Rising America

Chapter 46: All jokes

   The Earth Federation in parallel time and space is strange, at least in the eyes of Jin Xiantai, some places are very strange.

   Kim Hyun-tae didn't see the energetic Annie. Instead, he said to himself some of his views on the Vietnam-France War and the subsequent changes that this war might bring to the international situation.

   is like Kim Hyun Tae’s view, which is actually very naive and ridiculous, but because he knows the history and direction of another time and space, there is no lack of reason for this analysis.

   Therefore, in Annie's view, there is no shortage of Kim Hyun-tae who has a vision that surpasses ordinary people, and a unique judgment on the international situation, as well as other people's ideas and thinking.

   These views and analysis, like what Jin Xiantai said, have not been thought of or said by anyone in the United States or the world.

  Everyone is a cliché that the United States must maintain the status quo, not provoke the Soviets, exercise restraint in the Cold War, and so on.

   With these remarks, Annie's ears have become cocooned.

   But Kim Hyun Tae's remarks made her eyes bright.


   Unexpectedly, there will be such a "novel" argument.

   Therefore, Annie also gave birth to a little bit of careful thinking.

   She felt that if Kim Hyun Tae could be cultivated, it might be a good choice for him to enter politics.

   After all, although I have a lot of connections in American politics, I lack partners with this vision.

   Those people I know now are all decayed, mediocre people who lack super far-sightedness.

   Besides, the relationship between myself and Kim Hyun Tae is still ‘uncommon’. Supporting him is equivalent to supporting ‘my own people’.

   Of course, this decision is going to be made now, which is still a bit hasty.

   Annie feels that she still needs to observe for a while. If Kim Hyun Tae really has politics? It doesn’t matter if you support him at that time, right?

   What if it’s just Jin Hyun Tae’s flash of light.

   At this time, Kim Hyun-tae ignored Annie, but continued to express his high-ranking remarks. From time to time, he would make amazing remarks, and Annie's eyes flickered and her heart was excited.

   "The United States needs to change now. The Soviets are paper tigers. As long as that layer of paper is pierced, the myth of the Soviet Union's strength will collapse. Of course, this requires a gradual process, and it is impossible to achieve this goal overnight."

   After all, Kim Hyun-tae was looking at this from the ‘shoulder of a historical giant’, that’s why he was able to talk so eloquently that Annie was stunned.

Although Jin Xiantai had a life, and the time and space in his previous life was different from this time and space, the lives of the two time and space are not the same, but it does not prevent Jin Xiantai from standing on the history of the original time and space and expressing his own arguments and opinions in this time and space. view.

"The privileged class in the Soviet Union is corrupt. Although it looks brilliant on the surface, in fact, they are not monolithic. The people also want to change. We can take advantage of this..." said Kim Hyun-tae, who is very talkative. Chase, in short, summed up another time and space, that is, everything that happened in the Soviet Union that he had known in his previous life.

   And Annie was completely shocked.

   This can't help Anne not being stunned, because she understands the current Soviet Union and the United States, and also understands the current world pattern and situation.

   Because of the words of Kim Hyun-tae, the ‘conception’ in the words, and the possible consequences of the Soviet Union, these are things that Anne cannot imagine, and no one even dared to think about them.


   Kim Hyun Tae is not a genius, he is a lunatic!

   In an instant, Annie made a comment to Kim Hyun Tae in her heart.

   Of course, Annie must be willing to use "genius" to evaluate Kim Hyun-tae. As for the comment of a lunatic, it is only because of what Kim Hyun-tae said and those ideas are really crazy.

   Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae doesn't know what Annie is thinking, otherwise he must be ashamed and don't know what to do.

  Because this is not his opinion at all, but a fact that happened in another time and space, he just combined it to say it.

   Anyone who wants to make a face will never say that this is what he came up with.

   But Annie didn't understand, she thought these were all the thoughts in Kim Hyun Tae's own heart.

   So, it makes sense for Annie to think that Kim Hyun-tae is a crazy genius.

   "According to what you mean, the United States should participate in the Vietnam War?" Finally, Annie couldn't help but ask.

Jin Xiantai nodded and said: "Yes, it is necessary. Although the United States will lose the war in the end, it is undeniable that the United States can use this war to show its position and attitude, and at the same time exercise the military that has fallen behind in military thinking. Some military muscles, so the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

   Kim Hyun-tae stubbornly believes that the United States is doomed to fail after participating in the war. However, using this war to declare its attitude to the outside world and training troops to eliminate the old set of combat thinking is not a disadvantage in the end.

   After all, the Vietnam War in the United States in the past life ended with such a failure.

   So, it's okay to be a soldier, at least it will feel better.

   But this is just Kim Hyun-tae’s personal conjecture. The US authorities are not run by his house, so they can come where they want.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae, who said the above words, didn't take it seriously, so he didn't care about it immediately.

   On the contrary, Annie remembered what Jin Xiantai had said in her heart one by one, and started to think.

  U.S. participation in the war, is it good for me?

   Annie thought about it, and felt that the benefits were quite big.

   First of all, the arms companies that you control can make a lot of money from wars, and the hawkish friends you support can also rise one by one, no matter how you look at them, they will benefit greatly.

   Therefore, Annie felt that it was necessary for her to contact some friends to bring out this argument of Kim Hyun Tae, and at the same time use her relationship with the White House to preach.

   At the same time, I can also timely recommend Jin Xiantai so that he can be noticed by some people temporarily.

   I have to mention here that most of Anne's friends in American politics are hawks and belong to a group of people who have been suppressed very powerfully.

   But it is precisely for this reason that Annie's life is not easy, and business is still suppressed.

   But if Kim Hyun Tae’s argument detonates and is successfully implemented, then Annie and her friends will not be what they used to be.

   At the same time, what the hawks dominated US politics will look like, this can be imagined with knees.

   But in light of the current world and the domestic situation in the United States, it seems that the United States changes a bit, and it is not a bad thing.

   Otherwise, everyone thinks that the United States is a soft persimmon and it is easy to bully.

   Of course, what Annie values ​​most is advocating that the United States is involved in the Vietnam War. This is of great benefit to her and her friends in related fields. This is the most critical point.

Thinking of this, Annie was heartbroken, but she didn’t show any special reaction on the surface, she still had such a faint expression on her face, and said to Jin Hyuntae: “It would be fine if you said it, but it’s not us. What ordinary people can change is something that officials in Washington consider."

   Hearing the words, Jin Xiantai's expression was shocked, and then he smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, what's the point of saying so much? It's not in the right place to do nothing, hey, I'm just talking about it."

   Annie smiled secretly.

   At the same time, feeling Jin Xiantai's sharp eyes and special opinions, Annie asked another question.

   Coincidentally, the broadcast of the French-Vietnamese War was over in the news, and it was changed to the Yasuda Group of Japan Heavy Industries, and it also spent a lot of money to buy news about a building in New York.

Therefore, Annie stared at the news and asked: "The Japanese have experienced rapid economic growth over the past few decades, and they have been clamoring to use banknotes to defeat the original conqueror of the United States. What do you think of this? Can the United States just stand by. Watching the Japanese do this without being indifferent?"

Watching the news broadcast on TV, Kim Hyun-tae curled his lips disdainfully: "This can only say that the Washington masters are all rubbish, and that's why the Japanese are so arrogant. In fact, it is very simple to solve the current problem, and it is very It worked, after all, the United States still has 1.2 million troops stationed in Japan, right?"

   Thinking of the original style and way of cutting Japanese wool in the United States in time and space, Kim Hyun-tae does not all lament that this time and space in the United States is really a weird little lover.

   "Oh, do you still have a way?"

   Annie couldn't sit still anymore when she heard Kim Hyun Tae say this.

   Glancing at Annie, Kim Hyun-tae is very surprised, why Annie attaches so much importance to this issue.

But Kim Hyun-tae didn’t think too much. Instead, he thought for a while and said: “It’s enough to force the yen to appreciate. Before that, the United States needs to set up a good situation in Japan in advance, and then it can sit back and reap the wealth accumulated in Japan. ."

  Although there are only a few sentences, how can Annie fail to hear the meaning and the methods used.

   I have to say that if the United States really does this, it will really be of great benefit.

  At the same time, Annie thought in her heart that once this method was submitted to Congress, the big consortiums and capitalists in the United States would definitely support it. With the support and encouragement of these people, Washington would not agree to it.

   After all, this is tantamount to sending the wealth accumulated over the past few decades by Japan to the Americans.

   While the United States is a big fish, it can also hit the arrogant Japan.

   Therefore, how can the big American capitalists and alligators miss this opportunity?

   Everyone could not think of this way before, but now there is a way!


   Annie laughed wildly in her heart.

   Just...Will the Japanese let the Americans do this?

   Obviously this is impossible.

   Annie thinks that although the Japanese are crazy, they are not fools.

   Therefore, if the United States really does this, the Japanese will definitely not agree.

   So Annie, who thought of these things, smiled bitterly and said to Kim Hyun Tae, "Are you taking it for granted?"

   It can be seen that Annie thinks Kim Hyun Tae is whimsical.

   However, Annie was stunned by Kim Hyun Tae's words.

   Kim Hyun Tae responded with an indifferent expression: "Does Japan have an army?"


   It seems that there is no such thing.

   Japan was a defeated country after World War II. The United States immediately disbanded the Japanese army, and even the Self-Defense Force did not appear in this time and space. It can be said that Japan in this time and space does not have a single soldier.

   Basically, in addition to the 1.2 million troops stationed in the United States, UU read www.uukanshu. com Japan can't see any army at all.

   You know, in another time and space in Japan, there is at least a Self-Defense Force.

   But in this time and space in Japan, there is no Self-Defense Force, do you think it is weird?

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae believes that Japan in this time and space is simply a big joke.

   The fact that the United States was still swallowing its anger when Japan was so arrogant is a big joke.

   So I have to say that the conservative lords in Washington, USA are all idiots.

   After seeing Annie froze, Kim Hyun-tae added: “As long as the United States shows the momentum of World War II, the Japanese must obediently obey, because they have no confidence.”

   After finishing speaking, Kim Hyun-tae didn't continue the topic, but stood up and walked towards the kitchen, obviously he was going to have lunch.

   "I will make black pepper steak, chickpeas and mashed potatoes at noon, no problem, right." Jin Xiantai, who opened the refrigerator, turned to look at the dumb Annie and asked.

   Annie at this time has been suppressed by Kim Hyun Tae's words, and she has become silly.

   "Uh, ah, okay, okay, you can eat anything." Annie, who recovered, nodded in response to Jin Hyun Tae.

   Seeing Annie's silly look, Kim Hyun-tae shook his head funny and ignored her, took out the steak from the refrigerator and started to prepare lunch.

   While Annie's expression changed, she was analyzing the feasibility of the proposal of'cutting Japanese wool' in her own mind, and letting her hawkish councillors submit it to it...

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