Rising America

Chapter 423: Worthy of being a father and son

The United States in different time and space is in a leading position in genetically modified technology, and Mengshan Company is the leader of those genetically modified companies. The income of genetically modified crops under its company accounts for 90% of the total revenue, as much as nearly tens of billions per year. The dollar, and there are a large number of stakeholders behind it. ±

  So Annie is very clear that this benefit Mengshan Company will definitely be protected to the death. Anyone or organization that wants to subvert the genetic modification will become their enemy.

   Therefore, for the cooperation between Jin Xiantai and them, if someone jumps out to dictate in the future, Mengshan Company will never agree.

   Moreover, the public relations team of Mengshan Company is not vegetarian, and this does not include the agricultural technology scholars who hold Mengshan Company's huge annual research funding.

   The so-called research funding is nominally like this, but in fact it is basically a benefit to the scholars. This is simple, isn’t it?

   And in recent years, Mengshan Company has been pursuing the development of genetically modified genes in China, the largest market in the world, and has achieved considerable results. It is about to succeed.

   As long as it succeeds, it will be a large plate of trillions.

   Therefore, at this time, any discordant sound, Mengshan Company will not want to appear, but whenever there is a sign, Mengshan Company will definitely suppress it by any means and any method.

   So after Annie figured this out, she didn't worry about Kim Hyun Tae anymore.

   Of course, Annie is not a scientific researcher, let alone an agricultural scholar. She herself is not so clear about the quality of genetic modification.

   She just instinctively rejects genetically modified products, hoping that she and her children eat organic food.

   Besides, the debate on genetic modification in different time and space is the same as that in another time and space. There is a unified understanding of whether there is one way or another.

   So it is normal for people to be a little worried about this.

   Of course, Jin Xiantai has no psychological burden at all for cooperating with Mengshan Company to feed genetically modified food to the American people in different time and space.

   I have to say that Kim Hyun-tae has changed a little bit of black abdomen.

------split line------

   Fort Worth has a population of over 10,000 and less than 20,000. It is a typical small town in the South of the United States. Of course, its administrative level is a "city" in the United States, but if you get the Huaxia side, Fort Worth is at most a town.

  Because of the vast land and sparsely populated areas, the residents of Fort Worth always seem to be very laid back.

  Almost everyone you can see here, their outfits and dresses are similar.

   suspenders jeans, a pair of big toe shoes, plaid shirt, cowboy hat. When you go out, you must drive a pickup truck, which is almost the standard dress and transportation for Fort Worth people.

   Even women dress like this.

   The same goes for young people.

   So if foreigners live here for a period of time, it is easy to feel that they are living in a rural area, but it is indeed a rural area, a large rural area in the United States.

   Entering the edge of Fort Worth, the second-level public has become a spacious highway, and there are more farmers driving large agricultural vehicles, or simply tractors to the city.

  In this place of Fort Worth, it's like driving a harvester and tractor into the city. That is very common.

   It’s like people in big cities driving private cars out.

   Of course, a younger farmer or a young man who has obtained a driver’s license will drive a modified pickup truck with big and tall wheels.

   Fort Worth really has no fun here.

   A **** bar. There is a shop dealing in agricultural equipment and parts, and there is a chain of supermarkets across the United States. In addition to that, there are just a few small shops, which can’t be compared with big cities.

   There are no feasts here.

  For the people here. Going to a **** bar to watch a show is already a very tall and trendy way of entertainment.

   Of course, occasionally there is no top bar here. There will always be situations where father and son appear together, and then the son is thrown away by the father, or the father is threatened by the child, and asks the son to take a trip to enjoy the dance.

Most of the buildings in Fort Worth still retain the style of the 18th century. The overall feel is like traveling through time and space to the pioneering period of the American West, except that there are no longer those on the streets with feathers on their heads and faces. Indians painted with oil paint, and ladies in pettiskirts.

   Generally speaking, Fort Worth has a small population. The structure of residents living here is dominated by farmers. Every household here has its own farm. The only difference is the size of the farm.

   But it is precisely because of this that the folk customs here still retain the simplicity, and the pace of life is also very slow. There is no intrigue and the oppressive fast-paced life experience in big cities.

   But because of the small population here, the business is not so developed.

  Even the burrito shop only opened one.

   But because this burrito shop is located in Fort Worth, it has become a ‘unique’ business, and it has also become a must-go for Fort Worth residents to improve their lives.

  Farmers want to eat at leisure, and after eating they go to the **** bar to watch the show.

   Young people have to come over to eat at a gathering, and hang out with a bunch of friends, friends and friends.

   Girls also come here to spend their party, sit in the store and order a set of burrito, and then chat for a few hours of gossip.

   The burrito shop in Fort Worth is in the hearts of the residents here, it is a place to go every now and then.

   Therefore, this burrito shop has made a lot of money.

   But now this situation is about to be changed, and its ‘monopoly’ operation has encountered challenges and threats.

   originated from Los Angeles, and then quickly became popular in the United States. William's Fried Chicken and Clown Burger. These two fast food chain brands officially opened franchise stores in Fort Worth.

   The emergence of these two fast-food brands has completely caused trouble for the burrito that is in a ‘dominant’ position.

   More concise and clean decorations, more cordial hospitality, faster meal times, and its main family concept, all these have completely exploded the burrito chain.

   Today's residents of Fort Worth don't go to burrito shops much anymore. Instead, they all choose to go to William's Fried Chicken or the Clown Burger.

   Whether it's fried chicken or burgers. It is very attractive to the residents of Fort Worth, especially the taste of fried chicken and the ground beef of burgers.

   burrito shop has become a good choice, and the corresponding ones are William's fried chicken and clown burgers, which are always in line.

   Don't look at Fort Worth, where the population is only over 10,000, but after all, there are three fast food restaurants here.

   Especially for the residents of Fort Worth, William's fried chicken and the clown burger are both new things, so it is understandable that they are hot during this period.

   The people of Texas have always been called ‘hillies’ and are considered synonymous with outdated by the nation, but in fact, Texans are also very happy to follow the trend.

   Benefit from the developed network relationship. The residents of Fort Worth also knew something about William's fried chicken and clown burgers that started in Los Angeles.

   There are many discussions and comments on these two fast food brands on the Internet.

   Fried chicken is crispy and delicious, and the aftertaste is endless after eating it, which basically floods the Internet.

  The ground beef cheese of the clown burger with chopped onion, cream, lettuce, and tomato slices also taste good.

   Therefore, the residents of Fort Worth, especially the local young people, also hope to have the opportunity to taste it and catch up with the current trend food.

  Anne’s car stopped not far from the William Fried Chicken Shop. She sat in the car and looked through the car window. She found that although there is no line at the door of William’s Fried Chicken, it can be clearly seen through the large French windows of the chicken shop. There are no more free spaces in the store.

   Then her gaze turned to the direction of the clown burger shop, which was about 20 meters apart, and she found that the situation in the clown burger shop was the same, and the store was overcrowded.

   The burrito shop is different. There are two or three kittens in the shop. There are only two or three diners, and the contrast is too sharp.

  William’s fried chicken and clown burger are all local young people.

   Even these two stores accept odd jobs, which is different from the burrito chain.

   Mexican chain stores only use Mexicans. It is declared to the outside world to maintain the original taste and let the people who come to dine to experience the authentic Mexican style.

   This is a **** of a life.

   What kind of style does fast food talk about? This is simply nonsense.

   It’s just that there is only one convenient fast food chain in the United States in different time and space. So even though this is criticized, people can only eat burritos when they are in a hurry.

   But now it’s alright, the burrito chain has met an opponent, and there are still two.

   Now I go to William Fried Chicken and Clown Burger as a waitress. Among the young people in Fort Worth, it is very popular, especially for students who want to do odd jobs.

   "Miss, how long do you think this popularity will last?"

Old Nord asked at this time~lightnovelpub.net~ Annie thought about it after hearing the words: "It is estimated that this kind of hot scene will not appear for too long, but one thing is certain, whether it is William Fried Chicken It’s still the clown burger. These two fast food brands have become famous. Someone from Fort Worth has joined the chain, which shows that he has succeeded."

   "Let's go, let's eat fried chicken, I haven't eaten it yet." Annie opened the car door and walked down after speaking, and Old Nord hurriedly followed.

   As for the two babies who are still asleep, there are special people who are responsible for getting out of the car and taking care of them, so there is no need for Annie to worry too much.

   At this time, Annie is wearing jeans, a pair of ladies riding boots, a red and blue plaid shirt on her body, and a cowboy hat on her head. She is dressed no different from a local farm girl.

   The old housekeeper was also asked to take off his black tuxedo and changed to a dress similar to that of the local male residents. He looked like an old cowboy.

  Hulala and a group of people walked into the William Fried Chicken restaurant, Annie went straight to the ordering table, and then looked up at the menu listed above.

   Family Barrel, Orleans Grilled Wings, French Fries, Spicy and Crispy Chicken Drumsticks, Mashed Potatoes, Red Bean Pie...Although it is a fast food restaurant, there are really more types of food than Mexican patties chain.

【Humph! As expected to be Zhiyu's father, he really looks like you as a foodie. After reading the price and name of the fried chicken set meal, Annie murmured. (To be continued.)