Rising America

Chapter 45: News

Because of Dave’s suggestion, Jin Xiantai finally spent 8,000 yuan in the used car market and bought a 70% new black general-purpose pickup truck. This model is durable and looks ordinary and low-key. The price is low. It's only 8,000 yuan, so Kim Hyun-tae feels that the price is completely worthwhile.

   You know, if this general purpose pickup is brand new, the price should be at least 50,000 yuan.

   But now, he bought this 70% new pickup truck for only 8,000 yuan. If he is still not satisfied, he will really be damned.

   And under Dave’s advice, Kim Hyun-tae didn’t have to worry about used car dealers to sell the car to himself because Dave knew cars well, especially when there was legal protection, so he didn’t have to worry.

   In this way, Kim Hyun Tae, who bought the car smoothly, drove the new car away from Dave and went straight home.

   As for his original Audi, Dave will let his subordinates drive Jin Xiantai back. Basically, this pickup truck will be the car that Jin Xiantai will drive in the future.

Although this pickup is very cheap, it is actually very comfortable to sit in. The space inside will not make people feel pressured, and the seats are also very comfortable. Other configurations are okay. See the predecessor The owner still takes good care of this car, and the maintenance is also very good.

   The price of 8,000 yuan, it seems that it is really a profit.

   At least, in Kim Hyun Tae's view, he has earned it.

  8,000 yuan is really nothing to Kim Hyun-tae, who is worth more than two million yuan.

   This is nothing but small money.

   Because for Kim Hyun-tae, it is necessary to change to such a car in order to not show off after school and attract trouble and attention.

   The car drove very smoothly. Although it can't compare with your own Audi, it is still very good. What else can you ask for a pickup?

In this way, in one morning, Kim Hyun-tae successfully completed the entrance test of Monica College, and was able to jump in to school the next day. At the same time, he bought himself a low-key pickup truck, which was basically what he should do. I'm done.

   The rest is to come back to rest and organize a day, and then go to Monica College to report the next day.

   When Jin Xiantai returned home, it was already around 11:30 noon, and Annie and Coco had returned earlier than him.

   As soon as he entered the house, Jin Xiantai saw a pile of children's clothing stacked on the sofa in the living room and on the coffee table. He clearly remembered that these clothings were not bought by himself.

   "Where did these clothes come from?"

   Under curiosity, Kim Hyun Tae came over and asked.

   My daughter, Coco, is wearing a ‘hip-hop’ style jeans and a jacket. She is standing in front of the corner mirror looking in the mirror happily. Annie also looks at the stinky little guy cheerfully, her eyes full of doting.

Hearing this, Annie looked back at Jin Xiantai and said, "After you went out, I took Coco to a nearby flea market, and luckily, I came across a good quality children’s clothing stall. I think the price is very cheap. I bought some for the kids."

   bought some?

   Jin Xiantai glanced at the clothes piled up on the sofa and coffee table. He was speechless for the moisture contained in Annie's words.

   Kim Hyun-tae also heard about the nearby jumping market, but he hadn’t been there, so he didn’t know it well.

I just know that it is a market formed by the residents of several nearby communities and organized spontaneously. Most of the things sold are useless things, or some fruits and vegetables grown in the yard. Just cheap.

   "Don't read it, it only cost 300 yuan in total."

   Annie saw Jin Xiantai's gaze, and she was busy reporting the amount she spent.

   My God, 300 yuan, Annie is really talking about it.

   If the old butler Nord was here, he would definitely give a big eye to the expenses reported by my lady.

   You need to know that when these clothes were checked out, he spent almost 20,000 yuan in front and back.

   Although more than 20,000 yuan is not a big deal to Annie, you can say that you bought these clothes for more than 20,000 yuan as if you bought them for 300 yuan. That's too...what's that.

   Jin Xiantai picked up a few pieces of clothes and tried them. Well, the hand feels very good. It is pure cotton, not to mention the workmanship. There is no such small flaw as thread ends. It is just suitable for my daughter to wear, and I don’t have to worry about hurting my daughter’s tender skin.

  300 yuan, it seems to be a good buy.

   "The quality is very good and the workmanship is good. Your women have a better vision than our men. I am very satisfied with these clothes. You are interested, thank you."

   I took a look, tried it, and Jin Xiantai was relieved. This is not a shoddy costume. Jin Xiantai, who was very satisfied, thanked Annie.

Humph! It goes without saying, how can your eyes as a man compare to me.

   Kim Hyun Tae’s compliment made Annie a little proud in her heart, and it also made Annie say something silently in her heart.

   "Ah, bah, what can I be proud of being praised by your underage kid." But immediately Annie took a sip, embarrassed by her reaction.

   She doesn't understand why she has an inexplicable mentality towards this boy who is 10 years younger, and her reaction is very strange even when facing him.

   Looking at him and hearing his voice, I will become very at ease, forget a lot of unpleasant things, and at the same time, there will be a faint, warm feeling like nothing in my heart.

   "Hey, this is 500 yuan. I really thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know. Coco still lacks so many clothes. It seems that my father is really unqualified."

   Kim Hyun-tae took out his wallet, took out five hundred-yuan "Franklin" and put them in front of Annie, then expressed gratitude with a sincere expression on his face, and at the same time expressed annoyance that he was an unqualified father.

   Annie said that she spent 300 yuan, but Kim Hyun-tae gave 500 yuan. What happened to the extra 200 yuan?


   But Annie didn't think much about it, and she naturally put away the money Jin Hyun Tae put on the coffee table.

  Coco was still looking in the mirror and she was stinky, and she could see that she liked the ‘hip-hop’-style clothes on her body. She didn’t even say hello after her father came back. She was completely absorbed in her beautiful clothes.

   Kim Hyun-tae didn’t bother to disturb the daughter in the positive harassment bag, put down the car key in his hand, and then walked aside to turn on the TV.

   "How about, did the school pass the test?"

   Annie asked about this naturally.

   Kim Hyun Tae nodded, turned on the TV, walked back, and sat on another sofa.

   "It went well, I can report to school tomorrow."

   "Congratulations." Annie congratulated her sincerely. Kim Hyun Tae smiled upon hearing this, "Thank you."

Noon news is being broadcast on TV. The content of the news is still around the things fighting between the French and North Vietnamese troops, and from time to time the views of the host and some critics are added, as well as the attitudes of Europe, the United States and other countries in the world. .

   In the news, Jin Xiantai learned that Europe is currently seeking to form a consortium, an organization similar to the ‘EU’ that has already appeared in the world.

   Kim Hyun-tae dismissed this very much.

   You must know that at this point in time and space in 2015, the Cold War is still going on, the huge Soviet Union has not yet collapsed, Germany is divided into Eastern and Western Germany, and the Berlin Wall has not collapsed.

   Therefore, he personally believes that the EU in this time and space is impossible.

   At least, before the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall was torn down, the emergence of the European Union was simply impossible.

   A certain military commentator in the news continued to express his opinions.

   This guy thinks that if the French want to keep Vietnam, there are only two ways to go.

   One is to seek help in Europe, and the other is to seek help from the United States. Whether it is economic or military, there are only two ways to go.

   Of course, there is no third way.

   And this third way is also the most appropriate, that is, withdrawal.

   This is but the third way, it is not a choice within the framework of preserving Vietnam's interests, so the French will not choose now...crack, talk a lot.

   Recently, Kim Hyun-tae likes watching the news very much.

  The reason is because of the French war in Vietnam.

   "You said that if the French seek help from the United States, how will the United States react?"

   Kim Hyun-tae watching the news quietly, and Kim Hyun-tae, who looked bored, asked casually.

This was just a casual question, but it caused Annie to think about it very seriously, and then replied: "The United States will not have much reaction, at most it will support some materials or weapons. Of course, the premise The French can get the money. Now the U.S. Congress is dominated by conservatives. The national policy is very conservative and not radical at all. The hawks are very suppressed. Therefore, it is impossible for the French to find the United States. what."

   After hearing what Annie said, although Kim Hyun-tae's face was not shocked, he sighed repeatedly in his heart.

   Thinking of the time and space where I was in my previous life, how awesome is the United States, and whoever is beaten will be beaten. It looks like a world police + justice messenger.

   But in this time and space, the United States is completely different. It's just like a little bitterness. Don't want to be made by the Soviet Union.

   Although in this time and space, the United States is also the protagonist of the Cold War, but it is the passive side, completely suppressed by the Soviet Union.

   This is basically two different situations from the United States that Kim Hyun-tae had in his impression.

   Kim Hyun Tae was really dumbfounded about this.

   What makes Jin Xiantai particularly complain about is that although this time and space has entered the 21st century, the development of science and technology is comparable to another time and space, and some even surpass the time and space where he was originally.

   But based on the information seen on the news and on the Internet, Kim Hyun-tae could not imagine that the military thoughts of various countries in this time and space are still stuck in the Second World War.

  Especially the tactics used by the French in this war in Vietnam were old tactics such as bunkers, trenches, heavy artillery bombardment, etc.

   Although some high-tech equipment will be used ~lightnovelpub.net~, most of the time, high-tech equipment is nothing more than furnishings.

   In this regard, Jin Xiantai can only sigh for the wonderful work, and at the same time complain about this magical time and space.

And Annie saw that Kim Hyun-tae was silent, thinking that he could not see the problems inside, so she further explained to Kim Hyun-tae: “Behind North Vietnam is the support of the Soviets. If the United States is involved, it will be very detrimental to the United States, because the United States I don’t want to provoke the Soviets. Although the United States has interests in Asia, Vietnam is in the interest of the French. Of course, their interests must be safeguarded by themselves."

   After that, Annie didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. She tentatively asked Jin Xiantai's views on the war: "By the way, you can tell me what you think, anyway, I'm just idle."

"It is inevitable for the French to lose the war, and the U.S. will also lose control of the Malacca Strait. The Soviets are bound to grow bigger in this area, and the U.S. will lose the interests of the entire Southeast Asia. Japan, Stay Bay, the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries have recently I have already jumped very well, right? This is a sign.

Although I don’t want to say that, I think the most suitable thing for the United States is to directly participate in the war and send troops to Vietnam. Although the United States will pay a high price for this, it can use this opportunity to train its troops and also use this opportunity to declare to certain forces. The United States will do this when necessary. This is an attitude..."

  Kim Hyun Tae This is a view that combines the previous life, the original time and space the United States sent troops to Vietnam, and the combination of the current time and space the United States is facing some of the problems and the international situation.

But the speaker did not intend, the listener did, but Annie's eyes flashed~lightnovelpub.net~ Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~lightnovelpub.net~ mobile phone users please To read.