Rising America

Chapter 476: Oh, Huaxia in different time and space

While interacting with Wang Jingjing, Jin Xiantai spoke with a relaxed tone and attitude about his childhood and teenage experiences. Facing the camera, he appeared so indifferent, so indifferent that the entire team of China sent by the shooting team would do it for him. Feeling heartache.

"According to the nun, my mother sent me to the gate of the monastery before she was seriously injured, so I hadn’t seen my mother before I was born because she died after sending me to the monastery. The only way I can miss her is through the only photo she left me."

Facing the camera, Kim Hyun-tae took out the picture of'mother' again, and he put it away again after about ten seconds.

"I don't know why my mother was seriously injured at the time, nor who my father was. It's quite uncomfortable to speak of."

Kim Hyun Tae slowly lowered his head, as if he was in an uncomfortable state.

[How should I continue editing? 】

It is not uncomfortable to dare to love Kim Hyun Tae, but to lower his head and think about continuing to make up.

Wang Jingjing hurriedly took the conversation at this time: "Have you never thought of looking for your father after so many years? Or are you not curious about who your father is? Maybe you don’t know. Many people in China now claim to be your father. It’s your parents."

The topic finally turned to this key point, and today, Huaxia set to conduct interviews and filming for this issue.


Those "parents" of Jin Xiantai Huaxia.

Seriously, this thing really makes him feel a little funny.

Perhaps among these people, there are really children adopted by Americans, and those who abandoned their children in the first place were moved and regretted and wanted to find their own children to compensate for each other.

But Jin Xiantai is sure that most of the so-called "parents" have despicable plans and goals, and Jin Xiantai bet on this.

So when Wang Jingjing talked about this, Kim Hyun-tae, who lowered his head and looked sad, sneered in her heart.

After waiting for a while to make the performance more realistic, Kim Hyun-tae slowly raised his head to face the camera again, with a bit of sorrow on his face and a little bit of anger in a loud voice: "I don’t know what those people think. , My mother has passed away. Why are there still people here claiming to be my mother? Besides, I was not adopted by the China Welfare Institute and went to the United States. Don’t they know?”

After speaking these words aloud, Kim Hyun-tae took a few deep breaths, as if he was calming down in front of the camera.

About ten seconds later, Jin Xiantai faced the camera and continued to speak: "Someone found me at the hotel this morning and wanted to recognize me in a terrifying way. A very bad impression. Of course, I also know that it is not appropriate to create a bad impression of China through these people, but I can't help it."

Wang Jingjing interrupted at the right time: "China has a large land area with a population of more than 10 billion. Only a handful of people will affect your impression of China. I think this is a bit inappropriate, but I can understand your feelings."

In fact, not only Wang Jingjing can understand, but the whole team members who came here with her for the filming and interview task can understand Jin Xiantai's feelings.

After all, no matter who encounters this matter, you won't be in a good mood if you think about it.

What's more, Jin Xiantai is still a banana person. He doesn't know China well enough. In addition, he was deceived by the American media. He was biased against China. Now such a thing has happened again. Therefore, it is strange to have a good impression of China. It.

It's not surprising that thoughts like this exist.

After all, they didn't know that in the bones of the young man in front of them, he was actually an authentic Chinese soul, and had nothing to do with what they thought was Banana Man ABC Mao.

It’s just that in front of Chinese people in different time and space, Jin Xiantai had to pretend to be a banana talent. After all, his foundation is now in the United States. He is too affectionate to China if he does not perform well, otherwise it will affect the foundation in the United States and the cultivation of his intend.

Therefore, faced with the misunderstanding of many people, Jin Xiantai didn't bother to explain.

Banana people are banana people, and it’s no big deal anyway.

The interview continued, and the topic went from relaxed to serious at the beginning, and after the key points became relaxed again.

Regarding the issue of Kim Hyun-tae’s parents, we have finally reached a conclusion that the people who jumped out from Huaxia are basically goods with special purpose. Therefore, we hope that the local media will not contribute to the flames.

At the same time, Wang Jingjing also said in front of the camera that Huaxia Group and relevant departments will send an appraisal team to contact those who claim to be Jin Xiantai’s parents, hoping to uncover the hypocritical masks of these people. Once they are found to be liars, they will let them Deal with the local police station.

As a popular hostess of China, Wang Jingjing's remarks in front of the camera are basically set in a tone, and those guys who want to come around must be worried.

You can imagine how those guys would react when they saw the interview that was filmed and recorded now.

But these things Jin Hyun Tae won't have anything to do with him. In short, as long as something like the one that happened earlier today doesn't happen to him in the future.

After all, this thing is indeed a bit disgusting.

"According to American media reports, we know that you are only 17 years old this year, right?"

At the end of the interview, Wang Jingjing began to interact with Jin Xiantai and asked about his personal information.

Kim Hyun-tae, who has seen the interview list, is not repulsive of these things, so he nodded: "Yes, 17 years old."

Wang Jingjing smiled: "I heard that you have a daughter? So you should be considered a puppy love? So is this situation in the United States more often?"

To be honest, Wang Jingjing's question obviously has some black American meaning. Maybe there are some political considerations behind this, but this kind of problem makes Kim Hyun-tae a bit crooked.

Fortunately, he had experienced a life in China once, so he had a little bit of anticipation about this.

"I have a daughter who is one and a half years old this year. According to Huaxia, it should be regarded as a puppy love? But in the United States, it shouldn't be used like this. I have no comment on this."

After talking about it, Kim Hyun-tae continued after thinking about it: "In the United States, young people are free to fall in love, and young people also have the right to fall in love. No one can deprive it of this. This is a human right!"

These words that Kim Hyun-tae said are disgusting to himself, but considering that the show will be broadcast, so those words he said will also be seen by Old George, then he must consider this situation and say something he thinks Old George will be satisfied. Just become.

As for the feelings of people on Huaxia's side... I'm sorry, but for the time being he can't hesitate.

This is not to say that Kim Hyun-tae is selfish, or something else.

After all, the reality is like this, Kim Hyun-tae doesn't think about himself, but also for his daughter.

If his father is criticized by others, then Cocoa, his daughter, will also be rejected by others, so he doesn't want to have such trouble.

So, let’s talk about China’s human rights in the United States. If you want to come here, George will be happy.

It's just that Kim Hyun Tae himself was disgusted.

Wang Jingjing was choked for a while, and she did not expect that Jin Xiantai would answer this way, so she said ‘human rights’, and it still made a little sense.

It's just that this truth doesn't make sense in China.

Because this is a typical early love, and he has children, it is very bad to put Huaxia here.

But considering that the other party is an American youth, Wang Jingjing is not easy to use this matter to criticize him.

So this is a bit embarrassing.

But Taili received an order to blacken the American one a little bit.

After Wang Jingjing thought of the instructions she received, even though she was embarrassed, she continued to ask.

"The national conditions of the two countries are different. It seems that there are two explanations for this question I asked. I remember you said that when you were in the San Juan Monastery, where the security was not good, right?"

Wang Jingjing shifted the subject, preparing to make trouble with American law and order.

Jin Xiantai immediately understood what Wang Jingjing meant, and said in his heart, "Unexpectedly, Huaxia in different time and space always takes American public order as its business. ], and smiled secretly in my heart.

【it is good! Since you are going to be black, I will help you. In fact, I also quite like the Black America. 】

Jin Xiantai considered that public security issues should not offend people. After all, this is the case in the United States, and George can't refute it, right?

Therefore, Jin Xiantai nodded: "It's chaotic. It can be said that it is so chaotic that you can't imagine it."

Next, Jin Xiantai told Wang Jingjing in front of the camera what he knew and understood about the security situation in the San Juan area. The people who listened to the shooting team were stunned.

Because according to Jin Xiantai, the San Juan area is about to catch up with the battlefield. There are shootings every day, and there will also be gang fights, and black and black things happen... This is simply the Chinese people who have always been harmonious society cannot imagine Things.

But although everyone was surprised, no one felt that it was not true. After all, this is really the case in the United States in different time and space. Even the Americans cannot refute this, because this is an iron fact.

Jin Xiantai was talking endlessly, and was suddenly interrupted by Wang Jingjing.

Wang Jingjing interrupted and said: "According to the British BBC report~lightnovelpub.net~ I heard that you had also been in a gang back then? So now I can say that you are the prodigal who turned back?"

[I go, even if I black the United States, why even I plan to black? 】

Wang Jingjing's question made Jin Xiantae stunned, and at the same time some thoughts arose in her heart.

But he suddenly remembered that Selena once said about her experience in the'San Juan Convent'. It seemed that'he' brought the children of the monastery and gangsters, so Wang Jingjing seemed to be able to ask. .

It’s just that I’m not a gang ‘in the beginning’.

Grandma's, British BBC report.

Kim Hyun Tae cursed the BBC silently in his heart.

Wang Jingjing recalled from the bottom of her heart the words that the leader had confessed before she came here [Xiao Wang, try to ask as many questions as possible about the negative aspects of American society during the interview, and if necessary, take the boy’s experience and talk about it. No problem, he is not from Huaxia anyway. 】……(To be continued.)