Rising America

Chapter 457: Jin Jianshe is puzzled

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The middle-aged people who appeared outside the Wangfu Hotel were the former Governor of Guangdong Province and Jin Weiguo, and his third brother Jin Jianshe. ap

There are three males in the Jin family. The eldest Jin Qiangjun, the second eldest Jin Weiguo, and the eldest third are Jin Jianshe. Just look at the names of the three of them. This is so profound.

It's just that the old three Jinjian is very inconsistent, and he is not as "promising" as his two brothers, so that he is now in his 30s, and he is just a leisurely job in a ministry.

According to his own statement, it would be fine if Lao Jin's two older brothers supported him. Why did he work so hard? In this life, he only needs to get past.

Regarding this ridiculous idea, the family members have acquiesced in anyway. In short, let him go to Husband whatever he is willing to do. In any case, he is better than those who make money outside under the banner of the old man at home. Isn't it strong?

So, on Kim Lao San's face, you can see that kind of indifference to anything and cynical appearance is not surprising at all.

As for this younger brother, Jin Weiguo had no choice.

In short, according to the thoughts of the old man in the family, the youngest is willing to live like this, so let's live this way. In short, there is him and his eldest brother in the family to support it, it is not that the youngest needs to be in the early stage.

Therefore, the people who carry the girders at home are under this kind of default attitude. In his early years, but in the second generation circle of Yanjing City, he made a big name, but he has been a little concerned over the years, not like Used to be such a bastard.

Today, he accompanied his second elder brother to the Wangfu Hotel, also wanting to see this ‘nephew’. After all, his second elder brother Jin Weiguo was right, that was the blood of the Jin family.

And the second brother Jin Weiguo has confirmed the DNA test, which shows that there will be no mistakes, so Jin Laosan is also quite excited.

Others may not know, but as the old Jin family, he knows very well how his second brother has spent these years, and how much the old man in the family regrets about his second sister-in-law.

Even the eldest brother who asked the second sister-in-law to perform this task has always been at odds with the second brother, and the relationship between the family and the second sister-in-law's family has also begun to be cold.

But if the second sister-in-law's child is still alive, it will be a good thing for the Jin family and the second sister-in-law's Li family, and it can even alleviate the current relationship and attitude that are at a freezing point.

So it will be of great help to the current situation of China's political situation surging under the current dark tide, and the current situation of Lao Jin's house.

Although in the eyes of many people, Jin Lao San belongs to the kind of "unlearned and inexperienced" goods, and can only rely on the little qualifications accumulated by his ancestors, but this does not mean that Jin Jianshe is really a big boy. Don't understand.

As a child of a special family, even if Jin Jianshe is unwilling to enter politics or the military like his two older brothers, he can still see the twists and turns inside.

He would never think that he was a person who was extremely ignorant.

If Jin Lao San was really that kind of person, it was impossible for him to create such a huge "San Ye" name in the second generation circle of Sijiucheng.

Therefore, when the second brother Jin Weiguo said sighfully, ‘this is different, it’s not the same’, Jin Jianshe immediately understood the second brother’s current thoughts.

"Second brother, do you know about the old man in the family and the relatives of the second sister-in-law?"

The two brothers walked into the Wangfu Hotel with a few entourages, while Jin Jianshe asked in a low voice about this matter.

"Go to the front desk and ask, on what floor does the young man named William live?"

Jin Weiguo did not immediately answer the third brother’s question. Instead, he ordered a sentence to the entourage behind him, and then said to his brother: "I haven’t notified your second sister-in-law’s house. This is what the old man meant. After all, we started. I'm not sure if this is true. What if the boy is not? In order to avoid letting the old Li family start the matter of your second wife again, I can only hide it from them temporarily."

Jin Jianshe thought for a while, and felt that the old man's decision was still very reasonable.

The relatives of the second sister-in-law’s family have been worrying for so many years because the eldest brother let the second sister-in-law go out to perform tasks, which led to a tragedy.

Although the two families can't see much on the surface, the private exchanges are not as much as before, and the relationship has gradually become cold.

Therefore, the old man's consideration and decision are quite correct.

If this is bluffing and telling the other party that the second sister-in-law may have a child alive, but the last check is a joke, I guess the old Li family will definitely not let it go.

After all, an indeterminate thing will come out, and everyone will get excited in the end. Doesn't this mean playing with people?

Having figured this out, Jin Jianshe nodded: “The old man’s decision is correct. I’ll talk about this for a while. The second sister-in-law’s eldest brother and younger sister have been showing bad expressions to our family over the years. I was scolded many times by Li Ying on many private occasions."

Hearing this, Jin Weiguo raised his hand and patted his brother's shoulder lightly. His face was full of bitter smiles. He knew who the'Li Ying' was in his third brother's mouth, and also knew what kind of temperament the girl had, so for his third brother It is not strange to be scolded by her, because it was the younger sister of his deceased wife, a girl with a very hot personality.

Sometimes when I see this girl, I will be shaken by her, so how can my brother have good fruit when he meets her.

As for the eldest brother of the Li family in the mouth of the third brother, let alone.

I heard that in the army, this one has been holding back his eldest brother and working against him.


All in all, it was because my family didn't stop his wife.

[As a special family in the Republic, our background does not make us superior to others. Because of the danger, let others do it. Is it because our family members are officials? 】

The stubborn words of his wife seemed to be echoing in her ears.

Jin Weiguo could only sigh in the bottom of his heart when he recalled the appreciation of the old man's eyes after his wife uttered these words to his old man.

Good luck!

Who knows that everything was fine in the first place, but in the end an accident happened because of the traitor's betrayal.

Just when Jin Weiguo fell into the memory of the past, the person who went to the front desk to inquire about the floor location of Jin Xiantai's room returned.

"Long, I have already inquired that the teenager lives in the presidential suite at No.118o on the 18th floor. He is accompanied by two maids, a girl who does not know his identity, and his one and a half year old daughter."

"Let's go, today's things are very unpleasant, we have to solve this problem. Now Vice President George has quite a bit of criticism, which makes China very embarrassed."

Although I was very excited, I wished to see his son and granddaughter right away, but Jin Weiguo is a tried-and-tested official, and this idea is not obvious to outsiders.

As for whether the second brother was excited or not, only the third brother Jin Jianshe, who was beside him, knew.

[Haha, the second brother not only found his son, but also had a granddaughter. 】

Jin Jianzhu was very dumbfounding in his heart.

Jin Weiguo raised his leg and walked towards the elevator on the side. Jin Jianshe hurriedly followed, and some of his entourage followed him.

The elevator door opened and Jin Weiguo walked in.

The elevator rose slowly, and Jin Wei's domestic heart gradually became flustered.

This is different from giving a report or a conference speech because he is about to meet his son who he thought was no longer in the world. This mood is simply incomprehensible for ordinary people.

Such a thing, even if it is a person like Jin Weiguo, it is impossible to guarantee that he will always be so calm. Look at him now, right?

Ding Dong!

The elevator stopped on the eighteenth floor.

When the elevator door opened, the special service responsible for the security of Jin Weiguo went out first, and then went to Jin Weiguo and his third brother Jin Jianshe.

There were three secret agents one after the other, with Jin Weiguo and his third brother walking in the middle.

Taking advantage of the distance between these special agents, Jin Jianshe asked in a low voice: "Is the old man at home really not going to recognize him? I really have a hard time understanding what the old man thinks."

The "old man" mentioned by Jin Jianshe is the old father in the family, the former vice chairman of the Military Commission, who is famous in China and has a great reputation in the military, and is now a certain "ordinary" old man who has retired at home.

"I support this. My father's ideas are more realistic than ours, and it is also good for the child. On the contrary, I recognize him not only without good food, but also with many disadvantages."

When Jin Weiguo saw the puzzling look on his third brother's face, and was very critical of his father's behavior, he had to speak a little to justify his father.

Jin Jianshe rolled his eyes, and then continued to lower his voice: "You can’t recognize each other, thanks to you. Are you worthy of the second sister-in-law who passed away? Is it possible that the father is worried that acknowledging the child will affect you. future?"

For the old father's decision, Jin Jianshe hadn't figured it out for the time being, so he felt very uncomfortable.

In his mind, he thinks that since the child has been confirmed and there is no problem with the dna test, what else do you want to do in this case?

Just take it home and recognize the ancestor and return to the clan.

People from Lao Jin's family should go home!

Jin Jianshe's ideas are simple and honest.

Jin Weiguo didn't want to do this.

Only after the old father's analysis at that time, Jin Weiguo had to be persuaded, and then agreed with the old father's decision.

【Ugh! The child has established a huge wealth base in the United States, and according to the feedback from intelligence personnel, he has a very good relationship with US Vice President George, and even the old George intends to focus on training him. If he recognizes him, this will be important for his exhibition in the United States. It has a great influence, if I can press on this impulse, then in the future...]

Jin Weiguo understood what his father meant~lightnovelpub.net~ but it was not a good feeling in his heart.

This is all about using one's own children.

But he couldn't refuse the old father's idea.

Jin Jianshe saw that the second brother’s face was very ugly, and he knew that the second brother still had some lumps in his heart, but he didn’t understand what the inside story was, so he asked: "Second brother, what is going on? Tell me about it."

Jin Weiguo put away his depressed thoughts, looked sideways at his curious third brother, and shook his head: "I really can't talk about this."

"Also, if you don't tell me, I won't tell you, I'll ask my father, he always has to give me an explanation!" Jin Lao San had no hesitation, and Jin Weiguo didn't know if he would ask from his father. What comes.

"Long, here we are."

While talking, Jin Weiguo and his group came to the door of the room where Jin Xiantai was. (To be continued.)

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