Rising America

Chapter 341: Don't worry, leave it to me

The news of old George made Annie feel uneasy in her heart, thinking about the strange experience of her family’s relatives, and some speculations between herself and the old housekeeper, the Yasuda family that gradually surfaced, and the Soviet Union's Morozov. People, obviously, are behind the successive unpredictable encounters of members of the Whiston family.

Originally, Annie planned to give birth to the baby and wait for the baby to grow up a bit, and when everyone thought she was still in the dark, she was slowly coming for revenge, but she did not expect that Kim Hyun-tae would actually be with the Yasuda family. Involved something complicated.

   Just from the fact that the Yasuda family and the Soviets were able to target the members of the Whiston family, Annie did not dare to guarantee that Jin Xiantai would not be in any danger.

   That's why she became so nervous and restless.

The old George on the other end of the phone can hear Anne’s anxiety and anxiety even through the phone, so he can only comfort him: "Don’t be so nervous, things may not be as bad as you think, and since I’m I have received relevant information, so I will definitely not let this happen, not to mention that I am here in Japan, so you can rest assured."

Watching Anne grow up and maintain a good relationship with the Whiston family. Old George, who knows Anne very well, realizes that Anne is close to Kim Hyun Tae. The original strong woman seems to have disappeared. It is the same sentimentality as an ordinary woman, and she can't keep her head clear when encountering problems.

   Changing to the former Annie, even if she encountered such a thing, she would be calm and calm when she thought about it, but look at her now.

   Old George felt speechless and helpless, but also a little funny.

   But old George would also like to see such a change in Annie. After all, Annie is a woman. In the old George's stereotyped concept, strong women are still not very good. When he reaches his age, he will get married and have children. He will have a man he likes. This is the best destination for women.

   I hope she can be happy.

   Old George sighed silently in his heart.

   "Uncle George, you have to ensure William's safety anyway. Please promise me that you must not let him be harmed."

  Because she is in New York, what Annie can do is now only'begging' old George to make a guarantee that Jin Xiantai will not be in danger.

Old George sighed, and then said: "Don't worry, I promise you won't hurt him. Uncle George absolutely promises this. Don't get excited or nervous. I don't want your two children to lose their father. Besides, William is also a young man I value. In the future, I will train him well, so how can he be injured in danger?"

  Old George made a promise here, and Annie finally felt a little relieved.

   After all, Annie can still trust Old George's guarantee.

   "Thank you Uncle George, I can provide some information about the Yasuda family. At the same time, I can also tell you some investigation information about the death of my family's relatives that I have been investigating here."

   Now that she has received the promise of old George, Annie herself has recovered a little sober mind, so she intends to keep some things that she has not told old George. Now I have told him about it, including his own investigation information on the death of his family's relatives, and his guessed connection with the Yasuda family, as well as the Soviet Union Morozov.

   Old George sat in the car with a serious expression. Quietly listening to Annie's words on the phone, at the same time her mind turned quickly, and she began to think about how to solve this dangerous ‘danger’.

   The Yasuda family, one of the six largest chaebols in Japan. It was actually implicated with Morozov, the second generation of Soviet power, and judging from Anne's recount, George old can even think that the two sides are still deeply implicated, maybe even the alliance is not necessarily.

   As for Morozov, old George has some impressions, but he doesn't know much.

The reason why I have an impression of Morozov is because of his father Alexander El Morozov. Otherwise, why should old George care about such a dull second generation of Soviet power? .

After all, Morozov’s father, Alexander El Morozov, according to the intelligence of the US intelligence agency in West Germany, shows that the other party has been competent for the director of the Soviet intelligence agency in East Germany, and is mainly responsible for intelligence work in Europe. Level character.

   For such a person, of course Old George would care about the other party's information, and he might even have seen some of the other party's information.

   As the son of Alexander El Morozov, the little Morozov may have left such a little memory in the impression of old George, which made him feel familiar and not so strange.

   Therefore, compared with the Yasuda family, Old George believed that this little Morozov was a person who needed more attention.

   On the contrary, it is easy for the Yasuda family to deal with it.

   Japanese chaebol!


   What a big name.

   As the "grandson" generation of the Japanese chaebol in the United States, doesn't it depend on the face of the "grandfather" of the United States.

   In an instant, old George made a decision in his heart.

   First play with the Yasuda family, and then play with that little Morozov, the old George who belongs to the radical camp, but he doesn't care about so much so-called international influence.

  Furthermore, Old George didn't plan to use conventional methods, he followed the dark and wretched routes and methods.

   Isn’t it the same with the Soviets?

   As long as you do it more secretly, people who want to come to the Soviet Union won't find it on them.

   What's more, even if it is found, I am in the United States and I am not convinced to fight!

   "Help me ask the Strategic Investigation Department stationed in News, and ask them to sort out information about the little Morozov for me, and then send it to me as soon as possible.

   After finishing the conversation with Annie, Old George immediately ordered his secretary.

   The secretary nodded, and then made a call to the US intelligence agency in Tokyo, under the name ‘Asian Strategic Research Department’, and explained the matter.

Leaning his body on the soft and comfortable backrest, Old George closed his eyes, secretly feeling "Anne is too strong, she should have told me this thing earlier, she actually wants revenge on her own It shouldn't. ].

   During the call just now, what Annie revealed was something that Old George had never expected.

   Although he also felt that there was a trace of intriguing behind the death of a member of the Whiston family, he did not think too deeply.

   Listening to Anne's words, Old George only woke up, knowing that there is a hidden secret behind this, and the hidden secret is still very big.

   Although what Annie said is very simple, Morozov and the Yasuda family are seeking to seize the banking industry of the Whiston family.

   But Old George didn't think so.

   He felt that this behavior of Morozov and the Yasuda family must have a deeper meaning behind it.

   Is it possible that the playboy-like Morozov was just to marry Anne and then launder money as her husband? There may be such a possibility, but this can only be one of the reasons.

   At least in Old George’s inference, this is definitely the case.

   Soviet greed is true, but they are also very smart.

   Otherwise, it would not have been pressing the United States during the Cold War.

  Of course, this is also related to the national policy of the United States, but the Soviets are not stupid.

   Not to mention, it also joined a Yasuda family.

   "The Yasuda family? Humph!" The old George who closed his eyes and thought deeply showed a sneer, obviously he was very upset with the Yasuda family.

   "Contact William and ask him to rush back to the hotel immediately, saying that I am looking for him in a hurry."

   Thinking that I had already received information on this side, then allowing William to act freely would become very dangerous.

   Based on this consideration, Old George decided that it would be safest to take Jin Xiantai around at any time from this moment.

   I have to say that in this time and space, Jin Xiantai was able to meet Annie and get the approval of the old George, which is really a blessing for him.

   At least it can be seen from the attitude of old George to him, the importance of old George is definitely not false.

   Otherwise, the old George can completely let Kim Hyun Tae leave without worrying about whether he is safe or not.

   And even if Old George did this, it would be understandable.

  The opportunities in life are sometimes so wonderful, but the old George looked at Kim Hyun-tae. You said this is a good thing.

   There is excuse for Annie, after all, Annie was affected by mysterious energy.

   As for the old George and Kim Hyun Tae, they had to use the ‘wonderful destiny’ to explain.

------split line------

   "Wow! There are so many beautiful clothes here."

   On Harajuku Commercial Street, Kim Hyun-tae is walking around with his maid Camilla and Hill belt~lightnovelpub.net~, his daughter Coco and Demi.

   Every time you pass the door of a shop, Coco will be surprised.

  It’s not to say how luxurious the shops in Harajuku Commercial Street are, but it’s just the first time for Little Coco to visit such a commercial street. Although Coco has also visited Beverly Shopping Street, the two places are completely different in style.

  The style of Harajuku Commercial Street is very much in line with the taste of Cocoa.

   Demi holds Coco with a smile on her face, every time she meets Coco.

   "These clothes are very kawaii, right, but unfortunately they can't be worn now. These are worn by older girls, but they are a little too young."

  The shops in Harajuku Commercial Street sell cute, cute, and kawaii clothing, and most of them are women’s clothing.

   So Demi’s description is correct.

   "Looking for a children's clothing store, cocoa depends on the children's clothing store."

   Hearing Demi's words like this, Coco suddenly became a little unhappy, and pouted a small mouth, waved Demi, and asked her to take herself to the children's clothing store.


   Behind Demi who was holding his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae, who had been watching them with a smile, suddenly felt the phone in his pants pocket vibrate, and then he took out the phone and looked at the number displayed on the screen.

   At the same time, he is also very strange, who calls to find himself at this time... (To be continued.)