Rising America

Chapter 440: Code 47

The seventh floor underground has a large space, and there is an area enclosed by iron fences in the central part. At the same time, there are a lot of seats around the iron fences. Some of them are like a more strictly protected boxing ring. . %乐%文%故事 ww.し

Perhaps it was because there was no active relationship today, so when Alexander and Kim Hyun Tae appeared, there were no other people besides them.

But looking at the environment here, and thinking about what Alexander said to him earlier, Kim Hyun-tae was not a little bit awe-inspiring, and at the same time he took a cold breath from the bottom of his heart.

Human-tiger battle! ?

This is again to make fun of human lives.

Kim Hyun-tae really couldn't imagine, and he himself couldn't figure out why the second generation of Quan like Alexander had to watch this so-called ‘happiness’. Is it true that using a person’s life for pleasure can really make himself happy?

Is it because of the huge population of different time and space, that talents like Alexander take human life seriously?

Kim Hyun Tae really didn't understand.

Need to vent, there is pressure, it can be handled in other ways, there is no need to use this way.

In any case, it is a life.

Unfortunately, Kim Hyun-tae is not Alexander, so he has no way to detect the other's psychological activities, so it is impossible to understand Alexander's thoughts.

Not to mention that he has no mind-reading skills, right.

So Jin Xiantai's face became a little unsightly, and he began to wonder how to find excuses to leave Alexandria quickly.

He can't make Alexander change this hobby, so what Kim Hyun Tae can do is to keep himself away from all this.

You say he is pretending to be an ostrich or whatever he is.

In short, Jin Xiantai is no longer willing to stay.

But just as he was thinking about excuses in his heart, suddenly an electric iron door opposite opened, and several big men with guns walked out.

Seeing these people Jin Xiantai's heart abruptly, he really thought of some bad things.

After all, if Alexander was against him at this time, no one would know if he killed him in this place in a short time.

If Alexander was cruel and dissolved the body after killing himself, no one would know his whereabouts in this life.

Fortunately, these are all Jin Xiantai's own fantasies. The truth is not what he imagined.

Among the gunmen, there is a woman who is chained and wears a black robe. From the looks of this woman, she should not be very old. She looks almost ten years old. His height is not short at about 1.7 meters.

She is white, and she has a pair of blue eyes that are not like most whites, but blue eyes in the right eye and black in the left eye. She is a typical patient with heterochromia iris.

But with this symptom, she also added a lot of weird attractions, and she immediately caught Jin Xiantai's sight.

"Sir, does the show begin now?"

The strong man taking the lead came over and asked in Russian.

Alexander turned his head to look at Kim Hyun Tae, and asked him what he meant: "How about it, do you start now?"

After all, Kim Hyun-tae is a guest, and out of politeness, Alexander also asked Kim Hyun-tae.

At this time, Jin Xiantai was thinking how to make excuses to leave.

What **** people fight, he is not interested in watching.

Obviously, one of the protagonists of the human-tiger battle that is about to start is the girl with heterochromia iris.

"Forget it, it's late, I want to go back."

Jin Xiantai immediately made up his mind and said nothing to stay.

He may not be able to save the girl, but at least he can't watch her die in front of him today.

It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae didn’t think about it. Alexander just asked him out of politeness, and he didn’t really intend to ask him for advice.

So Kim Hyun-tae said, "Forget it," without being taken care of by Alexander at all.

"Let's get started, my friend is going back soon. I still want him to increase his knowledge before he goes back, otherwise he will blame me for not having enough friends."

"Okay sir, we are ready now."

The man nodded at Alexander, then turned back to his companion, and then several men pushed the girl into the iron fence, and immediately closed the gate to enter and exit the iron fence.

Alexander grinned and took Jin Xiantae to the side and sat down. At the same time, he kept apologizing and said, "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to promise you, but you will really regret this thing if you don't look at it. So I had to delay your time. I'll take you back personally when it's over."

Kim Hyun-tae really wanted to smash Alexander's face in a hard circle, hitting him full of blossoms.

It is a pity that Jin Xiantai can only think about it in his heart, it is impossible to really do this.

This is Alexander's territory. If he does this, it will be a problem if he can't go out. At the same time, he will offend the other party and mess up the old George entrusted to himself.

So even if there are 10,000 alpacas whizzing past in Jin Xiantai's heart, he still has to keep a smile on his face and cannot reveal his true thoughts here in Alexander.

While Kim Hyun-tae was constantly spitting in his heart, a noise suddenly rang from the top of the iron fence, and then a square iron net fell from the sky, and under the pull of several iron chains, it covered the iron fence, adding more A layer of security.

The visual range of the iron fence in the center is very large, basically reaching 300 square meters, which makes Kim Hyun-tae suddenly feel that it is like a modern arena.

But soon Jin Xiantai focused his attention on the girl inside the iron fence, because he found that after the girl entered the fence, she seemed to become very nervous, and at the same time she exuded a very terrifying breath.

"Who is this girl? Is she also some criminal?"

Jin Xiantai couldn't help but asked curiously.

Faced with Kim Hyun-tae’s question, Alexander thought for a while and replied: “As for the failure of a domestic military experimental project, I don’t know exactly what it is. Don’t look at my father’s high status, but it’s not everything. I can understand. And I can only tell you so much."

After listening to Alexander’s answer, Jin Xiantai recalled a piece of news he had read on the Internet that was not true or false when he was in the original time and space. It was said that the Soviet Union had conducted an experimental project of “gene hybridization”. The idea was to create a terror. Fighting fighter.

And the Soviet Union in the different time and space where I live, seems to be conducting some similar experiments, right?

Of course, Kim Hyun Tae could not confirm this, but it did not prevent Kim Hyun Tae from taking this matter to heart. After he left here and went back, maybe Old George would be interested.

Cang Dang!

A piece of the ground floor inside the iron fence was opened, and a black sloped passage appeared.

Roar! Roar!

A tiger roar came from the passage, echoing in this space.

After hearing this tiger roar, Kim Hyun-tae's expression stunned. He knew that the "Human Tiger War" Alexander said was about to begin.

It's just that he doesn't think the "Human Tiger Fight" statement is correct. It should be correct if you change to be a human being eaten by a tiger.

After all, no matter what the girl in the field looks at, she can't imagine that she can fight a tiger.

So using normal thinking to infer, the final result can only be that the girl was eaten by the tiger, and any person would think so in this matter.

The men who appeared with the ‘escorted’ girl previously occupied some key positions outside the iron fence, and at the same time pointed the muzzle of the WeChat submachine gun they were wearing at the iron fence. Obviously, they were just in case.

In terms of safety alone, they are doing a good job.

The girl took off the robe she was wearing, revealing her muscular figure.

At the same time, a Siberian tiger slowly walked out of the tunnel, and kept making a dull snoring sound.

Kim Hyun Tae closed his eyes and prayed silently for the girl in his heart.

Jin Xiantai now feels a little hypocritical, but he really doesn't know how to get the girl out of danger.

And when Jin Xiantai closed his eyes, he heard a clear female voice, and the roar of tigers all day...

------split line------

Time flies, and an hour later, Jin Xiantai returned to the hotel where he lived, but he was accompanied by a girl in a black robe. Obviously he was not alone when he came back.

Tuk tuk!

When he came to the door of his suite, Jin Xiantai raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Then the door opened and Hilda appeared in front of Kim Hyun Tae.

"The young lady is asleep, and Camilla is accompanying the young lady." After opening the door, Hilda turned to let Jin Xiantai walk in, and at the same time looked at the strange girl who walked in with Jin Xiantai.

"Sir, who is this?"

Jin Xiantai looked back at the girl given to him by Alexander, with a helpless smile on his face.

"She will be our companion in the future. You can temporarily call her '47' because she has no name. At the same time, you should also pay attention to her. She seems to be a little uncomfortable and accidental, so you have to be patient with her. Don't make her angry, she is very destructive."

When confessing these things to Hilda, Jin Xiantai kept thinking of the scene he saw in his mind.

An adult ambition Siberian tiger was killed alive by the girl next to him. In that scene, Jin Xiantai almost thought that he was wrong.

And when the battle between humans and tigers ended, the girl with only the code name ‘47’ and no name was given to him by Alexander as a gift, and there was no way to refuse this ‘gift’ by Kim Hyun Tae.

Because Alexander clearly said that if he refuses this ‘gift’ it will destroy the upcoming cooperation between the two.

In order not to disrupt and affect the cooperation, Kim Hyun-tae finally had to accept this ‘gift’ and bring the girl back.

And on the way back, Jin Xiantai tried to communicate with the girl, and he found that the girl could not communicate normally, she was like a beast, just like an ordinary human.

So this girl is extremely dangerous.

But Jin Xiantai couldn't leave her behind, so he had to bring her back.

"Sir, I will notice this problem."

Hilda nodded.

"I'm going to take a shower, you have to wait for me obediently here."

After Jin Xiantai finished his instructions, he looked back at Dao '47' who followed him.

‘47’ stretched out his hand and took Jin Xiantai’s arm, slurred to express his meaning to him: "Wash together, I am your pet, and you are my master."

Although ‘47’ was slurred, Kim Hyun Tae still understood what she wanted to express.

Kim Hyun Tae couldn't do anything like taking a mandarin duck bath with a girl.

What kind of pets, owners, and all this.

Just think about the terrible things that would happen when angering '47', which made Kim Hyun-tae entangled for a while.

Hilda saw the entanglement and helplessness of her young master, so she stood up and put her little hand on '47''s hand and forced '47' to let go of Jin Xiantai's arm, seemingly easy.

"Master, please go, leave this girl to me. I can take good care of her, no problem."

‘47’ could feel how strong the strength of holding her arm was, and even she couldn’t get rid of it, which made ‘47’ feel terrified.

She couldn't think of it. It seemed that Hilda, who was quiet, soft and weak, with black-rimmed glasses, like a literary girl, would have such great power.

Perhaps because of the instinct of the ‘beast’, ‘47’ felt a terrifying aura from Hilda, as if she would end up badly if she was disobedient.

But '47' was obviously unwilling to be subdued like this, and at the same time she was very upset with the fear in her heart, so she decided to resist.

Kim Hyun-tae saw that there was no movement on the ‘47’, so he left with peace of mind.

When Kim Hyun-tae left, Hilda stared at '47' with a smile, and slowly said, “Maybe you don’t understand what I’m talking about, but I hope you can be clear about lightnovelpub.net~ in front of me. The power of ‘’s is not worth mentioning, so as long as you obediently don’t cause trouble, I won’t make trouble for you, or you’ll regret it.”


‘47’ shook his arm violently and kicked Hilda’s head with his leg.


Hilda didn't dodge, she just stood there, letting the '47' leg kick her in the face, kicking her black-framed glasses to pieces.

Raising his hand, he clicked on the chest of ‘47’, and ‘47’ suddenly collapsed to the ground with a weird expression.

"The disobedient little guy, it seems that you have to let you know how good it is. For the sake of the young lady and the young master, I think it is better to teach you some rules."

Bending down and picking up the broken glasses that fell on the ground, Hilda looked at ‘47’ and muttered to herself a little unhappy.

After speaking, Hilda reached out and grabbed the left ankle of ‘47’, and then dragged her exhausted and walked into a bedroom nearby... (To be continued.)