Rising America

Chapter 342: Andrew's ‘goodwill’

In Laguna Beach Town, in an alley outside the town’s public elementary school, several young boys with freckles on their faces are blocked here. They are tall and sturdy and have one eye blind. They look very vicious. Ke looked at the boys with a bad face, and pinched the joints of his fingers. Click it! ’Boom.

   Hulk’s behavior and unkind eyes made the boys who were stuck in the alley terrified, and one of them even trembled.

   "You guys bullied our sister Audrey? I heard that you still told others that she is a bastard, a child that no one wants, right?"

   Every time Hulk said something, the faces of the boys opposite him darkened a bit. By this time they didn't understand what happened, then they were really idiots.


  Hulk walked into one of the boys, and unexpectedly punched the other boy in the stomach. He immediately squatted down, vomiting and vomiting.

   glanced contemptuously at the boy, Hulk averted his gaze and looked at the other boys who were already crying.

"You guys who are deflated, obviously don’t know how good our San Juan children are. Tell you, Lao Tzu is from the 36th Street Gang of San Juan. Today I’m just teaching you, and I don’t want to really care about you , If there is another time, then I will find you with a gun."

   Hulk opened his mouth and made up a gang identity and made up the name of a so-called ‘36th Street’ gang to bluff the boys in front of him.

   But actually, Hulk is a fart gang member.

   Although during the San Juan Convent, he and some children would deal with gang members, but neither he nor other children actually joined the gang.

  Of course, the children who left the monastery went astray in order to live a lot, but for the children who still live in the monastery, they would not join the gang yet.

   The environment in San Juan is chaotic. It is a well-known gang area in Los Angeles, so Hulk, who has been intrigued by his ears, also knows the names of many gangs, so it is used to frighten these Laguna children. There is no difficulty for Hulk.

   But Laguna’s children still eat this set.

   "We were wrong, we were really wrong, this kind of thing will never happen again, please let us go.". Hulk's performance is very deterrent, and the punch he hit just now really shocked these little kids.

   Isn’t that right? A few boys tremblingly took out a crumpled one-dollar bill from their pocket and handed it over. Obviously, this meant paying a protection fee.

   Unfortunately, Hulk didn't even look at the crumpled banknote.

   "Remember what I said today."

   After shaking his fist, Hulk turned and left the alley.

At the entrance of   , Jin Xiantai's butler Andrew looked at Hulk who came by with a smile.

"that's it?"

Hulk nodded: "They are all children. They can't be too real with them, but after this time, they will understand that it is impossible to be muddled. And I can't do too much, in order to avoid the extremes of things. "

Hulk is very experienced in dealing with such matters. After all, when living in San Juan, some children will be bullied at school, so older children like Hulk need to come forward to solve it. Up.

   Therefore, dealing with these little kids in Laguna Beach Town is not too easy in Hulk's opinion.

  The gang-ridden area like San Juan. They can all handle it, not to mention the pampered greenhouse flowers in Laguna Beach Town.

   "Not bad, it looks like you are so stupid and crude, you are quite delicate in your mind." Andrew is very satisfied with Hulk's approach and consideration.

   "How is William's life now? Intellectual property cases did not affect him much, right?"

Hulk walked out of the alley and walked side by side with Andrew towards the beach, because he still had a temporary part-time job where he distributed flyers for a steak house on the beach for people who came to play. It cost $12 an hour. salary.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae built a home for the children, and there is nothing missing. But older children like Hulk still use their free time to work part-time and earn pocket money for themselves.

   "This matter has been resolved, and the other party was defeated. With this case, Master William made the other party pay the cnn TV station. Now Master William has become the owner of cnn."

   "Wow! Isn't William a media tycoon?"

   Hearing what Andrew said, Hulk was surprised, and at the same time he felt happy for Kim Hyun Tae.

   "Media tycoons can't talk about it, after all, cnn is not the largest media in the United States."

   Andrew was a little humble for Kim Hyun Tae.

   "It's amazing. We can't catch up with Brother William's grades in our entire lives. It's really frustrating to think about it."

  Hulk said such a sentence very casually.

   Of course, Hulk is really just saying it casually, but there is no other meaning, or he was hit.

   For what Jin Xiantai has now, Hulk and the other children are sincerely happy and happy for him. No one will be jealous of him.

   It can be said that this is rare.

Andrew smiled at Hulk upon hearing the words: "Everyone has their own destiny trajectory, and their future position in society. Master William may be a top-level person, but he also needs some Helper, the help of some trustworthy people can do it. Only by relying on his own words, even if he has some luck, his luck will run out."

After listening to Andrew's words, Hulk nodded in agreement, and then said with deep feeling: "Society is very realistic and cruel. Our children from San Juan have long understood this truth. Knowledge from some time ago The property rights infringement case is like this. If Big Brother William has a strong network and trustworthy staff, how could he fall into such a situation and be bullied by the Japanese into that way."

Andrew was waiting for Hulk’s words, so when Hulk said the words he had been waiting for, Andrew said: "If you can, you can help the young master in the future, at least let him not So lonely."

   Hulk heard the words and thought about it, and shook his head somewhat dejectedly.

   "I also want to be able to help William, but I know my own pros and cons. How can I help William if I am illiterate and clever. By that time, it will be the best return for him not to trouble him."

   can recognize their own strengths and weaknesses. This already shows that Hulk is not a fool, but a smart boy.

   So Hulk is still a place to go.

   As for what he said he is uneducated, is it difficult for Andrew to solve it?


   "Actually, I have a good suggestion that you can join the army after you graduate. I heard that Master William might go to West Point Military Academy after graduating from high school. So if you join the army, maybe it will be helpful to Master William."

   "Join the army?"

  Hulk thought about it seriously.

   I have to say, Andrew's proposal is still very exciting.

   For children like Hulk, joining the army in the future might be a way out.

   You need to know that when young Americans join the army in different time and space, they can get a settlement of about 30,000 US dollars. At the same time, after joining the army, as a low-level soldier, they can also get 900-1200 US dollars a month.

   As long as he has enough years of service and holds tens of thousands of dollars in his hand, he can make a small business or something after he retires.

   Not to mention that after persuasion, you can still get a lot of social welfare benefits. So joining the army is really fascinating, and that's why Hulk is a little moved.

"I just said casually, but I didn't really ask you to join the army. In fact, if you follow this line of thought, you can even participate in the CIA agent examination. Depending on your background, I think whether you are joining the army or taking the CIA exam. , Basically there will be no problems with the review."

   Andrew told his real plan, Hulk also seriously considered the feasibility after listening.

   Hulk’s dream is to open a restaurant, but if it is for William’s boss, it is not impossible for him to give up his dream.

   This is the perseverance and belief that San Juan children can have.

"I hope to participate in the assessment of agents more than joining the army. I have discovered William’s weaknesses in the intellectual property infringement case. If I can enter the CIA, maybe William will not have any shortcomings in this area in the future, and I can also use personal The authority. Solve and avoid some troubles for William Boss."

   Andrew smiled, he was very happy.

   This is what he hopes. Children like Hulk are very familiar with Kim Hyun Tae. Once they gain some power in the future, this will be very helpful to Kim Hyun Tae.

"If you really have such an idea, I can pave the way for you. You can even discuss with the rest of the children. If they want, they can also take this path. Anyway, it is better than you being ordinary people. many."

   Andrew, this is to pull the children into the water.

   But Hulk did not refuse this suggestion.

  Because Hulk thought that if the children can enter the CIA, then the San Juan children will have a lot of strength if they unite in the future.

   So he was a little excited by this suggestion.

   But does the CIA get in if you say it?

Seeing Hulk’s worried expression, Andrew guessed what he was thinking, so he comforted him: "Don’t think about it so much, leave it to me, and Master will take care of it. In fact, Master doesn’t want you to have a better one. The way out. Besides, the young master has a good relationship with Vice President George. This should be fine.

   So for you now, the most important thing is to study hard. A smooth high school graduation is the most serious thing. "

   Andrew raised the banner of Kim Hyun Tae, making Hulk a lot firmer.

"I will ask Selena and the others in the evening, and I will try my best to tell them the benefits of this matter and the possible benefits to William Boss in the future. So I think Selena should not refuse this. The road of development."

   Thinking of Selena’s feelings for William Boss, Hulk thought Selena would definitely support this.

   And when Hulk mentioned Selena, Andrew asked gossiping: "Does Selena like our Master William?"

  Hulk nodded without concealing this, and admitted Andrew's guess.

   "Secret love! I have never dared to confess to Boss William. In fact, she is a very shy and timid person~lightnovelpub.net~ is far from being as strong as she has shown."

   Hulk still has a say in this.

   After all, he, "Kim Hyun Tae" and Selena grew up and lived together, so how could he not understand this.

Andrew said to Hulk slyly: "You have to persuade this girl Selena, let her have the courage to confess to our young master, because if she is still so timid and hesitant, maybe the young master will Become another girl.

   As far as I know, although Master William has no tempted girls now, there are several girls who are pursuing our young master, so I can’t guarantee that after those girls pursue a long time, Master William will not be moved..."

   The main reason why Andrew stumbled about this was that he was bored, so bored that he wanted to see how he would deal with such a thing happened to Kim Hyun Tae.

   More importantly, Andrew will treat this kind of thing as a real soap opera.

   At least he thought it would be interesting.

   The mind of an alien elementary school student is really hard to understand.

   And Hulk heard what Andrew said, and suddenly nodded seriously: "Well! I really have to tell Selena about this, and then see what she means."

  As a child of San Juan, Hulk certainly hopes that in the end, Kim Hyun-tae can be with Selena, instead of ‘cheap’ a strange girl. (To be continued.)