Rising America

Chapter 403: Let you see what a master is

   "President, is there anything important if you call us over in such a hurry?"

   After Li Xiaoen and Kim Jongda appeared, Kim Jongda was the first to ask questions. n ∈

   Due to the line of sight, Kim Chung-da did not see Kim Hyun-tae, so he seemed very casual.

   But when Lee Hyo-eun stopped and Kim Hyun-tae who was sitting there was revealed, Kim Jung-da was visibly dumbfounded.

   "Come on, let me introduce to you, this is William. He will invest in yg in the future, and I will have to work for him at that time."

   Lee Sung-chan introduced Kim Hyun-tae with a smile. Kim Hyun-tae just nodded where he was sitting, as a response to Lee Sung-chan’s introduction.

"This is Kim Chung-dae. The first artist that yg company signed is considered an old minister of yg company." After Li Sungcan introduced Kim Hyun-tae, he also introduced Kim Chung-dae to him, and at the same time cryptically told Kim Hyun-tae that Kim Chung-tae was The "elderly" of yg company obviously hopes that Jin Xiantai will take care of him.

  Humans are all emotional, even in South Korea, where the interpersonal relationship is strictly hierarchical. Of course, Lee Sung-chan will take care of ‘veterans’ like Kim Jong-da.

   Lee Hyo-eun has already met, so there is no need to introduce it.


   After Lee Hyo-en greeted very well, he walked to the side and sat down.

   Kim Chung-dae met Kim Hyun-tae for the first time, so I had to call Kim Hyun-tae the ‘president’ like Lee Hyo-eun, but this title is correct.

   Kim Hyun Tae has been observing Kim Jung-dae, his eyes full of curiosity.

   Because Kim Jongda is so similar to a Korean male star in his memory.

   That's right, it's the Korean male artist Su Zhixie who flashed in his mind after he saw Kim Jongda.

   It is said that Kim Jung-dae looks a lot like Su Ji-seop. From Kim Hyun-tae's point of view, it is interesting. You must know this is a different time and space.

   Strictly speaking, it doesn’t matter if it is a parallel time and space.

   And many places in this time and space are a little different from the time and space he was in in his previous life.

   is in such a different time and space. There is such a person as Kim Dae-jung, how can you say that Kim Hyun-tae is not curious and interesting.

   Of course, Hui Ni Houston, who is as far away as the United States, is also like this, but Hui Ni, a black girl, is still young and has some differences in appearance, so the feeling it brings to Jin Xiantai is not as strong.

   But Jin Zhongda is different.

   This guy is so similar to someone, almost like twins.

   Fortunately, Jin Xiantai is very clear that he is indeed in a different time and space now, not the original time and space, so such a strange thing has happened. He just found it interesting, and didn't think much about it.

   Is there any wonder in the universe?

   "Let you two come over today, there is really a very important thing, but you should not be nervous, this is a good thing."

   After Lee Hyo-eun and Kim Jung-dae settled down, Lee Sung-chan started talking about the plan of ‘star peripheral development’.

   As candidates for star peripheral development, Lee Hyo-eun and Kim Jong-dae became more excited as they listened.

   Neither of them are idiots, let alone idiots, so both of them know very well once the plan is implemented smoothly. Then he (she) can all get huge benefits in it.

   At the same time, in terms of Kim Hyun Tae's relationship and abilities, the success of this plan is very likely, and there is no such thing as a failure at all.

   So how could Li Xiaoen and Kim Jongda not be excited, not excited.

"That's how it is. You will digest it when you go back. The company has already found a script here, and it can be filmed after a little modification. As long as you play this drama well, William and I promise that you can make a splash. Trend, and popularity is not only in Korea. It is in Asia as a whole."

   Because he had communicated with Kim Hyun Tae, he had a detailed understanding of Kim Hyun Tae's plan, so Lee Sung Chan dared to go down to Haikou here.

To know. Kim Hyun Tae promised him that this drama will not only be broadcast in Korea, but also in Japan.

   As long as the drama in South Korea and Japan becomes popular, he will promote the drama to all of Asia through the public relations and promotion team. At that time, the main roles of Lee Hyo-eun, Kim Jong-dae, and Jung In Hee will be hard to come by.

  Of course, Huaxia will also have public relations there.

   Although Korean dramas are not popular in China at the moment, many people like to watch them.

   After all, where are the more than 10 billion people in China.

   Lee Sung Chan still believes in Kim Hyun Tae.

   Apart from anything else, the n under the name of Kim Hyun Tae alone is enough to make Lee Sung Chan no doubt whether he has such an ability.

   ‘n TV Station’ has now been renamed ‘n TV Group’, and as the largest TV media on the West Coast of the United States, its subordinate department must have a business promotion and public relations team.

   As long as Jin Xiantai delegates the promotion to these two departments, then it will be no difficulty to achieve what he promised.

   The entertainment and culture industry in the United States is much more mature than that in South Korea. Things that South Korea cannot do, the United States may not be able to do.

   And this is the gap between South Korea and the United States.

   Of course, the thinking that Americans are Koreans'grandfathers' has also had a big impact on Lee Sungchan.

  Who told the United States to station troops in South Korea after the Korean War in another time and space, and the South Korea that made them all regarded the Americans as "grandfathers".

   So, there is no doubt that Koreans in different time and space worship Americans.

   This kind of thinking, even from the powerful and politicians to the bottom people, is deeply engraved in their deep thinking and is indelible.

   Especially in this sensitive period when the Northern Dynasty was clamoring for high nuclear weapons, Koreans even clung to the thighs of American "Grandpa" and shouted, "Grandpa save me Smecta."

   "Okay, I have already booked a banquet outside. Let me be a host today and entertain you. The three of you, CUHK, Hyo-eun, and Inji, will also accompany you, and please entertain William at that time."

   Regarding Lee Sung Chan’s sincere invitation, Kim Hyun Tae really couldn’t refuse, and at the same time, thinking that there would be nothing wrong today, so he agreed.

   Around is just a meal.

   It’s not early, it’s 17:12 in the afternoon.

   So Lee Sung Chan stood up, and he had to take Kim Hyun Tae, Lee Hyo Eun, Kim Jung Da, and Jung In Hee to leave for the Korean cuisine he had ordered.

  Coco of course no one will forget. Kim Hyun Tae held his daughter in his arms for the first time.

   The maids, Camilla and Hilda, followed Jin Hyun-tae. The two of them are also going to dinner. Although they can’t be at the same table, they won’t be ignored.

   "This uncle is not bad, he grew up very handsome."

   has never stopped playing Coco on mobile phones. At this time, he looked up at Jin Zhongda and then expressed his opinion.

   Hearing the words, Jin Zhongda turned his head and smiled honestly.

   "Thank you for your compliment."

   Li Chengcan once said that one of the most important advantages of Jinzhong University is to be obedient.

   In addition, when Kim Jongda was rumored to have an affair with Lee Hyo-eun. He had stood up to refute those rumors, so Kim Hyun-tae had a pretty good sense of him.

   Regardless of whether Kim Chung-da had the intention of flattering at the time, Kim Hyun-tae regarded him as pleasing to the eye anyway.

   "Uncle hug."

   Coco opened his arms.

"May I?"

   Kim Chung-da watched Kim Hyun Tae’s very respectful inquiry.

   Jin Xiantai smiled and passed the cocoa, Jin Zhong Dalian hurriedly hugged the cocoa.

   "You are also a cute girl."

   "Hee hee, everyone said that, but Coco also thinks he is cute."

   Little Coco has a thick-skinned face and has no idea what humility is.

   In other words, ‘just a big face and not ashamed. ’, but the little guy’s face is not big at all, this description seems a bit nondescript.

   But in general. Cocoa's thick face is absolute.

   Fortunately, she was young, so no matter what she said, she wouldn't be disgusting, but it made people think that she was innocent.

   I have to say, many times when I am young. It is really dominant.

   Try to say that as an adult girl.

Ha ha!

   will definitely be said to be unmodest.

   "Does Uncle Zhong play games?"

   Xiao Ke Ke asked this when he first met Zheng Inji.

   Now that I saw Jin Zhongda, he asked like this.

   But unlike Jung In Hee, Kim Chung-dae has always been bored and played games at home since his acting career encountered difficulties. So Coco really asked the right person.

   "Of course I will, uncle has a great game."

   Yo, I found a ‘like-minded’ person. This made Coco excited.

   "Oh, oh, what game does Uncle play? Coco likes to play "Blade of the Soul" and is still a master."


   "Wow, my uncle also plays Heroic Souls. The international server ranking is already a silver cup. My favorite hero character is'Hammer Loli Wendy', how about you?"

   Jinzhong Dabao posted his own ranking, and Cocoa's eyes flashed when he heard it.

   As a well-known big pit product in the international zone of "Heroic", the little guy certainly knows what the concept of a silver cup is. Although it is not the most powerful, it is really a master.

   Kim Hyun Tae grinned from the side listening.

   He didn't think that Kim Jongda was still a sullen Sao, and he actually liked the role of "Wendy".

   In the Blade of Soul, Wendy’s character is set as a cute-looking little loli who uses a big hammer~lightnovelpub.net~, if the equipment is qualified in the later stage, such a hero is very powerful.

   Especially its big move is very suitable for escape.

Xiao Ke Ke responded at this time: "I used to like to play Wendy, but now I don’t like this hero after I improve. Now I like tortoises. I think tortoises are the best. So uncle, let’s team up for a few games. Is the situation good?"

  Coco took the opportunity to send out an invitation.

   For the invitation from the future boss Qianjin, Kim Chung University will of course not refuse.

   But he also reminded Coco, this is not something you can play if you want.

   "Uncle can play with you of course, but there is no computer. We are going to eat here, there is no computer in that place."

   "It's okay, leave it to me."

   "Dad, I want to play a game." Coco let Jin Zhongda feel relieved, and then turned around and shouted at Jin Xiantai.

   Kim Hyun-tae had a black line, but he nodded, and then ordered Camilla behind him: "I will order a few computers right away with a wireless network card, and then send them to xxxx Korean food."

   A few computers don’t cost much money, as long as the daughter is happy.

   I have to say that Kim Hyun-tae is really doting his daughter.

   "Hee hee, it's done, I will let you see what is called a five killer in the middle!" (To be continued.)