Rising America

Chapter 407: Kim Hyun-tae will also open his mind

   "Did you know? Billy jokes that Coco doesn't have a mother, so he doesn't have Mimi touch. That's a very annoying boy. He often bullies our girls, but Coco is not afraid of him and kicked his little Tintin."

   drew Zheng Inji to her bedroom, closed the door and walked to the bed, Coco put away her scumbag and became serious and said such a childish thing to Zheng Inji.

  Who is Billy?

   A big question mark appeared on Zheng Inji's head.

   Although the little guy interrupted his plan, which led to his failure to implement the temptation to Kim Hyun Tae, Zheng In Hee still thanked Coco from the bottom of his heart.

   Thinking about her performance just now, Zheng Inji couldn't believe that she would be so bold and take the initiative. This is completely different from her usual time. I didn't think there was anything before, but now I am really ashamed to recall it.

   If there is a seam in the ground, Zheng Inhee can't wait to get in now.

   Fortunately, the little guy appeared and interrupted the awkward atmosphere.

  【Gosh, why did I take the initiative to be so bold just now, what is going on? 】

   Zheng Inhee, who is extremely shy, blushes like a monkey **** at this moment.

Little Coco raised his hand and patted on Zheng Inji's shoulder, and comforted him with an adult-like tone: "My father is very handsome, and many girls are willing to be his girlfriends. Although I don't understand why this is the case, it is true. So you don’t have to be so shy."

   [What do you know as a kid, I was shameless like that just now, okay, it's almost equivalent to tempting your dad without wearing anything. 】

   Ke Ke said that he didn't care and that it was a normal thing, but Zheng Inhee couldn't think so.

   Cocoa is only one and a half years old.

   Zheng Inji is 15 or 16 years old. She is a big girl, so she won't be as shameless as Coco.

   At this time, Coco got into the bed, and then started beckoning to Zheng Renji, so that she could get in too quickly.

   "Hurry up and get into the bed, beware of colds."

   Anyway, he left the bedroom faceless. So tonight, I was definitely going to pay for this little kid. Thinking of this, Zheng Inji did not refuse.

   After Zheng Renji got into the bed, Xiao Ke stretched out her little hand ridiculously, covering the girl's plumpness. Then began to rub gently, and pinched the bump on the plump with my little finger very precisely.

   God knows how Coco's little hands are so powerful.

   is an unmanned girl after all. Zheng Inji has recovered from the previous state and has become the shy girl again, so she is a little unaccustomed to the violation of Coco's little hands.

   But Coco is a kid after all. Zheng Renji was not good at scolding her, so she could only patiently let Coco touch her, until she felt flustered.

   In the end, in order to divert Cocoa's attention, Zheng Inji began to have nothing to say.

   "Who is Billy?"

   Coco lay beside Zheng Inji, her small hands covering Zheng Inji's plumpness, her little face was full of contentment, God knows what it's so satisfying to touch a Mimi.

   Hearing this, Coco responded: "The boy in the place where my father and I used to live is a very annoying guy. He knows bullying girls all day long. He is a very bad boy."

   Okay, maybe it's a guy who likes to tease girls. How old can she know kids at Coco's age.

   Zheng Inhee analyzed it privately.

"Coco doesn't have a mother. Billy always uses this to make fun of Coco, and he also teased me with other boys, but Coco was not afraid of him, and even taught him severely. As a result, this guy went to his mother crying. What a coward."

   Coco curled his lips when she mentioned what she had taught Billy. He showed a very disdainful look.

   Indeed, for children, it is very despising for a child to be bullied if he is not bullied, and then crying to find his mother.

and so. Coco despised Billy very much.

   Zheng Renji heard Coco mention this matter again, and from Coco's words heard some information that made her very concerned.

   "You have no mother?"

   "No, my father said that my mother has gone far, far away, but if you want to see your mother, you need to live one year old."

   After finishing speaking, Coco showed a look of'I really don't understand', and vomited: "I really don't know what mommy is doing so far away. Coco misses her very much."

   Zheng Renji stretched out her hand and hugged Coco lightly. Although the little guy didn't say that in detail, the girl had basically inferred something.

   Behind the so-called "mother went a long way", it must be that her mother is no longer in this world.

   [Really poor little guy]

   Thinking of her life experience, Zheng Inji's love began to overflow, and for a moment she felt that Coco and herself were really connected. As for the seduction of Kim Hyun-tae, Zheng In-hee had long been forgotten. At this moment, the girl was full of thoughts on Coco.

   Coco felt inexplicable about Zheng Inji's changes, but she could just let her touch Mimi anyway, she wouldn't care about that much.

------split line------

   In Kim Hyun Tae's opinion, Zheng In Hee, who was'unconcerned, bold, and proactive', was taken away by his daughter Coco, which was a relief for him.

   The previous scene was really embarrassing.

   If it weren't for the appearance of the daughter Coco, and the problem was solved, I would have to use extraordinary means to reject Zheng Inji, but that would make the girl very uncomfortable.

   Kim Hyun Tae, with a soft heart, didn't want to get there.

   And this situation seems to him the best now.

   So after his daughter took Zheng Inji away, Kim Hyun-tae, who breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the sand. At this time, he realized that his back was covered in cold sweat.

   "Oh, hello! Are the girls of different time and space so active? This Zheng Inji is less than 16 years old, and he can actually do such a move. If it weren't for my firm will, I might have fallen."

   Raised his hand and wiped his forehead pretendingly, Jin Xiantai pondered this question secretly in his heart.

   [Wife, am I doing beautifully? Look, I am a determined person. 】

   Kim Hyun Tae, who was sitting on the sand, looked up at the ceiling, his eyes looked a little illusory and blurred, and there was no focus.

   At this moment, he thought of his wife again.


   After a sigh full of complex emotions, Kim Hyun Tae stood up from the sand. Go to the French window in the living room and open the curtains.

   The location of the Shilla Hotel is very good. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see a very beautiful night view and the brightly lit Gangnam area.

   Under the shroud of night, the neon lights of the buildings in front are flickering. The beauty that adorns the night is magnificent, but it's a pity that Jin Xiantai's heart is extremely melancholy.

   Whenever he thinks of his wife, Kim Hyun-tae becomes uncomfortable.

   And Jeong In-hee's teasing reminds Kim Hyun-tae of his wife, so his mood is very low now.

   Hilda, who was in charge of serving Kim Hyun Tae, stood by. This girl who has British identity but was actually nurtured by alien elementary school students, looked at her handsome young master, her eyes were full of obsession.

  【Young Master’s melancholy and melancholy appearance is so handsome, I really want to keep looking at it like this, it’s not enough for a hundred years. 】

   It may be that when the alien elementary school students nurtured these gene-man maids, they made some weird adjustments and settings in their genes, which caused these maids to secretly fall in love with Kim Hyun Tae.

   It's just that Kim Hyun Tae doesn't know anything about this.

   In addition, the maids are very well hidden on weekdays, so there is no clue to Kim Hyun Tae.

   Maybe this is because of some kind of evil taste of alien elementary school students.

   "Hilda. Do you think there should be a woman next to me?"

Putting away her obsessive gaze, Hilda bowed slightly and replied: "The young lady will grow up slowly. At some point, she really needs a mother role by her side. At the same time, there is a young master beside her. Women will also be less harassed. Of course, it depends on what you mean, Master."

   Hilda apparently supports a mistress in the house.

   Kim Hyun-tae understood this from her words.

   But obviously he didn't make it clear, which caused Hilda to misunderstand something.

   Actually, Kim Hyun Tae didn't really want to find a woman, he just wanted to find a shield.

   He feels that he is always so single, which makes many girls feel that he has a chance, and at the same time brings some ambiguous little troubles that he doesn't want to see.

   Then if I have a woman. Will there be fewer things like this?

   The incident of Jung In Hee caused Kim Hyun Tae to open his mind and think of this problem.

"No! No! No! Hilda, you obviously misunderstood what I meant. In this life, I only pretend to be my dead wife. I won’t be pretending to be any more women, and what I meant just now is actually like this , I want to find a woman to pretend, in order to have the illusion that she is no longer single, so that some girls will retreat."

   When Kim Hyun-tae said so, Hilda suddenly understood his master’s plan.

   So she thought about it. Replied: "I think this idea is good, but you have to consider carefully about the young master. Don't lead wolves into the room."

   "How about Qiao Ann? She is a lace side, she has no interest in men, she only likes women. If I make an illusion with her, will there be less ambiguous trouble in the future?"

   Kim Hyun Tae said the person in his heart.

   lace edge...Joan.

   Because Qiao An doesn't like men, Kim Hyun-tae thinks that there shouldn't be any problems in acting with her.

   "Ms. Qiao An's words should be a good choice, but the young master must pay attention to some details. Do you want her to be a girlfriend or a wife?"

   Kim Hyun Tae thought for a while, and made a difficult decision.

   "Wife, in name."

   Kim Hyun Tae took it for granted that Qiao An’s becoming his'wife' would at least reduce the occurrence of Zheng In Hee's situation.

   It’s just that he completely ignored his attraction to girls.

   "You need to discuss this issue with Ms. Qiao An. At the same time, you have to determine some financial issues."

   Of course, Kim Hyun-tae would not ignore the issues that Hilda reminded him to pay attention to.

   But Hilda did not object to this idea, which gave Kim Hyun Tae some confidence.

   So the rest is to ask Qiao Ann. (To be continued.)