Rising America

Chapter 356: I promise others are nice

   Anrui Pharmaceutical

   Anne is no stranger to this company.

   As the five largest pharmaceutical occupations in the United States in different time and space, and even a well-known multinational pharmaceutical company in the world, Annie has also dealt with each other.

   The huge profits in the pharmaceutical industry have also made Annie always want to get involved in this field.

   It was only because there were accidents in the family at that time, and the internal and external situation was not very good, so Annie could only temporarily suppress this idea.

   But now Annie has no plans to implement this idea.

   After all, after having children, she plans to devote most of her energy to her children, not her own business.

   She wants to be a qualified mother.

   But Annie doesn't plan to get involved in this field, it doesn't mean she won't let another person try to get involved, after all, this industry is still very profitable.

So Anne thought for a while and said to Flacstein: “It’s okay for me to come out and talk to Anrui, but I can’t guarantee that I can make it through, because I don’t know if you and Anrui have any How much interest is involved."

   Annie said so in a pragmatic way, without any exaggeration.

   Frankstein is certainly clear.

  Although he is a genetic man, he has learned a lot about the earth in this period of time.

   Therefore, Frankstein nodded and replied: "I know this, so even if Miss Anne, you can't achieve the goal with An Rui, I will never blame you."

As soon as Frankstein’s voice fell off, Annie changed her conversation: "But I received such a big gift from you. If I can't even help you with this, it would be a shame. So can you tell me more? Information, so I can find a better way to get you out of An Rui?"

  Annie's meaning is very simple. It is to make Frankstein's statement more clear. If he and Anrui's interests can be clearly stated, then she will achieve her goal more easily.

   After thinking a little bit, Frankstein nodded.

   "Okay, actually there is nothing to say about these things."

   seems to have made up his mind. Frankstein told Annie the inside story of the ‘interest involvement’.

   After Anne heard Frankstein's narration, she began to think seriously.

  According to Frankstein, Anrui Pharmaceuticals has been asking him to study a medicine for treating heart disease, but Anrui did not provide him with any financial support in the process. It's just verbal talk every time.

   However, Anrui will take the medicines made in Frankstein's laboratory under various names and then go to clinical trials.

   After so many years, Frankstein's medicine for treating heart disease is about to be developed successfully, but he thinks that Anrui has not given himself any investment for so long. So he wants to end this relationship with An Rui, and he has spent the money and energy to develop the heart disease medicine, but he does not intend to give it to the other party.

   Faced with this request of Frankstein, Anrui certainly would not agree to it.

   They fooled Frankstein for so many years, and when they saw that the development was about to succeed, how could they let it go.

   Therefore, Anrui has used various methods against Frankstein, hoping to force him to submit.

   And Frankstein approached Annie.

   This is how things are.

   As far as excuses and reasons are concerned, this "story" that Andrew fabricated for Frankstein is actually full of loopholes.

   Annie also noticed some flaws and loopholes, but she didn't expose them.

"What Anrui is really doing is not authentic. I think this should be done. After all, Anrui is in the wrong, but you have to be mentally prepared. Behind a large company like Anrui, there are also A rare method."

   Although there are some flaws, Annie has no intention to explore.

   After all, in her opinion, who doesn't have a secret that he doesn't want to tell.

   It was this point that was taken into consideration, so even though there was something wrong with it, Annie decided to help Frankstein.

   is nothing else, just the audio and video evidence that Frankstein provided himself. It was enough for her to help him without worrying about some small problems.

   At the same time, Annie did not forget to remind Frankstein to make him be careful of his safety.

   As Annie said, big capital forces usually use some elusive means to achieve their goals.

   Yasuda Naruo can use it.

   DuPont family will use it.

   Morgan family also uses it.

   Even her Annie is the same.

   Every successful capitalist. If these dark, hidden and unknown means have not been used to achieve their goals, then they will not have their successful side today.

   It's just that ordinary people don't want to believe that those who always show up at charity receptions and donate a lot of money will do such dirty things behind their backs.

   But in fact it happens to be like this.

   Frankstein nodded: "I will pay attention. Thank you for your reminder."

   Annie looked at Frankstein, who was serious and nervous, and smiled, and comforted: "You don't need to be so nervous. If I come forward, Anrui will have some scruples, but I won't use too drastic means."

Indeed, Annie has now shifted her business focus back to the United States. Now she controls more than 80% of U.S. terminal ports, established the nation’s largest air cargo company, and annexed other small and medium-sized air cargo companies, strangling the throats of import and export companies. .

   Therefore, Anrui must be scrupulous when it has to face Annie.

  Of course, Anrui is not a vegetarian, and they also have politicians they support, and their status is not necessarily lower than that of Old George.

   So they can care about Annie, but not afraid.

   Annie herself knows this situation well.

   then chatted for a few more words, and Annie asked: "Then, do you have any plans after you leave An Rui?"

   Indeed, after Frankstein and Anrui broke away, he must have to find another pharmaceutical company to cooperate so that the cardiopathy medicine he developed can be successfully marketed.

   Otherwise, his research and development can only stay in his own hands and get moldy.

   But those pharmaceutical companies don't have a good match, they are all stubborn stuff.

   So instead of cooperating with these companies, Annie felt it was better to introduce William (Kim Hyun Tae) to them.

   After all, Kim Hyun-tae is rich.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae is not a pharmaceutical company, he is now only involved in the media industry.

   But you can’t hold back that he has money, so it’s not impossible to get a photo of selling drugs through the influence of Old George.

  It is especially important that Frankstein has the ability to develop pharmaceuticals. Once he and Jin Xiantai can work together, then in the future, Jin Xiantai can successfully establish a foothold in the pharmaceutical industry.

   Although Annie gave up getting involved in the pharmaceutical industry, letting Jin Hyun Tae into it seemed basically the same as her own entry, right?

   Anyway, Frankstein and his laboratory, as well as his abilities and skills, Annie doesn't want to make outsiders cheap.

   "I haven't thought about it yet, those people are too greedy."

   Frankstein answered Anne's question with a wry smile.

   Annie knocked on the corner of her mouth, and said in her heart [The capital that can succeed is greedy, and if it is not greedy, there is no motivation, including myself. So you scholars, obviously cannot become a successful capitalist. ], but you can’t see anything on her face.

   "If you don't mind, I can introduce a good partner to you. He has enough funds to support your research and development, and he has a good character."

   Annie put away her thoughts and took the opportunity to say what she wanted to say to Frankstein.

   Frankstein raised his head and looked at Annie hopefully.

   "Oh, it would be great if so."

   "Have you heard of William King?"

   Annie said the name of Kim Hyun Tae.

Frankstein nodded: "I know this young man, and media reports say that he has a good character, and I think so. After all, in the Santa Monica college shooting last year, not everyone can do what he did. Yes, so I very much agree with the evaluation in some newspapers."

   When Frankstein said that he identified with Kim Hyun Tae, Annie was very happy, and she was filled with happiness and joy for Kim Hyun Tae's recognition.

"If you want, it may be a good choice to cooperate with this young man, because he can give you enough financial support so that you will not have any worries. At the same time, this young man is on the terms of cooperation~lightnovelpub.net ~ Nor will it be as harsh as those capitalists."

   Annie put gold on Kim Hyun Tae's face as much as possible, and said good things for him.

   Frankstein had a thoughtful expression on his face, as if he was thinking about Annie's proposal.

   Actually, Frankstein’s goal is not to catch up with Kim Hyun Tae.

   Therefore, everything he has now is just acting.

   Annie didn't see any flaws at all.

As if after some measurement, Frankstein finally looked at Annie with a solemn expression, and said to her: "Well, since you even respect him so much, I also think this young man is very good, so see him It doesn’t matter if you want to talk about it."

   Frankstein can talk to Kim Hyun Tae, which makes Annie very happy.

   As long as Frankstein agrees, it seems to her to be basically done.

   Of course Annie doesn't know. The raunchy Frankstein, who looks like an authentic otaku scholar sitting in front of her, actually aims for Kim Hyun Tae.

"I promise William is a good person. You will appreciate him when you see him. But I can't arrange your meeting now because he is abroad. You have to wait for a while. Then let me solve the problem for you first. It's the Swiss company's side."

   Annie said to Frankstein with a big smile. (To be continued.)