Rising America

Chapter 390: Great plan for "Qianjing"

"I will ask people to apply for patent protection for these styles of clothing. At that time, yg can invest in establishing its own factory to produce clothing of this style. What I can be sure of is that these clothing styles can be accepted by the public through its artists, and even To become a trend, yg company must also develop the surrounding celebrities. This is a profitable business. =乐=文=fiction ww.lw"

At this time, Kim Hyun-tae talked to Lee Sung-chan about some of his ideas about the development of star surroundings. After all, he had really experienced these things in his previous life.

Although he has no personal experience, Kim Hyun-tae is very clear about some of the things brought about by the "Halyu" wind in the original time and space.

Therefore, standing on the'shoulders of giants', Kim Hyun-tae can of course also become'forward-looking', making Lee Sungcan look admiringly, looking at him like looking at a'god man'.

Of course, it is not clear how sincere or pretentious Li Sungcan's reaction is. Fortunately, Jin Xiantai didn't bother to explore this issue.

"Does yg company have sufficient funds?"

Jin Xiantai has a whole set of ideas and plans for making use of the celebrity effect after investing in the yg company, but these all require financial support.

It's not that Jin Xiantai himself has no money, but he thinks that if yg company has enough funds, then he doesn't need to take out the best money.

It is a pity that Lee Sung Chan's answer made Kim Hyun Tae doomed to disappoint.

"The yg company has no money on its books. Originally, the company made a good profit, but a large part of it was used to maintain the relationship with officials of the Ministry of Culture and Industry. At the same time, some of the original shareholders did not pay much attention to the company's future development. When they have money, they will go away. It is called dividends. For this reason, I have a headache. It is for this reason that I want to find a new partner. Finally I met you."

Li Chengcan said that the company has no money on the books, and the huge yg company is just glamorous on the surface, and the inside is rotten.

For this state of yg company. Kim Hyun Tae also made a preparation for acceptance in his heart. After all, he had the knowledge of South Korea in his previous life. So he was not surprised by the situation of yg company.

"Yg company has not yet been listed, and I don't plan to go public after I become the main shareholder. What are the assets of yg company now?"

Without continuing to ask yg company funds, Kim Hyun Tae changed the subject.

Li Sungcan is true, considering that he will become a collaborator in a few days, and the other party will absolutely control yg, so Lee Sungcan did not intend to hide it. He told Kim Hyun-tae honestly: "Land and real estate. The total is almost 80 million. U.S. dollars, the expenditure is about 70 million U.S. dollars a year, and the income is about 90 million U.S. dollars."

Kim Hyun Tae counted silently in his heart while listening.

According to the revenue and expenditure data given by Li Chengcan, yg company basically still makes money and can make a profit.

It's just that because of the narrow vision of some shareholders and the need to give benefits to some power departments, yg company basically can't keep any money, which has created obstacles to the company's development.

You know that yg company makes money, which is built on the basis of crushing artists.

So this phenomenon is very dangerous.

"In the future, I will be a major shareholder and you will be a minority shareholder. The power structure will become simple. I will not intervene in the management of the company. I will give you full power to do it, so you will have no constraints."

After thinking about it. Kim Hyun Tae said to Lee Sung Chan.

"As for the benefits of the Ministry of Culture and Industry, let's stop. I don't think they will dare to provoke me. I still have the confidence. Of course, just give some gifts for the holidays, and I am not. It’s unkind, but it’s impossible to be like before."

Li Chengcan nodded repeatedly, and at the same time echoed: "Of course, after you control yg. Basically, yg is equivalent to its own industry. Those people from the Ministry of Culture and Industry borrowed them some courage. I dare not be as unscrupulous as before, after all. yg can be regarded as a foreign company in the future."

Withdraw ‘foreign capital’ tiger skins. To deter unscrupulous people inside, Li Chengcan obviously understands this truth.

"What do you think about the issue of star peripheral development?"

Kim Hyun Tae asked.

Speaking of this matter, Lee Sung-chan looked at Kim Hyun-tae again with the same expression as he was looking at him. Kim Hyun-tae was very uncomfortable.

"This idea of ​​yours is too genius. You have to know that no one has considered this area of ​​the entire Korean entertainment industry, but you actually have a detailed plan. I personally think that the development of star peripherals is very promising. My attitude is stand by!"

Li Chengcan can be considered a talent, and he has some vision.

After Kim Hyun-tae took out the new artist style and the celebrity surrounding development plan, Lee Sung-chan was basically conquered.

Just like what he said, no one had even thought about the development of celebrities around this period in Korea.

Therefore, this area has a lot of money, and it will definitely make a lot of money if it is set up.

In particular, the copywriting of Kim Hyun Tae's plan is very detailed, and each step is clearly listed. As long as you follow the copy, there will be no mistakes.

That's why Lee Sung Chan admires Kim Hyun Tae so much.

Of course, he wouldn't know that Kim Hyun-tae is a gadget from the ‘cottage’, another routine that Koreans have been playing in time and space.

It's just that the Koreans at Different Time and Space haven't thought about this issue, so they were taken out by Jin Hyuntae.

Lee Sungcan said here that he is very optimistic about the development of star peripheral products, and Kim Hyun-tae has no worries and is completely relieved.

After all, I can make Li Chengcan agree and be optimistic, and I can save myself some tongue in the future. This is the best result now.

However, the fact that yg company is only worth 80 million US dollars really makes Jin Xiantai speechless to the extreme.

He really wants to shout at Lee Sung Chan [Are you not the largest brokerage company in Korea? How is it worth 80 million US dollars. 】, but in the end he held it back.

The value of yg company is not high, it just happened to be cheaper for him.

Obviously, although South Korea has started to export its own cultural values ​​to Asia with stars as the forward, but in private, the South Korean government is not very good at this matter.

At the same time, those who follow the policy to invest in the entertainment industry. It's just planning to get a vote and leave. There is no such thing as Li Chengcan thinking about good management and development.

Therefore, yg is known as the largest brokerage company in Korea. It is not surprising that the value of only 80 million US dollars.

of course. This has nothing to do with the overall values ​​of South Korea.

The mainstream value of Korea in different time and space is to study hard, go to university, and then become a civil servant. At the very least, you have to work in a large company like Seven Star Electronics. Such a life is perfect.

Being an entertainer or something, that is not very ‘influence’ work.

Of course, in another time and space, it has not yet developed into a period of people and groups like'Kwon Zhilong' and'Girls' Generation'. The entertainment industry is really not very attractive.

Especially the status of artists has not been high in Korea.

Therefore, even if South Korea slogans "Export Korean values ​​with entertainment", in fact, their status has not improved much for the artists who work hard for this.

This is especially true for singers, comedians, second-rate TV series actors, and non-streamed movie actors.

South Korea in different time and space has inherited the Chinese Confucianism. Although the people don't say it, they all regard the artists as the "lower class" in their hearts. This is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, how many people will really consider the development of a brokerage company.

Kim Hyun Tae is different. He saw the business opportunity here, saw the opportunity to make big money, so of course he would ‘try his best’. Everything depends on the money.

"Let’s build our own factory. I plan to make star-like ornaments, posters, keychains, and mobile phone chains at the beginning. Then we will gradually expand step by step. Of course, we will pay for the image of artists. At least they will make more money than they can make by running the announcement. As for how much it will be. You can do this as you see fit."

Jin Xiantai will not give a specific figure for image usage fees, but instead throws the question to Li Sungcan. Let him solve this matter.

In Kim Hyun-tae's view, it is based on Korean urine. Basically, it won't give much.

So this is a very offensive and hateful thing.

Then he can't come forward for such things, and Lee Sungcan is very suitable.

Although Kim Hyun-tae was very vague, Lee Sung-chan understood the meaning, so he did not hesitate to respond.

"I will take care of this, but who do we choose as an example in the early stage?"

Indeed, there are many artists under yg, so who to choose is also a question.

Moreover, for the artists, this is a good thing that can bring a windfall, so they will not object.

Lee Sung Chan is not worried at all about this.

As an authentic Han Bang in different time and space, Li Chengcan knows exactly how to squeeze those artists, so as to squeeze them and make them grateful.

Even when Lee Sung Chan responded to Kim Hyun Tae, he had already thought of how to talk to the artists.

But choosing who makes Li Chengcan a little bit embarrassed.

"There is nothing difficult to do about this. Choose a man and a woman, just to have a certain popularity. After all, we also try the water first."

This problem that makes Lee Sung Chan feel a little embarrassed, from the perspective of Kim Hyun Tae, it is actually very easy to solve. It must be a popular artist.

Nobody is angry, and there is no market for the gadgets made.

Of course, if you want to subdivide, men need to be handsome, women need to be windy... ahem, sexy, or cute.

"By the way, Mr. Quan Daolong hopes that you will contact him when you are free. He would like to have a private meeting with you. I think there may be something to discuss with you."

Seven Star Electronic Power Daolong?

Kim Hyun-tae was a little puzzled when he heard his eyes. He didn't know what Quan Daolong meant to meet in private. After all, he and Quan Daolong were not familiar with each other, and they did not have any intersection with him.

"Mr. Quan Daolong helped reclaim 10% of yg shares, saying it was a small meeting gift for you, I hope you can accept it."

Regarding Quan Daolong's explanation, Li Chengcan didn't dare to neglect to forget, so he finally found the opportunity to pass it to Jin Xiantai.

"Okay, I will contact him later."

Although he was very puzzled, Kim Hyun-tae decided to contact Quan Daolong to see what he was doing~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, in the office of the president of Qixing Electronics Group Building, Quan Daolong was holding a fax from the United States. Look very carefully.

This fax came from the ‘Frankstein Laboratory’, and it stated in detail that it was a holding company, and Quan Daolong had to pay attention to some of the things listed on the fax.

The image quality and resolution are doubled, and the system speed is increased by 50%. In particular, Quan Daolong’s concern is that he has a new chip (cpu) that is three times faster than the current state-of-the-art processing speed.

And this news was just yesterday that Quan Daolong approached Li Sungcan and asked him to convey one of the most important factors for him to see Kim Hyun Tae.

As the controller of Qixing Electronics, it is impossible for Quan Daolong to know what kind of impact will it have on the smartphone industry once the data listed on the other party's fax is true.

He is very excited!

However, the other party said clearly in the fax that this matter had to be agreed by Jin Xiantai. After all, the research funding of the laboratory was provided by Jin Xiantai. (To be continued.)