Rising America

Chapter 470: Old man Li

Kim Hyun-tae is very handsome. His appearance is not described by many writers of different time-space novels. The male lead has a feminine appearance. On the contrary, he looks like a very masculine and handsome boy.

Li Hong was quite satisfied with his nephew. After all, taking such a handsome nephew out was a long-faced thing.

It's just a pity that Li Hong hasn't been able to recognize Jin Xiantai and get along with him as a relative, which makes her seem a bit regretful and pity.

"100 million soft sister coins? I think there is no problem. I can pay in cash. I bought both this house and the house in Houhai!"

After Jin Xiantai walked around under the leadership of Jin Jianshe, he found Li Hong's attitude that he wanted to buy two houses.

Li Hong looked at Jin Xiantai with some worry, and then asked, "Are you sure you have so much cash? This is not a small amount of money. If you need a loan, I can introduce the relationship to you."

At this time, Li Hong still didn't know how much wealth Jin Xiantai had. She even thought that her nephew's life was still so miserable.

So she had made up her mind a long time ago, looking for a relationship to apply for a loan to Jin Xiantai, and then in this way the two houses were given to Jin Xiantai for nothing.

Anyway, in the end the construction of the house’s funds will be done, and at that time, my father must also recognize this child.

So what's the problem with the little aunt giving two houses to his nephew?

But unexpectedly, Jin Xiantai offered to pay for the purchase at this time, which surprised Li Hong very much.

Although I have kept the prices of the two houses very low, they add up to 180 million soft sister coins, which is not small.

Hearing that Jin Xiantai smiled and said, "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about my payment."

With a smile on his face, his smile is so confident and confident, even if Li Hong looked at it, he had to hesitate.

At this time, Jin Jianshe pulled Li Hong aside and whispered: "Don't you know how much wealth my big nephew has? Believe him, he didn't speak, what I can tell you is that his net worth is definitely more than tens of billions of dollars. US dollars."


My nephew is only 17 years old and is worth more than ten billion dollars?

I'll go. Why does this sound so illusory!

Li Hong stared at her Danfeng's eyes, with a look on her face that she couldn't believe all this, and looked a little silly at Jin Jianshe.

Obviously she was surprised by the information Jin Jianshe revealed to her.

Seeing Li Hong's silly appearance, it made Jin Jianshe feel a little funny, but he didn't dare to laugh. God knows if the tigress will go wild and clean up, so it's better to bear it.

"Really? My nephew is so rich, or dollars?"

"He has been on a set of news from China, and there are a lot of personal information about him on the Internet, don't you go online?"

"You also know that I have to train the recruits under my hands every day, or go to other places to deal with some special events, so I don't have time to surf the Internet or watch TV."

Jin Jianshe raised his hand and covered his face. He felt that the woman in front of him was really out of touch with the current society.

What age is this, you don't even watch TV or surf the Internet! ?

Of course, it’s not the time to struggle with this issue. Jin Jianshe took a deep breath, then put down his hands covering his face and looked at Li Hong and said, “I’m not kidding. I’ll find a chance to find some personal information on the Internet with my mobile phone. Take a look, you will know then."

Well, since Jin Jianshe has said so, what else can he do?

Li Hong walked back with a dubious mood and nodded to Jin Xiantai: "No problem, then when shall we sign the sales contract and then go through the transfer procedures?"

Jin Xiantai and Li Hong reached a verbal agreement, and the rest of the matter became much easier.

It's nothing more than bank transfers, signing the sale and purchase agreement at an agreed time, and going through the real estate transfer procedures.

Taking into account that Jin Xiantai is a member of the entourage accompanying the old George on his visit to China, it is impossible to stay in China for a long time. Almost when the old George leaves China, he will also follow this. Li Hong especially said that he can find a relationship and shorten the time to deal with these chores. .

Of course, Jin Xiantai would not refuse this, after all, the sooner this matter can be done, the better, isn't it a lot of nights in the province?

Kim Hyun Tae is very afraid that this "cheap" will eventually fly away.

After discussing these issues, Jin Xiantai took a look at the time and said goodbye to Li Hong and Jin Jianshe, ready to go back to the hotel.

After all, he still has an interview with China in the afternoon, so it is not easy to miss the appointment.

Knowing what the interview was, Jin Jianshe reminded Li Hong, so although Li Hong was reluctant, he did not stop Jin Xiantai from leaving.

In this way, Jin Xiantai took his daughter to leave the hotel, had a meal of braised pork and a food stall in Houhai, and reached an agreement with Li Hong to buy two courtyards in Houhai and Nanluogu Alley. An afternoon was not small.

Jin Jianshe did not leave with Jin Xiantai, but stayed with Li Hong.

When Kim Hyun-tae took his daughter, Camilla, Hilda, and 47 left, Li Hong retracted his gaze and put it on the remaining Kim Jian-shek and smelled: "My nephew is in America. How do you make so much money, tell me a lot!"

------split line------

A very private villa area in the northern outskirts of Yanjing, where dozens of villas, large and small, are lined up, and each villa has a tall wall, and gunmen wearing Chinese military uniforms guard the gates of their villas.

The road outside the villa is very spacious. In the dense jungle on the outside of the road, many hidden cameras are installed to monitor the situation inside and outside the villa. At the same time, a group of 12 armed soldiers patrols every 15 minutes. How strict the security is.

In the most central area of ​​the villa area, there is a villa covered with creepers on the outer wall, which is also the residence of Li Hong's father.

At this time, Li Hong had bid farewell to Jin Jianshe and came here. As soon as she saw her father, she told her old father about Jin Jianshe Expressway.

At the same time, Li Hong said in particular that he saw Jin Xiantai and described him in detail.

Sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of the living room is an old man wearing an ordinary white shirt, gray hair, black-rimmed glasses, and a pair of ordinary dark black trousers. Behind the old man is a strong and powerful one. In his calligraphy works, the four characters of "Quiet Zhiyuan" are written. Obviously, the old man pays great attention to the cultivation of his mind.

But at the moment the old man seems very excited, which is far from the artistic conception of the calligraphy behind him.

Li Hong sat on a chair in the old man’s lower left hand, leaning sideways and said, “Dad, Jin Jianshe said that his brother Jin Weiguo has obtained the boy’s genetic test, and he can fully confirm that the child is the bone and blood left by my second sister. I think it is impossible for Jin Jianshe to use this question to joke with me."

The old man was leaning on the handle of the chair with both hands, and there were blue blood vessels on his thin arms. Obviously, the old man was working hard at this time, which shows how excited he is now.

Just as Li Hong's words fell at this time, the old man said in a trembling voice: "Yes, although Jin Jianshe didn't tune in when he was young, he couldn't make a joke about this matter. Since he told you that Wei Guo has confirmed it, then this Things are basically fixed."

Li Hong saw that her father was so excited, she quickly got up and walked over, then raised her hand to the old man's back and massaged it gently, reminding the old man not to be so excited.

"Dad, don't get excited, you must pay attention to your body."

The old man raised his hand and the daughter don’t care, and then said: "Can you not be excited? I thought that your sister was no longer alive, and the child in her stomach was gone with her. But now you come back and tell me that the child is still alive, you say How could I not be excited. That is your sister's blood and bones. He has the blood of our old Li family. Cough!"

Because of his excitement, the old man coughed violently after saying this, which made Li Hong suddenly nervous.

"Okay, don't rub it, my old skin is about to be rubbed off by you, okay, you can just rest."

Seeing that his daughter was so nervous, the old man knew that he was worrying her too much, so he teased her to ease her mood a little.

At the same time, the old man took a deep breath and adjusted his excitement.

"Dad, you must be good. I heard that the old man from the Jin family has an idea and doesn't plan to recognize this child. So I want to ask your opinion. Should we recognize this child?"

Immediately, Li Hong would inquire about the Jin Jianshe's plans and concerns about the old man of the Jin family. He told his father.

"Huh! It was like this at the beginning, and it is still like this! At that time, if it weren't for their family, how could your second sister die in the United States and even find the body!"

After listening to his daughter's narration, the old man Li showed an angry expression on his face, and at the same time raised his right hand and patted the arm of the chair fiercely.

"Dad~lightnovelpub.net~ Be careful with your hands, they are all old arms and legs, you thought you were young." Li Hong quickly held the right hand of the old man who was going to continue to pat, and then turned nervously It seemed that he was worried about hurting the old man's hand.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Li shook his daughter's hand holding his arm, and said with a gloomy expression on his face where he was sitting: "I can guess some of the calculations of the bandit Jin Da, and I can understand his scruples. Now I recognize that the child is indeed not good to him and will do him great harm, and I am really angry. Why doesn’t he tell me about such things in advance? Isn’t I a relative of that child? !"

After sitting there angrily, the old man stood up.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

The father's behavior scared his daughter Li Hong.

"Let's go! Let's go to Jinda Bandit's house. Lao Tzu wants to ask him why he didn't tell me about this. Anyway, Lao Tzu is also that kid's grandfather!

Li Hong heard the words ‘Hey’, and then leaned in to hold the old man’s arm, and then the father and daughter left their home and went to the Jin’s villa which also lived in this area... (To be continued.)