give a knowing smile.

   For children, Americans are very tolerant, especially the one-year-old kid like Coco, so no one has the same knowledge as her.

  Air Force One has a large internal space, even with three floors inside, and has independent ensuite bedrooms, bars, meeting rooms, and toilets, just like a mobile luxury hotel that can fly in the sky.

   This was originally a means of transportation for the president to take abroad, but George, as the vice president, is also eligible to use it.

   And this time the old George’s trip to Asia used the "Air Force One", and no one would fault him.

   The first destination of this trip to Asia is Japan.

   Kim Hyun-tae has been wondering what kind of intentions old George would have in Japan during his trip to Asia.

   You know, not long ago, the United States just cleaned up Japan and cut a big piece of meat from Japan.

   The cabin is not very busy, everyone has their own duties.

   Next to Old George, only a few confidential secretaries showed up from time to time, asking him to sign some documents or report something to him.

   Since the area of ​​this space-time has expanded tenfold, Jin Xiantai took an airplane for the first time and was very curious about the required flight time.

   He really wants to know how long it will take to travel from Los Angeles to Tokyo, Japan, and how long the aircraft’s fuel can support it.

  The guesswork made Kim Hyun-tae find it very interesting.

   "Look, dad. This is cotton candy!"

   leaned on the window and looked out. The white clouds really looked like cotton candy, which made the food Cocoa suddenly excited and unable to restrain himself.

   Looking at his daughter amusedly, Kim Hyun-tae explained, “That’s not a cotton candy. It’s a deposit of water vapor. We call it a cloud.”

   "Oh, isn't it a cotton candy, is it just a cloud?", I heard my father say that. Little Coco's face was suddenly full of disappointment.

   Obviously, the little guy is disappointed that the piles of clouds outside are not cotton candy.

   "Of course it's not cotton candy."

   Kim Hyun Tae looked at his daughter with a funny face.

   "Mr. William, Mr. George will let you pass."

   A woman in a black uniform came over, stopped by Kim Hyun Tae, and said to him with no expression on her face.

   "Coco, dad go find Grandpa George, don't you run around here, know?"

  Old George greeted himself. Of course, Kim Hyun-tae would not ignore it, but before passing. He was very impressed with Cocoa.

   After all, this is not outside, but on the plane.

   He was afraid that Little Coco might cause any trouble.

   "Good dad, Coco will be very good.", Coco sits upright at this time, trying to make himself behaved, which makes people look funny and cute.

   After seeing her daughter agree to her, Kim Hyun-tae got up and said to the two maids who had been brought out from home sitting behind him: "Look at Coco, don't let her run around."

   "Okay, Master."

   After the two maids responded. Jin Xiantai just followed to greet his woman and left the place where he was.

   Along the way, Kim Hyun-tae saw a lot of black suits, big and thick. Responsible for guarding agents responsible for security.

   But Kim Hyun-tae is not too curious.

   The images of these people are no stranger to him.

   The bodyguards hired at home are actually of this virtue.

   Besides, I have seen so many film and television works in my previous life, so for these security agents responsible for security issues, Jin Xiantai did not express too much excitement.

   Some people close their eyes in their seats to regenerate their energy, while others are chatting quietly. Some people are playing on the computer, and of course more people are dealing with some of their own work.

   After passing through the satellite signal reception information room, a small bar, and following the woman in a professional dress, Jin Xiantai came to a place similar to a conference room.

   "William, come here."

   This is a separate room located in the middle of the top floor of the aircraft.

   After Jin Xiantai walked in at the sign of the woman, he found that there were several men in the room besides Old George.

   When I saw Kim Hyun Tae, Old George greeted him warmly.

   "Mr. George, are you looking for me?"

   quickly walked over, Jin Xiantai also showed a sincere smile on his face, and then reached out and shook old George.

   "Yes, come, let me introduce to you, this is Matthew."

   "Hello, Mr. Matthew."

   "William King, hello, I have heard of you a long time ago, after seeing you in person, I have to admit that you are indeed a handsome young man."

   Under the introduction of the old George, Jin Xiantai shook his hand politely.

   This is called Matthew. He stares at a Mediterranean hairstyle and wears gold-rimmed glasses. He looks a bit refined and a middle-aged man with a trace of wretchedness. A little compliment to Jin Xiantai.

  Old George didn't introduce Matthew's identity and position, but Jin Xiantai didn't ask either. He felt that Matthew should be very close to Old George.

   After Old George introduced Matthew, he introduced another middle-aged man to Kim Hyun-tae. He was a weak-looking black man. He was not tall, and he was about one meter seven in his head with a bald head.

   "This is Candi."

   Kim Hyun Tae stretched out his hand again and shook the opponent.

   The other party smiled implicitly at Jin Xiantai, and he could see that this black middle-aged man was a very shy person.

   After introducing Matthew and Kandy to Kim Hyun-tae, Old George motioned to the three of them to sit down, walked to the side and took out a bottle of whiskey and walked back.

   "The three of you are my think tanks. Today I take this opportunity to let you meet and get to know each other."

   At this time, Jin Xiantai knew that the original ridiculous Mediterranean Matthew, and the shy black middle-aged Candi, were just like himself the brains of old George.

   Same. Matthew and Kandy looked at Jin Xiantai in amazement. Obviously, they were shocked by the fact that Jin Xiantai was the old George's think tank.

  The reason is very simple, Kim Hyun Tae is too young.

   For Kim Hyun Tae. Neither Matthew nor Candi are strangers.

   The best-selling novel author, the largest public opinion media holder on the West Coast, the creator of the most promising Internet company on Wall Street venture capital, and the young rich man whose total wealth is estimated to exceed 100 billion.

  I heard that they are also excellent in sports performance.

   There are even rumors that some professional football teams. It seems that he is also interested in contacting him, hoping that he will become a professional football player in the future.

   Such a young man is unexpectedly the think tank of old George.

   If it were a middle-aged person, perhaps Matthew and Candi would not be so surprised, but when they were placed on a 17-year-old boy, it shocked them.

   Is there really a genius in this world?

   The existence of Jin Xiantai made them both come up with such an idea.

   Fortunately, the two of them are not ordinary people, so after a brief surprise, they soon returned to normal.

   After all, there are no geniuses in the world.

   It is acceptable for people like Kim Hyun Tae to appear.

   "Matthew. Candi, haven't you always been curious and admired for me giving up the presidency?" Old George was very funny about the reaction of the two think tanks when they saw Kim Hyun Tae.

   The two nodded when they heard the words. Among them, Mediterranean Matthew said to Old George: "Yes, I admire the vision of this person who can see the crisis behind the shining halo of the position of the president."

   Matthew’s gold-rimmed glasses reflected light, which is a bit of a scene from a certain cartoon that Kim Hyun-tae had seen.

Of course. Matthew’s mantra is not ‘there is only one truth’, nor is he himself.

   Black Candi glanced at Kim Hyun Tae again.

   "Hehe!" Old George smiled, "This person is no one else. It is my little friend William."

   Kandi showed an expression of "it really is so", and Matthew nodded at Kim Hyun Tae.

Old George continued: "Let’s get to the point. This time I’m visiting Asia. The first stop is Japan. Because of the Plaza Accord, Japan’s domestic right-wing organizations were very repulsive to the United States because of the Plaza Accord. Their government has some People even have some bad ideas.

  According to the information provided by our intelligence organization in Tokyo, Japan, the Japanese have been in frequent contact with the Soviets recently, so my visit to Japan this time is mainly to beat them. What are your views and suggestions on this? "

   Matthew, Kandy, and Kim Hyun Tae were all lost in thought.

   Especially Kim Hyun Tae, he didn't want to behave so enchanting, he was ready to listen to Matthew and Kandy's meaning before talking.

   And he himself has many ways to beat Japan, combined with the methods and methods the United States used to get Japan in his previous life.

   So I don’t have to worry about not having suggestions.

   After a period of thinking, Matthew was the first to speak: "The Japanese economy has taken away a large amount of foreign exchange reserves by our Plaza Accord, so it is normal to have some small emotions, so you don't need to pay too much attention to this.

   I heard that the Japanese Liberal Democrats and the Minsheng faction in power this time are in some political affairs? There are serious disputes over governance issues, so you might as well use this visit to contact some Liberal Democrats. "

  The strategy adopted by Matthew is one of the kind of methods that make use of strength to make the Japanese sick.

   Isn’t the current team upset with the United States!

it is good!

   I am looking for people from factions who can accept the United States, and after reaching some agreements, I will overturn your leadership team in this session.

   Black Candi said straightforwardly: "Let the Singapore fleet go to Japan."


   This seemingly shy black uncle is directly threatened by force.

   And it just so happens that the Japanese are afraid of this.

   Old George looked at Kim Hyun Tae, ready to hear his opinion.

  Similarly, both Matthew and Kandy looked over.

Under the gaze of the three of them, Jin Xiantai smiled shyly: "There was a case in Yokohama base where troops assaulted a local girl, and there was a lot of trouble in Japan. There are even people in the United States who said that the United States should be sentenced. Soldiers serve their sentences.

   Of course I personally admit that it is a scum!

   But I think I might as well use this to make a big article in Japan. You don’t need Mr. George to contact anyone. We want to see if someone comes to you when you arrive in Japan, and if someone comes forward to speak for the offending US military.

   I mean, those who stand up to speak for the US military can be fully supported.

   Of course, we must show our support to those American soldiers who committed crimes. Send them back to the United States behind their backs and handle them in secret. "

   It is better than old George actively contacting some people and letting the Japanese come and contact him by himself.

   Especially at this time, Japanese politicians who can speak nicely to American soldiers obviously hope to be supported by the Americans.

  Old George understood the meaning of the words in Kim Hyun Tae's words~lightnovelpub.net~ But anyway, the suggestions of Matthew, Kandi, and Kim Hyun Tae made sense.

   Old George didn't give an answer. He decided to talk about the situation after he arrived in Japan.

   As for the old George’s failure to express his opinion, there is nothing surprising that Matthew, Kandy, and even Kim Hyun Tae and others.

   They just provide advice.

   In the end, whether it is adopted or not depends mainly on the meaning of the old George himself.

   However, Kim Hyun Tae's suggestion made Kandi and Matthew both give him a high look.

   Because I think about it carefully, Kim Hyun-tae’s suggestion hides a deeper and more sinister meaning, and it is also very disgusting.

   As for Kim Hyun-tae himself, there is nothing wrong with the Japanese who don’t feel disgusting.

"William, do you really intend to get the female victim to stand up and tell the media that you have been instigated? Or simply to be instigated by someone from the political party?", worried that the old George would not be able to hear what Jin Xiantai meant, Ma Xiu had no choice but to name the matter.

I go!

   Do you want to be so wretched!

   Old George stared at Kim Hyun Tae with wide eyes.

   In contrast, Jin Xiantai just shrugged his shoulders, did not say yes or no.

   At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae also sighed in his heart [There are so many smart people]...(To be continued.)