Rising America

Chapter 480: United #战# Department, Zhang Guohua

"The little girl is really amazing. I can remember how hard my dad worked, so can you tell grandpa how old you were then?"

"I'm only a few months old, but I can remember, because I'm a very good kid. Annie took me to an IQ test. My score was 260. Am I very good? The person who did the test at the time Also said that I have a strong memory..."

Is there a genius in this world?

Of course, people who have met will say "Yes", while most people who have not met will have reservations, but those who have seen cocoa performance at this banquet will confirm one thing, that is, there are indeed in this world 'Genius' exists, at least Coco's performance is amazing, and she is classified as'genius'.

The 260 IQ mentioned by the little guy can be ignored, but at the age of one and a half years, the little guy has no obstacles in communicating with adults, so she can already make people think that she is a genius.

After all, most of the diapers are worn for children like her, and they need to be fed by mom and dad to eat, but look at Coco...Tsk tusk, this is not a genius.

Genius does not require you to produce any cross-age technological products, nor does it require you to make any contribution to mankind. A performance like Coco can be classified as a genius.

"Grandpa, do you believe it too? Coco really has a strong memory, otherwise I wouldn't learn foreign languages ​​with my dad."

Although the little guy performed amazingly, she was still a child after all, so she was very worried that others would not believe what she said.

Showing off is a common problem of any child, but it is not a terrible problem.

You know, even adults can show off and show off, not to mention that Coco is still a kid.

"Grandpa, if you believe it, you can find someone who understands foreign languages ​​to talk to me. I will prove it to you, but I didn't tell lies."

How could the Chinese boss really find someone to come over to verify this, because if he did, it would be tantamount to saying that he didn't believe in the little guy, which would be very rude.

Therefore, he just smiled and said to the little guy: "Grandpa believes that you don't need to find someone to come over. How could grandpa not believe you? You are the most powerful little girl I have ever seen."

This is basically to coax children, but it is still very useful for cocoa.

Hearing what the big Chinese boss said, Coco stopped insisting. Anyway, as long as the other party believes it to her, it's okay to just say it.

The Chinese tycoon didn't mean to let Coco leave. He kept holding Coco like this. The scene looked very warm and harmonious. The person in charge of shooting the banquet scene took this picture into the camera lens.

Since he didn't mean to let himself go, Coco didn't mind continuing to sit on the old man's lap, and then enjoy the dinner.

As the staff of Yutai State Guest House began to serve dishes, the banquet was officially started.

During the banquet, what everyone exchanged was just some ‘parents’ shortcomings’, which did not involve the level of major national issues. Obviously it is not appropriate to talk about these at this time.

Kim Hyun-tae went to the village to do what the customs did. Everyone toasted and he also toasted. Anyway, his performance was quite satisfactory and honest.

Little Coco focused her attention on the exquisite dishes, but she did not act like usual, but acted as a lady.

The little guy seemed to know that he had to behave better on this occasion, which was surprising.

The Huaxia boss talked to the old George about the weather in Washington, and whether the vineyards in New Mexico will have a bumper harvest, and even how much wheat will be produced in Texas this year. It is simply boring to the extreme.

Old George would also ask about the best snacks in Huaxia province, where the scenery in Huaxia is the best, and he looks like he wants to travel.

What even made Kim Hyun-tae amused was that the Chinese tycoon asked if the American pop queen would release a single this year, as if he was a fan of the queen.

But in fact, Kim Hyun-tae was very clear, this was nothing but a question.

How could such a dozen-year-old Chinese tycoon be a fan of American female pop singers? You can know it with your knees.

It’s just that Old George didn’t have a surprised expression. After answering the other party’s question that seemed to be "gossip", he also asked about a certain movie star in China. It made them feel like two fans met. very funny.

The camera passed by, and the Hua Xia Group specially arranged a shooting team at Yutai State Guest House. Scenes like this must be filmed, and they will even appear in the news broadcast after the shooting.

In this regard, Jin Xiantai is not surprised at all. After all, he is a person who has experienced the test of C#C#TV for more than 30 years. He is not unfamiliar with this scene.

In addition to Matthews and Kandie at the same table with Jin Xiantai, there are also several Chinese officials. They are basically equivalent to sitting with them, but also to prevent American personnel from feeling neglected.

Among them, there is a man who seems to be about fifty years old and is very nervous. He has been observing Kim Hyun Tae ever since he appeared.

For this person who has been observing himself, Jin Xiantai has long been aware of it, but he pretended not to notice.

At this time, the man raised his glass to Jin Xiantai, and finally said: "Introduce yourself, Zhang Guohua, working in the department of the United#战#."

The other party introduced himself, and Kim Hyun-tae was also unresponsive, so he picked up the wine glass in front of him and raised a gesture, and replied: "William King, a student at Santa Monica College in Los Angeles, is in the third year of high school.

Kim Hyun Tae did not show off his other identity, but responded to the other party as a college student.

This Zhang Guohua from the United#战# department smiled after hearing this: "Your achievements in the United States are brilliant. At least until now, there is no Chinese American who can earn so much wealth in the United States. For us, you The experience is simply legendary."

【what is this! How can this be considered a legend, if this is all a legend, then what is the matter of me taking my daughter through the time tunnel? 】

Jin Hyuntae smiled and complained.

"Come on, let's drink to your achievements."

The Huaxia Banquet prepared two kinds of wine, Moutai and red wine, mainly for the convenience of American visitors to China, as well as the jealous Huaxia Party personnel.

Foreigners are generally unaccustomed to white wine, and red wine is a thing of different time and space. China's admiration of foreign talents pursues foreigners, and most officials drink white wine.

Of course, it's not impossible to drink red wine in private.

But in this situation, officials of different time and space certainly know how to choose.

Therefore, Zhang Guohua's wine glass is filled with white wine, and Jin Xiantai's glass is filled with red wine.

To be honest, although Kim Hyun-tae has made a huge fortune, he is still a ‘earth turtle’ in his bones, and he is not cold about red wine or anything.

Just look at how he usually just drinks mint at home.

Of course, in order to install 13 and look tasteful, the wine cellar in Beverly's home still bought a lot of expensive red wine for storage, but it was just used to store it and not drink it.

It was precisely because of a cold with red wine that Jin Xiantai looked at the red wine in his hand, then turned his head and said hello.

"Give me a white wine glass and white wine, and remove the red wine."

Zhang Guohua looked at Jin Xiantai with a smile, no one knew what he was thinking about.

Matthews reminded Jin Xiantai in a low voice: "With the Red Bar, Huaxia Baijiu is very powerful. Drinking a little will make you intoxicated."

Jin Xiantai glanced at Matthews and said to his heart, "You crooked nuts know a fart, red wine is great, but Maotai is not! Turtle! ].

But he is also very surprised, has Matthews ever drunk liquor, that's why he came to such a conclusion?

Therefore, taking advantage of the effort of the waiter to change himself and pour white wine, Jin Xiantai asked in a low voice.

"Have you ever drunk liquor?"

Matthews nodded: "I lived in China for a few years, using the identity of an exchange student, so I drank it at the instigation of my classmates, but the memory was not very good."

After confirming that Matthews had drunk baijiu, Kim Hyun-tae asked, "What brand did you drink?"

Ok? Liquor is also divided into brands?

Isn't it all transparent liquid, pungent smell of alcohol?

Hearing Jin Xiantai's question, Matthews was shocked.

Well, this guy obviously doesn't understand the distinction of liquor, so he is definitely not a Huaxiatong.

After recalling it for a while, Matthews replied firmly and in a weird tone: "It is Guotou! Yes, that is, Guotou is right!"

Obviously this wine left a big shadow on Matthews, and his face was very ugly when he mentioned it.

Jin Xiantai looked at Matthews' expression and really wanted to know how big the shadow area was in his heart.

[What kind of fruit, is Erguotou, OK? It's not easy to say in Chinese, thanks to what I can infer. 】

I complained about Matthews' Chinese level, Jin Xiantai already knew the brand of the wine that left a psychological shadow on Matthews.

Ha ha!

Highly Erguotou, it would be strange if Matthews's funny comparison is not released~lightnovelpub.net~ He is not an old drunkard who is tested by alcohol.

If you want to come to the classmate who rushed to him to drink Erguotou, he certainly didn't think much.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Jin Xiantai gave Matthews a "rest assured" look. At this time, the new glass and white wine were already poured. Jin Xiantai picked up the glass and smiled at Zhang Guohua again: "I'll do the same in the countryside, I also drink white wine."

[United#战# Department, interesting, isn’t this the department that deals with overseas Chinese? It seems that if this guy is arranged opposite me, maybe there is a little idea in it? 】

Kim Hyun-tae thought to himself after drinking the wine in the glass.

Jin Xiantai is no stranger to what the United #战# department is doing. After all, he didn't live in vain in his previous life, nor did he watch China TV for so many years.

[It seems that in the future, I will have to deal with these people. 】

Kim Hyun Tae figured out a little bit of question in his heart... (To be continued.)