Rising America

Chapter 353: Have a good time

Unlike Kim Hyun Tae's indifferent reaction, Lee Sung Chan and Lee Hyo Eun, who was standing next to Kim Hyun Tae, reacted, and they were very excited. ww.しws520.om【Phoenix\/phoenix\/Please search for quick update】

"Hello, President Kwon, I'm Lee Sung Chan from YG Artist Agency."

Bend down and bowed, and then bent down and bowed again, Kim Hyun Tae was worried that this guy's waist would not be affected.

The old man surnamed Quan just gave Li Chengcan a faint look, then nodded slightly, but did not speak at all.

Li Chengcan didn't react too much to the old man's reaction, as if he thought it was normal.

As for Lee Hyo-eun, who is wearing a traditional hanbok, she is even more panicked, as if the old man surnamed Quan is very scary.

"Hello, President Quan."

With a soft greeting, the old man didn't even pinch her.

In the eyes of the old man surnamed Quan, in the South Korean TV drama circle, Lee Hyo-eun, who is still somewhat famous, is just an actor.

It has to be said that Korea in different time and space is, to a certain extent, extreme, far surpassing the time and space South Korea experienced by Kim Hyun Tae in his previous life.

Although the reaction to Lee Sung Chan and Lee Hyo Eun was mediocre, the old man surnamed Quan was very amiable when facing Kim Hyun Tae, which surprised those who usually know his character.

"Very handsome young people, very masculine, I don't want some young people now, who always regard femininity as the male standard, not bad."

The old man spoke a compliment.

Jin Xiantai is still very confident about his own appearance.

But in the face of other people's praise, Jin Xiantai was still a little shy.

"Thank you for the compliment, your Seven Star Electronics is very famous in Korea and even the world, and all of this was created under your leadership. I am nothing compared to your courage."

The compliments are mutual, and Kim Hyun-tae also knows the truth.

You say I am handsome, then I will praise your company.


Quan Daolong laughed upon hearing this, and smiled very happily.

It can be seen that he himself is very proud of making Qixing Electronics bigger and stronger.

"Let's leave contact information with each other. I would like to have a casual meal with you when I have a chance. You are a good young man, how about?"

What else could Jin Xiantai do? He took out his business card and handed it to the other party.

A middle-aged person next to Quan Daolong respectfully accepted Jin Xiantai's business card, and then gave Quan Daolong's contact information to Jin Xiantai. Only then returned.

"That's my personal contact information. Not many people know it. Don't let it go." Quan Daolong, with a smile on his face, actually blinked at Jin Xiantai. Looks like an old naughty boy.

After speaking, Quan Daolong walked to Old George with his entourage and went to talk with Old George.

When Kwon Doyong left, the eyes of the Koreans around Kim Hyun Tae looked different, especially Lee Sung Chan and Lee Hyo Eun.

Foreigners may not know who Quan Daolong is and how much influence he has in Korea, but how can Lee Sung-chan and Lee Hyo-eun who are Koreans not know.

This is the general existence of South Korea's "Tai Sang Huang", whose revenue from the creation of "Seven Star Electronics" accounts for one-third of South Korea's GDP. Its influence can be said to be greater than that of the president, and it is the first of the top ten chaebols in South Korea.

This is similar to Samsung Electronics in South Korea in Kim Hyun Tae's previous life.

In South Korea, no one does not know the Quan family. Even the kindergarten children know how high the Quan family’s status is in Korea.

And for all Korean university graduates, the first job is to enter a company under the "Seven Star Electronics", which is more attractive to young people than to become civil servants.

And it is such a person who actually left his personal contact information for a young man from the United States. You said how can this not shock the Koreans who saw all this.

That's not an ordinary contact method, but Quan Daolong's personal contact method.

If you get this treatment as a Korean, maybe you will be excited now.

But look at Jin Xiantai, the reaction is still so light. There was no excitement and excitement at all, Quan Daolong's personal contact information card, just put it in his pocket.


What a great card for me!

This is the voice of many Koreans.

"Mr. Quan left you a personal contact number, which really surprised me."

After finally calming down the excited Li Chengcan, he just said such a sentence when he opened his mouth.

Lee Hyo-eun, who was next to Kim Hyun-tae, also echoed at this time: "Mr. Kwon has a very high status in Korea. You have to take this opportunity."

And. You Koreans regard him as a god, but why should I do this?

Kim Hyun Tae thought with disdain in his heart.

It is true that Quan Daolong is very capable, and relying on his ability to make Qixing Electronics such a big one, even Jin Xiantai, who is turned on, admires it.

But I admire him, but Kim Hyun-tae will not worship him like a Korean like a Korean.

After all, his roots are in the United States and not in South Korea, so he can look at Quan Daolong with a normal mind, not like Lee Sung Chan and Lee Hyo Eun.

But thinking about investing in yg economic companies in South Korea, and trying to see if I can buy shares in Korean TV stations and enter the Korean media circle, so Kwon Dao-yong has a huge influence in Korea, Kim Hyun-tae knows that he should not offend As well.

It’s even nice to make friends if necessary.

Anyway, judging from the attitude of the other party, Quan Daolong should also have plans to make friends with him.

As for Quan Daolong's purpose, Jin Xiantai can guess one or two.

The words of Old George must have played a certain role.

In line with the idea of'exotic goods can live', it is always harmless for Quan Daolong to make friends with himself, right?


Such people are unprofitable and can not afford to be early. If it weren't for the words of old George, how could he care about himself, even so kind just now.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai did not faint, but had a deep judgment and cognition.

"Matthews, does Mr. George need my company on tomorrow's schedule?"

Ignoring the excited Li Sungcan and Li Xiaoen, Jin Xiantai turned his head and asked about the itinerary for tomorrow.

Matthews shook his head: "Tomorrow Mr. George will talk to South Korea about beef import. At the same time, there will be some military affairs related to the north, so I don't need your company. Why, are you doing something?"

Kim Hyun-tae nodded when he heard the words: "If this is the case. I will have a private event tomorrow. I'm not planning to invest in yg Artist Economic Company, so I want to take a look.

"Go, go, Kandy and I will have nothing to do tomorrow. I plan to go to kerill for a stroll. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with activities." Matthews smiled and answered Kim Hyun Tae, and told him about free activities or something. There is no problem at all, anyway, he and Candi are planning to go out to play tomorrow.

When Matthews said he was planning to go to Kerill with Kandy the next day, Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help but pick.

Although it has only been a few days after I met Matthews and Candi, Jin Xiantai already knew a little bit about the virtues of these two bad middle-aged people.

What's more, Jin Xiantai knew a little about the place name mentioned by Matthews.


Most people think that place is a fashionable commercial area integrating entertainment and consumption. However, Kim Hyun-tae knows that there is another more famous and attractive point in that place, that is the ‘special service industry’.

Itaewon is located in Yongsan District, Seoul, and because the United States has a large military base in Yongsan District, South Korea, the'special service' industry in Itaewon is very popular. Those who visit are also based on US military bases. Soldiers.

With the virtues of American soldiers, if there is no such industry, it will have a great impact on local security.

Perhaps based on this consideration, the Korean government in different time and space has adopted an attitude of turning a blind eye to the ‘special service industry’ of Itaewon in Longshan District.

Besides, the salary of American soldiers is pretty good. So taking money out for fun or something can also be considered a contribution to South Korea's economy, isn't it?

Of course, the South Korean government also has to face it, so it stipulates that itaewon special area only accepts foreigners. It is very difficult for natives to enter and play. But there are exceptions, the privileged class can still go to this special area.

Therefore, in Itaewon, Yongsan District, a prosperous business district in Seoul, there is a place specializing in special service industries.

And Matthews and Kandy obviously wanted to go to that place to have fun, and Kim Hyun-tae reacted immediately, but he didn't expose Matthews' idea.

As the saying goes, people are hard to dismantle.

"Then I wish you a good day tomorrow."

There was no plan to break Matthews and Candi, but Jin Xiantai smiled and blessed the two of them to have fun.

Matthews also smiled and gestured for Jin Xiantai to raise the glass in his hand. Then he took a sip, which was a response to Kim Hyun Tae's "blessing".

Kim Hyun-tae is not interested in the ‘Itaewon Special Service’, and only people like Matthews and Kandy will be cold-hearted.

Then Kim Hyun-tae turned his head and said to Lee Sung-chan, "President Lee, how about I want to go to yg for a round tomorrow? Is there a good time arrangement?"

Now that he got a definite answer from Matthews, Kim Hyun-tae was completely relieved, and planned to go to the yg company the next day to take a look and take a walk, by the way, to see the'washing, cutting and blowing' that is blowing the storm in Asia. 'Men.

Of course, Lee Sungchan would not refuse this small request from Kim Hyun Tae.

You must know that Jin Xiantai has verbally agreed to the cooperation, and only after the lawyers and legal staff from the United States come over, sign an agreement with himself and pay, he can become a major shareholder of yg holding 60%.

If he can let people who hold the other 10% of the shares transfer all the shares in his hands to Jin Xiantai, then Jin Xiantai's holdings in yg will reach 70%, which is a proper yg controller.

So, how could Lee Sung Chan refuse.

"There is no problem at all. You will decide tomorrow. I will notify the artists who have no schedule and announcements to come to the company."

Li Chengcan has only one meaning inside and outside of his words. I want to see if there is no problem. I will definitely cooperate.

Kim Hyun-tae waved his hand: “You don’t have to let the artists come to the company. I just want to take a look. Then at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. After going to see the company, I’m going to take my daughter out for a stroll and eat some Korean food. Special cuisine."

When I was in Japan, I let my daughter down. Now I have to make up for it when I am in South Korea. Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae plans to go to the yg company the next day and have a good day with his daughter.

"If you don't refuse, I would be happy to be a temporary tour guide for a day."

At this time, Lee Sung Chan ‘voluntarily volunteered’ and put forward a proposal ~lightnovelpub.net~ which made Kim Hyun Tae very heart-warming.

Thinking that I am not very familiar with South Korea in different time and space, it would be much more convenient if there were Lee Sung Chan, so Kim Hyun Tae also accepted this proposal.

"If you are not too troublesome, please take me and my daughter to have a good day tomorrow."

"Haha! No trouble, no trouble, no trouble at all." Kim Hyun Tae accepted his proposal, which made Li Chengcan very happy.

At this time, Old George walked over with a smile.

Behind the old George, he greeted himself before, showing the kindness of the "Seven Star Electronics Group" dominating Quan Long Dao.

Old George stopped in front of Kim Hyun Tae, and then said to Kim Hyun Tae: "Come on, let's take a photo with Mr. Quan."

Before Kim Hyun-tae could react, a group of media reporters authorized to enter the Shilla Hotel gathered around, and then picked up the camera in their hands and started ‘click! Click! I took a picture. (To be continued.)