Rising America

Chapter 44: 1 all done

"The reason why I say this is very simple. After dropping out of school, I published a novel and achieved small results. It can be said that this has brought me great financial returns. But I am still very young, only 16 years old, After achieving such results, I am afraid that other people of the same age or young people will create a wrong concept, such as saying that "reading is useless", after all, I am a dropout."

   Following Kim Hyun Tae’s explanation, the puzzled look in Marty’s eyes gradually dissipated. Instead, he was thinking deeply and understanding what Kim Hyun Tae said.

Kim Hyun-tae continued: “I don’t want to bring this wrong idea to affect other teenagers. Besides, I’m still an underage father, and my children will grow up slowly. The father of me will also become her learn to imitate. Role model.

So the question is, in the future, if I educate my child and let her study hard, she will use me as a father to drop out of school and succeed in the novel publishing. When such a small probability incident refutes me, how should I educate her? ? "

   I have to say that what Jin Xiantai said are very real problems, and they are all very likely to happen.

   Although Kim Hyun-tae’s words are all for himself, but Marty can also hear it. Kim Hyun-tae’s remarks also reveal a layer, that is, considering social influence.

   Well, this is a good child, and now at his age, it is already very good to be able to think of these.

   At least, I am more mature than my peers, and I have some depth in considering issues.

   As for the fact that he was once a dropout and was a minor father, it can basically be ignored.

   Not to mention anything else, just because he has this mentality of thinking about issues for the society and the public, it shows that this is a good boy.

   Especially as an educator, Marty feels approval and recognition from Kim Hyun Tae's words.

   The novel "A Song of Ice and Fire", she also bought it home, and thinks it reads very well.

   Now facing the author of this novel, she is even more satisfied with the great principles contained in such a small truth.

Therefore, the principal Marty, who looks like the black aunt next door, slowly nodded with a satisfied expression, and said to Kim Hyun-tae: "I am very satisfied with your explanation. I personally welcome students like you who are willing to come to our college. . As long as your admission test meets the standard, there will be no problem at all for temporary admission."

  Marty's words are equivalent to telling Jin Hyun-tae that as long as the test meets the standard, there will be no problem in enrollment.

   Dave was sitting there with a smile on his face, and he admired Kim Hyun Tae's performance very much.

   "President Marty, I actually think I can go to grade 12 directly, so that I can take the university exam in a few months. Why do the colleges require me to start in grade 11?"

   Regarding the attitude of the academy, Dave told Kim Hyun-tae, so Kim Hyun-tae had to ask this question that puzzled him.

   Besides, he really wants to go directly to the 12th grade (senior high school), so that within a few months, he can graduate from high school and enter the university, rather than waste from the sophomore year.

"We are also doing this for your own good. After all, you are only 16 years old and you have dropped out of school for a year. Some knowledge about high school is not very solid. Even if you self-study some cultural courses during this year, even if it is Able to enter the university, but there will be some related defects."

  Principal Marty here also gave Jin Xiantai an explanation.

   Hearing this, Kim Hyun-tae had to smile wryly: "That said, even if I get the college entrance qualification, that won't work."

   Marty nodded apologetically: "It's useless to have grades. If you don't have enough high school credits, or we don't issue a certificate here, you can't go to university, even if you get it."


   The **** credit system strangled Kim Hyun Tae's thoughts in this regard.

  We have to mention here, that is about the credit system of American high schools in this time and space.

   This system is very unfamiliar to Chinese students, and basically everyone is not very familiar with it.

   In this time and space in the United States, the credits are divided equally by the teachers of each subject. The reference is the test scores, the time of class, and other related factors.

   Like whether there are truancy, absenteeism, length of time to participate in formal classes, moral values, etc., these are closely related to credits.

   is equivalent to saying that credits are comprehensive evaluation information for a student.

   basically does not mean that you can get high credits if you have test scores.

   The knowledge test score is high, but the credit evaluation given by the teacher is low, so embarrassed, you can't graduate.

   It can be seen how important credits are to high school students.

   Even with low credits, you can’t even go to college.

   This is also because of what Marty said, Kim Hyun Tae was immediately discouraged.

   And this kind of credit system still exists even at university.

   Jin Xiantai used to be in time and space, that is, in the world he lived in in his previous life, the United States also had a credit system, but it would not be so abnormal.

   But in this time and space in the United States, the credit system is abnormal.

   But Jin Xiantai couldn't change all of this, so he had to admit his fate.

  Even if he asked Dave to find another college, it would be such a situation.

At this time, the grading teachers also came back with papers. These teachers directly handed the papers to the principal, Marty. After checking the scores, Marty smiled and said to Kim Hyun-tae: "The scores are all up to the standard, even two papers. They are all high scores with full marks, so you can enroll."

   For such a result, Kim Hyun Tae is no exception.

   If he can't meet the standard, it's an accident.

   Hearing what Headmaster Marty said, Dave, who had been sitting quietly beside him, got up and walked over.

   "Well, we will officially go to school tomorrow."

Principal Marty nodded at Dave, then turned to look at Kim Hyun Tae: "No problem, remember that you are in Class A of Year 11. You will directly report to the head teacher Ms. Linda tomorrow morning. It will be reported before 7:30. When you arrive at school, don't be late." In the end, she did not forget to remind Jin Xiantai to remember the time for school.

   Jin Xiantai nodded, saying that after he had remembered, he left the college with Dave.

   On the way back, Dave suggested to Kim Hyun-tae: “Don’t drive your Audi to school. You should buy a second-hand car that is not very conspicuous, so that you can keep a low profile.”

   Kim Hyun-tae’s Audi car is worth 260,000. Although it is not a luxury car, it is quite remarkable among ordinary high school kids, especially high school kids at public colleges.

   Therefore, driving such a car to school is difficult to not attract attention.

   To a large extent, this will conflict with Kim Hyun Tae's low-key concept, so Dave who understands this will kindly remind him.

  Used car is a good choice, the price is cheap, not so conspicuous.

   Most of the cars of high school students are mostly used cars, so it doesn’t show how special Kim Hyun-tae is.

   "Okay, if Mr. Dave is not busy, please take me to the used car market."

   Kim Hyun Tae complied with kindness and accepted Dave's suggestion.

   Hearing the words, Dave smiled: "It just so happens that I have nothing to do today, so I will take you to the used car market."

   After that, Dave drove the car, turned around and drove off the high-speed lane, came to another fork in the road, and started to move towards his destination.

------split line------

   "Coco is so beautiful, you are like a little princess."

   Cocoa was wearing a white lace dress with a lace headband on his head. The whole person changed a lot from head to home. The little guy was standing in front of a big mirror, smiling and looking at his different dress.

   And Annie crouched beside Coco very exaggeratedly, looked at the mirror as well, and praised the little guy with exaggerated tone and tone.

   It can be seen from Coco's expression and reaction that the little guy is very happy with this compliment, and at the same time, he is very satisfied with his current appearance.

   "Come and try this set again, I think Coco will be more beautiful, we have to try more beautiful clothes, right."


   Although Coco is only 10 months old now, she is also a ‘female drop’ after all, so she obviously has no resistance to pretty clothes or anything.

   With the help of Annie, Coco took off the white lace dress and put on a punk-style child costume.

   The old butler Nord took over the lace dress and handed it to the clerk who was next to him. He whispered: "Check out together, we want it."

   Regarding the price, Annie and the old butler have never cared about it.

And in the hands of the clerk, at this time, they are already full of children’s clothing. These are all Coco tried to wear. Basically, as long as the clothes that Coco tried to wear are changed, the old housekeeper will tell the clerk to settle together later. I just bought it.

   This is definitely a big customer!

   and still a big customer who is not bad money!

   Therefore, the young female clerk stood quietly beside the old housekeeper with a smile on her face, and the smile was almost creases on her face.

   "Miss, you bought so many clothes~lightnovelpub.net~ how to explain it when you go back?"

   When I saw that my lady was still very interested and wanted to continue buying, the old butler had to remind my lady to pay attention.

   It's not that I can't bear the money, this is only a few dollars.

  Even if each piece of clothing exceeds the price of $600, but this little money is nothing to Annie, this is simply the ‘cabbage price’, OK?

   But the old housekeeper had to think that after buying so many clothes and taking them home, how can Kim Hyun-tae explain?

   You know, my lady has made up a ‘poor’ life experience, and this has fooled the Asian boy.

   Sure enough, when the old butler reminded her, Annie thought of this crucial question.

   But when she rolled her eyes, she suddenly showed a sly look and thought of a good excuse.

"It's okay. I thought of a good excuse here. It's okay to perfuse the boy." After talking, Annie looked at the time and found that it was still early, so she didn't intend to waste time here anymore. , You know there are many places, she hasn't taken cocoa to play.

  The old butler, Nord, was naturally responsible for the checkout, while Annie left the shop with Cocoa in his arms without worrying about anything.

When the little guy left, there was a reluctant look on his face, which made Annie feel distressed, so Anne held Coco comfortably and said: "Don't bear it, we will come again next time. The clothes here are all yours. ".

And the old housekeeper who finished the check-out came up and just happened to hear what his own lady said. After a moment of sluggish expression, he smiled bitterly and shook his head~lightnovelpub.net~ Welcome book friends to visit and read, the latest and fastest , The hottest serial works are all at ~lightnovelpub.net~ mobile phone users, please go to read.