Rising America

Chapter 438: He didn't put it on

Driving all the way back to the center of Ulaanbaatar, Alexander took Jin Xiantai to an unremarkable old Soviet apartment building. %乐%文%故事 ww.し

It looks like this building is like an apartment, and it doesn’t look like a place to find fun, but since Alexander brought himself here, he obviously knows it here, so Kim Hyun-tae also pressed his doubts. Go down.

Sure enough, after following Alexander into the apartment building, and after passing an underpass and taking an elevator to the underground, everything has the answer.

Looking at the dark light, the girls are all inch by inch, and their bodies are hung with some golden ornaments, such as piece necklaces, armbands, anklets, etc. with strong Egyptian style accessories. This makes them even more attractive.

The decoration of the whole underground space is similar to European and American nightclubs, except that there is no DJ and crazy music.

There are not many men here, just a few people on visual inspection.

At the same time, the girls here have different looks, there are blonde girls with white skin, and some girls who seem to be of Central Asian descent. Of course, there will be no shortage of Mongolian girls with narrow eyes, and the age of these girls They are not very big, but they really have no choice.

"This is a salon opened by my friend. You can play whatever you want. These girls will not refuse your request. Even if you want to play some alternative games, it is okay." Alexander said, winking at Kim Hyun Tae. Of course, Kim Hyun Tae also understood what his "alternative game" meant.

[I'm not a pervert, how can I play with those things. 】

Now that he is here, it is difficult for Jin Xiantai to leave in a short time, so he can only sit here temporarily.

Therefore, as soon as Alexander's voice fell, he hurriedly said: "I'll sit on the side for a while, and by the way choose a few girls who are pleasing to the eye. After all, the light is very dark and I can't see clearly."

In fact, these were all excuses for Kim Hyun Tae, he just wanted to go to the side to sit for a while, and then leave to Alexander.

Like this kind of salon, Kim Hyun Tae didn't want to stay for so long.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae's acting skills are good, at least Alexander didn't see much.

In Alexander's opinion, Jin Xiantai is not interested in killing games, so he should always be interested in the fun of the salon.

After all, although Jing Jinxian Taeso is very young, he is a man after all, so as long as he is a man, he will like the salon, right?

Of course, except gays.

So Alexander didn't think too much, he believed Kim Hyun Tae's words.

"Okay, you choose slowly, no one here will trouble you, and the girls will pick whatever you want, but you must do what you can." Alexander confessed and teased him before playing. .

Kim Hyun Tae walked to the sofa in the corner, and then watched Alexander found three girls and walked into a small corridor.

"Sir, do I need something to drink?"

"Thank you mint wine."

The girls here are all naked, and Kim Hyun-tae doesn't look wherever she sits, or doesn't look at it. It's very uncomfortable.

In his two lifetimes, the two things he has experienced today are the first time in his life, so it is a normal reaction not to get used to it.

Kim Hyun Tae, a girl from this place, is very curious, why on earth are they willing to work here?

For money?


Or other factors?

After much deliberation, Jin Xiantai felt that it was more likely to be for money.

Of course, even though he had doubts about this in his heart, he would not foolishly find a girl to ask this question.

Because even if he asked, he might not get the answer.

However, Jin Xiantai is not the kind of person who does not know the world, and he knows the dark side hidden in this real world.

Reality is not a fairy tale. Although the people in power are trying to convince the public that everything in the world is beautiful, they cannot deny that in this cruel real world, there is also a dark side that the public cannot touch and understand. .

Such as the previous killing games and the current salon, this is a good proof.

Kim Hyun-tae is not a philosopher, and of course he will not worry and be confused about this, he is just very embarrassed.

At this time, a woman wearing a mask appeared in front of him, and this woman was the only woman here who wore something on her body, if the cloth strip three-point style was counted.

"Wouldn’t it be boring to see you doing it here alone? People who come here don’t just sit here, or you have some special preferences, so embarrassed to speak? It’s okay, the girls here won’t refuse Whatever you want, they will try their best to satisfy you."

After Jin Xiantai raised his head and glanced, he looked away embarrassedly.

Although the light here is very dim, and the woman who came in front of him also wore something on her body, the three-point cloth strip made her figure more prominent and more attractive.

Although Jin Xiantai said he was very clean and self-conscious, he was a normal man after all.

The woman's figure is super good, and her height is almost 1.8 meters. Although she wears a mask, Jin Xiantai can infer that the woman's appearance should be good.

Just facing the woman's inquiry, Jin Xiantai didn't know how to respond for a while.

The woman wearing the mask saw that Jin Xiantai did not respond, and he looked very immature and young, so she took it for granted that this was a sign of shyness.

Immediately she sat down close to Jin Xiantai.

A tangy scent lingered after the woman sat down, which made Kim Hyun-tae look a little uneasy and nervous.

A hand was placed gently on Jin Xiantai's crotch, making Jin Xiantai very embarrassed.

The mask girl chuckled after feeling the difference between Jin Xiantae, and then approached Jin Xiantae and exhaled in his ear, "Your capital is very good. Young people like you will definitely love girls here." You are dead, especially you are still handsome. As long as your performance is worthy of your'capital', I think the girls are willing to die for you."

At this moment, Jin Xiantai just felt that the blood in his body was angry, and an impulse rose in his heart.

Stimulated by the scented kiss on the masked woman, Jin Xiantai's mind gradually began to blur, and at the same time his breath became thicker.

Coupled with the verbal stimulation of the mask girl, Jin Xiantai could hardly control it.

"I will prepare some fun-filling toys for you. You can use those charming girls. Listening to them panting and pleading, that is the greatest enjoyment for you, isn't it?"

The mask woman noticed Jin Xiantai's reaction, and a smile appeared on her face under the mask. She knew that the young man was about to become impulsive.

"You don’t need to worry so much in life. It’s the right time to have fun in time. None of us knows what tomorrow will happen. Living in the present is the best thing. So today you can be the happiest person and you should do it. A happy person."

The mask girl continued to bewitched, and at the same time her hand began to slowly stroke somewhere in Jin Xiantai, increasing the excitement.

[Oh my God, this cost is really not small, I don't know if the girls can stand it. I hope this young man is not a good-looking person, and maybe it can give the girls the same feeling. 】

After being teased and stimulated, coupled with an unknown kiss, Kim Hyun Tae's body responded naturally.

It is normal to have some physiological changes under this reaction, after all, Jin Xiantai is a normal man.

But his physical reaction still surprised the mask girl.

No way, the nickname of "Big Bird" is not for nothing.

Jin Xiantai felt that his willpower had begun to collapse, and he could no longer control his heart. The scourge in his heart was about to break through the cage, and he himself was about to become a beast under his control.

At this time, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes with golden ornaments, who looked like the Queen of Egypt came over with a tray. In the tray she was holding were leather whips, gang bolts, and leather hand and foot cuffs. , And candles and other gadgets.

The mask girl picked up the small leather whip in the tray at random, and then gently placed it on her white tender thigh and swiped it gently.

"If you don't like those girls, mature women like me can also accompany you."

At this moment when Jin Xiantai was about to be in time and space, suddenly a chill derives from his body and wiped out the evil fire in his body. This also made Jin Xiantai regain his clarity and sanity.

[Grandma’s, that smell must be weird]

The eyes of the Qingming Jin Xiantai returned, and he felt that the smell of the mask woman was definitely a problem, otherwise he wouldn't suddenly become the same as before.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai, who had regained his sanity, would of course not continue to be led away by the masked woman.

"I just want to sit for a while and drink something, please don't disturb me any more? Thank you."

Although the tone is very gentle, it is self-evident that it rejects the masked woman.


The mask girl was shocked by her sudden rejection.

Obviously she was very surprised by this change, or she had never thought that things would be like this at all.

After all, the meaning of Jin Xiantai's refusal is very obvious, and the masked girl is not good to continue to stay, or else the gain will outweigh the loss and make Jin Xiantai feel disgusted.

So the mask woman had to sue her and get up and leave.

After leaving Jin Xiantai's side, the mask girl walked into a small corridor on the side, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Kim Hyun Tae continued to sit and drink his mint liquor.

A minute later, the mask girl appeared in a room.

Alexander was already naked at this time, and there were five equally naked girls beside him, lying on his body doing some very shameful things.

The mask girls pushed the door in. These girls didn't mean to stop~lightnovelpub.net~Natasha, why are you not polite at all? It's etiquette to knock on the door before you come in, don't you know? Or can you say you can’t wait to have a shot with me? "

Alexander stared at the masked girl, but he just lay there like a thorn, without any movement or shyness.

At this time, the mask girl had passed a black robe on her body, which completely covered the spring light on her body, and was not as exposed as when she was with Jin Xiantai.

Hearing that, the mask girl's mouth curled up, apparently disdainful of Alexander.

"Your little tadpole mother doesn't look down on it. I'm just here to inform you that the young man you brought did not take the bait."

When Alexander lying there heard the mask girl Natasha say this, his eyes widened, and he looked at her with an incredible expression.

"What! You, the elite "Swallow", have taken the shot personally. Didn't you actually let the little guy from the United States submit?" (To be continued.)