Rising America

Chapter 473: Get your courage, girl!

Kim Hyun Taek didn’t know at all about the fact that he still had a “family” in China, and he hadn’t even thought of it. That alien teasing elementary school student would arrange such a **** plot for him. It's like a soap opera.

Although Jin Xiantai had some speculations about the jade pendant left to him by the alien elementary school students, he never thought it would be such a **** thing.

Fortunately, the old Jin family and the Li family have reached a tacit understanding and will not disturb the peaceful life of him and his daughter Coco for the time being, so Jin Xiantai and his daughter can still live a happy life for a while.

Maybe ‘ignorant ignorance’ is also a very happy thing.

Hey! Who knows.

"Do you like the houses in Houhai and Nanluoguxiang?"

After bidding farewell to Jin Jianshe and Li Hong, Jin Xiantai and his entourage returned to the Wangfu Hotel. It was already 15:28 in the afternoon. In half an hour, the Huaxia set was coming to interview him.

Taking advantage of this free time, Jin Xiantai teased his daughter.

Yang Weiwei sat aside and looked at the father and daughter with a smile, Camilla and Hilda were cleaning the room, and 47 were bored watching cartoons.

"Like them, those houses are so beautiful, Coco likes to live in such houses."

She answered her father humorously, and at the same time told her father excitedly about her attitude. She really liked the rich Chinese-style architecture of Houhai and Nanluoguxiang, compared to the house in Beverly, Los Angeles. The house makes little Coco like it.

Hearing what his daughter said, Jin Xiantai was also relieved. As long as the daughter liked it, everything would be fine. This was what he worried most.

It doesn't matter if you have more money or less, just because your daughter doesn't like it when you buy it, that would be bad.

Fortunately, such things did not happen, and Kim Hyun Tae was very happy about it.

At the same time, he was also happy that his daughter liked the courtyard house.

You know, in his'last life', Jin Xiantai had the dream of living in a courtyard house, but the economic conditions were not good at the time, so this can only be a dream.

And in this different time and space, he was able to achieve this dream, of course he was happy about it, but also a little bit lost.

It is normal to be happy, after all, it is to achieve a dream in my heart.

But why is he so disappointed while he is happy?

The reason is simple, because he thinks of his wife and thinks that although he has achieved his dream, he lacks a person around him who should be there to share this happiness, so he will be lost.

Although he has material protection in this different time and space, and also gave his daughter a material foundation, so that she can live as carefree as possible, but he has no way to give his daughter a complete home and a mother. .

At the thought of this, Jin Xiantai's expression became melancholy, and at the same time a deep sadness appeared in his eyes. Yang Weiwei, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but feel pain after observing it.

As someone who had confessed to Kim Hyun-tae and knew some of his “past experience” and had a little understanding of him, Yang Weiwei guessed that Kim Hyun-tae might now think of his dead person and gave birth to Kim Hyun-tae. The girl named'Xiaoxiao'.

Because based on what she knew about Kim Hyun Tae, the two said that when he showed such a melancholy expression, he basically thought of Coco's mother, otherwise he would not have such a state.

To be honest, Yang Weiwei was a little envious of the girl named ‘Xiaoxiao’, and even a little jealous. Even though she was no longer in reality, Yang Weiwei was still envious and jealous.

Because she got Kim Hyun Tae's heart, his true heart.

Yang Weiwei, who has never been in a relationship, can also see that she has a deep love for "Xiaoxiao" Jin Xiantai, and there is such a deep love boy as Jin Xiantai in this world. It is really rare and precious.

You know, many times the boys that girls meet are not like Kim Hyun Tae.

Love stories in reality are not like TV dramas. Most of them end in tragedy. This is an indisputable fact.

The chance of being able to fall in love and walk into the marriage hall, and then join hands for a lifetime is very small, and this is the cruel reality.

Even if Yang Weiwei has no love experience, she sees everything about her love for male and female students in school. How could she not know what the final outcome of the farce of separation and recombination is.

Comparing those boys with Kim Hyun Tae, they are basically all scum.

Oh! Do not!

Or it's simply incomparable.

Stepping on a few boats to deceive girls' feelings is something that boys of the same age often do.

What's worse is that cheating on feelings doesn't count, but also cheating on girls' bodies. Even girls of the same age don't have much pocket money in their hands. You say it is hateful?

But Jin Xiantai was different. He didn't and didn't like the life of every night. He was only occupied by a girl in his heart, which was fundamentally different from the boys he knew and met.

But these advantages of Jin Xiantai, put Yang Weiwei here, make her very sad.

Sometimes Yang Weiwei can't wait for Jin Xiantai to be a playboy. At least she has a chance to be with Jin Xiantai instead of loving him as bitterly as she does now.

But when I look back, I wonder if such an infatuated boy is more worthy of his love and pursuit?

In this age of materialism, people laugh at innocence, satirize innocence, advertise hypocrisy and deceit, and villains are rampant, is it not worthy of girls to appreciate people like Jin Xiantai?

Is it true that only those bad boys who are feminine in appearance and mean-spirited and whose purpose is to play with and deceive girls are worthy of liking?

Do not!

Yang Weiwei didn't think so. She felt that the more such an era, the more prominent and outstanding boys like Jin Xiantai, and the better than those scumbag boys.

Therefore, she will not give up Kim Hyun Tae.

Even if he is old, she will chase him and become Coco's stepmother?

【Well! I'm such a shameless girl, I even thought of being a stepmother. 】Yang Weiwei, whose thoughts were very radiating, had a lot of thoughts in her mind for a time. When she thought of trying to be a stepmother, she was in a bit of a bad state.

After all, she is still a 17-year-old girl. You said she wanted to be a stepmother at such a young age. Isn't this a thing?

Therefore, Yang Weiwei feels embarrassed, which is normal.

After stabilizing her mind, Yang Weiwei glanced at Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, then set her eyes on Cocoa, and at the same time she thought to herself [But this is a very likable child. If it were her, I should not be a stepmother. Question because I don't hate her 】

Hehe, 17-year-old Yang Weiwei was thinking about how to get Jin Xiantai to accept herself, and then give Coco a stepmother. If we talk about this, it might make many people laugh to death.

After all, how old she is.

Therefore, we can conclude that if girls’ brains are opened, it is definitely more shocking than boys’.

[Oh, if I become a stepmother, do I still have to learn cooking? After all, taking care of a child is not easy. I not only make three meals a day delicious, but also take care of nutrition. Otherwise, what if I don’t grow up? Well, it seems that I have to go home and learn how to play with my mother, yes, just do it! 】

"Master, the people from China have come."

Just when Yang Weiwei's brain was wide open and she was using her unlimited imagination, Hilda appeared beside the father and daughter who were communicating.

Hearing that Jin Xiantai looked at his daughter and said, "Dad has something serious to do, do you want to know it obediently?" After saying that he turned his eyes on Yang Weiwei, looked at her apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, You came to me today, but I didn’t even treat you well."

Yang Weiwei smiled and said that she didn't care.

"Go, I'll take care of Coco. I'll leave when you come back. Anyway, you will be free in 7 days. When I come to you again, you can entertain me again."

Kim Hyun Tae nodded, then got up and left.

Xiao Keke waited for her father to leave and ran up to Yang Weiwei, looking up at Yang Weiwei childishly and saying to her: "I know you like my father, according to Qiao An, you want to sleep with my father, right?"


Yang Weiwei was coughed by Coco's all this, and at the same time she blushed like steamed prawns. Of course, another analogy would be like monkey buttocks, but using'steamed prawns' is more elegant. , But the meaning is the same.

Yang Weiwei is in such a state now.

Little Coco has a childish speech, and she herself doesn't know the meaning of "sleepy", anyway, she is just "parrot learn tongue", just remember Qiao Ann once said this, she said so.

But Yang Weiwei is not a ‘little pot friend’ like Coco after all. The 17-year-old girl also knows a little bit about things between men and women.

So when Coco said that she wanted to'sleep' with her father, the boss who got Yang Weiwei was embarrassed and embarrassed.

But Yang Weiwei can't deny it, UU reading www.uukanshu. She did have such a thought.

After all, if she succeeded in pursuing Kim Hyun Tae and became Coco's stepmother, then "sleeping" is also inevitable, right?

[Kim Hyun-tae: Weiwei, it's getting late now, shall we be sleepy to make children? Yang Weiwei: Well, ok, you work hard, we will give birth to some younger brothers and younger sisters for Coco...]

The 17-year-old girl has many unsuitable images in her mind.

When a bad thought appeared in the girl's mind, it immediately reflected on her face, which made Xiao Keke very curious.

"Hey, have you caught a cold? Why is your face reddening more and more? Or I will find a doctor to show you?"

Out of concern, Coco asked very kindly.

Yang Weiwei waved her hand quickly: "Ahem, no, no, I'm not sick."

[What kind of doctor? Just ask your father to kiss me, really! 】(To be continued.)