Rising America

Chapter 328: Los Angeles trivia

   Kim Hyun Tae, who continued his journey from Katrina Island, finally got the tasks and arrangements for his trip from the old George's side, and Kim Hyun Tae decided to go all out for this.

   After all, the arrangement of Old George would benefit Jin Xiantai himself in the end, so only a fool would refuse.

   But is Kim Hyun Tae a fool?

   Obviously he is definitely not a fool.

   Katrina's flight to Japan still has more than 20 hours of flight time. Among them, the plane will be parked again in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for rest and refueling.

   But that was tomorrow morning, and Kim Hyun-tae didn't pay much attention to it.

At this moment, the lights in Los Angeles are already shining. Kim Hyun Tae’s housekeeper Andrew is at the orphanage on Laguna Beach at this time, accompanied by Selena, Audrey and Zoe. Enjoying a great dinner.

   Dream Castle is built with a very spacious and bright restaurant, which can provide all the children living here with a dining space.

   At the moment, in this dream castle built by Kim Hyun-tae, only a few dozen children from San Juan live here, so dozens of children eat together, and the restaurant in the dream castle can easily afford it.

   "Thank the merciful Lord for giving us food. The Virgin Mary is on the top. May your face shine on the world forever and keep us away from evil and disease, Amen."

   In front of the long dining table, a little nun who looks very young, even underage, is leading her children to pray before dinner.

   As her voice landed, the children on both sides of the long dining table all echoed in unison with an ‘Amen’, and the dinner was officially started.

   The children are very quiet, not so noisy.

  Perhaps this has something to do with the children's life experience in San Juan Monastery.

Andrew was sitting on the left hand of the little nun. He kept smiling at the children eating quietly, thinking in his heart: "These children can be the helpers of the young masters in the future. With them, as long as they are trained well, It also saves me what kind of genetic people have been cultivated."

   Dare to love now Andrew looks at the children. This idea came up unexpectedly.

   "Sister Mary, God's face cannot shine on these children, and now only our young master can shine on these children. I think you need to keep this in mind at all times."

   Andrew is very dismissive of the faith of the people on earth.

   In the view of the Namekians, maybe the so-called "God" is a thing that aliens from a certain planet visit the earth, and they only have such a thing after being seen by primitive earth people.

   What's more, the technology level of the people on earth is so low that it can't even reach the rating level of the Great Alliance. So how can Andrew, the belief in earth civilization, take it seriously?

   It was a normal reaction for him to dismiss it.

   But Andrew's words, in the eyes of this little nun with the same name as the Virgin, are a bit disrespectful.

   But the little nun’s personality is very good, and she did not act very fiercely because of Andrew’s words, but she was so gentle and gentle.

   Just watched her smile at Andrew, and then said softly: "Maybe William is the angel the Lord has given to the children. It's not necessarily true. Who can guarantee that it is not? The Lord's power is everywhere."

   Andrew curled his lips when he heard the words. I was full of disdain.

   But he is not as familiar with the little earth girl.

   "There is no need to argue about this issue. The young master asked me to come here mainly to see if the children are doing well, and if there is anything else you need, let me know if there is any, and then I will solve it for you."

   Andrew did not struggle with the little nun Maria on the issue of faith, but told her what he came for.


   What's wrong, I actually got a little nun here in the orphanage. Is this a rhythm to brainwash the children?

   Andrew didn't like it very much.

   But after all, Kim Hyun-tae agreed, so Andrew couldn’t say anything.

   But it just doesn't like this little nun.

   Actually, things are not what Andrew thought.

   At first, the reason for arranging such a little nun to come over was mainly for the sake of these children. In order to let him (her) have a sustenance in their hearts.

   It is with such a problem in mind that Jin Xiantai agreed to the San Juan’s grandmothers who have placed such a small nun on the side of the welfare home he built.

   has her existence after all. When children are confused, they will use little nuns to solve some of their mental distress and needs.

   You need to know that Americans in different time and space are similar to Kim Hyun-tae’s original time and space, and they are still very pious to'God.

   Besides, these children have been living in San Juan for many years, and they have also accepted a lot of things in this area.

   The little guys sitting not far away seem to be eating quietly. Among them, the big one-eyed Hulk winked at the opposite Selena, and then whispered to her: "I think this old man is right. God is the old man. We are thanks to William and that God. There is nothing to do with a dime."

   Selena rolled her eyes: "Eat your meal. There are so many words. Be careful after being heard by Sister Maria, I will arrest you and pray 500 times."

   Hulk shrank his neck, then continued to eat.

   "The children are living pretty well. They are all going to school when they are old, and the younger ones also live carefree here. In terms of material, William has already given sufficient protection. We have no needs."

   The little Sister Maria looked indifferent, and Andrew looked very upset.

   is unhappy and unhappy, he still has to complete Kim Hyun Tae's request.

   And you said there is no trouble, then there is really nothing?

   This is not necessarily true.

   "It seems that I am asking you for nothing. I should ask the children."

  After Andrew rolled his eyes to Maria, he stood up and left his seat, walking around behind the children.

Suddenly he stopped behind a little girl, then leaned down with a smile, and asked in a very kind tone: "Is there anything in life here that makes you dissatisfied? If so, tell me. I will Try to solve it for you as much as possible. I think it won’t be as Sister Maria said. Are you really troubled at all?"

   The little girl who was questioned by Andrew. It is Audrey who is lovely and sweet.

   She didn't answer Andrew's inquiry immediately, but looked at her friends, such as Selena and Hulk. And Zoe who is'not dealing' with himself.

   "It's very good here. Brother William has arranged everything. I don't think there is any dissatisfaction."

   "Have you gone to school?" Andrew continued to ask.

   Audrey nodded: "Go to school, Laguna Town College. This year is 6 years old."

  Received an answer from Audley, Andry continued to ask: "Is anyone bullying you at school?"

   At this time, Audrey's answer was not so happy, and the expression on her little face changed a little, and she could see that there must be some problems on the school.

   And Audrey's reaction was all seen in Andrew's eyes, so he also guessed some possibilities.

   At this time, Andrew did not persecute Audrey, because he knew that this matter needed Audrey to be willing to say it.

Fortunately, Audrey did not let it down. After a while, she nodded and said: "There are some bad kids in the class. They always laugh at me for not having a father or a mother. They say that I am a child no one wants, and will join other kids together. bully me."

   This is the first time Audrey has spoken out. She had never mentioned it before, so even Selena didn't know that such a thing happened.

   So when Audrey said this, her and Hulk's eyes became wrong.

   Especially Hulk, the one-eyed dragon. His only one-eyed eye began to flash with a vicious luster that was not suitable for his age.

   Speaking of it, Audrey is unwilling to tell the secret, because she knows very well that once she tells everyone what happened to her, then her brothers and sisters will stand up for themselves and teach the children who bullied themselves.

   may affect everyone in the end.

   So she would rather take it on herself silently, and don't want everyone to have any accidents because of her. Even trouble.

   After all, life is hard-won now, she cherishes it very much.

   I don’t want everyone to enjoy such a peaceful, happy and warm life for myself.

   Speaking of it, Andrew still slightly used his talent, which affected Audrey's thinking. Let her tell this little encounter.

   Otherwise, how could Audrey, who had made up his mind and didn't want to talk, exposed the matter at this time.

   and affect a little girl's thinking, this is not too easy for Andrew, it is his racial talent.

   Andrew looked around for a while, and then said: "Like what happened to this little girl. Who else has happened to it?"

   After a while, a few children started to speak up. There are about seven or eight children, and most of them are girls.

   It can also be seen from this that girls are relatively disadvantaged.

   On the contrary, One-eyed Hulk also went to school in Laguna Beach Town, but he did not encounter this situation. Perhaps it has nothing to do with his fierce appearance, no one dared to provoke him.

   "Okay, I know about this, and I will deal with it early tomorrow morning."

   Andrew took this matter to heart and decided to solve this problem for the children.

But at this time Hulk left his seat and came to Audrey’s side, and asked her in a low voice: "Why don’t you tell me and Selena when something like this happened? Don’t you understand that I and Celine? Can Na solve it for you? It's just some spoiled little shit, I can beat them a few times to make them honest."

Hearing what Hulk said, Audrey responded weakly: "I was afraid that you would do this, so I didn't tell everyone, because if you hit someone, the problem will become very complicated. It affects everyone and yourself. After all, we are all children without parents. What if the people here want to drive us away?"

   Audrey’s worries are not unreasonable.

   If the children in the orphanage cause trouble, they may be driven out by the residents of the town. If such a problem arises, the children in the entire orphanage will be unlucky.

   The life here now makes the children happy. Audrey didn't want to make the big guys encounter such trouble because of herself, so she decided to bear everything silently.

"Those guys are bullying and fearing hard work. Don't you know the truth? Tell me who bullied you. I will avenge you tomorrow! Don't let Hulk come forward." At this time, Zoe sat beside Audrey. , Interjected and said to Audrey.

   Don't look at Zoe and Audrey always quarrel, but at this critical moment. She would still choose to stand on Audrey's side.

   After all, everyone is a child in an orphanage, and it doesn't matter what they do or play, but outsiders have to have the same gunpoint.

   Otherwise, at the place in San Juan, these children were not bullied to death.

   Andrew listened attentively to the children's whispered communication, with a smile that everyone didn't understand.

   [Not bad! Not bad! Heavy feelings. This is a good thing. It seems that my plan to train these children to assist the young master in the future should not be a problem. 】

Immediately, Andrew took out a box of medicaments from his pocket, and then began to distribute them to the children, and said to the children: "There has been an epidemic in the Los Angeles area recently. In order to prevent it, the master specially ordered a batch of medicaments. ..."

【Ugh! I'm afraid you can't afford too much improvement, so you can only use the most garbage technology and the most garbage method. Come and let you have some changes. 】

   The children were convinced of Andrew's words. After all, Andrew raised the banner of Kim Hyun Tae, so the children began to receive the pills from Andrew one after another.

   Even some children with disabilities, Andrew treats them equally and does not treat them differently.

Hulk came over at this time, stared at Andrew with his only eye for a long time, and then asked him: "Butler, Audrey, I hope you can let us solve it by ourselves. Seriously, I I don't want this to be settled by you, William can understand me."


   Andri looked at the one-eyed Hulk, his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

  【Although it scared one eye. But the physical fitness is very good, and it is still possible to be a thug in the future. 】

  Hulk didn't know that he was being spotted by some unscrupulous person, and his life began to deviate, and his dream of being a chef was completely finished at this moment.

   "No problem! You can solve it yourself. But I have to stare in the dark. If you can't figure it out, I need to come forward."

  Hulk's request Andrew agreed, but he also had a small request.

   Hulk did not refuse this small request.

   For Hulk, it's not a matter of getting a handful of kiddies in Laguna Beach Town.

  It is said that in San Juan, where the gangs are rampant, he can even get mixed up. Wouldn’t it be possible to deal with some spoiled little kids here?

   Anyway, Hulk doesn't believe that he is injustice to those little **** kids.

   "Don't worry, it won't be difficult for you!"

   Hulk nodded heavily at Andrew.

   Los Angeles Beverly Hills Shopping Street

   Qiao Ann led the service department, surrounded by seven or eight bodyguards, and left an Italian steakhouse with a confident smile on her face.

   Just now, she finally settled the prodigal sons of the Monte family, officially took the theater shares in their hands, and completed the delivery with them.

   It can be said that from this moment on, the theater of the Monte family has officially belonged to CNN Media Entertainment Group and owned by Jin Xiantai.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who has mastered more than 18,000 theaters in total, and almost 19,000 theaters, suddenly became one of the ten largest theater chains in the United States.

   That's why Qiao Ann is so breezy, walking with a breezy style.

   Five major film and television companies squeeze?


   These are all jokes now!

   With the theater chain composed of nearly 19,000 theaters, Kim Hyun-tae can now play his own, and he does not need to care about the five major film companies.


   The secretary behind Qiao An's cell phone rang.

   The secretary quickly picked up the phone and asked a few quietly, then handed the phone to Qiao An.

   Now Qiao An is the CEO of CNN Media and Entertainment Group, so she is also very popular when she goes out and follows a lot of people.

"what's up?"

   picked up the phone without asking who it was.

  Because they can call her secretary's cell phone, most of them are the senior members of the company.

   A man over the phone said: "Warner Corporation refused our request and did not want to release a single for Huini."

   Huini Houston, the black girl who met Kim Hyun Tae in the nightclub, is now preparing to launch her as a singer.

   But what I didn't expect was that Warner Records actually refused to cooperate, and didn't even give it a chance.

   "Didn't you say the reason?"

   Qiao Ann's expression did not waver.

   "Warner didn't say the reason, but I got news from this side that Warner was in contact with Hui Ni in private, as if he was going to poach a corner."

   At this time, the corners of Qiao An's mouth were slightly tilted, revealing a cold smile.

   "What kind of attitude is Huini?"

   This is obviously digging the foot of the wall, it is impossible for Qiao Ann to fail to see it.

   Obviously, Warner saw Huini’s potential to become a star, so he came up with such a nasty trick~lightnovelpub.net~ but Qiao An has a way to deal with it.

   Now the main thing is to see what kind of attitude Huini, a black girl, is.

   Is she worth the company's contribution to her? This time is a test.

   The man on the phone heard the words and replied: "Hui Ni was cold to the olive branch Warner threw out. Even if Warner threatened her, this child did not compromise, but she said to me that she hoped to have an interview with BOSS William."

   Joe Ann narrowed his eyes.

   Huini wants to see William?

   Qiao Ann showed a sly smile, as if she had thought of something.

   "Okay, I know about this, you can arrange it, I will meet this girl first, and then talk about it and make a decision."

   To be honest, Qiao Ann has been in contact with Hui Ni, and Qiao Ann can also see that it looks like Hui Ni, a black girl, has such pink delusions about her little BOSS...


   Black Pearl?

   Qiao Ann stuck out the tip of his pink tongue a little wretchedly and licked his lips.

   You said that she, a big beauty who is small and cute, and has a superb body, can make such a wretched expression. It really makes people feel speechless.

   Of course, who made her a lace edge. (To be continued.)