Rising America

Chapter 355: Please do me a little favor

"9527 I want to solemnly inform you, because I have used the time-retrace function, now I have little energy left, so I can't help you for a long time. Now I need some time to harvest energy. . Novel ww.Lwxs520.cm [Phoenix\/phoenix\/Please search for updates soon]"

In Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, in the manor house bought by Jin Xiantai, Andrew, the butler, sits under the small shaded viewing pavilion at the end of the lawn, drinking his own brewed English black tea, and looking out at the city of Los Angeles ahead.

This news from Zhi Nao is not good, but it is not bad either.

Andrew didn't really care about this.

"You can go near the sun to collect the energy you need. I won't want it for long, right?"

Andrew is still very confident about the technological level of surveillance spacecraft.

Don't look at what Wisdom Brain said is very mysterious, but it is actually not difficult at all to supplement energy.

"About half a month is always needed."

After analyzing it, Zhi Brain told Andrew an accurate time.

Cut, only half a month.

When Andri heard this, he put down the teacup in his hand and curled the corner of his mouth slightly.

Seriously, half a month of earth time is nothing.

The phrase "very long" by Zhi Nao is simply bluffing people.

"Okay, I see. Do you have anything else?"

"Nothing else, just tell you about this."

Wisdom responded.

The reason why Andrew was able to get the evidence was through the intelligence brain on the surveillance spacecraft. If there is no intelligence brain, how could it get the kind of video 11 years ago.

Back in time does not really turn back time, but through this technical means, Andrew can easily get some past pictures of specific goals.

It is precisely because of this that Andri was able to obtain the video evidence of Yasuda, and then sent it to ia in the United States via anonymous email very insidiously.

However, the use of this technology also makes the energy consumption of the surveillance spacecraft huge.

That's why Wisdom Brain is in the current situation.

Anyway, the Yasuda family has been destroyed, it is impossible to turn over again, there is only one Morozov. Obviously, it is impossible to make any big waves in the near future, so the surveillance is very necessary to collect energy near the sun, and it will not have much impact on Andrew.

After Zhi Nao got permission from Andrew, he concealed his deeds and flew towards the sun. Andrew continued to admire its scenery, while wondering in his heart whether to act against Morozov.

Finally, after thinking about it, Andrew decided to give up temporarily.

After all, it would be too boring to get Morozov off like this.

And now Frankstein, a genetic man, is holding some intelligence evidence about Morozov. It's on Annie's side.

So Andrew wanted to see if Frankstein could succeed in gaining Annie's trust and inserting him to Kim Hyun Tae through Annie.

And what kind of reaction will Anne, who received Morozov's intelligence evidence?

Just like watching a soap opera, Andrew put out his plan to take action personally and prepared to treat this as a reality show to relieve his boredom.

Andrew has a lot of information about Morozov.

Corruption, framing by illegal means, and shamelessly conspiring to seize the property of others, etc., Andrew has relevant evidence.

And obtain these evidence materials. For Andrew, there is no suffering at all.

"Oh, life on the earth is really boring, how can I spend the long ten-year sentence?"

Suddenly thinking of his sentence, Andrew suddenly became depressed.

The wind is blowing gently, and the temperature in Los Angeles in July is very high during the day. You can see many girls and boys in cool clothes, and most of them are in good shape.

Of course, there are also people who will make you have nightmares at night after seeing them, and there are many such people.

After all, there are so many fat Americans.

But Andrew is still dressed like a tuxedo. It seems that it is not affected by the high temperature at all, and there is not even a drop of sweat on it.

Getting up, returning to the mansion from the viewing pavilion, Andrew ordered the Gene Man maids to clean each room. Be sure not to go to the entertainment room where Kim Hyun Tae is a cocoa after leaving so much dust in the house.

There are computers, arcade machines and cassette game consoles in the entertainment room, as well as large LCD TVs, but Andrew is obviously not here to play games.

He went to the computer and sat down. Then raised his hand and pressed the power start button.

With the start of the computer, Andrew landed on the Internet to let his mind start to swim on the earth's network.

In this way, Andrew is constantly learning all kinds of knowledge on the earth and enhancing his knowledge of the earth.

Of course, learning all this is also to serve Kim Hyun-tae well in the future.

Otherwise, Andrew would rather set a time to sleep for tens of thousands of years in the water sleeping chamber on the surveillance spacecraft.

Doze makes it an aggression, and was sentenced to ten years of service to Kim Hyun Tae.

Therefore, as a steward, he has to learn related or unwilling knowledge of the earth.

Andrew doesn't like the earth civilization that is still in the ‘wild’ level, but he has a soft spot for ‘love action movies’ that exist on earth.

Every day when he studies on the Internet, he will deepen his thoughts into some special websites, and then watch those videos that require payment.

Of course, thanks to his racial talent, Andrew doesn't have to pay to watch these videos at all.

I have to say, using his abilities in this aspect, Andrew really...

------split line------

new York

Midtown Manhattan

On the top floor of the Whiston Building, Frankstein, who was wearing a poorly fitted trench coat, messy hair, and a pair of large black-framed high myopia glasses, was in line with the outside definition of an otaku scholar, standing in front of Annie a little cramped. .

And Annie was sitting behind the desk in the living room, staring at her computer screen very seriously.

Behind Annie stood the old butler Andrew.

He was also very serious and cast a glance at Frank from time to time.

After a long time, Annie moved her gaze away from the computer screen in front of her, and finally placed it on Frankstein's body.

"Please sit down."

The old butler Andrew walked over from behind Annie and motioned for Frank to sit on the sofa aside.

Wait until Frankstein is seated. Annie asked: "How did you get such a video?"

Frank was a little nervous, but a little bit proud, at least Annie couldn't see anything from him, and Frank's performance was in line with what an otaku scholar looks like to outsiders.

"It takes a lot of skills to do this. It may be difficult and troublesome for outsiders, but it is a piece of cake for me."

Frank is not humble at all, and even when talking about this aspect, he is very proud and contented.

A series of professional vocabulary popped out of his mouth, and even some words hadn't even been heard by Annie.

But these words are combined. But it made Annie feel very tall.

After Frankstein spoke roughly, Annie said: "The video you gave me is very important to me, especially the call history. Then what do you want from me? Money? Or? other?"

Annie didn't believe that Frankstein had no purpose in giving these things to herself.

Frankstein heard the words with his hands on his lap, and it made people think he was a little nervous now.

"Of course I want something, and it is indeed related to money. To put it bluntly, I hope Miss Anne can invest a sum of money in my laboratory so that I can continue some of the experiments in hand."

"How much does it cost to ensure that your experiment continues?"

The video and the recording of the call by Frankstein are very important, because it is the key evidence of the death of the Whiston family members, so Frankstein is just asking for money. Annie really doesn't care too much.

After all, in terms of the concept that Annie has accepted since childhood, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem.

And money is precisely what she does not lack.

"30 million dollars."

Frankstein reported a number, and after this number came out of Frank's mouth, Annie was shocked.

At first she thought Frank would ask for a lot of money, but she didn't expect him to only need 30 million dollars.

What is 30 million dollars to Annie now.

You must know that through the ‘Plaza Agreement’ this time, Annie has doubled her family’s wealth more than ten times, even if she has now shifted her business focus back to the United States and spent a lot of money in the process of restructuring the company. At the same time, it bought 7 trillion US Treasury bonds.

But she still has as much as $2 trillion in cash.

"Is only 30 million dollars enough? If you just want this money for experimentation, I think it shouldn't be difficult for you, and it won't be a crime for you to give me such a thing, right?"

The price is too low, so low that Annie can't believe it.

Frankstein smiled helplessly ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said to Annie: "Of course it is not difficult to find investment in the experiment I have done, but the conditions for those who are willing to invest in me are too harsh, which is impossible for me. Accepted. And they used some methods to prevent me from looking for people who are willing to invest, so I thought of this way and found you."

The excuse is not bad. At least the past.

Annie looked at Frankstein and did not express her opinion at this time.

Frankstein continued.

"Of course, 30 million US dollars is enough for the experiment, and you won't let me give a lot of benefits here, and even give you the patent." Frankstein paused when he said this. Then he looked at Annie.

Annie nodded softly at this time: "Yes, just relying on the video you gave me and the recording of the call, I can't do this."

Flakstein smiled at Annie, and then continued: "There is another small request, that is, I hope you can come forward to help me withdraw from Anrui Pharmaceutical Company, and take my research away, and let them give up on me. Peep with my research." (To be continued.)