Rising America

Chapter 460: He has a bad impression of China

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According to the latest news from our reporter, the French infantry divisions 1o1, 1o2, 1o3, 1o4, and 1o5 were surrounded by the North Vietnamese army in the border area of ​​Ha Tinh Province, and the five divisions had been successfully divided by the North Vietnamese army. The army fell into a hard fight. ap;

Italy and Spain assembled three divisions with a total of 70,000 people ready to go for rescue, but they were intercepted by the North Vietnamese army at Xiangxi. The US troops stationed in Binhua were asked for help and are planning to send two infantry divisions to attack.

Jin Xiantai and his group, who left the police station, came to the snack street in Wangfujing pedestrian street, and at the suggestion of Yang Weiwei, they found a stew shop and sat down. An LCD TV hanging in the shop was reporting about Vietnam. Therefore, Jin Xiantai was able to understand the news.

Jin Weiguo had already left at this time. After all, he couldn't always stay with Jin Xiantai and his party, so he found an excuse to leave as soon as he left the police station.

Of course, Jin Weiguo himself would not want to leave if he could. He wanted to accompany Jin Xiantai more, but he really had no choice.

However, although Jin Weiguo left, Jin Jianshe stayed.

"The French are having a lot of fun this time. The North Vietnam has dispatched a total of 20,000 troops. Obviously they are going to eat the five French divisions in the waterfront area. Italy and Spain are also meat. If the United States really sends troops, estimate the situation. It won’t be great either."

Jin Jianshe also noticed the news, and did not evade it at all. He expressed his opinion in front of Jin Xiantai.

After talking about his views, Jin Jianshe even asked Jin Xiantai what he thought of it.

Jin Jianshe looked at Jin Xiantai with gleaming eyes and asked: "It is meaningless for the United States to join this war. In fact, the French are doomed to fail. They are just dying now. I think even with your American support, the French It won’t last long in Vietnam, right?"

Faced with this problem, Jin Xiantai had to deal with it with energy.

After all, Jin Jianshe was from Huaxia's side. Although Jin Xiantai did not know his position, just because Jin Jianshe was from Huaxia's side, Jin Xiantai had to be careful when answering questions.

After all, his identity in Alien Time is an American, and he is also a member of the old George's visit to China. All this makes him not cautious in answering any questions.

The Vietnam issue is still relatively sensitive to the United States and China.

Who made the United States now join the war to support South Vietnam, while China is a member of the camp that supports North Vietnam?

Yang Weiwei was ordering something to eat while holding Coco, Hilda and Camilla sat quietly in their seats, 47 sat next to Yang Weiwei, curiously watching her pointing on the menu, all the girls Did not notice Kim Jianshe and Kim Hyun Tae.

After pondering for a while, Kim Hyun-tae decided that his **** should sit on the American side. After all, his roots in different time and space are in the United States. Therefore, when answering this question, he must also stand on the American side. .

You say he is selfish or shameless, but Jin Xiantai has to do it.

For himself, but also for Cocoa.

Coupled with the influence of various complicated factors, Jin Xiantai had to make such a choice.

Of course, Jin Xiantai is another Chinese from time and space, isn't it?

For Hua Xia in a different time and space, to be honest, his sense of belonging is not too strong, at least not so strong that he can sacrifice his own interests.

"The North Vietnamese army’s weapons and equipment are very poor. Modern warfare should be changed to another style of play. I think the French and North Vietnamese army’s tactics are still following the WWII positional battle mode. This is simply stupid and idiotic. Will fight such a battle.

I heard that China has provided weapons and supplies to North Vietnam, and even sent officers to the North Vietnam troops at all levels to give guidance, and even direct the battle, right? "

Jin Xiantai did not directly answer Jin Jianshe's question, but complained about the positional warfare that was still going on in World War II, which was 2o16 years old in different time and space, and evaded Jin Jianshe very smoothly.

Of course, what Jin Xiantai said did not imply that China was paying attention to military reforms. It was just that he could not express it clearly, and could only express it in a way that was difficult to understand.

Therefore, as to whether Jin Jianshe can understand it, it is beyond Jin Xiantai's control.

After Jin Xiantai finished talking and observed for a while, he really didn't care about the layer of what he said. Therefore, Jin Xiantai was a little disappointed, but he didn't get entangled in it.

And Jin Xiantai not only did not answer Jin Jianshe's question, but also directly mentioned that China provided military aid to North Vietnam and dispatched military instructors to guide the battle. Jin Jiantai was a bit embarrassed.

China has provided support to North Vietnam and even dispatched military officers. In fact, the intelligence agencies of various countries have detailed information, and some countries have also stabbed this issue at the United Nations, but China has not acknowledged it.

Yes, just didn't admit it!

Therefore, when Jin Jianshe faced Jin Xiantai, it responded in this way.

"Haha!" Jin Jianshe smiled, "Young people, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. We in China have never done anything like this before. This is simply slander."

If Jin Jianshe didn't admit it, he wouldn't admit it. Jin Xiantai didn't want to waste time on this issue anyway. After all, this has nothing to do with him.

So Kim Hyun Tae changed the subject.

"Seriously, I have always had a good impression of Huaxia, probably because I am of Chinese descent. But this time I came to Huaxia but I was more shocked. The people I met in the morning, I knew it at first glance. It has no purpose, and I heard that there are still many such people."


What Kim Hyun Tae is talking about is very clear about Kim Jianshe and he is also embarrassed.

But after all, it was a real birth, and it was really disgusting, so what could he do?

It seems that his nephew, due to the previous experience, has a somewhat unpleasant impression of China.

While observing Jin Xiantai, Jin Jianshe was pondering in his own mind.

Kim Hyun-tae’s problem is a big one. If the factors are really complicated to explain, you can simply explain it.

It is nothing more than looking to the money for money, and there is no moral honor and disgrace. This situation is not only the existence of China in different time and space, but also the dark side of Jin Xiantai's original time and space in China.

After thinking about it, Jin Jianshe had no choice but to pay for Jin Hyuntae.

"I am extremely sorry for what happened to you."

Kim Hyun Tae didn't want Kim Jianshe to apologize. The main purpose was actually to change the subject, not wanting to get entangled with Kim Jianshe on the Vietnam issue.

So he found such a topic very casually.

But Jin Xiantai did not expect that such a situation occurred.

Jin Jianshe apologized again, which embarrassed Jin Xiantai.

He doesn't want people to think that he is the kind of character that is ugly for others to hold on to the problem and must be played, giving people the impression that it is not good to deal with.

So when Kim Hyun-tae apologized, Kim Hyun-tae quickly said: "Oh, forget it, let's not mention this."

After ordering a lot of food, Yang Weiwei, who had just put down the menu, looked at the two of them, and felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle, so she said, "Don't you two order something to eat?"

Her interruption just broke the embarrassing atmosphere. Jin Jianshe laughed at the donkey, picked up the menu and looked at it, and muttered to herself as she read it, "Oh, too, I'm sorry to come here without eating something." Myself."

Kim Hyun Tae breathed a sigh of relief when Jin Jianshe came to this.

Soon, Jin Jianshe ordered a bowl of braised pork and put down the menu.

This time, Jin Jianshe didn't talk to Jin Xiantai, but amused Cocoa.

"How old is it?"

"One and a half years old."

"What's your name?"

"Netbsp; Little Coco is very well-behaved, not at all mischievous, so Jin Jianshe likes it very much.

The food was served very quickly at the stewed restaurant. After Jin Xiantai and the others ordered, they had everything available in less than five minutes.

Now that everyone has ordered everything, let's start eating.

Everyone is satisfied with a meal of braised cooking, especially cocoa, which has long been greedy for this kind of food, let alone.

And even after Camilla and Hilda ate them, they also said that the taste was very good, and they liked it very much.

As for 47... Does she still need to talk?

After eating the stew, the group left the shop.

"It's still early, if you don't mind, how about going to Houhai?" After walking out of Wangfujing Snack Street, Jin Jianshe made a suggestion.

For this suggestion, Kim Hyun-tae didn't care much.

But he has to ask his daughter and what others mean.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai looked at his daughter Coco upon hearing the words and asked: "Uncle Jin said he would go to Houhai to play, how about it?"

Coco tilted his head and looked at his father: "What's so fun there?"

Jin Xiantai didn’t know how to answer. In his impression, Houhai seemed to be a bar street. It seemed that Cocoa should not like that kind of place~lightnovelpub.net~. Considering that this is a different time and space, he can’t guarantee Houhai. It's still a bar place, so Kim Hyun Tae didn't know how to answer his daughter for a while.

Jin Jianshe took a look, and quickly said: "There are many skewers stalls and big food stalls. Houhai is also a place specializing in snacks in summer, so there are many good things to eat there."

Sure enough, hearing what Jin Jianshe said, Xiao Keke's eyes lit up immediately.

"Go, let's go to Houhai."

Cocoa has always had no resistance to food.

Therefore, when Jin Jianshe said that Houhai had food, Xiao Keke immediately urged him to go.

Huh, is Huaxia Yanjing Houhai in different time and space actually a place for food stalls?

At this moment, Jin Xiantai also suddenly became interested in Houhai.

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