Rising America

Chapter 472: Happy Jin Weiguo

As Jin Zhenbang expressed his concerns and considerations, Li Heping gradually calmed down, while thinking and analyzing the layers of meaning revealed in Lao Jin's words.

To be honest, Jin Zhenbang persuaded him that his concerns and considerations were very realistic, and this was all very obvious.

Especially for these two top families in China, they must be more cautious when dealing with such problems.

Is it a good thing to let Kim Hyun Tae recognize his ancestor and return to his clan?


But then, there are a series of problems.

After acknowledging his ancestor and returning to his clan, how should Kim Hyun Tae take his future?

According to normal circumstances, it is a certainty to enter politics in China, or it is to join the army.

But can that child get used to the system of China and the unspoken rules in officialdom?

After all, according to the investigation report, the child is already a banana man ABC, and he is completely American.

Therefore, if you want to reverse Western-style thinking and concepts, it is definitely not possible in a short time.

Even if he did it in the end, the child would never be young, and he would definitely miss the best age for politics. Even if he continues to follow this path, his future achievements will not be very high.

This is true even with the support of Jin and Li.

Besides, they can't be too outrageous and bring such a bad influence on the officialdom.

If that child can use his abilities and abilities to make a breakthrough in the United States, wouldn't it be better than returning to China.

The most important thing is that there are factors of old George behind this.

Even if it is bad, if someone in the old Jin family can break into the United States, it is equivalent to saying that the entire family has a way out.

The high-level struggle situation in China is very serious. Jin Zhenbang can't guarantee that his family will stand upright. If the worst happens, at least the family can have a home on the far side of the ocean. It's not.

From this point of view, Jin Zhenbang considered very long-term.

Li Heping could not think deeply about this issue.

Huaxia's high-level struggle in a different time and space is different from another time and space.

After all, these are two different time and space.

In another time and space, Huaxia only reformed and opened up in 2000. Up to now, there have been constant debates about the achievements of reform in the 16 years up to now.

Many people say that although China has made economic achievements, a large number of cadres have also been corroded and become moths, and this situation is still expanding.

, Even in the different time and space of China, it is an unavoidable reality problem.

And on the side of different time and space, the short 16 years have been much more serious than the other time and space, and it has reached the point where many veteran cadres are worried.

The more serious problem is that the group of people in power are all officials with various selfishness and economic problems. They have formed a powerful body of interests in party and private business, and it is very difficult to shake them.

So in such a complicated situation in China, it is obviously not wise to let Jin Xiantai recognize his ancestor and return to his clan.

Besides, there are some people who may not want to see such things happen.

Once it spreads that if Jin Xiantai is a member of their old Jin family, God knows what kind of tricks the political opponents of Jin and Li would use.

In short, this matter is very complicated, not as simple as it seems.

If it is a home for ordinary people, perhaps this matter is not so difficult.

However, as the Jin family of China's top family, he really can't think about it this way.

After also listening to Jin Zhenbang’s explanation, Li Heping also understood the strong relationship, and no longer looked so aggressive.

"This matter is only limited to our two families. It must not be spread out. Even those who are collaterals will not succeed. This is related to the development of the child in the United States." After seeing the old relatives of Li Heping, he knew it well. Jin Zhenbang did not forget to remind him to pay attention.

Li Heping nodded: "I'm not too confused yet. I know it's a big deal. It's just that I think it's too pitiful for the child. Since childhood, he has no mother or father. Now he is still a single father...Oh!"

Speaking of the end, Li Heping couldn't help crying, obviously because of the heartache for the grandson of Jin Xiantai.

Jin Zhenbang is not so, but he is not so impulsive to see the problem, and knows what is best for his grandson.

"The child is poor, but that's all the way before. You don't know, my grandson is now a rich man in the United States, and there is a lot of money. He is richer than the big landlords I know in the past, so he lives There is no problem."

Jin Zhenbang began to tell his old relatives some information about Jin Xiantai's personal wealth, and the old relatives who heard it were taken aback.

With a wealth of more than tens of billions of dollars (in fact, all of them are more than 100 billion), there is a large luxury mansion in Beverly, Los Angeles, USA, there are several companies... there is no material problem at all.

According to my in-laws, if all this is true, then the child's life is not as difficult as he thought.

But Li Heping didn't think so, so he said to Jin Zhenbang: ‘What about money, can money buy relatives? Can money buy father and mother? So I said that the child is still pitiful, especially when he is a single father and he has to take care of a daughter. It is so difficult to live this day. It hurts for him to think about it as a grandpa. "

Old Li raised his hand to hammer his chest while talking, and he could see that the old man was really heartbroken for Jin Xiantai.

Jin Zhenbang was silent.

Indeed, my old relatives are right.

What if my grandson has money, money can't buy the love of my parents and the joy of family together.

The child has been living in a foreign country since he was a child, and parental affection can be said to have been missing since childhood.

These deficiencies, no matter how rich he is, there is no way to make up.

"Oh! My old relatives, I know this too, but what can I do?" Jin Zhenbang sighed and said to Li Heping. "Now we have to endure our heartache, and we must not cause any trouble to that child. I think this is the best concern for him."

Li Hong, who had been sitting there watching the two old people, intervened at this time.

"Why don't you send someone to the U.S. to meet with that kid from time to time and make a relationship. At least this will let us know his situation and help him when necessary."

Although Li Hong was very vague, the two old people could understand the meaning behind it.

Jin Zhenbang immediately brightened his eyes and asked, "This is a good idea, but who should I let it go? We can't believe in outsiders. It's not easy for outsiders to know about this."

Although the old man was very excited, he also had some reasons and scruples.

Li Heping also nodded: "This is a good thing, but how can we help? The child has money in the United States, and knows a big Buddha like George, still need us?"

Li Hong smiled: "Perhaps we can change his impression of Huaxia. I have heard from Jianshe that children have a bad impression of Huaxia. Perhaps through constant contact, we can change this.

As for what to help, I just said that. The most important thing is to find someone to contact him more and leave him a good impression and relationship. "

Li Hong's idea is still good, which makes Jin Zhenguo and Li Heping both agree, but it is a big question who should go.

But as for the candidate, Li Hong already knew it.

Therefore, she recommended to the two elderly people: "The construction is good. He is suspended in the Foreign Economic and Trade Commission. I think he is busy every day. It is better to transfer him to the Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles, so that he can get close to his children if he has problems in the future. .

Besides, the construction has a thick-skinned face. It is not wrong to entrust this matter to him. Besides, he is still a child's uncle, so he can be trusted more than outsiders. "

Hearing that Li Hong gave a candidate, her father Li Heping immediately expressed support.

Li Heping looked at Jin Zhenbang and nodded and said, "Don't tell me, Xiaohong suggested that Jianshe should go. It is true that Xiaohong suggested that Jianshe go. He is also a child's uncle. He is much better than letting outsiders go, Old Man Jin. What do you think?"

Jin Zhenbang rolled his eyes: "Li Heping, you are one year older than me. Are you embarrassed to call me old man? It is no problem to let the construction go to the United States. Anyway, he is very idle in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and it is related to his nephew. It's something, so he can't help but define him as a little uncle, and I will call him back at night to tell him about this."

At this time, Jin Jianshe, who was separated from Li Hong, found his second brother Jin Weiguo. This was describing his granddaughter Coco's genius performance. He didn't know at all that his father had made the decision to go abroad for him.

At this moment, Jin Jianshe was excited and frothed in front of Jin Weiguo.

"Second brother, you didn't see it. The kid greeted a few Italian tourists in fluent Italian, and also talked to them. The tigress who made Li Hong was stunned, and his expression was almost funny to think of. .

It’s not over yet. The child can still chat with Japanese and Korean tourists. According to the child, she can speak German, Spanish and French. This is simply a genius. You are really envious of having such a granddaughter. Me. "

Jin Weiguo was also dumbfounded when he looked at the third brother who was flying frowning and frothing in front of him.

He never thought that his granddaughter was so powerful and could speak the languages ​​of so many countries.

When did his old Jin family still have this gene?

You must know that the old man at home is an authentic illiterate. From the old man up several generations, they are also farmers who face the loess with their backs upside down. That is to say, they have become an adult university in their own generation. This is considered to be a home. Of high education.

But anyway ~lightnovelpub.net~ The granddaughter is so powerful, he is a grandfather with a bright face.

"Third brother, don't fool me, is that kid really as powerful as you said?"

Jin Jianshe rolled his eyes, raised his hand and slapped his chest, swearing to his second brother: "It's absolutely true. If you don't believe me, I'll take you to see the child another day, you'll know by yourself. And The child’s mouth is also sweet. The coaxing Li Laohu’s mouth has never been closed. It’s amazing. This is only one and a half years old. If she is older, it would be fine!

At the end of the talk, Jin Jianshe had an emotional expression on his face, and Jin Weiguo was amused.

When Jin Jianshe's voice fell, Jin Weiguo nodded: "Okay! I'll go see the child if I have the opportunity, and by the way, make sure you are not fooling me."

[Hey! My granddaughter is a genius, that is my granddaughter of Jin Weiguo, hahaha! 】

Although it seems that he did not believe this, Jin Weiguo's heart had already blossomed. Regardless of the fact that he and Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter have not yet recognized the fact, he is very happy now... (to be finished) Continued.)