Rising America

Chapter 39: fraternity? Not interested in


   is a club-like organization, which is very popular in Europe and the United States and other places, and there have been such organizations since a long time ago, and it has continued to modern times.

   Whether in the original time and space or in this parallel time and space, the "fraternity" is very attractive, especially for the attention of young people.

  In modern society, starting from junior high school, teenagers will begin to form a ‘fraternity’, and at the same time it is used to attract a group of ‘like-minded’ friends, friends and dogs to gather together and spend a happy college life.

   This situation exists even in high school, college, and even in society.

  Middle-aged groups such as Nat, who are in their 30s and 40s, seem to have already entered the society and have become families, but they have also formed a ‘fraternity’.

   Of course, Nat’s ‘Brotherhood’ is of a community nature, and the members who join the ‘Brotherhood’ are all the funny middle-aged men in the community.

   Therefore, Nat’s ‘Brotherhood’ is slightly different from the academic ‘Brotherhood’, but there is no difference in essence.

   is nothing more than a group of big masters gathered together and smoked? Hemp, go shopping? Clothes and dance shop, or when drunk, naked on the streets of the community? Ben, wait, do these unscrupulous things that make people shake their heads.

   But it is undeniable that if you want to integrate into the United States and American society, you have to be like these people, because only in this way can you truly appreciate their mentality, and some attitudes and concepts towards life.

   It's a pity that Kim Hyun-tae is not sensitive to this.

   Although his mental age will not allow him to have a generation gap with these middle-aged and elderly people, he can't do the kind of unscrupulous things like these guys, and kill him.

   The last time I was not mentally prepared, I had a hangover. For this reason, Kim Hyun-tae has already reflected on it and decided that he will never do this again.

   You know, after getting drunk last time, he put his daughter in Demi's place and let the little girl take care of her all night.

   Thinking of this the next day, Kim Hyun-tae became scared.

   Fortunately, Demi is a good girl, and the Nats are not bad people, so the daughter is intact and in good condition.

   But in case the daughter suffers any harm in the face of misbehavior, then he, the father, will die.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae has no interest in joining the "fraternity" or anything.

   But he never thought that these unscrupulous middle-aged people, without communicating with them, announced that they had become new members of the ‘fraternity’ of the community. This is simply too nonsense.

  Nat, this guy still has the face to ask if he is ‘excited, excited’, yes, I’m so excited that I want to close the door.

   Kim Hyun-tae spit out in his heart.

Although in Nat's view, Kim Hyun-tae was abandoned at the door of the orphanage since he was born. He received American-style life education since he was a child, so he is basically a'banana man', with an American-style thinking, and Americans. no difference.

   Therefore, I will be happy to be absorbed into the ‘fraternity’. Who in this country does not want to join a ‘fraternity’?

   But in fact, as a traverser, Jin Xiantai is still the original Chinese thinking of time and space, and his treatment of life and work, and everything is different from that of Americans.

   So, he really didn't catch a cold at all about joining the "Brotherhood" or something.

   "William! Is there anything down there?"

   Annie upstairs at this time, slowly walking down the stairs holding Coco. She waited for a while upstairs, and heard the voice of a stranger downstairs, so she didn't feel relieved to take a look.

"Oh, it's Mr. Nat, the neighbor. He invited me to join the community's'fraternity'." Kim Hyun-tae has no need to hide anything, and there is one more person in the family. He also needs to introduce him to let Nat know that he has one more in his family. People in this situation.

   "Huh, it's a beautiful woman." Annie is very beautiful. Nat's eyes flashed after seeing Annie. Of course, this was the kind of appreciative gaze, without the slightest taste of insignificance, just pure appreciation.

"This is Nat, our neighbor." When Anne came over with Coco, Kim Hyun-tae once again introduced Nat to Anne, and then introduced Anne’s identity." This is Anne. The publisher helped me Please come and take care of the child's nanny, and she will live with me in the future."

   "Hello, Miss Anne, you are so beautiful." Americans speak very straightforwardly, and don't obscure compliments. Facing Nat's right hand stretched out, Annie moved Coco to her left hand to hold, and then stretched out her right hand and shook Natt slightly.

   "Jin! You made a mistake just now. You are not invited to join the Brotherhood, but you are already a member of the Brotherhood. Why? Don't you want to join our Brotherhood?"

   Kim Hyun Tae's cold reaction surprised Nat.

   "No, I'm very happy, it's just that I don't have time to attend the party at night." Of course, Kim Hyun-tae would not tell the truth, even if he thought that in his heart, he would not say it.

"William, it’s good to be at a party. After all, this is to connect with everyone. Besides, Mr. Nutt said, the members of this fraternity are all community residents. You know more people, and you can also leave a place among the neighbors. Good impression, right? Besides, I look after the children at home, so you can rest assured to go out and play."

   Annie didn't know the situation, so she persuaded Jin Xiantai.

   As she said, attending Nat’s community fraternity gathering is also an opportunity to expand relationships and get to know some community neighbors, which is also beneficial to him no matter what he thinks.

   "You don't understand, the place where they meet is strip? I don't like it very much in the dress and dance nightclub. It's too messy. And these guys are playing crazy, I can't bear it."

   As a last resort, Jin Xiantai had to say a few words to Annie in a low voice, so that she could understand the problem.

  Sure enough, when Kim Hyun-tae said, Annie's expression changed.

   She thought of the last time Kim Hyun-tae was drunk, and it seemed that it was this Nat who took the lead.

   "Oh, I remember, Coco is not feeling well. I'm going to see the doctor with William with my child at night, so I'm really sorry, Mr. William may not be able to attend the evening party."

   Annie's tone changed very quickly, and she made up a lie and opened her mouth without blinking her eyes. At the same time, the child was involved, which made it impossible for Nat to continue.

   After all, big things are not as important as children's things.

   Here in America, family and children are the most important above all things.

   "Well, I will explain to others."

  Nath nodded, and then left the door of Kim Hyun Tae's house a little disappointed.

   After Mr. Nat left, Kim Hyun-tae closed the door and took a long breath.

   "Oh my god, these unreliable middle-aged people, they are all this age and still have some brotherhoods. They are so crazy when they play, I can't stand it at all."

   patted his chest, Jin Xiantai looked at Annie with a wry smile, and said to him dumbly.

  Annie actually understands the middle-aged people like Nat.

   Here in the United States, although on the surface all kinds of welfare are perfect and the various systems are good, the pressure on employment and survival is not small.

   Therefore, middle-aged people like Nat need an outlet when they cannot vent the pressure in the family at work.

   Brotherhood is a good choice.

   After everyone joined the fraternity, a large group of middle-aged people who needed to vent can unscrupulously avoid the sight of their wives and children, and vent their backlog of pressure and emotions privately.

   In short, how crazy it is, because this is a way for them to vent their pressure and relieve their emotions.

   was not as unbearable as Kim Hyun Tae thought.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that some middle-aged old silks are mixed in, just to get big? Hemp, playfully.

   But most of the members of the community brotherhood joined in to vent their pressure.

   But Annie didn't want to explain it to Jin Xiantai. After all, Jin Xiantai was still a teenager, and he probably wouldn't understand this matter.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae has a high IQ, he still lacks some social experience and it is impossible to understand the state of middle-aged people.

   At least, what does Annie think.

   Because she didn't know at all, Kim Hyun Tae was actually a middle-aged person in his bones, so how could he not understand this.

   But Annie couldn't imagine that Jin Xiantai was a middle-aged traveler.

   "Thank you for helping me out, or else I really can't refuse Mr. Nat's invitation. UU read www.uukanshu.com", Jin Xiantai thanked Annie at this time.

   Annie smiled while holding Coco and shook her head: "No, but you will still have to deal with them in the future. I guess you can't run away from this brotherhood."

   Annie was right. Kim Hyun-tae lives here. Everyone is a neighbor. You can avoid it this time, but next time.

   Besides, people are not malicious, right.

   Thinking of this, Kim Hyun-tae sighed, “I’ll talk about it next time, but I guess it’s unlikely. After all, I’m going to school soon, right?”

   When I thought about going to school again soon, Kim Hyun-tae thought that as long as he went to school, he would definitely be able to avoid the unscrupulous middle-aged Mr. Nat.

The smile on Annie’s face became stronger, reminding Jin Hyun-tae: “The school also has a fraternity. Don’t forget this. Do you plan to be an independent person in the college, not to have a good relationship with your classmates or make friends? Is it?"

   Looking at the smile on Annie's face, Kim Hyun Tae was shocked.

   Oh, I’m going, how could I forget, it seems that there are such organizations in American schools.

  Yes, after being reminded by Annie this way, Kim Hyun-tae did think of this. Moreover, he had watched many American dramas in the original time and space in his previous life, and there were also descriptions of this situation.

   carnival party! Hot girl handsome!

I go!

   Hey, that's not right, it looks like it's the brotherhood of the university, isn't it the same in high school?

  Suddenly, Kim Hyun-tae thought of a little question.

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