Rising America

Chapter 481: Black girl trouble

Los Angeles, on the other side of the ocean, is a city that seems to the world to be intoxicated. It is also a place where stars gather. It attracts countless men and women who have not been involved in the world but have deep dreams of celebrities.

Here you can listen to people telling the legends of overnight fame, and you can also witness with your own eyes a person who has gone from nothing to owning luxury cars and beautiful women, and completely becoming rich.

Los Angeles in a different time and space is a land of dreams, but also a land of depravity.

Hidden under the prosperous surface are the shadows and rules that are unknown.

Is it difficult to become famous?

It is not difficult to say, but it is also difficult in practice.

This is simply a paradox.

The United States of different time and space also advocates fair competition and advertises that everyone has a chance, but whoever truly believes these is the world's biggest fool and idiot.

‘Fair’ has never existed, even in the United States, which advertises it.

It's just relative. The United States has managed to make everyone think that this is the case, but in fact it is not the same thing at all.

If it is really fair, what do you let those big capitalists, financiers, politicians, and interest groups have inextricably linked with them?

Fairness is for example, but don't take it seriously.

The United States in different time and space still says that there is no racial discrimination, but as long as you come here, you will find that discrimination is everywhere.

It’s just that people don’t say anything and act as if they don’t discriminate against anyone, but no one knows what they think in their hearts.

To use the simplest analogy, a white and a black or Asian applicant apply for a job at the same time. In the case of the same ability, the admission rate of whites is much higher than that of blacks and Asians.

This is actually discrimination.

But the person in charge of the recruitment will not show it, or even be very enthusiastic about you, so you can't fault it at all. Even if you want to say that he is discriminating, there is no basis.


This is the United States in a different time and space of ‘fair and free’, and this is no different from the United States in another time and space.

Therefore, those who are not white-skinned want to succeed, they need to pay relatively several times the hard work, sweat and hard work, and also need luck and appreciation.

If there is no luck and appreciation, only sweat, hard work and hard work, at best, it is better than ordinary people.

The high-ranking black officials who have been in the White House and haunted in Washington I saw on TV. To be honest, look up their backgrounds and you will find some problems.

So many times what the eyes see is not necessarily the truth.

Is the public foolish?

So foolish.

In fact, this is an indisputable fact.

The American elites in different time and space play this hand very well, just like the American elite in another time and space.

However, there must be any bird in the forest. Some people are very veiled racial discrimination, but some people have to fantasize and declare to everyone that they have this kind of thinking and discriminate against all non-white ethnicities.

On the other side of time and space, there are many such people, and a powerful and notorious prison gang has appeared.

Of course, such racially inclined gangs have no influence on the entertainment industry and have no intention of entering the entertainment industry.

But the thoughts of these people have influenced many innocent young people, making them admire the racism of this gang.

Therefore, Huini, who is a black Compton, is now in trouble.

A song "If I'm a Boy" quickly became popular in July this year. Huini, who has become the king of pop music, suddenly has a lot of fans. Also, because of her fame, some people began to abuse her and send her Threatening emails and even sending dead cat packages or something.

Although the girl grew up in Compton, a neighborhood where black gangs are rampant, and has seen many street shootouts, and even people were shot dead, she is a girl after all, and those things have little to do with her.

The things she experienced right now really made her feel a little scared and disturbed, even a little bit scared.

In the United States in different time and space, there are also some madmen with extreme behaviors, who can do things that no one can think of.

In case, among the people who threatened her, there was also such a guy who ignored the law and gave her a surprise... The girl really couldn't imagine it.

You know, in the United States in different time and space, many stars have been destroyed or killed by those madmen. She doesn't want to become the victim of such madmen.

What's more, because of her race and skin color, her personal safety is threatened by certain groups.

It was precisely because of this situation that even if Hui Ni was reluctant to do so, she still found Joan, the lace edge that made her a little ‘creepy’.

Qiao An didn't refuse Huini to find herself asking for help, nor did she use it to coerce her into doing something she didn't want to do.

Although Qiao Ann’s lace edge is sometimes very ‘bad’, but she is also a person with a bottom line, and she knows how to pursue a person.

So she wouldn't be so downhearted, forcing Hui Ni to be with herself at this time.

Of course, using Kim Hyun Tae as a bait to lure Hui Ni is not a good thing, at least Qiao An thinks so.

When Jin Xiantai attended the dinner with her daughter and old George at Huaxia, Huini was sitting in Qiao'an's office. The girl's face was full of fear and anxiety. It was obvious that the girl was really scared.

But the girl’s fear and anxiety can also be understood. Who is not afraid of such a thing.

What's more, Huini is only an 18-year-old girl, not very young, and has never experienced such a storm.

Even if this kind of thing makes other famous celebrities stand up for a long time, it is estimated that the reaction of those people will not be any stronger than Hui Ni.

Chinese time is night, but it is daytime in Los Angeles, because the time in the two countries and regions has become different because of the Pacific Ocean.

"Thank you for being able to think of me for the first time. This is a tricky thing. You also know that racist lunatics have always acted madly. Garbo, Swinley, Claire Gbagbo, etc. are all killed by these lunatics. And you are also very dangerous now."

He walked from behind his desk to sit down next to Hui Ni, Qiao An raised his hand and gently put it on Hui Ni's shoulder, and then said to the girl very seriously.

Huini's expression was tense at this time, her body was tight, she was obviously very worried about this matter, all her mind was occupied by this matter, and she didn't care about lace touching herself at all.

Of course, Qiao An also knows how to measure. She didn't have the same measure as she did a few days ago. She just gently put her hand on Hui Ni's shoulder without any further awkward movements.

"What do I do now? I feel very scared. Since yesterday I received the email and the package from the madman, I have never rested until now. Now my mind is full of scary scenes, I am afraid The other party will really do those crazy things."

Huini's body trembled lightly, and she buried her head between her arms, making her look like an ostrich, as if she could avoid danger by burying her head.

[Lightning Punch Huini, ha ha, you are just a little girl after all. 】

Seeing Huini's current state, Qiao An recalled what Huini had said the other day, and now he couldn't help but feel amused.

"I now how to do?"

Huini raised her head and trembled to ask Qiao An's opinion.

Qiao An thought for a while: "You can't live in your original home, and the hotel won't work. This will give the other party a chance to live, so I need to find a safe place for you to live in, and I want to ask you what you mean. , Will you be threatened to withdraw from the music scene?"

can you?

Huini asked herself when she heard the words.

Being a singer has always been her dream, so she is unwilling to give up like this.

What's more, this is also an opportunity to change his destiny, Huini deeply understands and understands this.

Besides becoming more famous as a singer, she feels that she can also have the opportunity to pursue Kim Hyun Tae, the boy she likes. If she gives up like this, not only will she have no chance to change her destiny, she will also like it. The boy missed it.

So what will her own future look like?

Obviously, Compton has a lot of black girls like her, and they all drop out of school early and stay at home. Generally, they are not making friends with gang members and being dumped by the other party to be single mothers, or being addicted to drugs.

Even if they didn't touch them, the thought of becoming a middle-aged black aunt would be enough to make Huini feel terrified.

Do not!

She doesn't want this kind of life, nor does she want to be what most black girls would be. She wants to have a different future and change her destiny forever.

Thinking of this, the horror expression on Huini’s face gradually faded, and replaced by a firm expression: "I will not give up my career as a singer~lightnovelpub.net~ Now I have just started, and William has also paid so much for me. Many, I am sorry to give up now. So I will never give up being a singer, absolutely not!"

The girl's tone was very firm, even though her body was still trembling with fear, her tone was still so firm, which made Qiao An on the side a smile.

"Okay, you just have to say this." Knowing that the girl will stick to it, Qiao An is also worried that the girl will retreat because of this. If this is the case, she has no choice but to let Hui Ni live on her own Self-extinguished.

For Qiao An, even people who are not determined, what is the value of training.

Hui Nicole didn't know, she had already turned around on the'Ghost Gate', but she really missed heaven and hell.

Qiao An took the hand that was on Huini’s shoulder and gently held the back of Huini’s hand on her leg. She was gentle and did not exert any force at all, and watched Huini tell her about this matter. Solutions.

"First of all, we have to call the police. At the same time, we have to find a way to find out the guy who threatens you and bring him to justice." (To be continued.)