Rising America

Chapter 456: Dad, that sister seems to be interesting

Kim Hyun-tae is too good, which makes the girls who like him feel a kind of invisible pressure. Demi has it, Yang Weiwei has it, Huini has it, and maybe only a woman like Annie can be free from pressure, right?

Do not!

In fact, Annie is also under pressure. 【..】

It's just that Annie's pressure is different from Demi, Yang Weiwei, and Huini. Her pressure comes from the age difference between herself and Jin Xiantai, while the pressure from Demi, Yang Weiwei and Huini comes from wealth, identity and status.

But anyway, it is an indisputable fact that the girls who like Kim Hyun Tae are under such pressure, and there is no alternative.

Yang Weiwei calmed her mind and temporarily put the distress in her heart behind her, because she knew that she could not stop any girl from liking Jin Hyun Tae, and she could not ask Jin Hyun Tae to ignore those girls, because she and Kim Hyun Tae were nothing. Love relationship, so she has no such power.

But even with such power, can Yang Weiwei really prevent this from happening?

Obviously this is unrealistic.

If a boy is too good, it will make girls who like her have a headache.

Yang Weiwei smiled wryly in her heart.

At this time, Yang Weiwei felt a little helpless. She thought of returning to China, constantly re-accustoming to Chinese customs from newspapers, media and online, and realized that if domestic girls were looking for boyfriends, they would look for those excellent boys or men.

Regarding this concept, Yang Weiwei felt that there was nothing abnormal.

Strong men (boys) themselves attract the opposite sex. This is a well-known truth, isn't it?

But now Yang Weiwei feels that it seems that this question cannot be viewed this way at all.

For example, Jin Xiantai is very good, but he makes people who like him feel pressure and distress because he is too good.

There is no doubt about its ability to make money. At a young age, without the support of any parents and relatives, he has earned wealth that ordinary people can't make in a lifetime. This is proof that everything is not.

What's more, he is not yet 18 years old, young, and superb.

What's more rare is that Jin Xiantai has no bad habits, has a very good personality, and can be praised in terms of morals, and a boy like him is simply a model of the reality version of all girls' dream lovers.

It can be said that no girl dislikes such a boy.

But can such an excellent boy really make him his boyfriend?

After all, boys like this are very attractive to girls.

Isn’t it the only person who wants to be Kim Hyun Tae’s girlfriend?

Although Yang Weiwei doesn't know much about the life circle, she can think of these problems with her knees.

Think about it, she likes Kim Hyun Tae. If you don't keep everything, there will be no other girls who like Kim Hyun Tae, so it is not so easy to become Kim Hyun Tae's girlfriend.

But anyway, Yang Weiwei always has a little advantage, that is, she has a good relationship with Jin Xiantai, and she is a former classmate, and she has confessed (rejected) to him, so her advantage is still very large.

I just don’t know who Demi, Joanne, and Annie are. Are they a big threat to them?

Well, the name should be a European and American girl.

European and American girls are passionate and bold, and they seem to need to pay more attention.

Yang Weiwei, who has lived and studied in the United States, knows a little bit about the boldness of European and American girls.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the pressure on her is heavier.

[Should I also take the initiative and put him on the bed to cook rice and cook mature rice? 】

Suddenly, such a thought flashed in Yang Weiwei's mind.

And she herself was taken aback by this bold and indecent idea.

She herself didn't know how she dared to come out with such a method, it was too nasty, too shameful, and too wretched!

In an instant, Yang Weiwei gave up this idea, and at the same time she was ashamed before the idea came up, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

【spit! Yang Weiwei, Yang Weiwei, why are you so shameless now? If you do that, are you still yourself? No, for William can’t use this method, we have to impress him with our hearts and let him accept his love...]

The girl's inner activities are very rich, but all these are not visible from her face.

Yang Weiwei and Chen Yuanyuan have Situ Muzi as guests. Since they are looking for themselves, they will treat them well, otherwise they will make people feel that they will not be able to treat guests, and at the same time make Yang Weiwei lose face.

So Jin Xiantai was not good enough to leave Chen Yuanyuan and Situ Muzi down.

Therefore, he took advantage of Yang Weiwei's random thoughts and started talking with the two girls with a smile, so that they would not feel left out.

"Although I think Yang Weiwei must have introduced me to you, I still want to introduce myself to you. Hello, I am William King and I am studying at Santa Monica College in Los Angeles. According to your Huaxia algorithm, I should be A sophomore in high school, but I'm going to be in high school in September."

Kim Hyun-tae’s smile is very kind, and one can't help but feel the illusion of being blown by the ‘spring breeze’, especially the girls’ feelings are stronger.

Therefore, both Chen Yuanyuan and Situ Muzi were dazed by Jin Xiantai's smile.

The two little girls both complained in their hearts [Oh, Yang Weiwei is finished, so she didn't have to run away because of the boy's sultry smile. ] [This smile is too troublesome. Although this word is not suitable for boys, I can't describe it except this word. ].

Chen Yuanyuan was the fastest to recover. She quickly responded: "My name is Chen Yuanyuan, and I am a classmate and friend of Weiwei."

And Situ Muzi was a bit worse than Chen Yuanyuan, she was a little immersed in the sultry smile of Jin Xiantai, and her appearance was very idiot, which made people look funny.

This made Chen Yuanyuan a little embarrassed, so she quickly bumped her friend with her elbow.

"Situ, what are you doing, hurry up, come back to your senses, you are so embarrassing."

Turning around, Chen Yuanyuan smiled apologetically at Jin Xiantai, which made Jin Xiantai feel very funny.

"My name is Situ Muzi. I save my pocket money every year, and I save a lot now. I don't have a boyfriend yet..."

Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help but uttered aloud.

Chen Yuanyuan looked embarrassed.

"What nonsense, this is the person that Lao Yang likes, what are you talking about here, idiot!" Chen Yuanyuan realized that her friend's state was not right, so she didn't care about being ashamed at this time, she stretched out her hand He pinched Situ Muzi's waist vigorously.

"Oh! Why pinch me, it hurts!"

Chen Yuanyuan's trick really worked, and after a pinch, he finally made the demon's friend regain consciousness, and no longer acted like a idiot.

"What did you say nonsense just now? What did you say to others that you don't have a boyfriend, and you save your pocket money every year?"

Chen Yuanyuan asked in a low voice.

Situ Muzi widened his eyes and looked at Chen Yuanyuan in disbelief.

"That's what I said just now?"

Chen Yuanyuan nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, that's what you said."

Situ Muzi's expression became completely colorful.

[How can I behave like a nympho, it's over now. 】

The girl was thin-skinned, and her performance just now was really embarrassing, so now Situ Muzi can't wait for a seam to get in.

"I'll leave first, thanks for the hospitality!"

Maybe it was just showing my heart. I was embarrassed and embarrassed. At the same time, I felt a little sorry for my good friends, so Situ Muzi decided to leave here.

To be honest, she didn't know what was wrong with her just now, so why did she say such a thing.

Maybe it's like what my friend Chen Yuanyuan said, I'm stunned, right?

He got up and said goodbye. Before turning around, he glanced at Jin Xiantai who was a little surprised where he was sitting, and Situ Muzi sighed silently in his heart.

[No matter where you look at it, this is the same as the Prince Charming of my dreams. It's a pity that this is someone my friend likes. As a classmate, friend, and girlfriend, I can only give up, so oh...]

Chen Yuanyuan's eyes rolled, she also thought it was better to leave at this time, leaving a private space for Yang Weiwei and Jin Xiantai.

And she felt that Situ Muzi's state was a bit weird, she thought it would be better to catch up and ask a little more clearly, so she also got up and said goodbye to Jin Xiantai.

"Will you leave now? I haven't entertained you yet?"

Jin Xiantai made a reservation, but he couldn't stand the two girls insisting on leaving, so he had no choice but to watch the two girls go away in the end.

But Yang Weiwei, who was still thinking about where she was sitting, did not notice the departure of the two friends at all.

Jin Xiantai, who had sent Chen Yuanyuan and Yang Weiwei away, walked back again, but instead of sitting next to Yang Weiwei, he sat opposite her.

At this moment, Xiao Keke suddenly opened his mouth to Jin Xiantai: "Dad, that elder sister with big legs, seems to be interesting to you."

Coco is young, but she is also a girl, so she also has the sixth sense and seventh sense. Therefore, from Situ Muzi's reaction earlier, Xiao Coco also noticed something.

Looking down at his daughter who was full of gossip, Jin Xiantai was speechless.

"Don't mess with this, it is not good for others to hear it, and you will also affect the reputation of that sister, so don't talk nonsense like this, know?"

Although her daughter can speak up and down, Kim Hyun Tae still has to remind her daughter to pay attention to this.

Little Cocoa was very noncommittal about this: "Cocoa can see, that sister just likes Dad." Then the little guy looked at Yang Weiwei who was sitting opposite, "Just like sister Weiwei, she also likes Dad. ."

[Can children see this? Exaggerated, right? 】

Kim Hyun-tae was a little surprised by his daughter's accuracy and sensitivity.

Fortunately, Yang Weiwei, who was in a state of cranky thinking about everything that happened, didn't know at all, otherwise she really didn't know how she would react now.

She is still under increasing pressure for a few ‘rivals’ she doesn’t understand. It’s fine now. It seems that her friend is in love with Kim Hyun Tae. If she learns about this... I really don’t know how she will react.

"It's so boring, dad, aren't you okay in the afternoon? I want to go out to eat something delicious, how about we go out to play?"

Although I have experienced a small episode, the little guy has now ran the matter behind his head. Children are very forgetful, so it is the same with Coco.

Now Coco suggested that his father take him out to play and eat something delicious.

Before coming to Huaxia, Xiao Keke had read a lot of online information about Huaxia cuisine, and made a lot of preparations for eating good things.

So now snack cocoa can no longer bear it.

Faced with his daughter's proposal, Jin Xiantai thought about it and agreed.

"Yes, but you can't run around, you know?"

At the same time, Jin Xiantai also said a condition to his daughter.

And for his father's condition, Coco wouldn't object at all, just don't run around. What's so great about it.

"Good dad, no problem!"

"Hilda, Camilla, Rochelle, let's go shopping in the afternoon." Jin Xiantai greeted his maid and ‘pet’, then walked to Yang Weiwei’s side and stretched out his hand to gently push her.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Yang Weiwei finally regained consciousness from a state of cranky thoughts, but after she was sober, she found that something seemed to be wrong. Her friends Chen Yuanyuan and Situ Muzi were gone.

Unfortunately, before she could ask any questions, Coco jumped off the sofa and ran over and shouted to her: "You promised me to be a free tour guide and take me here to find a lot of delicious things. Remember? I'm going out to play with Dad in a while, now is the time for you to fulfill this promise!

Kim Hyun-tae smiled bitterly, and then solved Yang Weiwei's doubts...

------split line------

Just as Jin Xiantai and his party were about to leave the hotel, go shopping outside, and at the same time satisfy their desire to eat cocoa and delicious food, several black cars with Chinese military license plates stopped at the entrance of the Wangfu Hotel.

A man in his thirties with a cynical expression took the lead to get out of the car, and then ran to the side of the car behind him, letting the person who was going to drive the door to retreat to the side and opened the car door very doggically. Then a handsome and elegant middle-aged man got out of the car.

When the middle-aged man got out of the car, the cynical man leaned in and said in a low voice: "Brother, do you want to check the insurance point? After all, I am worried that something will go wrong."

The middle-aged man waved his hand~lightnovelpub.net~ At the same time, he was a little excited: "People in the United States have got his blood sample long ago, and it has been confirmed through DNA comparison that he is my son. This is not wrong. of."

After finishing talking, the middle-aged man turned his head and looked at the cynical and dog-legged man: "He is also your nephew, you don't have to doubt so much, he is our Lao Jin family!"

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the cynical man stopped talking about it, but changed the topic: "Then brother, are you here to recognize him this time?"

This cynical man is very curious.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I don't have such plans for the time being, and this time I came here just to meet him and to solve a little trouble for him at the same time."

"Brother, just leave it to me if you have any trouble, do you need to come in person?"

"It's different, it's different." (To be continued.)

