Rising America

Chapter 331: Is he writing novels?

   "Demi, why are you in a daze? Could it be that you were thinking about a boy writing a love letter to you yesterday?"

   Just when Jin Xiantai accompanied the old George, and was about to stop for the second time to refuel, Demi, who was far away in Tokyo, was in a daze looking at the cherry blossom trees blooming outside the window.

   Demi’s tablemate is a little girl with long black hair that resembles a shrine maiden in Japanese manga. At this moment, she is looking at Demi with a gossip expression.

   "It has nothing to do with that, I am thinking about something else."

   denied that it was related to yesterday's love letter incident. Of course Demi would not admit it, not to mention that she was really not interested in those ‘little boys’.

  As a transfer student, or a transfer student from the USA, Demi goes to school in this women's high school near the US Navy Port in Yokohama, and has attracted the attention of boys from several nearby male high schools.

  Blond hair and fair skin are still very attractive to Japanese children.

   I don’t know if it’s because Japan, in a different time and space, was caught by American ghosts during World War II, which caused their distorted psychology.

   In short, Japanese people are very fond of European and American girls with blonde hair and fair skin. This can also be seen in the comics.

   Of course, this question will be a bit longer if we continue to explore it.

   So the topic stops here, let's return to real problems.

   Demi is studying at Sakura Women's College, but every day she receives one or two confession letters from her admirers, and she doesn't know how these guys do it.

   After all, Demi is in a women’s high school.

   But for these confessions, Demi has no interest at all.

   First of all, these guys are incomparable to Kim Hyun Tae. In terms of their handsomeness, Kim Hyun Tae threw them to Mars.

   So, how could Demi, who values ​​her appearance, be moved by these Japanese dwarfs.

   But Demi's indifferent, even somewhat cold-hearted mannerism, on the contrary aroused the enthusiasm of the boys in several nearby boys' colleges.

  Of course, among these boys. It's unclear whether someone really likes Demi, or just wants to find a European and American girl like her to have face, or simply wants to sleep.

   But anyway. It is also true that Demi has a lot of suitors now.

   It's a pity, Demi himself, but he doesn't bother about it.

   Demi’s tablemate, the girl who looks like a shrine maiden in the manga, is named Morita Ayumi. And her family really runs a small community shrine.

   After Demi transferred to school, he and Morita Ayumi could talk very well, and they were still at the same table, so the two became good friends.

   However, as the relationship deepened, Demi found that Morita was a very gossip girl, and she also liked heavy-tasting things.

   But thinking of the strange characteristics of the Japanese, Demi didn't take it to heart, and quickly became relieved.

   Isn’t that, yesterday’s confession letter once again set Morita ablaze with gossip.

   "Impossible. Isn't it the boy who wrote you a confession letter yesterday, in fact, you are also a little moved with him? Otherwise, how could you be in a daze? According to my experience, you must have feelings for boys, right?"

   Morita Ayumi didn't believe Demi's words, and stubbornly believed that Demi was moved by a certain confessor.

   Seeing Morita Ayumi's probing look, Demi was a little bit dumbfounded.

   "Everyone said that's not the case, but unfortunately you don't believe it. Please use the small brain to think about it. How is this possible? In fact, I already had a boy I like when I was in America."


   Demi turned out to be a fan.

   Morita Ayumi's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered a new world.

   "What kind of boy is it?"

   finished asking. Before Demi could respond, Morita raised his hand and made a forbidden gesture, and then said to himself: "Please don't tell me, let me speculate if it's right. You know that my family runs a shrine, So I have a strong sixth and seventh sense."

   For her good friend in Japan, Demi really wanted to use a Chinese vocabulary she learned from Kim Hyun Tae, which is ‘fun bi’.

  Of course, there are quite a few children with such a personality in the United States, so Demi didn't think there was anything unacceptable.

   Even she herself sometimes amuses.

   "He is a boy with blond curly hair. His smile looks very sunny and bright. When bathed in his smile, the girl's heart will be melted away. He is very graceful, like a modern prince..."


   Is this the after-effects of the after-effects of the girly manga?

   Seeing that he fell into his own fantasy and showed a good friend who looked like a nymphomaniac, Demi's forehead was covered with black lines.

  Because the description used by this friend basically meets the standards of girl manga.

   "Hey! Are you using the standards of girl manga?"

   Demi drooped his eyes and interrupted Morita Ayumi's fantasy.

   "Well, isn't it? In my impression, American boys are like this."

   Morita, who was interrupted by the fantasy, was not angry, but looked at Demi curiously, with a trace of doubt on his face.

   Because from Demi’s expression, it doesn’t look like this.

【what! Do you know there are many fat people in the United States! ? 】

   Demi murmured silently in his heart.

   But for Morita Ayumi's fantasy evaluations, most of them are still recognized by Demi.

   For example, a smile is shining brightly in the sun, and you look at someone’s smile as if you are melting away.


   is more mature than his peers.

   Well, there is indeed such a performance on Kim Hyun Tae.

"Many of the authors of girl manga are actually unshaven manga, you know? I didn’t know it before, but since I came to Japan, I have understood everything, so I would rather watch other kinds of manga in the future. Don't read girl comics anymore."

   Demi hit Morita a bit.

   Morita didn't mind at all, it shows that the Japanese girl has a really good personality.

   "Hehe! The middle-aged uncle can also have a girlish heart. We have to be more tolerant of this. Demi, you are too stubborn."

   Morita heard Demi say this and responded with a hippie smile.

  Well, Japanese people are very strange in their personalities and ideas, so I don’t take this too seriously.

   Demi was silent about this.

   This class is a self-study class, so everyone can do something on their own without worrying about what the teacher will say.

   So, Morita and Demi can chat without scruples.

   "Then what kind of boy do you like?"

   Morita did not give up, and continued to ask.

   "There is a good boy, at least in my opinion, he is better than boys of the same age in the world."

   When it comes to Kim Hyun Tae, Demi's face bloomed with a strange luster, making Morita Ayumi on the side stunned and couldn't help laughing in surprise.

"Hahaha! Demi, you are right, but it seems that in every girl's point of view, the boy she likes is the best in the world. It's really unexpected that the boys from the nearby boys' college commented on the goddess of iceberg You actually have such a side. I really want to see those boys. It must be fun to see you react like this."

   I made up for the fantasy picture, and Morita Ayumi fell into it again.

   Demi is also speechless for this Japanese friend who likes to open his mind.

   "I'm serious, not kidding."

   "Any picture of him?"

   After very serious thinking, Demi took out her mobile phone, then logged into her Facebook Twitter account, and found out a selfie photo of herself and Kim Hyun Tae during their trip in Yellowstone Park.

   "This is the boy I like, but for the time being I haven't confessed success, but I will continue to work hard to get him to accept me."

   When handing the mobile phone to Ayumi Morita, Demi did not forget to clarify the fact that until now, she was unrequited love.

   After receiving the mobile phone Demi handed over, Ayumi Morita widened her eyes when she heard the facts Demi had told her, with a very surprised expression.


   Demi is still in unrequited love.

   lowered his head and looked at the photos displayed on the phone screen.


   The boy in the photo looks familiar.

   Seeing the photo displayed on the phone screen, Ayumi Morita had a very familiar feeling in an instant, but for a moment she couldn't remember who the boy in the photo was, but she was pretty sure that she knew who the boy was.

After a while, Morita Ayumi exclaimed a little, and then quickly grabbed Demi's arm~lightnovelpub.net~ The whole person looked at Demi with excitement and asked: "This is William King, right? The William King who wrote "The Collection of William's Fairy Tales"?"

   Seeing my good friend in Japan so excited, and also asked about the fairy tale created by Kim Hyun Tae (cottage), Demi is very happy.

   nodded: "Yes, it is him. He used to be my neighbor and lived next to my house, but now he has moved to Beverly Hills, and I also came to Japan with my father."

   "Hmm! He turned out to be your neighbor, which is really enviable." Ayumi Morita looked envied.

   "What is enviable, that guy is just a wood, and he is very slow to respond." Demi couldn't help but vomit when thinking of the time and days when he and Jin Xiantai were in contact.

   "Have you confessed to him?"

   Morita Ayumi asked.

   Demi nodded, there is nothing bad to admit.

   "I confessed, but he didn't accept it."

Morita Ayumi had a pity expression on her face: "It's a pity, but if it's me, I won't confess, I just took off my clothes and cooked mature rice with his raw rice." After that, Morita Ayumi couldn't bear it. Zhuan's face blushed, and he kept laughing while raising his hand to cover his mouth.

   Demi rolls his eyes: "You are a slut-mouthed person. If you don't know your personality, you really think how bold you are." (To be continued.)