Rising America

Chapter 359: What is China's attitude?

Unlike the ruler of the northern part of the peninsula in the memory of Jin Xiantai in his previous life, the northern part of the peninsula in different time and space was ruled by the "Li" family, and it has been passed to the second generation of rulers. The third generation has not yet been exposed. Le-wen

But what is certain is that there will be a third generation in the Northern Dynasties. As long as there is no mistake, the third generation will definitely appear. This is a certainty.

In another time and space, the "three fat guys" appeared.

But this matter has nothing to do with Kim Hyun-tae, because this is something that politicians like Old George and the hostile South Korean side bordering the North Korean border need to care about.

After the president of South Korea came to power, he immediately encountered such a headache. I have to say that it is really sad.

Although the South Korean intelligence agency is quite sure that the technological power of North Korea is not enough to develop nuclear weapons, after all, this matter cannot be groundless, so the South Korean side absolutely dare not care.

We don’t know whether this matter is true or not, or the Northern Dynasty deliberately leaked it out to scare people, but this matter must be treated with caution and must be determined whether it is true.

In any case, South Korea should also inform the United States of the ‘boss’, and look at the attitude of the United States on this matter and what kind of support it will give.

Obviously, the United States will not take such things lightly.

For Old George and the United States behind him, the first thing they have to do is to determine whether the North Korea is really developing nuclear weapons, and then proceed to the next step.

After all, the Northern Dynasty always scared people from time to time. It's also true that everyone who got it was a little nervous.

At the same time, Old George judged and guessed that the Northern Dynasty was at the instigation of the Soviets. It is not impossible to deliberately release such a wind to divert international attention.

After all, the Soviets invaded a sovereign country, which made the Soviets face a lot of international pressure, so it is normal for the younger brother to throw out such a message appropriately to attract everyone's ideas.

The eldest has something to do, the younger one has to work hard.

So I heard old George say that. Lu Xuanwu also showed a thoughtful look. After a long time, he nodded slowly and said: "This is not impossible. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan has a very bad international impact. Anyway, Afghanistan is also a sovereign country, and the Soviets sent troops in. Afghanistan, this is simply ignoring international conventions."

The Soviet military's brazen invasion of Afghanistan was a goal that the international community would look at.

Together with China and Cuba, which belonged to the socialist camp, they were very dissatisfied with the Soviet military operations.

In fact, the Soviets had made a long preparation for this invasion.

The Afghans were completely played by the Soviets.

Some things inside are complicated. It's a long story.

But it is certain that the Americans have also played some role in it.

After the pro-Soviet film camp in Afghanistan overthrew the last Afghan dynasty, it established the largest faction in the country, and quickly established diplomatic relations with the Soviets and entered the honeymoon period. Received a large amount of economic and military assistance from the Soviet Union to promote socialism.

In fact, the Afghan pro-Soviet faction’s ideas and original intentions are good, but they have gone astray and neglected a big practical problem in their country.

That is, at this point in dealing with religious contradictions, a fatal injury occurred.

According to the opinions of Soviet military experts, the Afghan side used violent means to solve this problem. Unexpectedly, it has intensified the domestic green religion that was originally dissatisfied.

Yes. Afghanistan is also the sphere of influence of the Green Sect, and the people in the country also believe in it.

Therefore, when this contradiction was intensified, resistance forces and organized military confrontations began to emerge continuously in Afghanistan, which suddenly caused turmoil in the originally stable Afghanistan.

The Afghan pro-Soviet leader has a good personal relationship with the ruling leader of the Soviet Union, so he got the full help of the Soviet eldest brother in this matter. All kinds of arms, materials, and even military experts all arrived in Afghanistan from the Soviet Union.

But at this moment, the pro-Soviet faction began to split.

Many people are dissatisfied that the leaders are so pro-Soviet, and they have adopted radical policies regardless of the domestic environment, which has led to domestic turbulence.

Therefore, the second person in the faction, General Samneki, who is in charge of the military, began to contact the Americans privately and got on the line with Kenny.

For the olive branch handed by Samnecki, Kenny, the then President of the United States, was of course very excited. Especially the think tank behind Kenny was extremely excited. They all believed that this was an important wedge of the United States in Central Asia. opportunity.

Therefore, the Americans agreed to all requirements of Samneki and supported him to overthrow the current leader and establish diplomatic relations with the United States. The Americans are willing to provide all help to deal with future Soviet retaliation.

It was precisely because of the promise of the United States that Samneki began to plan a military coup.

It's just that there was a little bit of news about this matter, which aroused the vigilance of the current Afghan President Kajal.

Although Kajal is determined to deal with Samneki, because Kajal is in power and has no real power and cronies in the Afghan military, he has no way to deal with Samneki even if he receives a trace of news.

In the face of this situation, even the military experts sent by the Soviets became helpless.

In the end, when there was really no way, the Soviets took a dangerous step, that is, assassinating Samneki and getting rid of him before he was fully prepared for the coup.

Unfortunately, the assassination plan was not successful, but Samneki started a military coup ahead of schedule.

Before the Samneki coup, Khruyev, then the leader of the Soviet Union, personally energized Samneki and threatened him not to make minor moves.

Unfortunately, such threats have no deterrent effect at all for Sam Neki.

You know, Kajal has already assassinated him, with the assistance of the Soviets, so in order to survive and keep his followers alive, how could Samneki stop at this time?

Only by success will there be a way out.

As long as you are not an idiot or a fool, you know a truth.

So Samneki soon launched a military coup, overthrew Kajal's rule in one fell swoop, and announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States.

This time, Samneki completely offended the Soviets.

Kajal and Khruyev have good personal relations, especially Afghanistan, which he leads, can become an ally of the Soviets. As long as after a few years of business, it is impossible for the Soviet Union to join another country in the future.

But Samnecki's actions completely bankrupted this dream of the Soviets, so it is strange that the Soviets can swallow this breath.

In this way, the Soviets began their military operations to invade Afghanistan.

Regarding the direct military invasion of the Soviets, neither the US military strategists nor the Semneki of Afghanistan were correct.

They all believed that the Soviets would not be so bad and would take revenge in this way.

Unfortunately, if you judge the wrong result, you have to sacrifice your life.

Before starting the military invasion, the Soviets first secretly infiltrated a special force, got in touch with the loyal to the Kagar, obtained intelligence support, and after grasping the location of Samneki, they directly started the raid.

In this operation, the Soviet special forces killed Samneki and his wife on the spot at the cost of two minor injuries. Even Samneki’s two ages were only eleven or twelve years old. Neither his son nor his three-year-old daughter let him go.

This incident caused an uproar internationally.

You know, everyone understands the killing of Samneki, but the question is why even the child is not let go.

After all, adults have to bear consequences and responsibilities for doing wrong things, but children are always innocent.

Two hours after the settlement of Samnecki, the Soviet mechanized tank unit of a division dashed across the border and began a formal military invasion of Afghanistan.

The Soviets' early judgment felt that as long as their troops moved into Afghanistan, they would be able to stabilize the situation within a few days.

However, the Soviets also misjudged the situation in Afghanistan.

And over time, the Soviets discovered that they were still wrong.

Unlike the original civil war against Kajal, this time it was against the invaders.

Therefore, the various Afghan military organizations with many contradictions, united under the call of this banner, unanimously resisted the invasion of the Soviets from the outside, and brought considerable trouble to the Soviets.

Although the Soviets supported it with cash in weapons and equipment, they also suffered considerable losses.

In this process, the Americans provided no small aid to those military organizations in Afghanistan, some simple weapons and dollars.

Wherever the Soviets have been so angry, the Soviet Union, which has always regarded itself as the boss, will of course not just go away like this. They feel that since they have invaded, they will simply unfold.

The subsequent increase in the army ~lightnovelpub.net~ changed from one division to five divisions, and then became the current 300,000 Soviet troops fighting in Afghanistan, and the scale is still expanding.

Seeing that the Soviets were already in the quagmire of war, they were still obsessed with it.

At the same time, the international community began to condemn the Soviets, especially under the leadership of the United States, which brought considerable public opinion pressure to the Soviets.

At this time, the North Korea released a ‘satellite’ saying that they were developing a nuclear bomb here, which has to make people feel a little intriguing.

"What does Huaxia think about this?"

At this time old George asked Lu Xuanwu.

Lu Xuanwu thought for a while and said: "Hua Xia hasn't said anything about this, but I don't think they think it is a good thing. After all, the Northern Dynasty is crazy. If they have nuclear weapons, this is also a threat to China. See that they belong to the socialist camp."

Hearing what Lu Xuanwu said, Old George showed a thoughtful look on his face, and he obviously heard the subtext in Lu Xuanwu's words. (To be continued.)