Rising America

Chapter 458: I want to call you a "son"

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"I want to eat braised pork! I also want to eat fried belly! I have checked and understood on the Internet, I want to eat these two, you have to take me and my dad to eat, you promised me, to be my and dad's tour guide, and It's free. ap"

When Jin Weiguo came to the door of the room where Jin Xiantai was located, the little cocoa in the room was telling Yang Weiwei out loud that she had promised her promise and hoped that she could keep it.

The little guy came to Huaxia for the first time and was not familiar with Huaxia at all, so he felt that it would be easier for a local to take it out to find something delicious, so the little guy mentioned that Yang Weiwei had promised herself Of this matter.

Facing some aggressive little guys, Yang Weiwei didn't feel impatient, but kept a considerate smile on her face. Jin Xiantai was relieved to see the smile on her face.

He was a little worried that his daughter's attitude would make Yang Weiwei unhappy. Now it seems that his worry is a bit redundant. Yang Weiwei's personality and mentality are not bad.

In fact, how did he know that Yang Weiwei loves the house and Wu, because she has a crush on Jin Xiantai, so of course she will have different patience with Xiao Keke. If you try it with a bear child, it is obviously impossible to get such treatment.

"Okay! Sister will take you to eat. We have one afternoon. Sister will take you whatever you want to eat. Sister, of course, remembers the things you promised Coco. You will never forget the solution, so you can rest assured. ."

Yang Weiwei bent down and stretched out her hand to hug Coco in her arms, then raised her hand and scratched Coco's nose, then responded to the little guy with a smile.

Listening to Yang Weiwei agreeing to her request, the little guy didn't care so much about her reaching out to shave her nose. For cocoa, it was obviously delicious that was the most important thing, and you don't need to pay much attention to other things.

Yang Weiwei, who was holding Cocoa, turned sideways, her eyes full of love and obsessiveness and resentment looking at Jin Xiantai, her eyes could almost make people sink in and melt away.

Of course, Jin Xiantai felt Yang Weiwei's gaze, but he could only pretend to be invisible. In other words, he was pretending to be dumb and stunned. Regardless of whether this method was correct or not, it worked or not, anyway he needed to do it now.

Yang Weiwei came to find herself, and it was hard not to see her. After all, she was her former classmate and an acquaintance.

And he can't break up with each other just because they like him.

This is unfair to girls.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae feels that girls can like themselves, because that is the freedom of girls.

But as long as you don’t accept it, it’s not because of this problem, you have to pretend not to know the girl.

Doing that will obviously make the girl sad.

Although Jin Xiantai could not accept Yang Weiwei, he did not want to make the girl sad, so in the end he could only be troubled by this problem.

This is the end of the soft-hearted, so Jin Xiantai can't blame others, and the consequences need to be borne by himself.

"In the evening I want to attend the banquet at 6:oo, and now it is 11:oo. It’s still too late, so we have plenty of time to go out and have a stroll. Although my previous life made me feel bad, I want to go out for a walk. Maybe walking can make the mood better but not necessarily."

Feeling Yang Weiwei's gaze, Jin Xiantai didn't seem to see the trace of infatuation in the girl's eyes, and said something to her with a smile.

But Yang Weiwei could feel it. The boy obviously pretended not to feel the tenderness in her eyes, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Yang Weiwei never thought that it would be so difficult to pursue a boy.

In the past, she always heard people say that "women chase men's interlayer yarn" only when men chase women can it be difficult. But today she really wanted to refute the person who said this, because she found it too difficult for her to chase a boy.

"It's good to have plenty of time, so I can take you to more places to play. I am a native of Beijing, I know that many ordinary people don't know but there are fun and interesting places."

This thought was thrown behind the girl's mind after a round in her heart. The girl didn't want to struggle with this little problem, she felt that she should look forward.


Little Coco clapped his hands excitedly. Compared to his father Jin Xiantai, Coco obviously liked Yang Weiwei's words more.

"Yeah! That's great, my sister wants to take Coco to these places to play."

Yang Weiwei reluctantly retracted her gaze, staring at the ridiculous woman in her arms and said, "Of course, my sister will take you there. There is no problem at all."

After getting a reply from Yang Weiwei, the little guy patted the pockets of his clothes and said in a very good tone: "Sister, don't be afraid to spend money, Cocoa has money. I have a bank card in my pocket. Dad said one day. There is a spending limit of 10,000 U.S. dollars. Although I don’t know how much 10,000 U.S. dollars is, I think it’s enough for you to take me to the places you mentioned."

Coco's words made Yang Weiwei's eyes widened in surprise.

【what? William gave his daughter a credit card with a single-day spending limit of $10 million? This is too spoiling cocoa, right? 】

Yang Weiwei didn't know how she should evaluate this matter, and she didn't know whether she should persuade Jin Xiantai.

It seems that Jin Xiantai is willing to spoil her daughter, but it has nothing to do with her.

But Yang Weiwei felt that it was not a good thing for a kid like Coco to hold a credit card like that.

It's not that petting is not good, but can the method be used wrong?

Speaking of which, Yang Weiwei was also worried about Coco.

She was afraid that Jin Xiantai would spoil Cocoa like this.

At the same time a little kid is holding such a card, what if it attracts the attention of bad guys?

It's just that Yang Weiwei didn't know for a while how she said her opinion to Jin Xiantai, after all, she was not Jin Xiantai, let alone Coco.

So, as a friend, you need to consider how to give an opinion, how to say it, and how to use it.

After all, girls are not as carefree as boys, so they will consider more when dealing with many things.

"Dad, let's go, don't waste time."

After Xiao Keke showed off to Yang Weiwei, he began to urge his father.

Obviously, the little guy can't wait to go out for food.

Kim Hyun-tae smiled when he saw his daughter’s impatient appearance, and then greeted Hilda and Camilla: "You guys will go with us too. Maybe the little guy will buy a lot of things in the afternoon. I will be alone. Can't get it."

Of course Hilda and Camilla would not refuse. After they both looked at each other, they smiled and bowed before bowing and walking over to stand beside Kim Hyun Tae.

In this way, Jin Xiantai and his party are ready to go out.

But at this moment, Jin Weiguo and others came to the door and rang the doorbell.

'Jingle Bell! ’


Hilda heard the doorbell ring and walked over.


Opening the door, she found two middle-aged men standing outside. One of them looked a little older and looked a bit similar to her own young master, while the other looked younger and looked a little cynical.

"Haha, hello, we are here to apologize for the unpleasantness of our previous life. This matter is due to the inadequacy of the work of our secret service team. I hope Mr. William will not take it to heart. At the same time, besides apologizing this time, I also I hope I can ask Mr. William what he means, and see what measures can be taken to deal with many of those who claim to be your parents in China to satisfy you."

【Ugh! Why should I call my son my husband? 】

Jin Weiguo was talking, but he was silently complaining about it in his heart.

The third brother, Jin Jianshe, who was standing next to Jin Weiguo, raised his eyelids. Hilda, who was in front of him, looked directly into the room, and then he saw Jin Xiantae not far from the porch.

[Really a handsome young man, his appearance is too similar to that of the second brother when he was young, and he deserves to be from our old Jin family. What's the matter with the girls in the room? Could it be his girlfriend? Hey, the United States is very open, really a capable little guy, good, good! 】

After swiftly looking at Jin Xiantai, the somewhat inconspicuous Jin Jianshe was very funny, and regarded Yang Weiwei, Hilda and Camilla as Jin Xiantai's girlfriends.

Jin Weiguo did not state his position, which made Jin Xiantai mistakenly believe that he was responsible for security issues, a certain leader of China's secret service department.

As soon as Jin Weiguo came up, he put his'posture' very low and apologized full of apologies. What could Jin Xiantai say.

The attitude of the other party is very good, and Jin Xiantai can't be arrogant or unreasonable.

So he quickly walked over, crossed Hilda and came to Jin Weiguo.

"Oh, this incident has passed, and I can't completely blame you when I say it. I also have some responsibility. After all, I didn't keep up with the team that caused this problem."

[This is my son! Young, handsome, energetic, taller than his father, I really want you to call my father. 】

When Kim Hyun Tae walked over and stood in front of him, Jin Weiguo instantly became calm. His eye sockets began to moist, his body began to tremble slightly, and his lips opened and closed tremblingly. He almost couldn't help it several times. Shout'son'.

For Jin Weiguo's strange anomaly, Jin Xiantai is a little unclear.

However, Jin Jianshe reacted very quickly, and he rounded it off to his brother.

"Sorry, Lao Jin is not feeling well today."

[Is it afraid that the troubles just now will affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries, so even if you feel unwell, you should rush over and ask yourself to apologize? It seems that being an official is really not easy. 】

Jin Xiantai didn't think much about Jin Jianshe's words, he believed it anyway.

But after his younger brother interrupted like this, Jin Weiguo also recovered.

He knew that he was a little gaffe just now, and if it weren't for his third brother Jin Jianshe who made it out, he would not know how to explain it.

He calmed down~lightnovelpub.net~Jin Weiguo said, "I have no problem calling you Xiaojin, right?"

Although Jin Xiantai's name is William on the list of American personnel, Jin Weiguo just didn't want to call him by his foreign name, so that's why he asked.

Jin Xiantai nodded: "It's good to call Xiaojin."

Jin Jianshe, the third younger brother of Jin Weiguo, looked up and down at Jin Hyuntae, his eyes slowly filled with the feelings of'satisfaction','satisfaction','guilt' and so on that the elders saw the younger ones. Fortunately, he was hiding well, but he didn't let Jin Xiantai notice.

"Lao Jin, if you feel unwell, go back first. Why don't I stay and talk to this young man about the next problem?"

Although Jin Weiguo recovered, Jin Jianshe still made a very cryptic suggestion to let his second brother, who was almost gaffe, leave.

As for whether the second brother just saw his'son', will he leave willingly, Jin Jianshe has not considered... (To be continued.)

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