Rising America

Chapter 469: Give me the truth

Nanluoguxiang was crowded with crowds, and Jin Xiantai and his party were marching ‘difficultly’. It took them about 20 minutes before they arrived at their destination, at the gate of the courtyard house opposite the Central Academy of Drama. +Appointment Novel, x.

Because it is located opposite the Central Academy of Drama, it is only four or five meters away from the street, so this area is more prosperous, cafes, petty bourgeoisie lounges, cheongsam custom shops, specialty small jewelry shops, and even a Sichuan restaurant, A Yunnan restaurant and old Yanjing teahouse, as well as a small shop selling all kinds of cold drinks and ice cream, attract many girls to gather here.

Of course, more are the students of the Central Academy of Drama, and the tourists attracted by the beautiful girls who come out to buy snacks from the Central Academy of Drama.

The population of Huaxia in different time and space has expanded tenfold, and the relative beauty will inevitably be a lot more. Therefore, the appearance and body of the girl who can attend the Central Academy of Drama need not be described, and there is no need at all.

Long legs are standard, and the figure is inevitable. You can find girls of any kind, no matter what type of girl is cold, cute, or queen, and they are also real here. Beautiful place.

It’s just that it’s different from other art schools in Yanjing. The street where the Central Academy of Drama is located is a bit smaller, so there is no way to show up in front of several other local academies with a lot of luxury cars parked. It's a thing that is really regrettable.

But this is also good, at least a little less tacky of money, so that the girls of the Central Academy of Drama are less exposed to some secular dust.

Of course, it is unclear whether the girls who left the college after school will be secular in the end.

But at least the small streets on Nanluoguxiang restrict some local tyrants from being ostentatious, so this is really a good thing.

Li Hong said that at the entrance of this large courtyard house, stone lions, upper and lower horses and stones are readily available. According to her, this was the residence of a certain official and merchant in the previous dynasty. During the Republic of China, it was once transferred to the warlords who occupied Yanjing until China. The new government was established so the preservation is very complete.

It's just that the new Huaxia government in different time and space has not confiscated it, so it is now considered that Jin Xiantai has such a chance to buy and sell.

Jin Xiantai is not very interested in the historical story of this mansion. What he cares about is this courtyard house, whether he can actually buy it.

After all, Li Hong's quotation is too attractive, 100 million soft sister coins can buy this house, so it is impossible for him to be unmoved.

Nanluoguxiang is such a good place, and the courtyard house covers an area of ​​24 acres. It will cost more than 450 million yuan to be listed on the market in another time and space.

It stands to reason that the price at Different Time and Space should not be low, but he happened to have encountered such a low price, so if Jin Xiantai gave up, he would be the biggest fool.

This mansion is regarded as the largest house on Nanluoguxiang. There are six wing rooms on the left and right sides of the gate, which are adjacent to the main street. Therefore, the former homeowner Chase built a street-facing store, and the area of ​​each store is about 200 square meters.

Buyers only need to buy the house, and rely on these single shops to collect a monthly rent of 100,000 soft sister coins. For 12 shops, that is 1.2 million soft sister coins, which is equivalent to lying at home and making money.

And Nanluoguxiang doesn't have any worries at all. There is a lot of people here, so there is no need to worry about the source of customers, so it can attract many businesses who intend to rent shops.

Of course, if you don’t want to rent it out, you can use it to do business yourself. At most, you have to worry about it.

But in any case, besides buying it and being able to live in it, this house can also bring a lot of income to the homeowner every month. In short, it is a very cost-effective thing to buy.

Li Hong took Jin Xiantai and her group into the yard. When everyone came in, she closed the door, completely blocking the noise from the outside world, causing Jin Xiantai to sigh in her heart.

[This is really a good place to keep quiet. 】

To be honest, Jin Xiantai's willingness to buy at this time is already very strong. No matter from various factors, the price-performance ratio of this house is much better than that of Houhai.

In addition, he is not bad at all, so buying the courtyard house in Houhai together with this courtyard house is not a difficult task at all.

"Come here, I'll take everyone around."

Li Hong was very enthusiastic and greeted everyone, ready to take the big guy around here to see the whole house inside and outside.

Jin Jianshe walked over at this time, and he approached Li Hong and asked in a low voice, "Old Yunnan Liu was planted? If I remember correctly, this house was corrupted by him and was given to his mistress, right?"

Li Hong curled his lips, a look of disdain flashed across his face, obviously looking down on the so-called'Old Yunnan Liu' mentioned by Jin Jianshe.

Glancing quickly at Jin Xiantai's side, Li Hong quickly and quietly responded to Jin Jianshe after seeing that Jin Xiantai and the other girls were focusing on other places.

"It has been arrested, but it has not been announced to the public. This guy is greedy for a lot of money. It is simply a worm of the country. This house has been confiscated and returned to our department. Because our department wants to make a big move in Vietnam, it needs to be sold. To get large sums of money."

Li Hong's remarks revealed many meanings.

First of all, this mansion belonged to China's corrupt officials in a different time and space. The corrupt official was arrested, so this corrupt mansion must also be confiscated by the state.

After the house was confiscated, it was transferred to Li Hong’s unit. At the same time, Li Hong’s unit needed some funds to do something in Vietnam, so he planned to sell the house.

"How much is the price of this house? You and I will give you the truth."

Jin Jianshe was not entangled with the previous question. He was not stupid at all. He knew that what Li Hong was talking about had involved some secrets, so he wouldn't continue to ask questions too stupidly.

At the same time, considering Li Hong's offer to Jin Xiantai, the courtyard house on Nanluoguxiang is 100 million soft sister coins, and Jinjianjian does not believe that the price will be so low anyway.

As the second generation of Huaxia Yanjingquan, Jin Jianshe is not an idiot.

"The price in the bureau is 450 million yuan, so you have to find a way to fill the gap. I don't want to lose my pocket."

Li Hong did not hide Jin Jianshe, and told him the original price.

Jin Jianshe suddenly turned into a bitter face, looking at Li Hong pitifully, and said in a low voice, "My aunt Li, you are going to die. Although I promised you a low price Selling the house to my elder nephew, who is also my nephew, is willing to make up the price difference you need, but you can't help but relax."

The 250 million house in Houhai was sold to Jin Xiantai by Li Hong for 80 million soft sister coins, which created a shortfall of 170 million yuan. Therefore, Jinjian needs to find a way to make up 170 million to make up for 250 million. The payment is returned to the bureau.

It is equivalent to saying that selling a house to Jin Xiantai at a low price is a gift from his uncle and aunt.

What Jin Jianshe didn't expect was that he suddenly discovered that it seemed that Li Hong was trying to cheat his own rhythm.

There is a gap of 170 million yuan over there, and a gap of 350 million yuan is about to come here. Hejin Jianshe does not have a money printing machine, and it is impossible to fill such a big hole.

So he is about to cry now.

Of course, Jin Jianshe is just pretending.

As the big boy of a top Chinese family, he can still get several hundred million if he needs it, but he is not willing to do that.

Li Hong knew this very well, so she was not deceived by Jin Jianshe's pitiful appearance at all.

Rolling his eyes, Li Hong whispered: "You, uncle, are too embarrassed to say this to me. What's the matter with you taking a few hundred million to give your nephew a lot of fun? I saw that he liked this Locally, besides, the Central Academy of Drama is on the opposite side. You can still see a lot of beautiful women every day. This kid has come here pitifully for more than ten years. Can't you compensate him?"

What Li Hong said was very loose, but the main idea was very clear, that is, let Jin Jianshe be the compensation of his uncles, but don't cry poor.

I have to say that Li Hong knows Jin Jianshe very well, and she knows exactly what kind of person Jin Jianshe is. After all these words, Jin Jianshe has put away that pitiful look, and an expression of unbearable and distressed appears on her face.

"Yes, the life of the child over the past ten years must have been bitter. If it was not a mistake at the beginning, he would have enjoyed the blessing in a family like ours in China. Speaking of which, this is what our old Jin family did at the beginning. It was wrong to let the child live without a father or mother for more than ten years."

"Since you know that this is such a thing~lightnovelpub.net~, please show your attitude. Kim Lao San, others don’t know that I don’t know yet. You take out your original ability to be a dude and get a few hundred million to pay back. Isn’t it easy? Of course, I have to remind you, don’t break the law, if I break the law, I don’t care about it."

At this time, Jin Jianshe was too lazy to talk to Li Hong. At the same time, she also knew that Li Hong was really reminding herself that making money is making money, but she must not break the law.

Therefore, Jin Jianshe nodded: "Don't worry, I just want to send out a small loan, won't you be fine if you pay it back then."

God knows that Jin Jianshe's salary is only a few thousand yuan a month, and now he has to borrow hundreds of millions of soft sister coins at once. How will he pay back the money?

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I will introduce the house to my nephew."

Jin Jianshe and Li Hong communicated in a low voice for a while, and then he walked to Jin Xiantai and the others, began to show off Yanjing Kanye's true character again, and began to introduce them to the old history of this mansion.

Li Hong stared at Kim Hyun Tae intently... (To be continued.)