Rising America

Chapter 43: chat

Santa Monica, adjacent to Los Angeles, is a city built on the west side of Los Angeles and close to the coastline. When most people mention Santa Monica, they don’t think of it as a separate city, but think it is also under the city of Los Angeles. A district.

   In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

Around Los Angeles, there are many small cities, such as Santa Monica, Laguna, Beverly, Komodo Valley, etc. Although outsiders seem to be in the Los Angeles area, these cities are independent of Los Angeles. .

   Even a place like Beverly has its own independent city? Politics? The government exists, and there are cities? Long.

  It can be said that the human environment and politics here in the United States? The governance environment is very different from that of Huaxia. It was only after these Jin Xiantai lived here for more than half a year that he slowly learned about it.

   When he first came to America in this time and space, he was really not used to it.

   But after all, he wants to survive here, so Jin Xiantai can only learn and understand slowly, and finally adapt.

   This is a process of getting used to and accepting slowly. Even if you immigrate here, you will have to go through all of this, let alone a traverser like Jin Xiantai.

   The city of Santa Monica has a population of 6 million, which is almost equal to that of another time and space, a medium-sized city in China.

   But in this time and space, Santa Monica, with a population of 6 million, is just a small city in Los Angeles, California.

   Since there are more than 6 million people living and living here, the municipal department needs to consider education, medical care, roads and other related livelihood issues.

   Therefore, in Santa Monica, dozens of public colleges and universities and a larger number of private schools have been established to solve educational problems for families.

   Needless to say, those private colleges are the places where the children of the rich go to study. There is no doubt about the quality of teaching.

   But the tuition fees of private colleges are not affordable by ordinary families.

   Most of the time, these private colleges are not the children of local wealthy people, or foreign students who come to the United States.

   The locals choose public universities.

   It is like this college where Kim Hyun Tae prepared to join the test, even if it is such a public school.

'Santa Monica City Public Colleges' can also be ranked in the top five in the Los Angeles area. The faculty is very strong. It is considered a very famous public college, and this college has many graduates every year. Accepted by some famous universities.

   Therefore, many ordinary families hope to send their children to study in this college.

  From this point of view, Americans’ treatment of children’s reading problems is in fact no different from Chinese people. Parents hope that their children can have a good school.

   Of course, this is true of American families in this time and space, but it is not clear in the original time and space.

   After all, Jin Xiantai has traveled to the United States in this time and space, and has lived here for almost a year. He has not been to the United States in the original time and space.

'Santa Monica College' has an elementary school, a junior high school and a high school. It is basically a comprehensive education school that covers the three stages of education of elementary school, high school and high school. It has more than 30,000 students, which is indeed considered to be the whole of Los Angeles. A large college.

   When Kim Hyun-tae told Dave that he didn’t need to find a private college for himself, the appropriate school that Dave had in mind at the time was Santa Monica College.

   And after Anne instructed her housekeeper, Noord, to provide Dave with the necessary assistance, the matter of Kim Hyun Tae’s admission was completed smoothly in a short time.

   If ordinary people want to enroll temporarily, this must be very difficult, or even impossible at all.

   But with the help of Annie's advice, this matter is nothing.

   Early in the morning, Kim Hyun-tae and Dave met at the publishing house, and then Kim Hyun-tae got in Dave’s car and went to Monica College.

   Along the way, Dave gave Jin Xiantai a detailed introduction. Some information about the school gave Jin Xiantai some understanding.

  According to Dave, although Santa Monica College is a public college, its teaching quality is no worse than private colleges, or even higher.

   Of course, apart from the quality of teaching, there are also many problems in public colleges, such as the uneven quality of students, even some gang problems, and the problem of “bullying” among students.

   Basically, this kind of problem exists in every university in the United States and cannot be solved at all.

   But as long as these issues are ignored, Santa Monica College is still very good.

   After all, this university ranks among the top five in the Los Angeles area, and it can be seen that it is extraordinary.

   Therefore, Dave reminded Jin Xiantai that if he wants to study in this school, he should try to keep a low profile and don't get together with some problematic teenagers. Those guys in the province will cause him trouble.

   Kim Hyun-tae takes this very seriously.

   He only wants to solve the current troubles and set a good example for his daughter in the future, so he chooses to continue studying, but not to go to school to pick up girls, or to have a party with a bunch of elder brothers.

   Besides, although he has the appearance of a 16-year-old boy, in his bones he is the soul of a middle-aged man. You can't let him go with those teenagers. I really have a generation gap.

   In the eyes of Kim Hyun-tae, those teenagers under 20 are basically grouped into the ranks of little kids.

   Therefore, Jin Xiantai's kind reminder to Dave was silently remembered.

   He will not be high-profile in the college, nor will he come into contact with some unscrupulous elements. He must integrate into school life in a low-key and cautious manner, and then finish high school and go to college smoothly.

   As for the so-called gang problem or other problems, Kim Hyun-tae believes that he has basically nothing to do with him.

   As long as he doesn't look so dazzling, he won't attract malicious people and eyes anymore, right?

   How could Kim Hyun Tae, who possessed the soul of a 36-year-old middle-aged man, didn’t even understand this truth.

   Well, there is another point, that is, you can't reveal your riches.

   Those little bullies in the school like rich children the most, and this is their key objective.

   As long as you don’t show your rich side and behave in a low-key manner at the same time, it shouldn’t be difficult to spend your high school life smoothly.

   At least, in Kim Hyun Tae's mind, it shouldn't be difficult.

   But Jin Xiantai still forgot one thing, that is, how can someone like him not be noticeable.

   To paraphrase the lines from a movie he has seen in his previous life, that is, ‘He is like a firefly under the bright moon, so vivid and outstanding, he can’t hide it at all. So Kim Hyun Tae’s college life must be ‘rich and colorful’.

  Especially when he travels through the time and space tunnels, after arriving in this time and space, his appearance also appears ‘optimized’, and now he has become very handsome.

   So he is such a handsome guy, it is terrifying for the lethality of college girls.

   The idea that attracts girls is tantamount to attracting trouble in disguise.

  Girl is synonymous with trouble, which is not unreasonable...

------split line------

Marty, a chubby black woman, aged 42 years old, looks like the black aunt next door, but she is really the principal of Santa Monica College. This is the first time Kim Hyun-tae saw Marty. impression.

   After drove to the school with Dave, Dave took Jin Xiantai straight to find the black principal, and gave him a recommendation.

   Marty is a person who keeps a smile on her face at all times, coupled with her chubby figure and round face, makes her smile more friendly.

After a polite greeting, Dave talked directly about the subject, and Principal Marty didn’t bother with it. He immediately took out two sets of test papers, and asked Jin Xiantai to answer on the spot. At the same time, he called in to ensure fairness. Several other teachers invigilated the exam.

Marty took out two sets of test papers, one is the 11th grade (second year) knowledge test paper and the other is the 12th grade (high third) knowledge test paper, and each paper covers mathematics, culture, chemistry, history, flora and fauna. And so on subjects.

   This is equivalent to saying that it is testing Jin Xiantai's knowledge status, at what stage.

   After all, based on the 16-year life trajectory of the unscrupulous alien elementary school student in the original time and space for Kim Hyun-tae and his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae dropped out of school at the age of 16 (sophomore year), and has been out of school for one year.

   Then there is a problem.

   Kim Hyun-tae is now back to school, so should he start his second year of high school or his third year?

   If based on the actual situation, Kim Hyun Tae should re-enter the second year of high school, which is the 11th grade.

   But Kim Hyun-tae himself wants to transfer to the senior high school directly in order not to waste too much time in high school, which makes the school a little embarrassed.

   So, in the end, there was such a situation, and he was asked to do two test papers at the same time.

   In fact, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com’s school concerns are simply unnecessary, because as far as Kim Hyun Tae’s current IQ is concerned, it’s okay for him to go directly to university.

   So, facing two test papers of high school knowledge, how could it be difficult for him.

   In front of the principal, Marty, and a few unfamiliar male and female teachers, Kim Hyun-tae immediately began to write after getting the papers without hesitation.

   In one hour, Jin Xiantai completed two test papers, dozens of papers.

   This speed really scared the principal and jumped with those teachers.

Principal Marty asked several teachers to leave her principal’s office with papers, and went to quietly evaluate the scores. After the teachers left, she began to chat with Jin Xiantai, and at the same time, she learned about Jin Xiantai’s youth through chat. people'.

   Dave was very quiet during the whole process and didn't mean to intervene at all.

   Everything depends on Kim Hyun Tae himself.

   Obviously, Kim Hyun-tae himself had anticipated such a situation a long time ago, so he didn't panic a little bit.

   "What caused you to choose to return to school?"

   After thinking about it for a while, Principal Marty asked.

   Kim Hyun Tae responded without hesitation when he heard the words: "For myself, to be a good example for others, and also for my daughter."

   Hearing Jin Xiantai's answer, the eyes of Principal Marty, who was chubby like the black aunt next door, showed a trace of puzzlement.

   Obviously, she didn't think of some meaning in it for a while.

   For this reason, Kim Hyun Tae explained a little bit...

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