Rising America

Chapter 430: Ouch, it hurts!

Huini! Huini!

Huini, I love you!

Huini, you are so beautiful, I like you so much!

After singing a song, Hui Ni came to the backstage, but the audience from the direction of the stage whistle and whistle, all this tells everyone how popular Hui Ni is now. .しwχS520.

"How about it, do you feel pressured to perform on stage for the first time?"

When she walked to the backstage, Hui Ni looked a little excited on her face. Obviously, the girl's first performance on stage made her very excited.

Qiao Ann came over at this time and asked, and at the same time handed Hui Ni a towel.

After taking the towel and wiping her forehead, Huini smiled at Qiao'an: "I was still very nervous before going on stage, but when I started singing, the nervousness disappeared, and replaced by excitement and excitement. I have hardly felt any pressure so far."

Qiao An raised her hand to embrace Hui Ni, and then led her to the makeup removal room in the backstage. At the same time, he said to Hui Ni: "You are born to eat this line of food. This shows that William didn't misunderstand you. He asked us to When I found you and signed a contract with you, many people actually disagreed, of course, including me. But now it seems that the little boss still has a vision."

What Qiao An said was right. Huini’s performance on the stage was wonderful, and her performance was also very good. Just like Qiao An said, girls are born to eat this bowl of rice.

Of course, if it hadn't been for Bole, girls wouldn't have such a chance.

Maybe she still lives in the South Central District of Compton. I live with my friends in a gang-run environment every day.

Therefore, when Qiao An mentioned this matter, Hui Ni also appeared very grateful and echoed: "Yes. I really appreciate William. If it weren't for him, I would be just an ordinary black girl. , Just dreaming of an impossible star dream."

For Kim Hyun-tae, Hui Ni, a black girl, is not only grateful, but also has other emotional factors hidden in her heart, but she is careful about the black girl. Qiao An is very clear.

"Recently, the single sales of "If I'm a Boy" are very good. A total of 2 million single discs have been sold. At the same time, the download volume of QQ Music is very large. It has exceeded 3 million sound sources and is still on the rise. According to the statistics of the financial department, you can almost get 6 million U.S. dollars in after-tax income. It can be said that you are already an out-and-out rich little woman."

At this time, Qiao Ann told Hui Ni good news that the girl is now rich.

Thanks to the sales channel of California Publishing House transferred from Dave, Jin Xiantai merged into CNN after the integration, and opened up the sales of toys and music by using the sales network of the publishing house. At the same time, it has the function of selling books and music albums as well as toys around animation movies.

It is much stronger than the previous single selling books.

It's just a temporary sales promotion album, only Huini is alone, which is a bit helpless.

At the same time, the network company also followed the plan left by Jin Xiantai. Developed the online function of QQ Music, and purchased the online copyrights of many songs, put a large number of songs on the Internet for download and online listening, and used this opportunity to promote Huini’s "If I'm a Boy".

"If I'm a Boy" is a paid download source on QQ Music. The price of one dollar is acceptable to everyone. It also benefits from Alipay and Whiston Bank of Jinxiantai's copycats, and Citigroup. Chase signed a cooperation agreement, so with the online payment function, people's ability to pay online has been greatly improved and become more convenient.

All this has prompted the download of "If I'm a Boy" online audio source to become popular.

Huini also benefited a lot from this.

"Are you going to have money soon? It feels pretty good. I want to move out of Compton to find a house outside. After all, you know, the environment where I live is not very good, and the gang members seem to be eyeing me. After all, I am a big fat sheep. I know the virtues of those guys very well, and for safety, I can do that. Can you provide some good suggestions?"

Huini didn't show much excitement about the fact that she was about to become rich, and even seemed a little cold.

Although Hui Ni said that she was'very happy', Joan could see that Hui Ni's reaction was not like this at all.

In fact, compared to becoming rich, Huini is more concerned about whether William can accept her love. This is the girl's biggest concern.

Of course, a black girl who was rejected once has become cautious now.

"Your idea is correct. The environment in Compton South Central is not very good. I can introduce you to a reliable real estate agency. Then the other party can satisfy you."

"Thank you." Hui Ni thanked Qiao An.

Qiao An stretched out his hand again and swept the plumpness of Hui Ni with his fingertips without a trace, and then placed his hand on the girl's hips seemingly inadvertently.

Qiao An is very strategic. She is now tempting black girls a little bit. She will not show signs so obvious all at once.

But now Qiao An decided to take a step forward. After all, William and her are about to act, so Huini must let her know something.

Especially Qiao An wants to tell Hui Ni the fact that he is beside Lace.

When the province came, Hui Ni thought that Jin Xiantai had no hope and left CNN. That would be bad, right?

"Don't always put your hands in the wrong place, OK?"

Because she didn't know Qiao Ann, Hui Ni didn't think much about it. Besides, some small pranks between girls would also have this, so Hui Ni was only embarrassed to say something.

"We are all girls. What are we afraid of." Qiao An shamelessly took out the girl's identity as a shield to cover up. Don't say it, this is really useful. Hui Ni really didn't say anything when she heard it. Up.

"William told me something two days ago. I think it's better to tell you about it. After all, I can see that you like William, right?". Qiao An said to Hui Ni while observing Hui Ni's reaction.

Huini would not deny this question. Black girls have always been courageous and straightforward on this issue.

"Yes, I like him, but I don't think I deserve him right now."

The two had arrived at the lounge at this time, and Hui Ni walked to her seat and sat down. Then he nodded and admitted Qiao Ann's guess.

Qiao An pulled a chair from the side. Then he also sat beside Hui Ni.

"William may have encountered some minor troubles in Japan and South Korea. I heard from him that there are many girls who have embraced him, so he was very distressed about this and thought of a way to solve such a thing."

Hui Ni became very quiet, and her ears were pricked up.

"William's idea is to find someone to pretend to be a boyfriend or girlfriend with him, or even get married. Anyway, it can be used to fool the public, so he chose me."

Qiao An raised his finger to his nose.

Hui Ni's face darkened, and her heart was sour.

what the hell. He would actually come up with such a stupid way, and also find Qiao Ann.

Wouldn't he find me?

Although my age is a little older than you, how can I be younger than Joan.

When Huini heard Qiao'an say this, her whole person became bad.

"But I have one thing that I need to tell you clearly. William chose me for a very important reason." Qiao An said in a mysterious way.

"You won't tell me, in fact, you are real boy and girl friends?"

Huini was a little bit unfriendly to Qiao An at this moment.

But this is not surprising, how many girls can still remain calm and friendly when encountering such things.

Qiao An could hear a trace of unkindness in Huini's tone, but she didn't care at all.

With a smile, Joan said, "I actually like women. I think this is why William chose me. To be honest, I am a lace edge."


You like women, in other words you are a ‘lesbian’! ?

Huini has never been aware of Qiao'an's sexual orientation. Today, after hearing Qiao'an's adulthood, she was really surprised.

Seeing the black girl shocked by this fact, Qiao Ann thought it was very funny.

"You heard that right, I am a gay, lesbian, I like girls, but I have no interest in boys, even a good boy like BOSS. And William knows my sexual orientation, so this is his choice My reason."

I don't know why, after hearing Qiao An confessed that she was a lesbian, Huini found that the depression in her chest disappeared without a trace.

But then Hui Ni thought that when she was getting along with Qiao An, she didn't do anything to herself, but she didn't care.

But thinking about it now, it seems that Qiao Ann has some abnormal thoughts about himself.

After thinking of this, Hui Ni suddenly felt a complicated feeling in her heart, and the expression on her face became more exciting.

"I want to be honest with you, I actually like you very much. The vulgar point is that I want to sleep with you and make you a girlfriend." Joan pitifully told Hui Ni what she really thought, let Hui Ni's eyelids throbbed.

"I know you like William, but I don't think you can achieve your goal, because I know this boy too well, and he will not hold anyone in his heart. Of course, if your goal is changed, for example, sleeping with him One night or something, maybe I can help you achieve it."

The unscrupulous female Lace Bian Qiaoan, in order to achieve her own goals, she can now say anything. This is completely different from the "goddess" she usually performs, making her look like a girl now. Rogue, still a very wretched kind.

"William said that after I became his fake girlfriend or wife, I was able to live in his house, so you can often have the opportunity to go there, even where you live..."

"What did you say to me, what do you want from me?" Huini finally couldn't help it, and at the same time she deliberately ignored Qiao'an's words ‘like yourself’.

Hui Ni wanted to run away, far away from Qiao An's lace, but she couldn't help being attracted by Qiao An's last words.


Poor little black sheep, Qiao An has already felt thoroughly about her character.

"Being my girlfriend, I will help you and William sleep, maybe you are lucky to be pregnant with his child, but you can't be his girlfriend or wife."

"I can't promise you!" Huini refused Qiao'an's conditions and temptations.

But Qiao Ann was not disappointed, but smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, my words have always been valid. When will you figure it out, you can talk to me." After finishing Qiao Ann shamelessly stretched out his wretched hand and placed it on Qiao An's back moved slowly, and even reached into the girl's clothes to stroke her smooth back.

[Do I want to beat her? 】

[No, if I do this, I won’t be able to stay at CNN. After all, Qiao Ann is the CEO of CNN, and there will be no chance to see William at that time. As long as I can stay, I will still have the opportunity to contact William. 】

[Damn Qiao Ann, actually lied to me for so long, she is actually a lesbian. 】

[Her hands are so annoying, what should I do now? Oh, her hand is getting down more and more, almost touching...]


In the end, Huini still couldn't hold back, raising her hand to slap Qiao An and slap Qiao An on the face.

"You are too shameless. You threatened me with this kind of thing, just to achieve your despicable purpose, shameless, shameless! I won't let you succeed, no!!!"

Huini yelled at Qiao An and then turned and ran away.

Qiao An touched his cheek with a pitiful look until Huini's back disappeared from his sight.

[Am I shameless? Well, it is indeed shameless, and quite despicable. 】, Qiao An laughed at herself very much in her heart, and at the same time she also reflected on it, 【How can I become such a person now? Is it possible that I am actually a despicable person in my bones? 】,

Yeah, what should I do now.

I have already confessed the fact that I am the side of Lace. Obviously, it is impossible to continue to wipe the oil in the future. From Hui Ni's reaction, it will be difficult for me to approach her in the future.

Qiao Ann rubbed his face at this time, because his cheeks really hurt~lightnovelpub.net~Oh, it hurts, those guys can't be beaten as a gangster. My Qiao Ann is the same as those rascals. It's really a tragedy. But can you stop spanking? Is it okay? I like being spanked..."

Qiao An is a woman, really wondering what would happen to her if she were a man?

Maybe, she will be a super hooligan, right?

Suddenly, Huini, who had run away, ran back again. She stood at the door of the lounge and looked at Qiao An, and then shouted at her: "You are not allowed to approach me in the future. I fight very hard. You don't want to experience my fist. Do you know the power of my nickname "Lightning Punch Huini"!" The black girl raised her fist and shook it like a demonstration, then turned around and ran away again, obviously still a little scared by the lace.

"Hmph, the lightning punch of the fart, sooner or later I will let you know how powerful it is to catch Nhand Qiao Ann." Qiao Ann did not take the threat to heart at all, "Well, the little girl didn’t mean to leave CNN, then I If you have a chance, come slowly. Ouch, my face hurts, I don’t know if it’s swollen."

Qiao An stood up while complaining, and was going to find an ice pack to put on his face... (To be continued.)