Rising America

Chapter 439: Want to subvert my outlook on life! ?

The woman who wears a mask to lure Jin Xiantai is not an ordinary woman. She is a member of the "Swallow Camp" of the Soviet Far East in different time and space. It is a member of the female agent organization under the kgb, and has a high internal level. She controls Mongolia. The security intelligence agency is an out-and-out beauty snake. .しwχS520.

And the scent that she had contacted with Jin Xiantai before was a chemical perfume that made people impulsive. It was something these female agents would rub on their bodies every day.

Basically, men who smell this perfume can't help but have an uncontrollable impulse from the bottom of their hearts, and develop a good impression of the woman, so that the "swallows" can do something with less effort.

But today, it seems that the smell of perfume didn't play a little role. It has to be said that Natasha, the mask girl, was very puzzled, and it also surprised Alexander, who knew the details of "Swallow".

To be honest, Alexander, as the second generation of Soviet power, knows kgb very well. He knows very well that such a miss is rare.

Especially in the right environment, and the atmosphere is rendered, it can fail. This is really interesting.

"Have you put on perfume?"

Alexander pushed away the girls who served him, and just sat up in front of Natasha. Although he was naked, he didn't mean to be shy at all.

The girls walked out of the room wittily, leaving only the masked girls Natasha and Alexander.

Natasha didn't show any shyness when faced with Alexander, who was naked. Instead, she took off her mask and looked at Alexander, who was sitting naked on the boat, with a'contempt' expression on her face.

After taking off the mask, Natasha showed her true face. She has blue eyes, a white face with melon seeds, and the blond hair that falls on her shoulders. She looks only 27 or 18 years old, and she is really touching. Stunner.

"Of course I put on perfume. You know that is what we swallows have to do every day, and can you put on pants? I don't want to see your little Tintin dangling in front of me. Seriously, you The thing is too small, and I am afraid that I will have nightmares in the future."

Natasha spoke very disdainfully, and despised Alexander's little Tintin.

Alexander showed a helpless look, as if he could not do anything to Natasha. This has to make you a little strange. As the second generation of Quan, there is no way for Alexander to take this woman?

After quickly putting on the pants and trousers, Alexander then continued to ask: "Is the effectiveness of the perfume gone?"

Natasha herself was very strange about this problem, so she shook her head: "I don’t know for the time being, okay, you don’t want to continue to struggle with this issue. I really suffered today, and I didn’t wear it for three points. Success, I will lose my face if it spreads out."

There was obviously no temptation to Kim Hyun Tae, which made Natasha very frustrated.

Bending over and picking up the shirt and jacket that were thrown on the ground, Alexander thought for a while and said: "It seems that I can't take the video today and hold it in my hands. This little guy has good luck."

So far, Alexander did not think that the reason was Jin Xiantai, and he still thought it might be caused by the expired perfume.

And one thing revealed from his words is that Alexander actually brought Kim Hyun-tae to this place, and he also asked Natasha, who manages the place, to seduce Kim Hyun-tae, so that when he became impulsive, he would shoot that passion. The video screen serves as a handle.

I have to say that this Alexander is really not as good at dealing with him as he showed. When he was in contact with Kim Hyun Tae, he was actually acting at all in order to make Kim Hyun Tae put his guard down.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai recovered his Qingming at a critical moment, otherwise he would really get involved.

The politicians here thank Jin Xiantai for the genes that have been changed by the space-time tunnel, otherwise he would not be able to pass this level today.

Thinking about it now, Alexander may have planned it a long time ago, and he had this plan from the start.

Taking Jin Xiantai to play a killing game, in addition to his need to vent his pressure and satisfy his distorted needs, perhaps Alexander also hopes to influence Jin Xiantai.

After all, when a person really plays that kind of ‘game’, he will rarely fall into a trap when he comes to Natasha’s shop under the influence of stimulation.

Because blood will stimulate a person's physiological reaction, at that time Jin Xiantai definitely needed a woman, and Alexander had spotted this.

Even if Kim Hyun Tae didn't play the "game", she still wanted women to comfort him in the end, right?

It is a pity that Alexander still doesn't understand Jin Xiantai, let alone what happened to Jin Xiantai.

So, this led to such an unexpected result.

"Is there a fight match today?"

Now that he has failed, even if Alexander is very disappointed, he will not be too entangled.

Anyway, this is already the case, what can he do.

I have to say that his mentality is still very good, which shows that Alexander is not that kind of idiot and dude.

"There is no fight match today, but if you want to watch it, I can prepare a special performance for you, but I have one condition."

Natasha didn't seem to be afraid of Alexander at all, and even more did not care about the big man behind Alexander, who was his father.

From the conversation between her and Alexander, it seems that a little clue can be seen.

"What conditions?"

Alexander had put on his shirt, and he was no longer so naked.

"Get me away from this place where birds don't shit, I've stayed enough in Mongolia. You can let me go anywhere, anyway, I don't want to stay here anymore."

Mongolia is really meaningless. The population here is small, the economy is underdeveloped, and entertainment is nothing, far inferior to other countries.

So Natasha doesn't like it here is excusable.

After hearing this, Alexander smiled bitterly, and then said to Natasha in a bit embarrassed manner: "Your father may not agree to this, and even trouble me about this. I think you should ask your father what it means. , If he agrees, what am I doing for you?"

"Good to go, don't send it."

Natasha turned around and was about to leave the room. Obviously Alexander didn't meet her requirements, so she wouldn't be at Darley.

As soon as Natasha was about to leave, Alexander quickly stopped her.

A joke, if this woman is allowed to go, how can he keep on playing.

"I promise you! I promise you!"

"Speaking counts, if you regret it, you should know what I will do." Natasha turned her head and smiled at Alexander and said, "I will let someone release No. 47. I think the tiger fight is exciting enough, so are you satisfied?"

Alexander replied in a hurry: "Satisfied, satisfied, absolutely satisfied."

After Natasha got Alexander's response, she turned around again and Shi Shiran left the room.

After Natasha left, Alexander put on his coat, then tidied his clothes and left the room and returned to the hall.

Soon, Alexander, who returned to the hall, saw Jin Xiantai sitting in the corner, then walked quickly over and sat on the sofa beside Jin Xiantai.

"Hey, why don't you have some fun? Don't you like the girls here?"

Alexander had nothing to say and started talking.

Kim Hyun Tae shook his head: "No, no, no, the girls here are very beautiful and well-shaped, but I am in no mood today, but I still want to thank you for your relationship. You can ignore me, just go and play. I think I will leave by myself in a while."

First, he expressed his gratitude, and then he said that the other party can ignore him, and then he can leave.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Alexander to let him leave like this.

Although the previous arrangement failed, and there was such an accident, Alexander thought of another way.

Originally, Alexander and Kim Hyun-tae were cooperating in order to hold a handle in his hand to be safe, but after things changed, he had to give up this idea and take another measure.

Since there is no way to find a handle, then use another way to get involved with Jin Xiantai.

Therefore, it is impossible for Alexander to let Jin Xiantai leave before this goal is achieved.

Speaking of this, this is also Alexander's usual style of doing things. Although he will cooperate with some people, he will try his best to get the handle of the other person as a proactive backup.

If the cooperation is happy, of course, there is no problem, but once there is unpleasantness, then this second hand can be used, right?

To put it bluntly, it's just to find insurance for yourself, but Alexander's methods are a bit sloppy, which makes people a little bit contemptuous.

But now that his plan has failed, what else can he do now?

"Yes, I can understand that you don't like these girls. After all, although they are very beautiful and very hot, their bodies are not pure after all. I know you are Chinese Americans, so I can understand your Chinese Americans. The emphasis on purity."

Alexander obviously misunderstood something.

But Jin Xiantai really didn't bother to explain this question, because he thought it would be troublesome to explain to Alexander.

"Come on, as compensation for not making you happy, I decided to take you to see and see other good things."

Alexander stood up and grabbed Jin Xiantai's arm. Regardless of whether Jin Xiantai agreed, he pulled Jin Xiantai and walked to an elevator gate guarded by a gun guard in the lobby.

Apparently the security knows Alexander ~lightnovelpub.net~ and therefore did not stop him.

Press the button and soon the elevator door opens.

Alexander took Jin Xiantai into the elevator.

The button on the 7th floor underground was pressed, and then the elevator doors closed slowly.

"I know that there are underground fighting games in the United States. There would be such events here, but unfortunately we are not here today, but although there is no fighting games, there will be other things to watch. Have you ever watched the human tiger fight? This is comparable Hollywood blockbusters are much more enjoyable, and the main advantage is the reality. I have watched the battle between people and bears..."

As the elevator began to descend, Alexander began to show off to Kim Hyun Tae.

[There’s no end, I’m not here to'discover the dark side of the world' today, you always take me to see these things make hair, do you want to subvert my outlook on life, and you will have nightmares and lose interest in beautiful things in the future? ! 】

Facing Alexander's ‘show off’, Kim Hyun Tae shouted silently in his heart. (To be continued.)