Rising America

Chapter 471: 2 old men

The buildings in this villa area on the outskirts of Yanjing seem to be in early styles, with a touch of Soviet architecture. Compared with the villas built by real estate developers today, the style is much worse, but the people who live here Each of the identities is unique, and it is not at all comparable to those rich people after the reform and opening up.

The families living here are basically retired high-level veterans of the Chinese military, and many of them have top-notch presences, such as vice-chairmen or members of the military commission such as the Jin family or the Li family.

Therefore, the security measures here are very strict. It is basically impossible for outsiders to enter, so the community appears very quiet. Of course, you have to ignore those armed soldiers who patrol every ten minutes.

Hearing the news that his daughter Li Hong went home and told him, Li Heping, who was indignant, left the house and took his daughter directly to the Jin family, who lives in another villa more than 100 meters away. It is the laid-back Jin Zhenbang.

Although Mr. Li is seventy or eighty years old, his temper is not small at all. After he went to the door of the Jin family to find the leisurely Mr. Jin, he made a fire at him and made Mr. Jin for a while. There was no reaction.

"Big Golden Bandit! When you were in the army, you were not a good thing. We were all confused by you. I even made a baby kiss with you and killed my second daughter for so many years. Now you never thought about you ← long ← wind ← literature ← learning, w£ww.cf⊥wx.n≡et is worthy of my dead daughter?

Actually, my daughter left a child behind. You let people hide it from us. I really want to know what you think? "Speaking of which, Li Heping took a breath and sorted out his thoughts.

"You may use the excuse that the child is the seed of your Lao Jin family, but don’t forget, that child also has the blood of our Lao Li family. I’m here to ask you if you don’t want to recognize that child. , If you say'yes', then I tell you, you don't recognize me!"

After speaking, Li Pinghe stood there looking at Jin Zhenbang who hadn't slowed down for a while, waiting to see how he responded to him.

[End! It seems that Lao Li knows about the child. Special mother, who told him about this! ? 】

He was still a veteran warrior who had experienced the test of war, and his reaction was not too slow. After the initial surprise, he reacted and cursed secretly in his heart.

He could hear from Mr. Li's words that he already knew about Jin Xiantai, so the other party couldn't help but come to the door, so it would be impossible for him not to admit it.

And listening to the other person's tone, it seemed to mean that if he didn't recognize the child, he would recognize the child and take him to Lao Li's house.

Special mother's!

The people of Lao Jin's family belong to Lao Jin's family. How could it be taken away by Lao Li's family? Wouldn't it be a big joke if something like this happened!

Jin Zhenbang was born as a bandit in his early years. He joined the revolutionary team in different time and space by chance. He fought and made feats all the way. With his intelligence and vision, he finally boarded the top class of the new government of the Republic of Time and Space.

It stands to reason that such an old revolution should not be so conservative in thinking, but Jin Zhenbang is such a conservative person.

In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an old feudal.

Even if he is in his eighties, he still has a deep habit of being a bandit and some thinking from the old society.

So, how could Jin Zhenbang let his grandson be recognized by the old Li family and become a member of the Li family?

If this happened, it would definitely be a big joke for the Jin family in his opinion.

So, he definitely can't let this happen.

To solve this trouble, obviously he came forward to recognize that Jin Xiantai was the best way.

Considering Kim Hyun-tae’s wealth in the United States and other factors, Kim Jin-bang was astutely aware that acknowledging relatives would do more harm than good to his grandson, and he still has a deeper level of measurement and consideration.

According to some reports of the investigation, Kim Hyun-tae has a very good relationship with US Vice President George, and in many public places, the old George has declared that he wants to train Kim Hyun-tae.

Judging from the information that China has about the old George, as a veteran political family in the United States, the expression of the old George is definitely not just casual talk. It is likely that he really values ​​Jin Xiantai and intends. To be cultivated.

In this way, Kim Hyun-tae caught up with someone like Old George, so why not talk about his future in the United States?

Old George is an old American political family, and his American political resources are not imaginable by ordinary people. If these resources can be inherited by Kim Hyun Tae... Ha ha.

Not to mention Jin Xiantai's own wealth, which is also enough to support him, with the help of the old George, to easily enter the American elite and circles in the future.

You know, the national conditions of the United States are different from China.

If you have money in the United States and have good relationships with people in politics, you can basically develop very well in the future.

Of course, it is very difficult and difficult to gain the trust and support of the political veterans.

And for someone like Kim Hyun Tae, who can have a good relationship with Old George and get the respect of Old George, it is even more difficult to train him intentionally.

So now that he recognizes his relatives and lets Jin Xiantai return to China, this is tantamount to cutting off the possibility of his development in the United States.

Even taking it will affect the development of those companies in the United States.

More importantly, will Kim Hyun-tae get used to it after returning home?

My family wants to train Kim Hyun-tae, can he stand up to starting from the grassroots?

At the same time, whether this child is willing to return to China, this is something that Jin Zhenbang can't figure out.

After considering these and some issues that he hadn't thought of, Jin Zhenbang felt that temporarily denying Jin Xiantai the benefits outweighed the disadvantages.

It's just that he didn't expect that this matter was leaked out by his own big boy, let his old relatives know about it, and the person who made it is now coming to ask the teacher.

He can understand Li Heping's current thoughts and the resentment in his heart Jin Zhenbang.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he calmly explained: "Lao Li, will you listen to my explanation first? Things are not what you think. I also know that this child is very pitiful, I I also want him to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, but you can’t just think about many things like this, you have to consider many, many issues.”

Li Heping raised his hand fiercely, interrupting Jin Zhenbang's conversation.

"Don't tell me this, are you still telling me? You should say these things to my dead daughter and tell her how you let her children suffer outside these years."

Obviously, Li Heping had a lot of grievances about this.

Jin Zhenbangwen smiled bitterly and couldn't get angry with Lao Li. After all, the death of the second daughter-in-law had a lot to do with their family. For this reason, he was short in front of Li Heping.

Although he has a habit of banditry, he is not an unreasonable person, let alone messing around.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. This cannot be ambiguous.

"Old Li, you and I go into the house and sit down. I will tell you slowly, okay? After you listen to my explanations and concerns, if you still think I'm doing something wrong, are you cursing me at that time?"

Jin Zhenbang, who will be strong all his life, spoke softly when facing his old comrade-in-arms, old political commissar, and old relatives. This is something that has never happened before.

As a result, Li Heping was getting angry, so he could only walk straight to the living room of the Jin family villa with a foul face.

"Uncle Jin, my dad has grievances, please understand."

Li Hong was a step behind, and made a slight loss for her father. Although she was nicknamed'Tigress' outside, she couldn't play so much in the face of these old revolutions, so it is necessary to pose as a junior. .

At the same time, she was very smart to her father to ease the current atmosphere.

"You don't need to apologize, I can understand Lao Li. It sounds like our family is sorry for your second sister, so I got to this point."

Jin Zhenbang watched Li Hong say something to him bitterly, then stood up and walked to the living room.

The living room of Jinzhenbang's family is also very antique, and the furniture in Yiying has the style of the Republic of China. Like the living room of Li Heping's family, there is also a picture in the middle of the living room of Jinzhenbang's family that reads "Old Ji Fuxing, Aspiration A Thousand Miles!" 》Calligraphy of eight characters.

Just from the literal understanding of the calligraphy hanging by the two old people, it can be seen that the personalities of the two of them are different.

"Come on! I want to hear what you have to say, I can tell you first, if I am not satisfied with your explanation, don't blame me for smashing your house!"

Where does Li Heping look like an educated person at this time? It seems that he is a bandit, and Jin Zhenbang in this real bandit background looks like an educated person.

Jin Zhenbang continued to smile when he heard the words~lightnovelpub.net~ raised his finger to the old comrade-in-arms and relatives of the ruffian, and said: "You have been a political commissar for a lifetime, and you are still a cultural man. How can I now see you and a bandit? Similar."

Li Heping curled his lips: "I have suffered a loss in my life because I have a culture. You can see that you are a real bandit. It's better to be a bandit. When you were in the army, you were better off. The bandits have done so many **** things, and in the end it was not when I went to the higher level to do something for you. My special mother is really tired!"

Jin Zhenbang felt bad when he heard it. This was going to turn over the old accounts of history.

Nothing! Nothing!

He had to quickly change this topic, and all the things he did when he was young, could not finish it for three days and three nights, and it would make his old relative's grievance worse.

So clever and alert like him, Jin Zhenbang, how could he make such a mistake and correct it.

Therefore, Jin Zhenbang interrupted his old relative's "Remembering History" and told Li Heping about all the things he considered and worried about... (To be continued.)