Rising America

Chapter 442: Cocoa Friends

"Dad, who is she? How come the eyes are two colors, they look weird and beautiful. Le + Wen + novel ww.しws520.om Coco also wants such eyes, can father do it?"

One night passed, and when I had breakfast in the morning, I could see ‘47’. When the little guy saw ‘47’, he was attracted by her blue and black pupils, and then yelled at his father that he would become like this.

And this little guy's request, obviously Jin Xiantai really couldn't meet it.

‘47’ people are born with this, but how could Coco become like this?

Fortunately, the little guy just yelled indiscriminately, but he didn't really want to become such an eye to make trouble for his father.


‘47’ responded to Coco at this time, and the movements were a bit stiff and out of tune. She raised her right hand and made a fist on her cheek, making a cat paw.

Kim Hyun-tae, who saw the act of '47,' his forehead was covered with black lines.

He really did not expect that ‘47’ would do this.

Hilda, who was standing behind Jin Xiantai, explained: "I can only teach her this for one night. It will be more perfect if the time is longer.

It may be that the girl seldom speaks, so her language function is somewhat degraded, and it will take time to recover, but please rest assured, Master, I will try my best to teach (teach) her.

Oh, yes, I gave her a new name called ‘Rochelle’, what do you think? "

Rochelle’s name is stronger than ‘47’, and Kim Hyun Tae wouldn’t say anything about it.

It's just that he didn't understand what Hilda taught all night.

"How does she have to bring a'meow' ending?" Jin Xiantai couldn't help but looked back at Hilda and asked.

Camilla, who was serving breakfast for cocoa, snickered.

Little Coco also looked at Hilda with interest. The little guy wanted to see how Hilda answered his father.

The ‘47’, which has been officially renamed Rochelle, stared at the food on the table recklessly, with light in his eyes.

"That's cute, isn't it?"

Hilda's words made Kim Hyun Tae almost choked with saliva.

I thought Hilda would give an explanation, but I didn't expect it to be just because of this.

But then again, Kim Hyun-tae must also admit that although his expression is a little stiff and stiff, but '47'...oh, no, the current Rochelle’s way of speaking is indeed very cute, he can’t deny it a little.

"Can you teach her something normal?" Although it was cute, Kim Hyun-tae reminded Hilda dumbfounded that she should not teach these weird things to '47', which is now Rochelle .

From the dining car nearby, Hilda picked up the breakfast lobster porridge prepared by the hotel and placed it in front of Jin Xiantai, and responded, "I see, Master."

Hilda always had a smile on her face, and this girl who looked a little bookish had no idea what she planned in her heart.

"Rochelle, I am Coco, meow!"

Coco also learned the way of saying ‘47’ and introduced herself to her. The little guy is much cuter than ‘47’. After all, younger people have an advantage.

This time, ‘47’ did not speak, but with a very stiff expression, raising his hand on his cheek again, and making a cat claw gesture in response to Coco who introduced himself.

Three no, is facial paralysis?

Kim Hyun-tae, who was about to eat porridge, twitched the corners of his mouth after seeing the reaction of '47'.

At the same time, he was also curious how Hill reached the end and got along with ‘47’ so harmoniously.

You know, he has seen ‘47’ kill a tiger with his bare hands.

If it weren’t for Hilda’s repeated assurances last night, that she would be able to get along well with '47' and would not let '47’ run wild, and she would also verify her promise, Jin Hyun-tae would not rest assured. '47' studied with her.

But although Kim Hyun-tae could not figure out the inside story, the facts told him that Hilda and ‘47’ did get along very well, and ‘47’ was emotionally stable, and there was no sign of rampage.

More importantly, the reason why Kim Hyun-tae can rest assured that '47' stays here is that Hilda proved in front of Kim Hyun-tae last night that she is stronger than '47'.


There is no normal person around me.

Jin Xiantai, who took his gaze back and placed it on the lobster porridge in front of him, silently complained in his own heart.

He couldn't think that Hilda, who looked quiet and quiet around him, wore black-rimmed glasses all day, and exuded a strong bookish air, was actually a hidden girl.

Although it is not clear how strong she is, according to Hilda, she will never lose in a fight with a dozen masters with her bare hands.

If you kill a tiger with bare hands like ‘47’, Hilda said that she had never killed it, but if Kim Hyun-tae allowed it, she could try it.

Kim Hyun-tae is not a pervert. Of course, Hilda will not be allowed to do such a thing. Anyway, Kim Hyun-tae knows that Hilda can suppress '47'.

"Rochelle, do you have something you like? Coco has a lot of favorite things, such as beautiful dresses, being a star, and of course Coco likes to be a screenwriter recently."

Although ‘47’ is not good at speech and his expression is very stiff, it seems that he is not very easy to deal with, but Xiao Keke likes to talk to her very much.

Perhaps only children can see that ‘47’, which seems difficult to deal with, is actually very simple and harmless.

To some extent, children are really better than adults.

"I... like to eat caviar. Meow!"

I looked around 47 and found that there was a small dish on the breakfast cart, and the small dish was filled with black caviar, and then I responded with a little cocoa.

Hearing this, Coco looked very excited. She raised her spoon and said to '47' happily: "Do you like caviar too? Coco likes it too. I heard from my father that caviar is very nutritious. Coco After eating, you can grow taller."

The caviar on the side is produced from the Caspian sturgeon in the Soviet Union and Iran, and is transported by air to Mongolia for the rich and powerful here. The price is very high, but it is nothing to Jin Xiantai.

The price of three thousand dollars an ounce is not that Jin Xiantai can't afford it. What's more important is that his daughter likes to eat. Therefore, let alone three thousand dollars an ounce, even if it is thirty thousand dollars an ounce, Jin Xiantai will buy cocoa to eat.

What's more, caviar is indeed rich in nutrients, so Cocoa is right.

As for whether Coco will have a tall man in the future, it is hard to say, anyway, it is just what Jin Xiantai used to coax Coco.

47 I don't know the quality of this caviar, she rarely eats caviar in the original place, this thing is a luxury for her.

Only when she kills some people and animals, the caviar will be eaten as a reward, and the quality of that caviar is not very good.

Take a look at the breakfast caviar that Kim Hyun-tae prepared for his daughter, Cocoa. Not to mention that the grains are very full, and they are also full of luster. You can see that the quality is good.

Of course, the price is not cheap.

Although the price of this caviar is not the most expensive, it is considered superior in terms of taste and nutrition alone, and it is obviously unnecessary to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to eat caviar.

Therefore, caviar of this quality and price is obviously suitable.

"This is what Dad prepared for Cocoa, but Cocoa is willing to share it with you, then we can eat together well, you will be Cocoa's good friend in the future."

The little guy is not a stingy person, so he won't take up food for others to eat, especially if the caviar is indeed prepared by Jin Xiantai for her.

You must know that children as old as Coco have a strong ‘right to property’ and will not easily give up their things to others.

The word'friend' is unfamiliar and distant to 47. It has hardly appeared in her 18 years of life. So when Coco said that he could share caviar and be friends, 47's expression was very surprised. .

"What? Don't you like to be friends with Coco?"

Seeing 47's surprised expression, Coco suddenly misunderstood.

In 47 reminiscent life experiences, she lived in an extremely closed environment since she was born, and occasionally some people in white coats would take her away, and then put some needles or needles in her body. Infusion tube.

In that place, she will always be alone.

It can be said that she doesn't even have a peer who can talk to, and when she wants to communicate with people in white coats, the other party will not pay attention to her at all.

Gradually, 47 stopped talking.

This kind of life continued until three years ago, and then she went to a new environment, which is the place where Jin Xiantai met her.

It is also where 47 learned some simple knowledge and simple vocabulary. But this is only for the convenience of those who "bring" her to better communicate with her.

47 I don't know who I am or where I come from. I don't even have the concept of father and mother, let alone friends.

But even so, it does not mean that 47 has no desire and need in this regard.

She is also a person and has normal emotional needs, but these human emotions have been suppressed in a special way.

"What are friends?"

47 is very curious ~lightnovelpub.net~ and this sentence asks very smoothly, not at all stumbling.

Coco tilted his head and thought for a while, then explained with a point of view that he understood: "Friends are the kind of food that is delicious together, and fun to play together, and fights together."

After listening to Coco's explanation, 47 felt that he had a good friend, so he happily agreed.

"Okay, we will be good friends in the future. Don't worry, I will beat him (her) with you when you fight with someone. Then please share some caviar."

47. The conversation between 47 and his daughter made the father Jin Xiantai very speechless. Good friends can share delicious and fun things, but Mao wants to talk about fighting.

Of course, it seems that there is nothing wrong with Coco's saying "good friends fight together", and Kim Hyun-tae can't refute this, but it is precisely because of this that he is so helpless.

After all, is making friends just to fight together? (To be continued.)