Rising America

Chapter 360: Leave this to me!

The reception officially began at 12 noon. Old George temporarily ended the conversation with Lu Xuanwu and began to enter the ‘banquet performance’ template, and walked into the banquet hall with a smile on his face. hp://772e6f742e6f%6

The Korean media reporters who had been prepared a long time ago, as well as the reporters who received the invitation letter, began to ‘click! Click! ’’S photo.

Of course, reporters from nn are indispensable.

Kim Hyun Tae took Lee Sung Chan and Lee Hyo Eun, as well as Matthews and Candi into the banquet hall, ready to start enjoying the Korean banquet food, and after the end, he wanted to take his daughter out for a walk.

Unlike Kim Hyun-tae’s Yuzai Yuza, Eisaku Sakamoto of the "Edo Publishing House" in Japan has a bitter look, as if he is suffering.

The U.S. Intelligence Agency in Tokyo approached him and produced evidence to show that he was in collusion with the fallen Yasuda Naruo and at the same time deliberately wanted to infringe on American businessman William King.

In the face of conclusive evidence, what can Eisaku Sakamoto say?

Denial is obviously unrealistic, after all, people have obtained evidence, right?

Eisaku Sakamoto couldn't think of it, but he only assisted him a little at the request of Eisaku Yasuda, and the other party was finished before the matter started, and this matter also tired himself.

If he had known this ending, maybe he shouldn't have participated in it.

But when I think about it, I didn't think I was blinded by lard and wanted to lick Yasuda's feet.

After all, as the master of one of Japan's six major chaebols, Naruo Yasuda, it is understandable for a small person like him to get close to him.


This is the end of the matter, it can only be said that it is good fortune to make people.

Sakamoto Eisaku was taken away, and the Edo Publishing House was also seized. However, according to reliable sources within the Intelligence Bureau, this publishing house will eventually be merged into the former Asahi branch, which has been renamed ‘nn Tokyo News Division’.

Obviously, this is another looting by domestic big capitalists.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with the Intelligence Bureau, as long as they arrest people.

After all, Eisaku Sakamoto was involved in the Yasuda Naruo incident. There is indeed evidence against him.

At the same time, the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, in cooperation with the U.S. Intelligence Agency, also raided the Yamaguchi group headquarters and branches in Shinjuku, Tokyo and Osaka, and arrested a large number of senior crew members. The charges were the same as those of Sakamoto Eisaku. The violation of William King also involved the betrayal of American intelligence. And Japanese state secrets and so on.

It can be said that what happened to these people. It is more or less related to Kim Hyun Tae.

Of course, their **** is not clean, so there is nothing innocent at all.

Even if the old George and Kim Hyun-tae have left Japan, the shocks that occurred in Japan because of their visit are still fermenting, and no one knows when it will end.

Anyway, in a short period of time, Japan will be turbulent for a while.

But this is a Japanese business, and Jin Xiantai and Old George don't care.

After Yasuda's fall, his interests were divided among the five major Japanese chaebols by American capitalists. So this aspect did not cause any social shocks.

So the Japanese authorities are happy to be so.

The publishing house of Eisaku Sakamoto will be merged into Asahi, and employees will have proper arrangements so that they will not lose their jobs, so the Japanese government has not come forward to manage it.

As for the unfortunate Yamaguchi group, many politicians are also happy to watch jokes.

Anyway, the bosses have been arrested, and they can secretly support those who are willing to serve themselves to regain control of the Yamaguchi group, which is a good thing for them.

After all, the current leader of the Yamaguchi group is somewhat out of control. Even sometimes he was very rude to politicians like them, and now it happens to be an opportunity to bring him down and support the obedient.

Right-wing radical organizations, Japanese politicians still like to be obedient.

Everyone hates that kind of uncontrolled guy, right?

Unlike Japan, everything is stable here in Los Angeles.

"Alice in Wonderland" has already begun. For this animation, everyone can't say what to expect or not, it's nothing more than going to have fun in the summer vacation.

Since Kim Hyun-tae opened the pioneer of animated films in different time and space and made a lot of money, the major Hollywood film and television companies have also begun to produce animated films to occupy this new market that has been developed.

It is simply not normal for a capital country to follow suit, especially when there is money to be made.

Before "Alice in Wonderland" was released, several major Hollywood film and television companies produced their own animated films. And it was released in the summer, so when "Alice in Wonderland" was released, everyone's sense of anticipation was saturated.

This has a big impact on "Alice in Wonderland".

Anyone who watches more animated movies will have some aesthetic fatigue, which is normal.

Therefore, several major theaters in the United States are very embarrassed to arrange a film for "Alice in Wonderland".

At this time, the benefits of acquiring Monte Cinemas under Qiao'an's leadership were reflected.

Because he has his own theater system and the number of theaters can be ranked in the top ten, even if several other theaters are unwilling to arrange movies, Qiao An can also release "Alice in Wonderland" through the theaters controlled by him, without any need at all Look at the faces of those people.

Of course, the movie theaters of Anxi's ‘difficult’ have been hinted by several major Hollywood film and television companies.

This is obviously squeezing the living space of William Animation Film and Television Company, Qiao An is not stupid, of course she can see it.

But even in the face of the oppression of Hollywood film and television giants, Qiao An is not worried at all.

Having its own theater system in hand, the benefits are obvious, isn't it?

The Hollywood film giants seem to have seen this.

After all, William Animation Film and Television Company has sufficient funds and masters its own theater channels. It is impossible to suppress it.

In this case, there is no need to tear the face, and even if the face is torn, you can't get the other party, but in the end, you will make yourself a joke, so you can only cooperate.

Several major Hollywood film and television giants saw the situation clearly, and then sent people to Qiao An to discuss the division of the film market.

The content of the discussions is unknown to the outside world.

But after this event is over, "Alice in Wonderland" can finally be shown in 80% of theaters in the United States.

There is competition in the market, and of course there will be compromises.

This is inevitable.

So there is no hate or hate, everyone is asking for money.

All the time. Qiao Ann has never given up on the acquisition of theaters, because she knows very well that if she wants to gain a foothold in Hollywood and allow William Animation Production Company to go further, it is very important to have her own theaters.

Looking at it now, Qiao An's vision has been confirmed.

If it weren't for her, Kim Hyun-tae would obviously not have thought of this. If it doesn't matter, he will have to deflate now.

So, there are three piles for a fence. The saying of a hero and three gangs is not unreasonable, and it can be applied to Jin Xiantai.

But all this, thanks to Annie.

It was Annie who sent her assistant Qiao An to Jin Xiantae. Otherwise, how could he develop so smoothly.

Due to the saturation of the animated film and the fatigue of the audience, the box office revenue of "Alice in Wonderland" is not as good as expected.

But considering the premise that "Alice in Wonderland" is shown in 80% of theaters in the United States, even if the box office is checked again, it will not go far.

What's more, the production cost of "Alice in Wonderland" is only a mere US$25 million, so there is no problem in making money back.


Making money for animated movies is that simple.

Compared to those companies that Hollywood follow suit. William Animation Production Company has the best technical staff, so the quality and cost can exceed others.

Excellent benefits and the technical team can get a good box office dividend, which makes the technicians of William Animation Production Company not to be duped by anyone.

"Alice in Wonderland" received 60 million US dollars at the box office on the first day it was released, and 83 million US dollars on the second day. On the third day, it broke the 100 million dollar mark.

After three days of box office income deducting shares and various taxes, basically there is still a profit after the cost of 25 million US dollars is recovered.

And this animated film has a release period of two weeks, so making money is a certainty.

The advantage of having a huge population base in Different Time and Space is at a glance, especially for the film and television industry, the benefits are even more obvious.

Of course. The stars in the entertainment industry, as well as those in the sports world, have also benefited from this.

In Kim Hyun Tae’s original time and space, a football star’s annual salary was guaranteed to be 10 million U.S. dollars, and the highest annual salary was 13 million U.S. dollars.

But in this different time and space, a football star's annual salary guarantee can reach 30 million US dollars, and the highest can be 50 million US dollars. The contract is signed for five years, so the huge population base can bring huge benefits.

basketball! baseball! football! These sports stars also made big money.

The rich become richer.

Of course, the salary of ordinary people is similar to that of Kim Hyun-tae in his previous life.

Qiao An knows very well in her heart that her own little bss is ambitious in film and television, and she also knows that her little bss has written many excellent film and television scripts.

Therefore, William Animation Production Company will not only be able to produce animated films in the future, but also try to see in live-action films.

But now her main energy is not on this, but on cultivating and tapping the entertainment stars of her company.

nn Entertainment Group is not only involved in the film and television industry.

It's just that for the time being, there is only one signed singer in the star department of the company, and that is Whitney Houston, which is really miserable.

But Huini is now a little famous. The theme song and some episodes she sang in "Alice in Wonderland" attracted people's attention, and people began to pay attention to her slowly.

What Hui Ni lacks now is a title song that belongs to her, and then Qiao An is ready to try her out on the market.

It's just a question of the style of the theme song and who can make it.

More importantly, many excellent songwriters are obviously unwilling to cooperate with her.

So this matter temporarily caused Qiao Ann a headache.

It just so happened that Kim Hyun Tae called back from far away South Korea and asked about things in Los Angeles.

Qiao An complained to Kim Hyun Tae about this issue.

When Kim Hyun-tae heard it on the phone, he was immediately happy.

"Qiao An, don't worry, I can write lyrics and compose music. I don't need to find those songwriters. I still have some artistic cultivation. I will fax you later in the evening."

Kim Hyun-tae is not lying about his artistic accomplishments. After all, he is not saying that he has high artistic accomplishments. It is easy to achieve ‘cultivation’ by virtue of mutation.

Besides, ~lightnovelpub.net~ He added Huini's voice and opened it. Couldn't you find any pirated lyrics?


After the mutation, Jin Xiantai's brain can easily recall the classic English songs of the original time and space.

And Kim Hyun Tae intends to do just that.

Anyway, there have been too many piracy, but now what can I do again.

Kim Hyun Tae has slowly got used to this kind of thing.

"Boss, can you still write lyrics and music?"

Qiao An, who was on the phone, widened his **** eyes, with an incredible look on his face.

Obviously, she didn't quite believe it.

Kim Hyun-tae, who was in the banquet hall of The Shilla Hotel, laughed at the words: "Haha! You will know at night, isn't it just writing lyrics and music." (To be continued.)