Rising America

Chapter 404: Self-mocking of girls

   Five kills master in the middle road or something is absolutely unbelievable. ⊥

   When Kim Hyun Tae arrived at the Korean restaurant reserved by Lee Sung Chan, the computer Kim Hyun Tae ordered was already in the private room.

   Money in this world can really do a lot of things that others seem to be impossible.

   There are a total of five computers, but he owns one, one for Kim Chung University, and the remaining three are Li Sungcan and Li Hyoen, and Kim Hyun Tae is divided.

   Zheng Renji can't play, so she can only be a bystander.

   The little girl sat next to Kim Hyun Tae under Li Sungcan's instruction.

   Zheng Inji's side is really good. I can't tell that she is just 15 years old. She is better than many adult women in terms of body. God knows what she eats to grow so well.

   ordered the Korean food restaurant to serve food later, and then a few adults accompanied the little guy to play games, who made the little guy very excited at this time.

   Of course, Lee Sung Chan and the others are willing to accompany Coco, mainly because of Kim Hyun Tae's face.

   Who made Kim Hyun Tae promise her daughter to accompany her to play with Kim Jung Da.

   As the game started, Coco's five kills in the middle became a joke.

   The five-man team played in 5vs5 mode, and Coco was annoyed at the start.

   For such an opening, it did not go beyond Kim Hyun Tae's expectations.

   "Oh, I made a mistake and made a mistake, but it doesn't matter, it's right when people make mistakes." But she didn't realize that this was her own technical problem, but found an excuse to stall.

   At this time when a few people were playing games with the bear kids, there was a heated discussion on the Internet about whether Kim Hyun-tae should foster or nurture him.

   Shinoda Kazumasa [I think that Mr. William is telling the truth. There is no reason to raise a little girl with his status and status. Even if he has such an idea, what's weird? In Japan, a man of status and wealth like William. If there are not many women around, I don’t think you need to pay attention to these. ], this news comes from Osaka, Japan.

   A Japanese netizen expressed his opinion.

   is Japanese after all, so his views are a little different, but they are also very realistic.

   Indeed, in this different time and space, look at the powerful people in those countries, who is not next to a pair of Yingyingyanyan.

   So look at these people, and then think about William (Kim Hyun Tae), don't say he is not supported. What can I do even if it is covered.

   Of course, Kim Hyun-tae has already explained that what his daughter said was a misunderstanding. He was talking about ‘cultivation’. It’s just that his daughter didn’t meet the standard of Korean language learning, so he misunderstood it as ‘bearing support’.

   Many netizens believe this excuse.

   It's just that some netizens don't believe it.

   As for the netizens who don't believe it, it is not clear what kind of mentality they are.

   Enzo of Sicily [William has given an explanation. He said that his daughter did not meet the Korean standard, so he misunderstood what he said. This is true. After all, don't ignore the fact that Coco is only one and a half years old, she is only a one and a half year old child. So it’s not surprising that I misunderstood what my father said. So I believe in William. ], this news comes from Sicily, Italy.

  Darkness in the sun, Enzo of Sicily [Many things in this world cannot be seen on the surface. I don’t feel anything special about rich and powerful people raising girls, but I just can’t get used to it. He has to find an excuse to cover up. This is a typical example of being a biaozi and setting up an archway. I hate such people. ]. This news comes from China Magic Capital.

   Different Space-Time Facebook has a language converter. This powerful feature is that it allows netizens with different languages ​​all over the world to easily communicate with each other in their native language without any obstacles.

   You only need to click the mouse, and the converter will allow you to communicate smoothly.

   So, on the side of different time and space, although many things are lagging behind the other time and space, there are some things that surpass the other time and space. I have to say that this is very strange.

Ma Baowei the darkness under the sun [I think you are envious, jealous, and hate, I see a lot of people like you, you are a brainless black, black for the sake of darkness, you see that the parents are handsome and rich, I can meet beautiful girls, so I am so excited, you guy with impure purpose. ], this news comes from China Yanjing.

   Demi's darkness under the sun, Kim Hyun-tae [William, come and wrap me, I will post the money to you! 】

  Texas little wild cat, the darkness in the sun, Jin Hyuntae [William, come and entrust me, my farm will give you all! 】

   Well, girls are much more intense than boys.

   They kept ‘circling’ Kim Hyun Tae, and at the same time they shouted the same thing.

   Such a scene stunned many people.

   Of course, many boys are really envious and hated.

   Among those girls, there are also girls who have had intersections with Kim Hyun Tae, such as Yang Weiwei and Demi...

   Kim Hyun-tae has no idea about these things on the Internet.

   At this time, he had just been broken through the camp by his opponent in the game, and he ushered in a complete defeat.

   "Don’t be discouraged. We didn’t play well in this game. Maybe I’m not used to using the new computer. Otherwise, my five kills will definitely come back.

  Coco continues to encourage everyone, I hope everyone will not get discouraged.

   But in fact, everyone now has a very intuitive understanding of the technology of Cocoa.

   The game cannot be played all the time, after all, this is for dinner.

   So Kim Hyun-tae quickly dispelled the idea of ​​her daughter continuing to play, and it finally made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

  Playing with scams like Coco, no matter what kind of master you are, it is difficult to support the battle.

   My father opened his mouth, and Xiao Keke was able to put away his ‘war’, reluctantly, after a reluctant ‘oh’, he moved his **** to the table.

   The game is over and the people in the restaurant are ordered to start serving dishes.

  Everyone is grateful for getting rid of the dark war, but everyone can't cheer on the cocoa side.

   Zheng Inhee sat beside Kim Hyun Tae, and occasionally touched Kim Hyun Tae's arm with her plump chest, the hint was already obvious.

   Kim Dae-jung and Lee Hyo-eun both discovered this, but they didn't break it. After all, unspoken rules and things are too normal in the Korean entertainment industry. At the same time, Lee Sung-chan seems to support Zheng In-hee to do so. So why should the two of them stop Zheng Inji.

   As time went on, a dinner ended near 22 o'clock.

   At this time, Zheng Inji was already drinking with a blushing blush. During the meal, she often advised Jin Xiantai to drink. She herself didn't even eat much, and patronized Jin Xiantae to persuade him to drink.

   So when the meal was over, Zheng Inji was already a little unsteady, and she collapsed on Jin Xiantai's shoulders.

   It was the first time that Kim Hyun-tae encountered this kind of encounter, so he was a little flustered for a while.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who has only dealt with women once, seems to be at a loss for such a situation.

   But Kim Hyun Tae is not stupid, he more or less noticed that Zheng In Hee behaved differently. It seems that I was over-enthusiastic about myself during the meal.

   But Kim Hyun Tae didn't think much about it. He just thought that Zheng In Hee was so passionate about him because he got a role.

   "It's getting late. Where does she live, I'll take her back."

   Kim Hyun Tae’s good old man had an episode. Considering that the girl was a little drunk, he decided to send her back.

   And this happened to be in Li Chengcan's arms.

  【Nin Ji, whether you can win William or not depends on your ability. Although unable to become his girlfriend or wife. But as long as you have a relationship with him, your future will be smooth. For a girl like you, William is the best choice. 】

   secretly prayed for Zheng Inji in his heart, and Li Sungcan nodded immediately.

   "Then I will trouble you. Ren Ji lives in Jiangbei Welfare Institute."

   Orphanage? I really am an orphan.

   Jin Xiantai turned his head to look at Zheng Inji, who was lying on his shoulders, her face was blushing with emotion.

   Jung In Hee's life experience reminds Kim Hyun Tae of himself.

Yes. Kim Hyun Tae is also an orphan, an outright orphan.

  His life was even more miserable than Zheng Inji. After all, Zheng Inji had a father and a mother, and Kim Hyun-tae had never seen his parents from the moment he was born, so he was thrown to the door of the orphanage.

   So Jeong In Hee is slightly happier than Kim Hyun Tae.

   Knowing where Zheng Inji lives, Kim Hyun-tae and Lee Sung-chan, Lee Hyo-eun, and Kim Jong-dae bid farewell, and left the restaurant in a car provided by the Shilla Hotel.

   After Kim Hyun Tae left, Kim Jung-da came to Lee Sung Chan and asked with some confusion: "President, you are planning to take In Hee..."

   As a woman, Lee Hyo-eun also noticed Lee Sung-chan's plan, and because he was a woman, he felt a little helpless with Jung In Hee.

Nodded, Li Chengcan, who didn't intend to hide anything, sighed and said: "This is an opportunity for Inji. William has a good character. If she can have a relationship with William, it will be very good for her. The entertainment industry has it. What's good, being a star is just superficial. If possible, I hope Ren Ji can have a better way out."

   For Lee Sung Chan's remarks, both Kim Jong-da and Lee Hyo-eun felt the same, and they both believed in the same.

   Indeed, the star is really just superficial.

   Especially Korean celebrities.

  The squeeze of major companies, the prying eyes of the powerful, the various invitations and unspoken rules that cannot be refused, all these make Korean artists breathless.

   "Zhongda, Xiao En, I can't give you better treatment in terms of sharing, but if the development plan for the surrounding area is successful, the benefits will not be small, so you must take good care of it."

   Putting aside Zheng Inji for the time being, Li Sungcan turned around and looked at Kim Chung University and Li Hyo Eun, with a very serious expression, reminding them again that they must take this matter seriously.

In the car carrying Zheng Inji to the Jiangbei Welfare Institute, Zheng Inji's octopus-like hands wrapped Jin Xiantae, and he kept squeezing her plump body against Jin Xiantae, making him feel the heat and richness of his body, oh, This made Kim Hyun Tae very embarrassed.

   "Dad, what is this sister doing? Why does she always squeeze you? I don't have a place here." In order to avoid Zheng Inji, Kim Hyun Tae kept moving his body, so he squeezed to his daughter Coco's side.

   So this caused Coco's dissatisfaction.

   "My sister is drunk, I don't know why she is like this."

   Kim Hyun pretended to be confused.

   Fortunately, cocoa is easy to fool, so the little guy really believes it.

  , Zheng Inhee, who is constantly taking the initiative, is extremely shy at this moment. Although she looks like she is drunk, in fact the little girl is not drunk at all.

   Korean girls can drink, and so can Jeong In Hee.

   She just followed this opportunity to actively attack Kim Hyun Tae.

   is just a pity, it doesn't seem to work much.

   This made the girl who did this for the first time shy and disappointed, and at the same time a deep sense of frustration rose in her heart.

   "Dad~lightnovelpub.net~ Will my sister be scolded when I go back so late?"

   Coco suddenly asked at this moment.

   And this sentence made Jin Xiantai fall into contemplation and memories.

   I remember when he lived in an orphanage, he didn't seem to be scolded.

   It’s not easy to say about Korea in different time and space.

"Let’s go back to the Shilla Hotel, let people tell me at the orphanage, and I won’t go back tonight." Thinking of reports that foreign orphanages are dark, he was worried that Zheng Inji would suffer badly, so he planned to take Zheng Inji with him. Go back to the Shilla Hotel and stay for one night.

   "When I get to the hotel, I will get off first, Camilla, you and Ren Ji will take the elevator up from the underground garage."

   Jin Xiantai made such an arrangement deliberately in order not to cause any trouble.

   Camilla nodded after hearing this.

   Jung In Hee squinted his eyes and stared at Kim Hyun Tae's handsome side, and the fawn bumped into each other.

  【Will you take me back to the hotel? Then he will definitely treat me..., what should I do at that time? 】

Zheng Renji actually opened a brain hole, and under the stimulation of the brain hole and alcohol, a hot current gushed from her lower abdomen, and it rushed to the limbs in an instant. The feeling was beyond words. The girl felt herself She sighed in her heart when her body was inexplicable and caused some panic changes. At the same time, she laughed at herself [Jung In Hee, Zheng In Hee, you are such a shameless girl]. (To be continued.)