Rising America

Chapter 422: Don't worry, he is a little cunning too

   Annie's life now can be regarded as ‘leisure’. ↖

   lives on the old George’s farm. She spends her days basking in the sun with her babies or taking them for walks on the lawn.

   seems to be back to the state of living with Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter on Santa Monica Beach, and Anne likes this kind of life, not feeling monotonous or lonely at all.

   Of course, the fly in the ointment is that Kim Hyun-tae, the father, is not by his side. This is a big shortcoming for Annie.

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   Fort Worth is located in a small town in the northern tip of Texas. It has a population of only 15,000, and most of the people living here are farmers, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a ‘big country’.

   Of course, there are many places like Fort Worth in Texas.

   It is precisely because of this relationship that when some Americans make fun of Texans, they use the word ‘hillie’.

   But there is one thing: rural life in Texas is still very comfortable. No one can deny this.

   However, most of the comfortable rural life can only be owned by rich farmers. Most farmers also work hard every day to run the farm and worry about the harvest of the crops.

   It’s just that compared to the ‘farmers’ in other countries, the ‘farmers’ in Texas, the United States enjoy a lot of government welfare policies, so they are still considered ‘happy’ people.

   Various preferential agricultural tax rates and subsidies are the envy of farmers in many countries.

   Moreover, the ‘farmers’ in Texas are not just farming, they also raise some livestock to increase their income. As long as they can endure hardship, it is no problem to guarantee an income of $150,000 a year.

   Of course, the annual income of 150,000 U.S. dollars here requires a family to work hard. So from this point of view, being a farmer is actually similar to working.

  The difference is that they run their own ‘business’ instead of working for the boss, and they don’t have to be angry with the boss.

   At best, it looks more free.

   But if you can make more money, who doesn’t like it, no one and money will be troubled, especially in a country where money is supreme. Not even more so.

   And now, farmers and ranchers in Texas have encountered such an opportunity.

William Fried Chicken and the Clown Burger teamed up with Mengshan Company to launch a project that can increase farmers’ income. This project is also very attractive. Basically, if you are willing to cooperate, you can increase your income by tens of thousands of dollars a year. of.

   Some people would say, how can a mere tens of thousands of dollars a year be attractive?

   The person who said this must be an idiot, and he doesn't understand American farmers at all.

To know. An increase in income of tens of thousands of dollars a year, even if the income after tax deduction is not that much, is still very attractive to American farmers.

  Especially the Mengshan Company’s project has an advantage, saying that this cooperation will not affect the original business of the farmers or farmers.

   To put it simply, you should plant the land when you are planting, and graze when you need to graze, as long as you use half an hour or one hour a day to do it.

   Look, how simple.

   Then it can increase revenue by tens of thousands of dollars a year.

   So after this project was launched. Immediately attracted many Texas farmers to inquire.

   Mengshan Company has two cooperation projects, one is chicken breeding. One is raising cattle.

For Texas farmers, doing this project is not difficult at all. After all, each of them has chickens or cows on their farms, and they have raised such animals for several generations. That’s one thing. No stranger.

   I am familiar with it. Can make money, of course Texas farmers will like it.

   After inquiring carefully, everyone found that they cooperated with Mengshan Company to raise chickens and cows, and the breeding methods they proposed were fundamentally different from their own.

   But the conditions of Mengshan Company are really attractive.

   Signed a pricing purchase agreement to ensure that the chickens and cattle raised by the cooperative farmers are sold. Even the transportation problem is solved by William's Fried Chicken and the Yum Fast Food Chain consisting of Clown Burger. All the farmers have to do is raise, and then sit at home and wait for the money.

   Of course, Mengshan Company will provide chickens and small meat cowboys, and the farmers must also raise chickens and cattle provided by Mengshan Company.

   At the same time, Mengshan Company will also deploy animal husbandry technicians in corresponding areas to help farmers, and help farmers solve diseases and related problems encountered and possible during breeding.

   In private, farmers in Texas felt that they could cooperate, so for a while, Mengshan Company was in a good situation in promoting cooperation in this area of ​​Texas.

   Many farmers and ranchers in Fort Worth have begun to seek cooperation with Mengshan Company. After all, who does not want to make more money, they are right with Qian Meiqiu.

   It was very late in the evening. After Anne fed the two little babies, she drove away from the farm with the old housekeeper and a ticket of bodyguards.

The breeze in July blew the wheat fields, making the wheat fields waved with golden wheat waves. It is really beautiful. When you look up, you can see a burning cloud, which can make people completely indulge in this pastoral beauty. Extricate yourself.

  Anne also likes this sunset and evening scene very much. She always has the urge to leave the bustling Manhattan and settle in Texas.

   "A lot of people have been looking for Mengshan Company to cooperate recently. The old Buck and Rena of the nearby farm have signed the agreement. William has a big stall this time."

  Anne’s car is an extended bullet-proof Bentley, so the spacious interior will not be crowded even if you add a housekeeper.

   After the car drove on the secondary road from the farm to Fort Worth, the old Nord reported to his lady some news he had inquired about.

   The two little babies who were brought out were already asleep, and they were sleeping very sweetly. One of the little ones still had nasal bubbles.

   is a baby after all, it is normal to sleep when you are full.

Annie thought for a while and said to the old butler: "I can probably guess some of his plans. I want to cooperate with Mengshan Company and the farmers to ensure that my fast food restaurant has a stable supply of raw materials. If it is me, To ensure stability, we will do the same."

   Annie guessed Jin Xiantai's plan, but for some deeper factors, she hadn't thought of it for the time being.

   You must know that Jin Xiantai is not just about having a stable supply of raw materials, he also wants to tie the Texas farmers and himself into a whole group of interests.

   And this is the most important goal of Kim Hyun Tae.

   is just for Kim Hyun Tae's plan, no one can see through it.

   After all, who could have imagined that a 17-year-old boy had such a big plan.

   Even Annie couldn't think of it.

   The old butler, Nord, listened to his own lady's guess, and thought about it. He felt that the credibility of his own lady's inference was very high, but he still had some slight concerns about this matter, and this concern came from Mengshan Company.

   So the old Nord told Annie his concerns.

  "Miss, William’s strategy is right, but I am worried that Mengshan Company will have some negative effects on him. After all, Mengshan Company’s genetic modification project has always been criticized.

   And this time the cooperation between Mengshan Company and the farmers allowed the farmers to raise the improved chickens and beef cattle they provided. I am sure that they are all genetically modified. "

   Different time and space, like the other time and space, has made great breakthroughs in genetic modification engineering and has begun to be used in life.

   And Mengshan Company is the representative of American genetically modified companies, and it is also a benchmark.

   It's just that many scholars, the public and scientists are cautious about genetic modification, and some even resist it.

   Therefore, the debate has always existed.

   Some people say that genetic modification is good.

   Some people say that genetic modification is bad.

   Anyway, everyone talks about their own reasons and insists on their own opinions.

  The most feared of the people is that genetic modification will bring health problems.

   So Mengshan Company has always been criticized.

   But even so, Mengshan's business has been expanding very well around the world, and it has not been affected by those boycotting comments.

   For some of the inside story behind this, Annie is still very clear.

   And Annie herself doesn't like genetically modified food very much. She highly recommends eating organic food.

   But now that the matter involves Kim Hyun Tae, Annie also has to worry about it a little bit like an old butler.

   So when the old butler mentioned this, Annie frowned slightly.

   But soon, Annie's brows opened up, because she felt that this kind of worry was unnecessary.

"Don't worry, William won't have any reputation problems. What does Mengshan Company do? They raise so many scholars and researchers every year, and they don’t eat rice. Moreover, its annual lobbying expenses of several billion dollars are also Not for nothing.

   If there is a public controversy due to genetic modification~lightnovelpub.net~Mengshan Company will definitely be the first to stand up, and it will be impossible for William to face these problems at all. "

   Because of the understanding of Mengshan Company, Annie feels relieved.

   The old Nord showed a thoughtful appearance when he heard the words, and at the same time he did not continue to talk about this question. Anyway, my lady is so calm, why bother himself.

   The car is driving on the secondary road in the field, and you can see the farmers' houses not far from the afterglow of the dusk from the car window. Chicken houses are being built over there.

   Obviously, it is easy to see that the farmer has also cooperated with Mengshan Company. The chicken coop is a proof.

   Basically, as long as it is a farmer cooperating with Mengshan Company, there will be such a chicken coop on its site, and as long as you see the chicken coop, you can determine this without thinking.

“There are many stakeholders involved in genetic modification, and it is basically impossible to overthrow it. I think William should be aware of this, so he cooperated with Mengshan Company. And William is also a little cunning, absolutely not Cause trouble for yourself, so we don’t need to worry about him."

   Based on her understanding of Kim Hyun Tae, Annie gave some of her guesses.

   "Miss, we went to the fried chicken shop, do we still want to eat fried chicken?"

   "You can eat it now, but don't eat it in the future. After all, the chickens now are purchased from farmers, and the future ones..." (To be continued.)