Rising America

Chapter 488: Li Baoying is going to America

"When can your president come?"

On the outskirts of Pyongyang, the capital of the Northern Dynasty, a mine formerly under the Ministry of Mines welcomed many foreigners with white skin and big noses.

Accompanying these foreigners was Li Baoying, who had a relationship with Kim Hyun Tae.

Of course, these experts who came to explore mineral resources have no idea who Li Baoying is. After all, the Northern Dynasty is a very closed country.

And with some external propaganda, these big-nosed foreign experts are all very afraid of this place.

If it weren't for Jin Xiantai's generous price, no one of them came to this country before.

Therefore, these big-nosed foreigners who come here for prospecting, everyone is very cautious and cautious in their actions here, for fear that the power sector of this closed country will be lively and there will be no way to get home.

What they didn't expect was that among the personnel from the Northern Dynasties who accompanied them on the exploration, there was such a lively girl, and she seemed to be very interested in hiring her own big boss.

And for the performance and behavior of this girl, the people in the Northern Security Department who are in charge of monitoring them, who are poker faces all day, seem to be invisible.

Arrest if you are curious about the outside world?

Why didn't such a thing happen?

Many foreign experts are very curious.

But none of them dared to ask, after all, they were terrified from the heart of the Northern Dynasty.

"BOSS is accompanying Mr. President Hu's visit to China, so he doesn't have time to come here."

Someone finally responded to Li Baoying's inquiry.

After all, if you don't answer her, the girl always asks something that is always a headache.

"Really, isn't it important that the gold mine matters? He doesn't worry about mistakes in the gold mine matters?"

Li Baoying was a little dissatisfied with this answer. The girl thought that why Jin Xiantai would also come to the Northern Dynasty. Let's take a look at the gold mine he is about to develop.

But who knew that Jin Xiantai just sent someone, and he himself went to China.

Regarding Li Baoying's remarks, the North Korean security personnel responsible for monitoring these big noses ignored them or pretended not to hear them.

Some foreign experts in charge of gold prospecting have turned this topic off.

"Ms. Li, we have a bit of objection to the reserves of gold mines, because according to our exploration findings, the reserves of gold mines here are not as much as the 200,000 tons you claimed, that is, between 30,000 and 50,000. Therefore, I think it is necessary to tell my boss about this situation."

Li Baoying doesn't care about these problems, she just cares about whether Jin Xiantai will come.

"Then tell him, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

The girl pouted her mouth unhappily and responded to the foreign expert with big nose.

[Really, I don't know how to get him to come? How about I go to America? I just don't know if my father will agree, which is really annoying. 】

Li Baoying felt that it seemed unlikely that Kim Hyun Tae would come to the Northern Dynasties, so the girl began to wonder in her own heart.

Originally, she was an admirer of Jin Xiantai. After meeting Jin Xiantai, the girl found out that she really liked the boy Jin Xiantai.

Sometimes wanting to like a person is actually such a simple thing. There is no reason and logic at all. If you like it, you like it.

Without considering the differences in identity and worldview, Li Baoying is so in love with Kim Hyun Tae.

Speaking of which, this is also something that makes people very puzzled and can't understand.

However, considering some of the secrets in Jin Xiantai, it is not strange that such a powerful attraction may appear.

[Or else detain these foreigners, and then let William come to our country to solve? 】

The girl suddenly thought, such a thought flashed in her mind.

Fortunately, Li Baoying was just thinking about it. In the end, she herself felt that it was wrong to do so, so she chose to give up.

The girl considered the consequences of doing this and what bad impression it would leave on Kim Hyun Tae's heart, so Li Baoying did not choose to do it.

Of course, that is, Jin Xiantai can make the girl so scrupulous. If you change to another person, the girl will not be so scrupulous.

As the daughter of the Li family in the Northern Dynasty, Li Baoying's status is extraordinary.

It can even be said that she was very favored in the Northern Dynasties, even to the point of lawlessness.

Therefore, if she is really asking for this, it won't be difficult to withhold these experts.

After all, the Northern Dynasty would never consider the outside world's reflection of itself, nor would it think of itself in the unexpected world, and always acted its own way.

So even if such a thing is done, there seems to be nothing strange to the world.

You should know that in another time and space, there have been incidents of detaining rabbit fishermen in the Northern Dynasty. Therefore, what is strange about Li Baoying's detention of foreign big noses in different time and space.

Fortunately, the girl is not so weird, so this incident did not appear.

Otherwise, if you use this trick, you must really get Jin Xiantai to come.

It's just that if he does this, Kim Hyun-tae will not have a good impression of Li Baoying, which is the last thing girls want to see.

So now there is only one way left in front of the girl to go to America!

But that is a hostile country after all. As the daughter of the Li family, she went to the United States, can her father agree to it?

And if you go by yourself, how do you guarantee safety?

These are a series of issues that need to be considered.

After some thoughts, Li Baoying finally decided to talk to her father. She wants to go to America!

As the daughter of the Li family in the Northern Dynasty, the girl's status in the Northern Dynasty can be imagined, so she has developed her more willful personality.

So how could she not be able to go to the United States for a boy?


With the decision, Li Baoying left the exploration team and returned to Pyongyang under the protection of bodyguards, and then went directly to her father's office to find her father'Lee Sun'.

Without notification, Li Baoying rushed into his father's office. No one dared to stop the eldest lady along the way. This shows that Li Baoying was'how powerful' in the Northern Dynasty.

"Father, I want to go to America!"

Pushing open the door of Li Taiyang's office, Li Baoying, who broke in directly, said to his father, she didn't care if there were other people in the office.

Fortunately, her father is the only one in the office at this time, so there is no need to worry about her being heard by others.


Hearing this, Li Taiyang, who was sitting behind his desk, only gave such a comment to his daughter.

Li Taiyang is in his fifties, with a big back and wearing a dark blue khaki suit characteristic of the Northern Dynasties. His shiny black hair makes him look much younger than his actual age, and his long hair is not angry and majestic. A time-space ruler of the Northern Dynasty is much more imposing.

It's just that even a person like him is very helpless when facing a wayward daughter.

Maybe the parents in the world are like this?

Hey, who knows.

Li Baoying closed the door of the office and walked to the opposite side of his father to sit down, and then watched her father seriously repeat what he had said before.

"I'm going to America, and I'm going to high school!"

Li Taiyang showed a black line on his forehead for his daughter's strange thoughts.

As a father, Li Taiyang and Jin Xiantai are no different. If there is a difference, it might be power and status.

However, for the strange thoughts that my daughter occasionally had, I thought that these two fathers might be able to communicate.

Cocoa can be wonderful at one and a half years old, but Li Baoying is an adult at the age of eighteen.

"Naughty, I'm still in office hours, if you have anything to say when I go back tonight!"

Li Sun's face was stern, and he took a very serious posture. Unfortunately, this trick was nothing to his baby girl, and Li Baoying didn't take this set at all.

"My brother can go to Switzerland. Why can't I go to the United States? Just change my identity and use another name to go from a third country. I'm going to the United States to study high school!"

Li Baoying insisted on his attitude again.

Li Taiyang can also see from the attitude of his daughter. The attitude of this baby daughter is very determined, and because he is his own daughter, he is also a father who knows very well, that is, once the daughter has identified things, basically Don't stop until you reach your goal.

So what caused the daughter to have such an idea?

"Can't you go to China? Or you can go to the Soviet Union or Cuba, but why do you want to go to high school in the United States? I need to know why."

Li Taiyang now needs to understand the real thoughts in her daughter's heart, so he asked tentatively.

"China is not fun, the Soviet Union is boring, Cuba is very boring, I want to go to the United States for excitement, I want to experience a different high school life, I don't want to spend my teenage years in such a uniform."

Li Baoying gave her own reason, but this reason was made up by her own idiots. To be honest, she did not tell her father.

Once I let my father know that she wants to go to the United States, it is for a boy, it is estimated that this matter will definitely be useless.

So in any case, I can never tell my father about this.

"The reason is not valid."

It's a pity that Li Baoying can fight against her old and cunning father. She doesn't believe in the great comrade'Sun' for her reason.

"To be honest, I can consider it, but if you don't tell the truth, I can't help."

For daughter Li Baoying, UU read www.uukanshu. Comrade com Sun still has such a set of methods, he knows that it will definitely not work hard, so this matter must be outsmart.

Therefore, he now began to lure.

So will Li Baoying be fooled?

Obviously, Li Baoying, who knew her father, would not be fooled easily.

Since those reasons are too far-fetched, she would definitely change another reason. In short, she can never say what she really thinks.

Li Baoying, who had made up his mind, nodded to his father: "Actually, I went to study in the United States to understand the American social system, to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the United States, and to find out our domestic strengths and weaknesses. After all, we don’t Maybe you don’t really need to understand the outside world..."


I'm looking for a strong reason this time. Can you still refuse?

Li Baoying gave a very suitable reason, and even her father did not see any problems... (To be continued.)