Rising America

Chapter 365: A family bucket

   It seems like an ordinary day, every second someone will die, but there will also be a baby born. Someone in this world has just made a fortune, but in another place someone may just go bankrupt.

   Many times this kind of things happen at the same time, but all the sentient beings are not very clear about it, or they have never thought about it.

   After all, what does such a thing have to do with me?

   Whether it's death or bankruptcy, the earth is still revolving, and it won't stop its rotation because of such small things.

   And this is life.

   Ordinary people have the joys, sorrows and happiness of ordinary people.

   The rich and powerful also have their troubles.

   In general, human beings are like this. There will always be some troubles in life. It is impossible for you to have money and power without trouble.

   is just that compared with ordinary people, people with money and power have fewer chances to encounter troubles, and there are more ways to solve them.

   And Morozov happened to be in trouble, and it seemed to be a big trouble, because someone was going to buy a murderer to kill him.

Encountered such troubles, but it made Morozov, the second generation of Soviet power, very unhappy. You must know that he lived such a long time, especially under the protection of his father Pavlovich. He has always treated others. There is a threat, not someone else can threaten him.

   Staying in a remote cottage on the outskirts of Leipzig, Morozov felt very comfortable. He couldn't figure out who did it even if he tried to break his head.

   Of course, he can't think of anyone and it's not without reason, because he has offended too many people.

   In other words, he has many enemies, and many people want him to die.

   It is because of many enemies that Morozov can't think of who it is.

   However, thinking that the other party would be so dying to buy murderers through the website operated by KGB, so he left a handle, so Morozov knew that the identity of the other party would be exposed sooner or later.

   As long as the identity of the opponent is revealed, then find the opponent. It will be sooner or later to kill the other party to solve this hidden danger.

   So after thinking of these, Morozov's mood was better.

   In July, Leipzig’s rural scenery was on the outskirts of Leipzig, with lush green grass blooming in the fields along with various wildflowers, but Morozov is not in the mood to appreciate these.

   In the morning, for safety, he just personally solved the woman he met yesterday at the bar. When I think of it, Morozov is a little bit reluctant, after all, that girl has a great figure and a good technique.

   is tall, a middle-aged man who seems to be a Siberian lumberjack appears again.

"The technicians in the bureau are looking for clues. It will take some time. Although the other party is offering rewards through the website we operate. However, not all of the people active on the website are our people. In order to avoid any free killers from finding you, so this time You still have to stay here."

   Morozov is not an idiot. Of course, he knows that what the middle-aged man said to him is correct. Although he is a **** and occasionally arrogant, he is definitely not an idiot.

   When to choose the right thing to do, he still understands this truth.

   Especially when his own safety is threatened, of course he also put away the same manners and styles of the past.

   "No problem, I listen to you."

   Morozov is very reasonable at this time. It's completely like a different person from what he usually shows.

------split line------

   "Ha! Is KGB based in the East German Intelligence Headquarters?"

In the garden of Kim Hyun Tae’s mansion in Beverly, Los Angeles, Andrew, who is trimming the branches and leaves of the bonsai, has completely received all the information sent by the brain, and immediately cocked the corners of his mouth, revealing something interesting. look.

   [9527, I think you are playing a growing game of the earth, and it is still simple. Of course, it is not all right to say that you are playing a growing game. After all, you are not the protagonist. 】

   Wisdom brain, which is still collecting energy near the sun, murmured at this moment.

   Although the brain is controlling the spacecraft in space, with Namek’s technology, there is no problem in contacting and communicating with Andrew.

   Andrew put down the scissors in his hand, took a white handkerchief and wiped his hands. Respond to the intellectual brain through his own consciousness: "It's not playing nurturing games, but watching reality shows. Do you know about reality shows?"

   Andrew's analogy is more appropriate than the "game" analogy of the brain.

   After analyzing it, Zhi Brain also felt that it was exactly what Andrew said.

  【Whether it is a reality show or a game. What are you going to do with this matter? 】

Andrew turned and walked towards the mansion not far away, responding to Zhi Nao: "For the time being, it is not my turn to act personally. I only need to protect the safety of the female earthling. If I really want to act, don't say A little Soviet..."

   Andrew is indeed emboldened to say this. The intelligent life form from a higher civilization, even if it has many restrictions on its body and is still serving its sentence, but if it is really angry, it can destroy the earth.

   Of course, Andrew doesn't plan to do anything.

   He just wants to finish his sentence and then go home early.

   Of course, while serving the sentence, one must also take care of his goal, Jin Xiantai, as well as him and his "family".

   [The other party is searching for traces of the female earthling through the Internet. 】

   The intellectual brain who has been paying attention to this piece reminded Andrew at this time.

   "Erase the traces left, or leave a fake trace altogether, and mislead those guys to investigate, as long as you can't find the woman named Annie."

  It's easy to solve this problem, and Andrew doesn't need to bother about it at all.

   And this is also the most convenient way.

   Soon, the brain was connected to the earth’s network in space, quickly erasing all traces of the network left by the old butler Nord, and leaving a large number of false traces to the Soviet technicians, misleading them to follow.

   As for where they will eventually track down...hehe, then only ghosts will know.

   All in all, for the time being, Annie is no longer in danger of exposure, she is safe for the time being.

   [The traces have been erased, and the wrong cable has been put on the network, but this still does not solve the problem. I understand that the woman wants revenge, and if the goal called Morozov is not resolved, this woman will be in danger sooner or later. 】

   Zhi Nao finished Andrew’s confession and it didn’t take 3 seconds before and after, and after finishing all this, he said his opinion to Andrew.

   At this time Andrew had returned to the mansion, and the maids who were working saw him all bowing to salute, waiting for him to pass before continuing their work.

   Now Andrew has the style of a butler, and he looks really like it.

   "I just need to protect the safety of her and her children. I don't want to do extra things. After all, Kim Hyun Tae is the first person I should pay attention to."

   Zhi Nao fell silent after hearing the words, and then said nothing more.

   Andrew came to the living room and turned on the LCD TV on his own. An advertisement was playing on the TV that was turned on.

   The entire advertisement is full of warm sentiment. The highlight is also the family and family. Parents take their children out to eat, the faces of the family are full of happiness, and the faces of the children are also filled with joyful smiles.

   Finally came the sentence [William Fried Chicken! The taste from the south! ], then the advertisement ends.

   Andrew licked his dry lips after reading the ad, then walked to the side and picked up the landline phone to broadcast a list of numbers.

   "William's fried chicken."

   There was a crisp and energetic young man's voice over the phone.

   "Beverly Hills 18th, give me a family bucket set meal."

   Andrew directly ordered a family bucket.

   "Okay, sir."

When the phone was hung up, Andrew went to one side of the sofa and sat down with a slight smile on his face, "Aha, I didn’t expect him to get all the'hometown chickens' out, just changed a name. interesting.".

   Nowadays, in the United States in different time and space, after Kim Hyun-tae accompanied the old George on a trip to Asia, under the leadership of Qiao An, the "William Fried Chicken" fast food restaurant has sprung up like bamboo shoots in Los Angeles and opened dozens of stores at once.

   After all, there is no ‘hometown chicken’ nor ‘clown burger’ in this time and space. Some are just burritos, so this market has always been blank.

   Jin Xiantai has already discovered and pondered this gap in the market.

   It's just that he has a lot of things, so he hasn't cared about it.

   But now it is all right~lightnovelpub.net~ Finally, Jin Xiantai can enter this area and continue his copycat industry.

   The advertisements on CNN's various channels took turns bombing, and now no one knows about "William Fried Chicken".

   Of course, the fried chicken tastes really good, and it also focuses on the family theme, so it attracts many children and family members to try it out.

   At the same time, in conjunction with the small accessories made by the toy factory, there are children's packages and toys to give away, so the attraction to children becomes even greater in an instant.

   The taste is good, the price is not expensive, and the environment is good.

   So just a few days after opening, William Fried Chicken became very popular.

   Especially based on the knowledge of the previous life, Jin Xiantai also plans to focus on the franchise chain business model in this time and space, so many people are attracted to join.

   Qiao Ann has received a lot of intentions to join, but they are only in the processing stage for the time being.

  As the butler of Kim Hyun Tae, Andrew is his own no matter how, so it is understandable to support the brand of his own young master.

   Well, a family bucket is also supported.

  And Andrew just thought that Jin Xiantai made this fast food to make money, he didn't think so much at all. How did he know that Jin Xiantai made fast food, and there is a deeper meaning?

   After all, Andrew is just an alien elementary school student, it is impossible to really understand everything on earth. (To be continued.)